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Latest revision as of 15:06, 22 August 2019

Date of Scene: 21 August 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A young student was sent in for counseling, a date was set, and twinkies were had by all.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Jubilee, Nightingale, Mason Steele, Smart Alek

Beast has posed:
It is summer. Some kids don't have any classes. Some kids have only a few. So, there is activity in the rec room this morning. A few students are watching a classic cartoon movie. Two are playing pool, and in comes Hank, Hands folded behind his back, surveying what the kids are up to.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is hanging out in the Rec room, too. But she is not so much watching a movie as curled up on a beanbag, playing a video game on her phone. It isn't loud. Basically just a few faint bleeps and boops as she plays, and mostly drowned out by the movie. Every once in awhile she looks over at the students, and at the movie itself. Just keeping an eye out.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's chilling out, quite literally, at the bar. If it were any other place and time, it would be an eyebrow-raising sight, but come on, we're talking about -school- here. She's going for the biggest glass she can find and indulging her sweet tooth, making a giant root beer float. She also winds up with brain freeze on taking the first gulp of the stuff. "Owwwww... oww oww owwwww...."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason wasn't already in the room, but he enters with his usual swagger of confidence. Jubilee on the bean bag, Shannon by the bar. He gives a casual stroll in Shannon's direction. "Hey Angel," he says, a throwback to their first conversation, and picks an envelope out of his cargo short pocket. It's been a little dented at the corners, and he lets the corner brush against the back of on of her wings and then sliding it around her onto the counter in front of her. "Got somethin' for ya. Oh, root beer float. Nice call."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek enters the Rec Room, staring at his shoes, it's amazing he doesn't walk into things, the sounds of the movie catch his attention a moment. His eyes flicker to the tv, but quickly his attention seems to move along to look at others in the room. He stands in the middle of the room unsure exactly where to proceed to for the moment.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy decides he's thrirsty as well. Patting Alek on the shoulder as he passes one, then going around Shannon and behind the bar, he goes to get a coke... and then he clears his throat. "Someone dropped something," he calls out in a voice that causes every kid in the room to look over, as the man rises, holding a little plastic bag containing pills.

Nightingale has posed:
     It's more than just Shannon's brain freezing at the moment. She's just got a moment to turn and wave quickly to Mason, her eyes squinting nearly shut and her nose wrinkled up in the classic 'brain freeze' expression. With one hand pressed to her forehead, she has to set her root beer float down to pick up the envelope Mason has dropped on the counter for her, but has no time to open it and see what it is.

     In the next heartbeat, it's not just her brain that's freezing. She goes as still as a statue, not even a feather ruffling on her wings. Add some gray paint, a toga or chiton, and one could mistake her for a statue in Central Park. Uh-oh. That tone from Hank did -not- sound at all good. What the heck was going on?

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek does one of those 'who touched me' moments as Henry gives him a tap on the shoulder. A brief moment though and his senses notice it's a familiar pattern, he smiles, a bit and goes to follow, however as the bag gets revealed.. he peers now at that.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy glares about at the room,sizing up the kids, as he then starts poking at the bag. "I've signed off on every prescription drug used by every student at the school. These do not match those. I'm fairly certain these are illegal drugs. Now who dropped them?" Shannon is looked at FIRST, since well, she's inches from where they were.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon holds up her hands and shakes her head, almost instantly regretting it. The only thing that hints at her one vice is an ice cream moustache, with a bit of foam on the tip of her nose. "I don't even take aspirin." Still, her proximity did not look good....

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Not me sir... I just got in the room." A decent reason.. "I don't think they would go well with ice cream either." he shrugs"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy takes the bag, folds it, and pushes it into an interior pocket. Eyes glancing across the entire room. He ruffles Shannon as she can't speak, befor she manages to get those words out. Then nodding to Alek, he pauses the movie and stands in front of the screen. "We will find out. I'm noting everyone in the room, and we can find out who was in the room earlier."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon meeps, hoping that she doesn't get saddled with the little white pills. Great. Just great. Not quite a month into her time at the school, and she was mere inches away from what she -hoped- was someone's aspirin or Tylenol. She steals a quick glance at the pills. Nope. Just white. Crap. "So ummm... what do we do about this now?"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek considers something, and he goes over to McCoy, he leans close to his ear and whispers, "If you want, if I touch the bag, I can recall the fingerprints and DNA of the people who touched it.. I'd have to make contact with them to do the comparison though." He wanted to make the proposition without being obvious, but doubt that worked.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looooks to Alek, and shakes his head. "It may come to that, Alek. But I believe... for that kind of investigation, it would be improper to include you, as you are potentially as suspect. Thank you, but if it comes down to it, Jean Grey will be responsible for finding out. Does anyone wish to confess? That's the first step, Shannon. Someone needs to confess, and get help."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "I can't confess to what I didn't do. If Jean has to go counting the bats in my belfry, then so be it." Damn it, how had she gotten mixed up with this? She glances at her root beer float and grimaces. Damn, these were starting to be bad luck for her!

