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Summer Nights
Date of Scene: 16 August 2019
Location: East Side, Manhattan then Woods Far from NYC
Synopsis: Kid and Nyx run into Professor Zoom. Honestly it doesn't go well for anyone but professor Zoom.
Cast of Characters: Nyx, Kid, Professor Zoom

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is off duty tonight and uptown from the Triskellion. She doesn't really have as short a leash these days what with the promotion to full agent (just level 1 but still good for her right). This means no strange curfews and able to go out.

She just got out of a far off broadway retro reimagining of Grease "Strollin' and drank lemonade" singing to herself as she heads slowly back downtown, listening to the music from the musical with no apparent earbuds. It is all playing in her head as she leeches cellular signal to stream it from a music service.

The teenager may look about eighteen and very human, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. She is liable to set off any advanced scanning or AI based technology just walking near it. She is absolutely way too advanced to be on this planet or of this eras technology.

Kid has posed:
    And comming from the other direction is a large mutant teen. He had many beastly qualities, from a gorrilla like build, to massive canines, and far hairier than your average man. He wore torn jeans, dirty sneakers, and a shirt that looks like it hasn't been washed in a few days.

In one hand he carried a mango slushie, mixed with pepsi (don't judge him!), sipping on it. He himself had...just come from a welding shop, ordering three very VERY large cages that should be ready soon enough. Mentally he was going through some things he needed to take care of.

Besides this, he was fidgiting with a screw driver and very strange looking technological bracer. Certainly nothing that on the market, but one couldn't call it futuristic either. More like an invention that hasn't been released. he seemed to be distracted as he walked, working on it. By considering he has resting kill face, most folks gave him his space. And those that didn't...well he just ignored them really.

Professor Zoom has posed:
The first sign of anything amiss is a familiar 'ping' Kid gets from a law office along the street.

Then it becomes obvious that something is going on in the firm as someone comes /flying/ out of a window, hard. Looks like some sort of security guard, maybe?

If he isn't caught out of the air, he has more than enough momentum to shatter every bone in his body from the impact against a wall opposite.

Nyx has posed:
Sam catches the movement coming down the street towards her now and narrows her eyes a little bit. She isn't about to profile or discriminate but she is tracking Kid because he is not a normal muggle walking down the street. Still he hasn't done anything so she just watches and walks right now moving to walk past him and on her way.

Which is right about when she hears the crash of glass and security guard flying out of said glass window. Her head turns now and her eyes widen "Holy shit...." she doesn't have super speed really, at least not that she is aware of at this point but she still leaps with super strength to catch the guard, rolling with the impact to try to lessen his. She is not quite as hard as a wall but yeah he is going to be in critical condition despite her efforts when this is all said and done.

Kid has posed:
     Kid is pretty good about ignoring the others around him. Sam isn't even given the light of day as he figits with his bracer. However that sensation. That...'Ping'. He recognized it from a few months back. It belonged to a speedster he had the displeasure of meeting...or pleasure. Hard to tell sometimes.

And than there shattering glass, falling and jumping humans. And it is all just a mess. He brushes traces of glass off himself and looks up. He did NOT need this right now. But this ment trouble...he he did promise to do 'good'. With a growl of annoyance and begins ascending a electrical pole with ease...and jumps towards the shattered window to climb inside. See if he can spot the person he suspects...or if it is someone else to punch out.

Professor Zoom has posed:
The person isn't going /that/ fast, and Nyx manages to easily catch the guard before he's splattered all over the wall. Still, that much force? That isn't some gangster punk. That's a meta or superhuman in there...

As Kid jumps inside, he's greeted by two other bodies on the floor, both knocked out... but the man in the yellow suit is there. His blurred form and red glowing eyes as he searches through a desktop computer are unmistakable. By the time Kid has landed, Professor Zoom is looking in Kids direction over his shoulder, and he visibly frowns. "What do you want." Zoom demands, making no aggressive moves. Yet.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha carefully sets the guard down on the sidewalk and looks back to the window. The mutant kid is gone as far as she can tell with the quick glance, having missed Kid leaping into action while she was catching the thrown guard. "Control, investigating a potential metahuman crime" and geotags the location.

That done she goes running towards the building and open window, leaping up and aiming to go right through it now, hopefully Kid has enough situational awareness to move and not stand right in front of it.

Assuming he does Sam will land and look at Kid and then at the man in the yellow blurring suit with red glowing eyes. "A Speedster?" yeah she sends that to control as well. "Stop!" okay she belatedly realizes how ridiculous that command is to a speedster.

