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Latest revision as of 21:32, 17 August 2019

Coffee Breaks
Date of Scene: 15 August 2019
Location: P3, Avalon Heights
Synopsis: Piper and Hisako eat pretzels, discuss new hires in P3
Cast of Characters: Piper Halliwell, Armor

Piper Halliwell has posed:
P3, Avalon Heights. Piper Halliwell, witch and club owner is cleaning the bar after a hard but profitable night. She's helping her employees clean things up, there was a little problem, mostly since she had an open mic night and got tortured by a washboard and kazoo duo. Piper's still mentally cursing herself for doing that one. Still though she's a not letting it get her down. Instead Piper is listening to her employes.

Piper looks over at the stage, nodding to it. "Yeah we need to clean that up. So" Piper nods holding down the bar, fort, thing..."So I'll sort the bar out here, and hey, you guys can clean the stage. I'll come help once the bar top is done" she nods.

There's a broom in her hand, oddly appropriate, though she's mrely using it to sweep the floor up.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki comes in to work. She'd have been doing this when she can of course, regularly, but nothing like full time, being a student. She comes in casually a little early, quietly, hands folded behind her back.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper waves to Hisako with her top hand off the broom. "Hey Hisako. How've you been?" she asks and pauses sweping. "You missed open mic night last night. Then again, you missed the drunk guy trying to use a kazoo like a harmonica" Piper adds with a smile, her eyes softening at the sight of Hisako. Looking over, Piper smiles and pulls out a seat for her.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki waves back, walking on over. "I'm sorry, some of my teachers got threatened yesterday so it felt safer to stay at home," she explains, smiling and taking the seat. "If the drunk guy got too bad I could have thrown him out for you, otherwise."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"You'd throw him out for awful music?" Piper asks then her eyes darken at the mention of being threatened. So it got taken care of?" she asks gently. Not that she's got any heavy hitters to call in, but....Hisako is employed at P3. Piper's sort of verybody's mom there...and she's worried about the younger woman. "I mean, if there's anything serious going on, do what you need to" Piper says and nods. "You want anything to drink or anything?" she adds.

Ever the club owner, Piper.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki shakes her head. "Not at all. I would throw him out if he were causing trouble, being disruptive, and damaging equipment. Not just for having fun while drunk. And some water would be very nice thank you."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods and motions to the bartenders. "Water" she says and nods "No he wasn't doing any of that. Just sounding like a swarm of drunk wasps" she says and picks her couch to sit on, "I'm glad you're okay though, being threatened is not fun at all. Hopefully trouble won't folllow you here" Piper muses, her eyes on Hisako, though her eyes are soft with cocern, though her eyes darkn a tiny bit.

"Aside from that, it's been a quiet, strange summer hasn't it?" she asks as Piper stretches out, kicking her shoes offf and stretching out on the couch. The perks of owning P3. She can do /that/.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles, taking the glass. "If someone does attack this place, I will handle it. It's what you pay me to do, Piper," she explains flatly, before taking a long, slow drink of water. "For me it has not been a quiet summer. I wish it were."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"You need to hang around here more often. At least during the day when it's quiet like now. So how are you finding the US compared to Japan?" Piper asks with a genuinely curious gaze. Looking over, Piper lets her thoughts drift, wondering how things would be in Japan. She'd be out of her element, she reasons and lays her head on the back of the couch to relax. "I pay you to be yourself, too. You're not just a bouncer, if you want to help out more around P3, I won't stop you" Piper offers with a smile, eyes half closed.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles, holding her water. "I have to admit I'm more likely to come later, when there's a chance I can work. It's difficult to balance coming here and doing my school work, and another part time job I took in Metropolis. But I will try." She then looks around. "It is so different here. I am used to it by now, and I am comfortable in America. Some things are better, some things aren't. But it's a good place to be."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods. "I hear you. I think I'd be out of my element in Japan" she says verbalizing her thoughts. "I mean I'd get used to it, sure. But" Piper nods sagely, QI was born and raised here, it's all I know. It's like...if I go to Canada, I'd be lost" Piper shrugs. "Though I do want to go to Japan to see what it's like however, you know?" she adds looking thoughtful, wondering what Japan is really like. "It's like, all I've seen of Japan is those travel shows. Japan in 2027 is so different, I mean, I mean that in a good way. I'm just so used to here" Piper adds not sure how to word what she's wanting to say.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki nods. "Japan is a nice country, and has things in common with America. People who visit from one other can understand plenty of things." Sipping again. "Canada is very much like the United States though. I think you could do fine. Have you been there?"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Not yet" Piper admits. "Running P3 here keeps me fairly close to home you know?" Piper asks and carries on lazing around. Looking over, Piper laughs. "You've not been to Canada either have you?" she adds. "It's apparently different enough honestly. Or so I heard from people who have been there" she sighs and looks unsure if she really ought to believe those tales.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Not yet" Piper admits. "Running P3 here keeps me fairly close to home you know?" Piper asks and carries on lazing around. Looking over, Piper laughs. "You've not been to Canada either have you?" she adds. "It's apparently different enough honestly. Or so I heard from people who have been there" she sighs and looks unsure if she really ought to believe those tales entirely. Still she's interested enough to play along with them.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles. "I've been there a few times. Mostly because of... stuff happening, not really as a tourist. And not for every long. There are differences, but I believe most of them are only immediately recognizable to Americans and Canadians."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper carries on lazing while she listens. "I bet if you went as a tourist it'd be different, right?" she asks and sits up, watching the club as the stage's finally, finally cleared. Looking over the stage, Piper nods looking pleased. "Se, I want to travel but I don't want anything to happen to my club or myfamily when I'm gone off traveling though" Piper admits with a groan. "It worries me. But I want to travel and find new things, and all that" Piper points out with a look. THat 'wanting to be normal' thing again.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki reaches over to grab a little snack to nibble on, or trise to see if she can find a pretzel ors omething at least, before she continues. "You would need to hire someone trustworthy to take over for you. But you would have to do that if you ever expanded your business anyway."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods loooking worried. "That's the thing. Trustworthy" Piper says and waves her hand. There's a bowl of snacks on the table, though Piper brings over popcorn and pretzels and moves over to Hisako's table snagging a pretzel with fingertips. Looking over Piper chews on it. "I don't trust anyone here in Bloodhaven besides you guys that work for me" Piper says gently. "It's everyone else I don't trust" Piper admits shaking her head. "Then again, you get why too"    
Piper looks unimpressed at the idea of having to hire random people to work here. College kids are one thing, they at least don't make a mess. Random people off the street however...