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek sighs, if mutants didn't have enough problems to include drugs as a yet another problem to have. He heads over to the bar that Shannon is at.. and over to the refrigerator.. he searches for what drinks may be around that aren't ice cream floats.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy sees that nobody confesses, but one kid looks guilty. Hank walks up to the young woman, and stands right over her. Glaring... glaring... and she starts crying. Hank sighs deeply, and puts a hand on her shoulder to keep her from going anywhere. THen grabbing his phone with his free hand, and talking into it. "This is McCoy. Julie Sanders is going to be coming to your office. Please monitor her progress. Yes, she's coming right now, isn't she?" Julie nods, and then once released, slowly gets up and starts walking out, crying harder now.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns a little bit as she sees Julie walking out, her brows furrowed. She couldn't imagine what was going through the poor girl's head right now but it couldn't be good. "Do you want someone to go with her?" she asks, now finally able to relax a little and look somewhat normal.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head. "No, she's being watched. She's going to get a long talking to, and we're going to figure out what to do in order to help her. And if necessary, roll up whateer gang is responsible for supplying her the drugs. Later I'll run tests and figure out exactly what it was. So what are we up to?" He gets out of the way, unpauses the movie, and walks over toward Alek and Shannon.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek finds a coke and overhears as the doctor finds a possible owner of the bag that he found. He sits down at the bar with his coke and watches the tail end of it, as Julie goes off into the hallway, with McCoy now approaching and the question asked, "I decided to unplug for a little bit. A little analog in my usual mostly digital world."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs and smiles a little, turning back to the bar and her now half-melted root beer float, and the envelope Mason had left for her. "I was just indulging in the -only- kind of beer... root beer." She grins and raises her glass to both Alek and Hank, taking a swig. It seems she hasn't learned from the last time, though, as she gets that scrunched-up expression once more. "Owwww.."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy takes out the bag from his pocket again, pressing the plastic against the pills, and looks. "I hope this stuff isn't too bad, and she hasn't been messing with it long." Then back into his inner pocket as he grabs the coke he'd just pulled out himself. "Slow down Shannon..."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek sips his coke, "Drugs never made sense to me. Course.. alot of things don't. I wouldn't mind analyzing the pills, but.. yeah I'm not one of the staff here." he nods. He watches a little bit of the movie, "I think I've seen that a million times... course after the first time, it's trapped in my brain."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason got quiet, and counter to his usual countenance, he did not engage the conversation when Hank started asking for confessions. There was for a moment a certain look of panic, but it was replaced by a little relaxation when he saw the bag. The look of someone who is relieved to know they aren't guilty.

    "I mean, some people just think drugs help them feel better," he explains to Alek. "Completely natural for people to want an escape." He glances at Hank, then quickly adds. "Not that it's okay, of course. It's really bad, screws you up something fierce."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is somewhat oblivious to the expression on Mason's face, until the pain of indulging in her favorite fice a little too quickly subsides. But, as he is explaining matters to Alek, she glances over his way, her eyebrows raising. Something about what he was saying didn't quite set right, but she wasn't about to bring anything up right there in front of everyone. She nods in agreement, and looks down to the envelope in her hand, opening it.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks at Mason. Really looks at the young man, as he slowly drinks from his coke. Looking at him exactly the way he looked at the young lady now going off to see Jean. "You're right, Alek. And what happens to those movie stars when they get on drugs, is a story we've seen a million times before, too." He says all this looking directly at Mason.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is content with his Coke, "getting away from it... well, I do that without drugs.. but I guess we all have something we do to.. just not want to remember our problems."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason looks at Shannon's return gaze, and then at Hank, and shoves his hands in his pockets. "What? I'm just sayin'," he says, as if everyone should clearly be understanding. "Anyway, I hope Julie gets help. DTs are rough." Those who had access to his medical file would be able to see that yes, he has in fact had to go through rehab in the past.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just smiles lightly at Mason, her expression softening. She says nothing about his apparent similar experiences to those the young woman who had just bent sent to Jean's office was likely to go through. Instead, she glances down at the contents of the envelope. Her pale azure eyes go as wide as dinner plates. "Sweet!"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Whatca got?" he looks over at Shannon's envelope. "Gift certificate to Game stop?""