Kid has posed:
    Yes, Kid is VERY aware of his surroundings, and more or less sidesteps Sam as she comes jumping up through the window. He looks at her for the stupid question, than at Zoom for his own dumb question, than back at Nyx for an even dumber order.

Kid facepalms. But he doesn't speak, and frankly, since his bracer is out of commission, speaking was not in the cards as it where. But none the less he signs "Seeing what idiot robs a law firm. Evidently you." he than signs more to Nyx not sure if she can understand "I damn well hope your fast enough" either way...Kid sense this was going to be a fight, and he was already tensing up and trying to ger a read on what will happen next. Which is not easy, perhaps even impossible with a speedster at times.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"Go away. I'm busy." The Speedster replies, turning his back on Kid and Nyx as he begins to superspeed type again, red lightning flaring up and crackling visibly over his body as he channels the Negative Speed Force, absorbing energy in case the two come at him.

Yep, the Reverse-Flash is ignoring the two.

Nyx has posed:
Well. Samantha has never dealt with an angry Speedster, she has only dealt with annoying ones like Impulse. She does send back a message to SHIELD Control ~Speedster on site, geotag~.

Personally Nyx thinks this is a bad idea. Still it won't stop Samantha from learning the hard way.

"I'm afraid I..." she eyes Kid a moment then focuses on Zoom. "I can't do that." she steps forward and doesn't try to directly touch Zoom but does move to kick the desk away from him. "You should give up." hey who knows it may actually work.

Nyx starts to track with a very sophisticated HUD and sensor suite. A lot of unknown variables still though.

Kid has posed:
Kid looks at Zoom...than at Nyx. He didn't even NEED to be a psychic to know what was about to happen. Zoom didn't exactly come off as a nice guy when they first met either. But he did know, or could at least infer the guy was after infomation.

And so Kid just ignores Zoom. And actually goes to leave the room. Sometimes direct fighting wasn't the way. Besides - if he had to guess, it not a question of weather or not their faster than Zoom, but faster than the computer, which certainly wasn't faster than zoom, else it mighta melted. Least that what Kid is imagine.

Regardless, he just waves Nyx off as if to tell her, she got this. What Kid was up to is anyones guess.

Professor Zoom has posed:
When it becomes obvious what Nyx was trying to do, he looks to her, letting her do it. "That's cute." Nyx can see Zoom simply... stand there... as she kicked it away. She, in fact, can see an amused, sadistic smile form under that superspeed blurring visage. Though the red glowing eyes remain. That's some sort of energy, the same crackling along his form.

"Where's your friend going?" Zoom asks, that monstrous, superspeed modulated voice having clear amusement to it.

Nyx has posed:
"I have no idea who he is, I imagine he is a good samaritan who thought twice of tangling with a speedster." the teenager, because what she looks maybe 18, frowns. She is getting the impression her asking him to give up is what is cute, that or the desk kick.


"Okay so I take it we are going to need to do this the hard way. SHIELD has been informed and is en route." she is really trying to not make this physical. Not out of fear really yet, but because she isn't sure she can lay a hand on him.

Nyx continues to scan and watch.

"What the hell is the Speed Force" slips out of Samantha's mouth and then she raises a hand and points her palm at Zoom. No shots fired yet.

Kid has posed:
Kid now gone from the room was doing his own buissness. Which ment getting some...snacks..... In the form of any secruity guards or building works that happen to be here. A little mind draining from a source here and there...and Kids got the building mapped out...and aquired a few keys and a keycards to go along with it, all put away in his satchel.

Though he never does get back in touch with with Nyx. Instead he just keeps on going. Humming to himself as he in essence seems to ignore any phones, or places that would have a 'secuirity emergency button' seeming to have a completly different goal in mind.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"You're not as stupid as you look." Zoom informs Nyx.

ZOOM! Red lightning trails behind him as he runs behind Nyx. When he does... Nyx will register a sudden burst of speed to around Mach 10 directly behind her. She might 'register' it... but he's behind her before she can think about it, even.

There's a whisper in her ear, "I'm Professor Zoom. You don't want to try to take me on, girl." That monstrous whisper sounds far more sinster in a breathy low voice than normal.

Nyx has posed:
Okay well she may have been smarter than she looked, but the burst of speed with red lightning trails and him being suddenly behind her freaks Samantha the hell out. "Shit!" is exclaimed and she starts to turn and swing right at him.

While she has enough super strength to chuck a tank into the sky, she does not have super speed in the traditional sense. Hell even if she knew her full capabilities we are talking mach 2 not mach 10.

So no what Zoom gets is a young woman swinging around and trying to take a step back at relatively normal speed, if well trained.

She also clearly doesn't want him behind her.

