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Latest revision as of 01:14, 14 August 2019

Greenwich Magical Shenanigans
Date of Scene: 07 May 2019
Location: Greenwich Village, Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hulk, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Wolfsbane

Hulk has posed:
    Dr. Bruce Banner walks out of the coffee shop and looks up at the sky. Wearing sunglasses, he squints into the sun, while cupping the coffee with both hands. Taking a sip, his gaze drops to ground level, and he looks around at all the people with a sort of curious expression. As in, he's curious. All these people, what do they do, what do they do.

    It was a beautiful day, 17 degrees celsius, and sunny. The hustle and bustle didn't keep Banner from smiling absently as he takles another sip of the coffee and inhales. Coughing a bit, he says, to no one in particular, "Well, so much for fressh air."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
It's a gorgeous day in the Village. People are out and about, wandering around doing their own thing... One person might stand out, a tall, curvy redhead can be seen wandering out of one of the antique book stores. Casually taking a book that possibly could hold the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica in its covers in one volume, into a backpack that has really, no reason fitting the thing inside it, much less in its mouth...

Kae pauses after putting the book away and looks upward, holding her hands up to shield her eyes from the sun, before she shoulders her backpack, picks up what appears to be a small hardside leather suitcase and head to the outside cafe... Once there, she is seated at a table, where she sets her backpack down next to her, and also her case on an empty chair. She then tugs her computer out of her backpack and sets it up on her table. Oddly she doesn't really hit a button, instead she opens the thing, waves a hand over it and the thing simply turns on, no bootup or anything, it was off, now it's on. Though it's got kind of a goofy 'chibi' redheaded witch avatar on the screen.... Which, by the way appears to be some kind of holographic display of sorts....

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne Sinclair makes her way through the area, having gone to Empire State University to look at some of their coursework. While it may be odd for a mutant from Xavier's School to be looking into that, there are times she likes to play at trying to be normal and she's of an age where secondary education could be considered. It's also interesting to see what options are available for someone there.

Granted, being a pale-skinned redhead in attire like hers still draws some eyes, given that she looks like she could have stepped out of a medieval film set with her outfit. At least it works for her whether she's fuzzy or smooth-skinned. And, with her senses turned off, or at least comparable to the average person's, some of those more foul city smells aren't as big a deal. It may be time for a break, something to eat and drink, leading her in the direction of the cafe.

Hulk has posed:
    Bruce Banner watches the curvy red head do her thing, and he allows himself another cautious smile. Moving towards the woman, Bruce looks over at her hand waving, raises an eyebrow, all quite Spockian, and sits nearby. Putting his coffee cup down, he crosses his arms, and looks elsewhere, trying to not appear too suspicious, while still watching with his peripheral vision.

    Noticing a new arrival, Bruce's slight smile turns to a frown when he sees Rahne and her...outfit. He doesn't say anything, just wondering what a lucky day. Two red heads in the same place. Picking up his coffee, he takes a slow sip of the extra large cup. He was going to need it.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae leans back, while watching the avatar on the 'screen' do its thing, moving about picking up things, it's like whoever designed it like sthose little JRPG games and such... Kae idly touches an icon in the screen and it switches to well, FaceBook? She uses her finger to scroll down the listings, and various reposts and posts, before swiping FB away... Next she checks her email, even going as far as to rest her hands on what has to be a holographic keyboard, except, well, she's litterally resting her hands on the hologram, her skin even indents as she sets her hands on its edge and type something up really quick, before swiping her hand left on the screen. The Avatar then audibly states "On it Boss!" and can be seen marching across the screen in a mail-man's outfit.

Kae leans back again, and now notices the person looking at her out of the corner of their eyes... She pauses a bit, then smirks and motions to an empty chair "Table seats several, you're welcome to join." She really doesn't have an accent per say her travels have made sure she wouldn't... Kae turns slightly and opens up that 'suitcase', this opening up into a floating kind of miniature shelf with all numbers of things on it that are tiny, or at least appear tiny... Kae counts things, then turns and swipes the 'screen' again, this time going back to the home screen, and then touches an icon labeled 'inventory'. She begisn idly counting what's in the case and entering information into the inventory program.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne does not appear to recognize either person, though a polite enough glance is offered toward both Bruce and Kaelyn, though the latter seems to be deeply focused on computer tasks. "Ah, hullo," she says either way, turning to look for a menu whether it's printed out or just up by the counter. "Nice day we're having, aye?"