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles weakly. "I'm sure you could do it," as she takes a pretzel and turns it in her fingers. "It would be hard, but you could do it."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"I could. I just feel like P3's working fine" she offers looking around. "I mean, we got a good thing going here in P3. We all come together to help out don't we?" she adds and finishes off her pretzel. N"eeds more butter or salt and caramel. You never had salted caramel pretzels?" Piper asks looking from the bowl to Hisako.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles. "Well it's working fine as long as you never get a day off, efer?" She smiles. "I never have, but they seem very nice, thank you."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods looking pleased as she gets up to grab the aforementioned caramel and salt. Time to do some impromptu food prep at the table. Because, why not? Plus she's made herself hungry. "Days off are rare for me. Even when I'm at home, I'm still looking for what's best for P3" she admits, rolling a pretzel in cooled liquid caramel then adding salt to it before popping it in her mouth and chewing.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles. "But you can't do that forever. What if you get hurt? What if you get sick? Don't you need somebody you can trust?"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Yeah you're right" Piper nods, inspecting a pretzel quietly. Hisako's got her thinking now. Looking to Hisako Piper sighs. "Yeah but....that's just it. The trust angle. I can't find anyone I trust in Bloodhaven though. That's the thing really" Piper sighs looking to the pretzels again. "I'm open to ideas however, if I find anyone I trust, then....sure, by all means, but...."

She falls quiet watching Hisako as if trying to prove to herself Piper really can do this. She's not entirely sure she can. "Would you help keep P3 going if I got hurt or something?" Piper asked simply looking over at Hisako again.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki will lean forward now and try out the offered dip and such. Never having done something like this before, she did need to SEE it in action before knowing what was expected. "You could hire people from other places." But when the question goes point blank, she pauses, and chews very thoroughly before swallowing. Then sipping water to delay. "I am honored that you would ask me. I could try, but there's so much I don't know about this kind of business."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods, dipping another pretzel in caramel again. "You have a point" she admits. "But, it's a good idea to find people from all over. Do you know anyone who would help out?" she adds, watching the caramel covered pretzel before chewing on it deep in thought.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki tilts her head. "I don't, but I can ask around. There are many graduating students at my school, who might like an opportunity when many people won't hire... you know."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper shakes her head. "@emit Piper nods her head and smiles. "Sure thing, have a talk with them and send 'em my way" she nods, nudging the caramel bowl and pretzels over. "I'm willing to talk to them and see what we can work out. Besides, even if it's something simple, it's a foot in the door so to speak. They can say I worked at P3 when going for other jobs too" Piper observes with a nod. "So yes, send them my way"

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki dips again, carefully, trying some more, before eating it ery carefully, mking sure no caramel drips anywhere. "That's what I'm doing, this isn't my only part time job, and I will let people know. If you can hire people you will become well liked, and then if there are any you really trust..."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods, "Yes you're right" she says her eyes sparkling with happiness. Ah Hisako gets how the world works, Piper thinks to herself. She'l go far in life. Watching her, Piper nods. "Try roling the pretzel through the caramel before you pull it up out of the bowl, it doesn't get over your hands that way as well and it gets the entire pretzel coated" Piper offers with a grin.