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Latest revision as of 01:05, 14 August 2019

New Mutant Recruitment
Date of Scene: 14 May 2019
Location: Computer Lab - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Rift

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has told Doug, he would like him with him, as he talks to one of the students who has been away and recently returned. He figured the computer lab makes as good a place as any to chat, and sent word to Kitora that he would like to speak to her. He looks over to Doug "I should see about getting an office."

Cypher has posed:
"You would hate having an office," Doug says, "Because then you'd have to be *in* your office, sitting, instead of doing something else." Doug says, from where he's sitting on a desk, one leg dangling down, with his earbuds in. "How are the others, by the way?"

Rift has posed:
A red glow forms on the ceiling, opening up into a dorm room. The eerily-glowng form of Rift emerges upside-down (relative to you two) as she almost bumpsh er head on the floor but spins herself around to plops on a chair. The portal closes as she gazes at the two of you - as her glow fades, revealing her normal appearance as just a red-head red-eyed Asian girl.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Doug and says "Ones, I have been able to talk to are doing pretty good. James Proudstar had a run in with us not to long ago, he fell into some depression and did some stupid stuff, Rahne laid in to him, Ah think he would rather have been shot." He looks over as Rift joins them Kitora, Ah am glad you could join us. Have you met Doug Ramsey?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug stretches his leg out, and then says, "Wouldn't know anything about *that*." Doug says. "I think Rahne might be avoiding me, I haven't run into her since I got back. Or maybe I'm avoiding her. Hm." He strokes his chin, thinks about that, and then runs his fingers through a shock of blond hair. "Well, just bring up some of your mother's apple brown betty and crack the tupperware open and Bobby'll magically appear and eat it all."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "So... ummmmm... you called?" she finally asks, eyebrow raised as she sits there. "What's apple brown betty?" she asks. "Sounds yummy." Kitora has a reputation of being a bit of a 'black hole' when it comes to food - she eats three times as much as anyone.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles "A cobbler basicly." He wil tell her. He nods a bit and says "I was wanting to talk to you, now that your back at the school, what are your plans?

Cypher has posed:
"Yeah, but I don't know how Sam's mom turns wheat bread, apples, and butter into something I once punched Bobby in the face because he didn't save me a scoop of it --" Doug murmurs, "And Bobby can throw cars." He glances up, and listens quietly, for the time being. He lets Sam make the pitch.

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Cobbler..." she murmurs. "I am a good cook - but anyone who needs 5,000 calories a day kinda has to be." She states, "My plan is to continue going to Empire State, commuting back and forth to and from here via portal. Once I attune to a location, I can portal to it even several miles away. Haven't tested the limit of this ability though."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, a bit to this and says "Well continueing your education is a good thing, I am working on some classes here with Dr. McCoy. And what are your plans for extracurricular activities? He will ask, and he looks to Doug "I think part of it is her home canned apples. I can make one ok with either freshed or canned apples, but not like hers.

Cypher has posed:
"I'm still technically in 9th grade, but I think over the next couple of months I'm going to get my GED, then start work on some college courses." Doug says, before he puts his feet up on the desk and crosses his ankles. "I think she's ready for the big pitch, Sam."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Yes..." she states softly. "So... a big pitch? Oh, is this a job interview?" she finally asks, gazing between the two of you. "Hmmmmmm.... I'm ready. I think." She sways slowly back and forth as she glances around at the compouters, then back to SAm.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well not exactly a job pitch, but I am curious what your thoughts on doing the Hero thing. I know before you left you had been doing some work with the New Mutants. Are you wanting to continue this? Being a hero is not a requirement for going to school here, but if your wanting to wanting to make sure you have proper training.

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Yes, I definitely would. I felt bad about leaving - but I thought things were going fine when I left but then this Sentinel thing started - and... the discrimination is getting worse." She smiles softly. "I want to become an X-Man one day. I think I could offer them a lot."

Cypher has posed:
"Well..." Doug says, crossing his feet at the ankles, "We're not X-Men. Not yet. Think of us like--" He thinks, "The B-Team? Oh, the looks I'd pull for that. New Mutants squad. X-Men in training pants." He looks to Sam, "Do we still wear the black and yellows?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well some do, and I am looking more at the New Mutants being the younger students, and then us being a step between the New Mutants and X-men. I want the New Mutants to be the students who are around 18 and under, and want them to be able to form a family much like we did. And as they prove themselves and somewhat age out of the New Mutants, but either are not quite ready to be X-men, or the X-men do not have a place for them, they could be with us."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "So - what are you offering? A group between the New Mutants and the X-Men? I'm 18 at this point." She sighs softly as she looks at you. "Anyway - I'm interested."

Cypher has posed:
Doug leans back on his hands. "I cannot see you trying to give Quentin orders without pulling out your hair --" He strokes his chin, and then says, "X-Factor? Sounds like a pro-wrestling stable. X-Force? Too militant. Ummm... X-Statix? Ew, *no* - X-Celsior? Mmmmmmn..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ah would like to see you with the New Mutants for a while. Ah want to see how you work with a team, and also there is three or four new students there and want some older students there to help them. A place on the middle team maybe there soon, but there will be times when the two teams work together as well. When Doug and Ah were part of the New Mutants, we were taught how to use our powers and how to fight but were not supposed to. That aint going to happen. The type of students we have here want to help folks. I want the New Mutants to be able to take care of themselves. Bad things happen when your not prepared." He says.