Hulk has posed:
    Turning his gaze back towards Kaelyn, Bruce "spies" on her a bit, while drinking from his cup. Seems innocuous enough with her scrolling and using very interesting technology. When Kaelyn invites him over, Bruce nods, and gets up. Walking over, he says, "Hi there. I'm Bruce. Interesting set up you have there." Especially that. He nods towards her latest, the miniature shelf. "You are quite a master of technology it seems."

    Looking up at the sound of the new voice, Bruce struggles to get up without spilling his coffee. "Um. Hi there!" Bruce says, very "cool" and "suave". Maybe not so much. "It is a beautiful day. Nice to meet you. I'm Bruce. This is...?" He looks at Kaelyn, realising he didn't know who she was.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ahhms and tilts her head "Wouldn't per say call it -techonology- maybe well I guess it is of a type." She says and smiles a bit..

As if to demonstrate, she reaches into the box and grabs what appears to be a tiny little well necklace case.. It's maybe the size of a postage stamp. As she takes it out of the box and opens her hand, it suddenly surges to a normal sized case...

Kae sets it on the counter and opens it up. Inside is a small necklace made of a silver-colored metal that glints various multi-hues, like a rainbow as it were...

Wolfsbane has posed:
The pale-skinned redhead says, "Muh name's Rahne. Nice tae meet ye both." Her attention becomes taken up more by whatever Kaelyn is doing, head tilting and eyes widening slightly at the display of the necklace case that becomes larger. "Oh, wow..how did ye do tha'?"

Hulk has posed:
    Looking back at Kaelyn, Bruce simply nods, not commenting on the type of technology. When she demonstrates what it can do, his physicist mind starts to maneuver around it, deciding, inwardly, what type of "technology" or whatever Kaelyn would like to call it, is. "Fascinating..." Is all he says to her demonstration.

    "Beautiful necklace. What would you call it then?" He nods towards the necklace and at her performance. Looking over his shoulder, he nods warmly at Rahne and says, "Magic it seems." A small wink followed by a laugh softens the impact slightly, as he did not mean to offend.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods "Yup, Magic. She says and smiles cheerfully. SHe then ohs "Name's Kaelyn. I sometimes help with Dr Strange's stuff now and then. Currently doing a bit of research for the magicking comunity." She says and then rubs at the back of her neck. "Pleasure to meet y'all..."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne holds up her hands. "Magic is way oot o' muh league. I know a few people who can do it, but I've never understood it." They're talking to a magical nobody here, but that would apply to more people than not when you get down to it. In spite of that, she glances away from the menu for a seecond look at the necklace and all that. "It's verra pretty, a' least."

Hulk has posed:
    Still standing, and looking a tad uncomfortable with two very attractive red heads hovering around him (why does he also seem to find the hot red heads?), Bruce says, "Dr. Strange...that makes a lot of sense. I know Stephen quite well. You should ask him about me sometime. We are both "Doctors." A slight pause. "Well. I would love to stay longer and chat, actually, but I need to be elsewhere. Perhaps we will meet again? I'd love to chat more about your tech...er, magic, or whatever it is."

    Bruce chuckles and grabs his coffee. With a wave, "Nice to meet you both! Good luck at the convention Rahne!" That last was a nod to her current outfit, and just like that, Bruce Banner was gone. A little faster than normal walking speed, as though escaping.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Well to be truthful, it's both. Technology fassioned by the rules that govern magick, rather than well straight science and technology... Which by the way, doesn't allways do well around those of us who practition magic, so I figured, I'd make some of the more modern conveniences that would do ok by our little rules and such... I just can't really mass manufacture it." She adds and looks to Rahne "Yup, magick.. Simple and clean... or Magi-tech to coin a phrase from a video game."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Whit..convention?" Rahne asks, missing the point as Bruce goes to take his leave, and she adds an abrupt, "Goodbye.." She's apparently so used to her look that it being unusual to others flew right over her head. Oh well. She moves her shoulders in a shrug as she refocuses on Kaelyn, giving her a closer look now. "Ye're saying things I dinna really understand, but if ye know whit ye're doing I guess that's whit really matters, aye?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head to the left.. "Yus, I know what I'm talking about and doing. More or less. I do like to hit those grey areas and try to pave the way to new magics and whatnot... That can sometimes cause issues." She says with a slight smile. Before she closes the necklace case and tosses it into the suitcase. It litterally smalls down and floats its way into its previous location...