Nyx meanwhile keeps recording, scannning, and calculating.

The young woman's right arm does start to cascade with white hot energy as she tries to point it at Zoom in alarm after her spin. That is absolutely either some strange meta or mutant power because it does not look like any earth based lasers or energy weapons. It hasn't hired yet though.

Kid has posed:
Meanwhile Kid continues to meander around the building, and by now has made his way down the stairs. All this taking but a few moments. With his newly aquired access keys and keycards, Kid makes his way into the basement via a door. And down too....

Ahh yes, the Electrical Box!

Kid procedes to open it with his keys...and turn off ALL the switches, before promptly ripping the box out of the wall and tossing it...who knows where, he just knows he is tossing it.

If he had to guess, that would in essence, turn off more or less everything, and shut off access to the computer and whatever infomation it stored. He has no idea if that was even what Zoom was truely going for...but the man was at a computer. Not rocket science here.

Professor Zoom has posed:
ZOOM! Red lightning starts to zip and zap around Nyx as Professor Zoom starts to simply... run around the room, going this way and that, stopping briefly here and there. Sometimes, he's going Mach 2, other times, he's going Mach TWENTY. Othertimes, he actually waits For Nyx to almost get a bead on him.

Either he's testing her... or toying with her.

When the lights go out, there's a brief glance to the exit, "or he's trying to be a pest and turning off database access." Professor Zoom looks to Nyx. "Gideon, did you download the hard drive in time?" A beat... "Good. I'll look at it later."

"Now, let's see what we have here..."

Red lightning trails right up to Nyx, and instantly, Nyx is being bombarded -almost literally- by punches. Dozens upon dozens of punches a second, front, back, side. There's simply no time to keep up with the Speedster, and Nyx's vision is simply filled with red lightning as he beats her down.

He's not using his full kinetic force in his attacks yet... simply testing her durability first, but he's most definitely using enough force to beat a normal human within an inch of their life.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha was not expecting this, not at all.

Before she can release the blast he is on her and she is absolutely pummeled by his fists.

Thing is, normal punching is just not a threat. More like bug bites reallly. Also it is like hitting the side of a tank instead of hitting a teenager. "Knock... that... offf..." she exclaims shocked.

She tries to take a step back and she fires the energy pulse.

White energy lances out in a beam from her hand now in front of her, which is quite dodgable but it comes a lot closer than it should have thanks to the HUD system.

That was a particle beam, and it totally sliced through the building across the street.

That is not earth technology at all, it is either extreme future or extremely alien.

Kid has posed:
Kid had by now exited the basement and was heading out into the streets. His job was done, he had (hopefully) been a successful pest. That is untill he sees the building across the street flair up, from a blast.

Kid...ends up 'speaking' directly to Nyx telepathicly if able o O ("Again? Are you damn serious woman?") That what happened the FIRST time they met!

Kid just drops his illusion at this point and takes the same way up as before...cautiousely incase of additional blasts. But at least his other self remains a mystery to Nyx! Hopefully.

Anywhoe, he was now watching, seeing he can find an angle to tackle Zoom from, and help get Nyx out of this situation.

Professor Zoom has posed:
When it becomes clear he's not actually doing any damage with his 'normal' attacks, Zoom stands still across the room, watching her with those glowing eyes. "Not a normal, average human I see." That distorted voice muses... before he looks to Kid. "I'm not all that interested in a fight, but I'm not going to let you stop me either." He.. stands there. If Kid launches at him, he simply sidesteps out of the way. It's like blinking. He's there one moment... then he's instantly elsewhere, a trail of red lightning flitting around. "I can keep this up for a very long time. Can you?"

He points to Nyx, with that giant cannon, "can you afford it to last a while?" He asks... amusement and malevolence coloring his tone.

Nyx has posed:
Well those normal punches weren't nothing, they just didn't do real sustained damage. Her SHIELD jacket is a bit messed up though from the machine gun of blows.

"I can keep this up all night!" she says, maybe it it is bravado maybe she really won't run out of ammunition.

"Speedforce." the teenager squints for some reason then making sure Kid is out of the way spreads both hands which crackle with that superheated lightning and lets loose a fanning wave of particle beam energy. Not nearly as heavy a punch but a cascade across the room at Zoom.

Professor Zoom has posed:
Well, that's new.

Red lightning crackles over his body as Zoom slows down his own perceptions when the particle beam energy is shot out. It takes a a split second few time for him to realize there are gaps in the energy, and he ducks down low to avoid it... giving him a chance to study the composition up close.