Rift has posed:
Rift nods as she pulls her left sleeve up to show a round scar on her arm. "I got this defending Mutant Town from some foolish rednecks a year ago. It's a bullet wound." She sighs softly. "It's very VERY hard to deflect bullets - they move so fast and have so little mass - gravity has little effect." She nods. "I am pretty good with my powers. Always room for imporvement though."

Cypher has posed:
"Really." Doug says, his voice quiet, "Do we have to go there." He says. "I already know my place is on the sidelines, Sam." He swings his legs down, and gets off the desk.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie lookls over to Doug and says "Your place is with me Doug, Ah want you to start training with Kitty though. Ah know your abilities are stronger, but Ah want you to have some skills drilled in. Ah aint benching you Doug, but Ah do want people to learn from your experiencs." He looks to Rift, and says "One of our teachers did not train Doug here like AH feel he should have. Not a mistake Ah plan on making. You and now Ah have gotten lucky Ah don't want to have to hope the new kids do. He will look to Rift, and says "We lost Doug for a few years, and Ah thank God he is back with us. Doug is part of why Ah will train you harder and maybe keep you in the new mutants a bit longer. Ah want you prepared, good people are going to put themselves on the line no matter what their powers are. If yout going to do that it is my job to give you all the toks to stay alive."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Very well. Perhaps some demonstrations are in order? I can show you some things..." She gestures as she starts to glow again, getting ready to do something. "I'd rather not use gravity shifting in here - these computers are delicate."

Cypher has posed:
"I was shot, and killed, by a scientist trying to copy Anton Arcane and Baxter Stockman's research who was convinced he could create a Mutate army of animal-human hybrids for an anti-Mutant bigot. One of them escaped... we tried to help it -- we weren't watching each other's backs properly, and I could *see* that one of our teammates was about to get killed. So I tackled her out of the way and got shot instead."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug, and tells him he might not know "And everyone of us blamed ourselves, even Berto who was not there when it happened." He looks back to Rift, and says "We were young and thought ourselves immortal and unable to be hurt. That night we learned differently. You have learned that lesson, and Andrea has as well. You being with the younger students for a while may help them learn it with a less harsh way than we had to learn it. Ah do want to see what all you can do and Ah am not setting a time you have to be with the new mutants, but I want to see where your at not just in powers, but group tatics, and macurity and other things as well.

Cypher has posed:
"But nobody blames *me*, Sam." Doug says. "It was my choice. Her life, my death. And I'd pay it again, just as fast as I did the first time." He puts his hand on his hip, and sighs. "I don't mean to bring the conversation down. As you can see, I am *sensitive subject* to a lot of people, still. But Sam's... papa bird, and I strayed from the nest before he could catch me and put me back. He frets." he waves a hand, "It's what he does."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Okay. For now," she states. "Oh - I haven't thought to try - I still have access to the Danger Room, right? Before I left, they programmed hte security system to not freak out over my portaling in..." She hmmmmms. "I can serve as tutor I guess. What's the 'new new mutants' group going to be, the new one between? I mean, the name."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I am still workingon it. I am leaning towards X-force but seems I have some who think it is to military sounding." He grins over to Doug, and says "Doug can check to make sure your good on the danger room, but still need someone to run the programs, not allowed to run one alone, none are supposed to." He says as if some still might. " He then looks over to Doug and says "You know Ah sorta understand that a bit more than Ah did then for some reason." He smirks a bit at him."

Cypher has posed:
"The Danger Room has safety settings, but you should always, always have someone in the control room keeping an eye on you. I'm happy to, if I'm around and not busy, but my suggestion is that you find yourself a 'Danger Buddy' so that one of you can train in the DR and one of you can run the booth." Doug says, before he shrugs. "This is the part where he puts me back in the nest and sits on me."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods slowly. "Yeah - I'd rather not portal in and get tranq-darted or whatever the defense systems are down there." She smiles softly. "Well, I'm in." She then gazes at you. "Ummmm... are you an egg?" She then asks, "I don't think we've seen each other very often... Doug, was it? What are your powers again?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Your able to make your own decisions brother. ah just try to make sure your prepared for what ever ya choose.

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his chin up at Rift. "You know for a long time people didn't really know? But I went to talk to Doctor Kavita Rao, she's a Mutant development specialist, while I was abroad-- and she laid it out for me. I'm a Hypercognate, which she says is one of the rarest kinds of mutants. My IQ is genius-level, but my ability to recognize and respond to patterns... she had to invent new scales to measure it. It first manifested as rapid linguistic comprehension."

Rift has posed:
Rift nods. "Oh really," she states. "That must come in handy." She smiles softly, hmmmmming softly. "So - you have powerful mental abilities? Are you telepathic too? There's a whole mess of telepaths around here..." She shrugs. "I know if I was a telepath, I'd want to move the most isolated pocket of existence."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and sits back lettig the other talk for now. He watches and seems to perhaps be studying both of them for some things now.

Cypher has posed:
"Dr. Rao said I *might* be a metapsionic of some variety, but if so she couldn't figure out precisely how it worked. Quentin's a hypercognate and a really powerful psionic. But me, I'm just Doug." He shrugs his shoulders. "My mutant power is being able to speak Spanish."

Rift has posed:
Rift smiles faintly. "Well, you are basically a walking translator then basicaly? That could come in handy." She nods slowly. "Anyway. Good to be back in. We'll get some training in soon."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Let us talk to both an alien and an mutants animal man, as well as alot of other things. I have wondered about a way of giving you access to other abilities btw Doug.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow, and then says, "That I'd love to hear, but I'll give you time to work on your pitch." he jerks his thumb at Sam, "He could sell a sno-cone to an Eskimo."