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy consdiers the kids as they start to get back to life as usual despite the bit of drama. "Mason, I know what you're saying, and I know she's going to find that habits are hard to change. We're going to have to look carefully at what influences are present at the school, and root out anyone pushing this stuff." He then looks to see what Shannon is up to.

Mason Steele has posed:
    As Alek and Hank look on toward the letter. "Wow, nosey much?" Mason teases with a grin. It's one of those diffusing types of comic comments that are used to gain a light command of a situation. "Yeah, planning on going to a party next week. Thought I'd see if you wanted to be my plus one. Lots of music folks there, I think you'd like it. Didn't know I'd make everyone else in the room jealous though."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon turns flame red but grins. "That sounds great! Is it a formal sort of thing?" A week? Hmmm, that might be enough time to cobble together something suitable. It wasn't hard to see the creative gears in her head turning, and she's just a little bit flustered. Her wings half fold around her, though perhaps not as much so as might have happened in her first days at the school. "Thanks, really!"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles. "I'm a teacher. It's my job to be curious about what you kids are up to. The minute I get apathetic, I'm failing you all."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "I'm just an odd ball, I stare at light bulbs." It's a manner of fact tone, "course I see and feel everything differently." he sips his coke, "Though it doesn't pay that I know the molecular structure of the dirt in this soda or how much bezene we're drinking."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason seems very casually comfortable with the idea that he's essentially asking Shannon out on a date in front of a teacher and another student. He cocks an eyebrow at Alek. "I mean, you do you," he offers. "I usually don't worry about what's in it, that way I don't have to think about it. Anyway, Shannon, We can leave about seven, we'll get there a little after it starts. It's always weird being the first one there."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon glances up from her flustered excitement, one thing setting her on alert. Though she's still blushing from the invitation, she hears the one thing she can't stand. It doesn't matter who it's coming from, she can and will go toe-to-toe with them. Politely, of course. While she doesn't step right up to Hank, she -does- straighten up, raise her eyebrows, and pin him with a 'look'. "You? Fail us? Yeah, right. I honestly don't think you ever could or would."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy ruffles Shannon, and grins. "I appreciate that. But I'm human. I make mistakes. I have good times and bad. But thank you for the vote of confidence." Looking to Alek, he grins. "You must have a very high tolerance for impurities that would make the nighty news panic, since you see them every day."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Yeah, impurities is not something I call it. It's like claiming your 'pure human' or not a mutant. Everyone has slight variations in the stuff that makes them. There is nothing the same in this universe, other then perfect digital copies of stuff, but even that is rare." He finishes his coke, "I will say it's useful to know what's in something you like to eat, knowing all the ratios of spices and such, I make a mean chicken wing sauce.""

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason doesn't seem concerned about the lack of response. "Well, ignorance can be bliss," he says to Alek. "Anyway, I gotta go work on a song for my next album, I'll catch you folks later, sound cool?" he asks, and tosses a wink in Shannon's direction shamelessly.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "About seven it is, then... aww hell, I'll have to scramble and get something decent together for the party!" She grins a bit sheepishly at Mason and waves, doing a little twirl. "Remind me to bring my laptop to the music room sometime, got a few things of mine on there. Nothing like the music you write, but still..."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy finishes his own coke, and grins to Alek. "See, that's what I mean. You're confronted with information that would overload most of us, and you learn to accept it as how the world actually is. I envy that." Shannon and Mason's social dance is observed, but commented on and looked at directly as little as possible. "Twinkies anyone?"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Twinkies..." he chuckles, "Such a treasure trove of colors and textures.. I'll take one. But Yeah, you learn to accept things, the amount of electricity and radio waves in this room alone would probably freak out those same people on TV. Luckily, most of it passes right through us without harm.. usually.""