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne lingers near the table Kaelyn is at, and she gives the older woman more of her attention with Bruce now gone. "More or less?" she repeats, her head leaning toward one side when causing issues is brought up. "Whit sort o' issues?" comes the obvious question, a bit of a lean forward following the display of the case shrinking again.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Well, lezze, working up a new potion type, ya mess up, ya could end up a rabbit... Or in my case, once, I was turned into an anthro rabbit for like umm 36 hours." She says and rubs at hte back of her neck.. "Ummm exploding things, wierd magics being let go... looots of crazy stuff going on... Specially if you screw up.... Then there's allways the accidental destruction of a large number of potions/enchanted items at the same time... that can make for a crazy magic release that causes allll kinds of troubles...."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Tha' sounds..bad," Rahne understates, at least as far as her perspective is concerned. It leaves her rubbing the back of her neck in a self-conscious way. "A rabbit? Like, pulled from a hat an' all?" she wonders, the thought having popped into her head all of a sudden. "I mean, aside from tha', it seems verra dangerous." The sort of thing to avoid, stay far away from!

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Well like Judy from Zootopia anthro rabbit." She says with a slight smile, she then shrugs "Wouldn't have been so bad, save for my apprentice and the girls working in my store having fun with the whole deal..." She adds and rubs at the back of her neck again. Next she looks to her computer and starts to shut it down...

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Oh.." Rahne answers, and with her as pale as she is, it isn't difficult to see a bit of coloration show in her cheeks. "Whit sort o' fun are ye saying they had wi' it?" she can't help but wonder, since Kaelyn has already brought it up. Might as well find out, right? "Sorry if I'm asking too much," she adds, hands fiddling with themselves.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "They like fuzzy things, I was like 3 feet tall, had long poseable ears, and well yeaaaah... It was annoying to have random teenager or college goer rubbing between my ears, or grabbing them, etc.. Or getting me frustraited to the point I thrummed my foot on the ground... It was nuts."

Wolfsbane has posed:
At this, the Scottish woman can't help but cover her mouth with a hand, trying not to laugh. The visual just popped into her head and..she snrfls. "Och, I'm sorry. I dinnae mean tae make light o' it, but tha' sounds verra funny!" she admits, a quick shake of her head following before she glances elsewhere as if to help her regain her composure.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "It was worse when I was stuck as a centaur for a few months... The sheer number of requests for rides, offering me saddles, carrots, etc... It got very very old... And the My little pony jokes were insufferable." She adds and sighs... "But yes, I imagine if it weren't me in the position to get petted, or someone make my nose wiggle, or my foot thrum, I might have found it funny too..."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne's brows both shoot up. "For /months?/ Och.." More coloration in her cheeks, even ears this time. Surely it's just the sun, for she is a ginger and...ahem. She offers a quick roll of her shoulders at the admission Kaelyn might have found it fun in another situation, but she clamps her mouth shut, very tightly. See?

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smirks... "Well one does sometimes get jolleys out of the miseries of others... And yes I also find it funny. At the time though, it was rather annoying... Ever tried to be a 1 ton quadroped in a world made for folks that average maybe 190? And I'm speakihng of an average across both sexes mind you... It's tough..." She says and grins a bit before closing up her case... "Anyhow I've gotta get this book to its new owner..." She adds, and is soon putting away her computer as well. Soon she shoulders her bag.. "Very nice to meet you miss..."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ye make a good point. I canna really imagine whit it's like tae be tha'..big," Rahne says, keeping it close to the vest what she can actually do, which really isn't /that/ different in some ways. She moves aside just in case she's blocking Kaelyn from getting up at all, adding, "I'll no' keep ye. Maybe we'll see each other around again sometime. I was doon this way looking a' some classes a' Empire State."