Once it's done passing over him, Zoom stands up, none the worse for wear, "Particle weaponry?" The monstrously distorted voice notes, in confusion. "There was nothing about you in the archive. How the hell did you manage to evade the records?"

Suddenly, the speedster seems to have far more interest in Nyx than Kid... and without another word, Nyx can feel herself being grabbed, and within seconds, both Zoom and Nyx are in a forest. No doubt Nyx will have 'sensed' the speed force aura around her, protecting her from the worst of the friction of going a Mach 15, and will have sensed their journey.

"You are one hell of an anomaly." Zoom states as he stands a few dozen feet away from her.

Nyx has posed:
It is really because Nyx isn't from around here at all. Also probably because Nyx was a reaction to a cascade of events that also likely involved time travel, higher planes, and various titanic forces.

Samantha though is just a normal teenager now embroiled in the world of superheroes.

The teenager tries to brace when she is grabbed. She is ridiculously strong, but she doesn't have ahold of anything and her powers do not include gravity manipulation. So she is swept away at super speed.

"What..." she finishes when they end up in the forest. "Holy fuck that was fast...." the girl blinks and glances around now. "How the hell do people actually fight speedsters..." which is really a good question.

One that Nyx answers. "Oh.. other speedsters. Great... or Batman. Thanks a lot." talking to herself.

Professor Zoom has posed:
"That was me channeling the Negative Speed Force in a burst to bring us near to the Pocono mountains. I believe this is..." There's a pause as Zoom looks around, "-The Delaware State Forest?" There's almost a questioning tone to his words; he's not sure himself. "No matter. What matters is we're far enough away from the cities that you can't call for help immediately."

The man in the yellow suit starts to circle around Nyx, red lightning continuing to crackle around his form, "So, a droid of some kind?"

Nyx has posed:
"I mean... sure... though Captain Marvel is pretty fast. Also you know Impulse and the Flash.. speedsters...."

Samantha watches him circle her crackling with lightning like that, Nyx collecting data rapidly and starting to display it in her HUD.

"No, not a droid. I'm a girl." and she is, somewhat. I mean yes most of her is replaced with super dense alloys and techno-organic materials. "Negatiive Speedforce. That is a new one." and it is to Nyx. "What do you want anyways, why that lawyers office?"

Professor Zoom has posed:
"You can call me Professor Zoom... though some people call me the Reverse-flash." Zoom brings up a hand to his chest, "I'm the Flashes equal, and opposite." Zoom answers. "And you... are very unusual for this time period." Zoom continues to circle Nyx.

Nyx has posed:
Well she isn't firing ridiculously powerful energy weapons at him right now, shouldn't even be possible in this time period for terestrial technology. Which means either from another time or from space really.

"Still hadn't heard of you, but okay Professor Zoom or reverse flash." she pauses "I get that a lot. Not entirely from around here." she admits. Rookie. "So uh.. are you a criminal or just lost?"

Professor Zoom has posed:
"I'm not surprised. I've kept low key for a while now. Being faster than human senses tend to make it easy to infiltrate." Zoom states as he continues, "Are you alien? The mechanical way you fired that weapon makes me think you're alien technology."

Professor Zoom has an innate cosmic awareness of his surroundings... he can instinctually know if someone is time or reality displaced by looking at them.

Nyx has posed:
There is a haze of reality, though planes not alternates, around Samantha. Nothing about time displacement though.

"IThat sounds nefarious." she notes. "Also no. Not alien, I'm from the Bronx. It's very complicated and classified." she frowns and looks around the forest. "So why are you infiltrating law offices?"

Professor Zoom has posed:
"Who wants to know?" Zoom shoots back, continuing to pace around Nyx.

Nyx has posed:
Well. I guess that is fair. He did give his name.

"Agent Twining, SHIELD. Codename Nyx. I think it is a fair question. I mean I have you pretty well documented now, may as well make my AAR easier."

Professor Zoom has posed:
"SHIELD. Interesting. I would have thought you'd go for one of the superperson groups." Zoom muses, "How's that whole Sentinel situation going for you?" The speedster, asks.

Nyx has posed:
"Kind of shitty actually." she squints "Also classified mostly." she just shakes her head. "Well I know I can't really hit you... you are just to damn fast. So I'm going to start the slow.. very slow walk back to civilization unless you want to drop me off?"

Professor Zoom has posed:
"Being classified doesn't matter in the least to me." Zoom informs her, "I have most of what I need, but I haven't heard anything about the thing you idiots are calling Sebastian for a while. I'll just have to beat it out of you."

With that, red lightning bursts around him, and Zoom starts to go all in attacking Nyx. He's no longer holding back as he drives his full kinetic force against her body over and over and over. Half a hundred punches of kinetically enhanced power start raining all around Nyx as he works on finding her molecular frequency in the Negative Speed Force. A complicated machine like Nyx will unfortunately have a few... along with a couple weakpoints he can find from her reactions.

To Nyx, it's like a tornado of red lightning is flying around her, like a storm. The speedster isn't holding back, like the Flash would. This Professor Zoom is actually seriously trying to dismantle Nyx from the outside... and with his phasing ability, he might eventually succeed.

Nyx has posed:
Which is honestly when Zoom just about loses his hands. I mean that seriously.

Samantha staggers back and starts to flail out to deal with Zoom punching her and trying to phase her. This is fifty shades of not good and she is starting to take serious damage.

Nyx considers options as Samantha gets pummeled and leans over from the blows.

The next thing that happens is impressive. Energy explodes from her back, disintegrating her jacket, and then folds around her protectively.

Wings made of actual particle beam energy, somehow contained and shaped. Where they contacted the ground things just molecularly cease to be sliced into nothing in their path.

Samantha yells "Back off!"

Professor Zoom has posed:
When it became clear he was dealing with the unknown with this gynoid, Eobard set aside all assumption seeing the particle cannon. In truth, the attack is also a test, to see what Nyx would do... and she does not disappoint as she sprouts protective particle wings.

If Zoom was any slower, he'd have likely lost a hand in his attack. Instead, he barely pulls back in time and retreats a few dozen feet, observing. "You're just full of suprises, aren't you?"

Nyx has posed:
Samantha straightens and shakes out those wings. They actually replicate the behavior of wings really well. Though well made of deadly contained energy. "Stay backed off." she growls now. Her right arm is damaged, it looks broken actually though not for too terribly much longer.

"I'm leaving."

Professor Zoom has posed:
"No, you're not." Zoom informs her.

Once again, Eobard comes in, this time keeping well aware from those wings. The red lightning is everywhere now, since Eobard has to keep track of those wings... and this time, he has a few signatures to use on Nyx.

Eventually, one of Zooms hands vibrates... and is stuck /through/ her arm. Another moment of concentration, and Zoom actively starts to disrupt the internal workings of that arm. The organics and mechanical components are slowly torn apart, before he pulls back, only to start with that rain of speedster punches once again... and when it looks like Nyx is about to adapt again, that phasing happens once again.

Whoever this Professor Zoom is, he's taking Nyx apart quite effectively.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is having a very bad day.

There she was trying to do good and disrupt a bad metavillain activity.

Now she is in the forest with some psychotic speedster trying to take her apart.

All of this sucks.

Especially as her arm goes offline and is pretty shredded. Then he starts to punch her elsewhere.

"No." and that does not at all sound like Samantha. "You are not allowed to interfere." still not like Samantha.

Particle beam energy explodes as the wings curve around and her good arm, and her eyes blast. Eyes. Damn. More than just her arm and wings can generate it.

The Ground EXPLODES as the molecules of the earth.. hell the very oxygen and nitrogen and carbon in the air around her ignites.....

And then there is a crack of the sound barrier, zero to ... not speedster Fast.. but straight up away from Zoom.

Professor Zoom has posed:
To him, the words come out in a slowed blur. And it's when she stops speaking that Eobard backs off just a little bit, waiting to see what happens.

Then, Nyx goes flying as molecules start exploding around him. It's like a slow motion C4 explosion, and it's one Eobard dodges out of.

"You realize that isn't any sort of escape, right?" The monstrously distorted voice replies as Zoom begins to trail after her... keeping up with her speed exactly. The red lightning trail behind him makes his angle and position very clear as he goes.

Nyx has posed:
That doesn't escape Nyx's notice. Not at all. There are a lot of repairs to be made. This fight is just not going her way at all. Not at all. Speedsters am-I-rite."

Tracking Zoom on the hud, Nyx makes a tactical decision and Samantha and the alien hitch hiker angles up. Not trying to out run him on a horizontal and instead just disappearing vertical ascending through the atmosphere.

Professor Zoom has posed:
Sure, Eobard could chase after her. He might even catch up to her eventually... but he was a bit singed from the sudden particle devices. He could build them himself, of course... but seeing them being used in technology he didn't create, in this era? Something was wrong there.

Nyx would make an interesting project to decipher. For now, Professor Zoom superspeeds his way back to the tri-state area, disappearing into New York.

Nyx has posed:
While Nyx and Samantha stay in near earth orbit, running a series of diagnostics.

That whole thing was awful.

"Okay so definitely not fighting speedsters... I wonder what Professor Zoom wants with the Sentinels."