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Latest revision as of 15:06, 22 August 2019

Birds of Prey: Briefing at the Nest
Date of Scene: 21 August 2019
Location: The Birds's Nest, Gotham
Synopsis: The Birds are introduced to their new headquarters, and a briefing is held.
Cast of Characters: Shadow, Silk, Black Canary, Oracle

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow's invitation methods are simultaneously quaintly archaic and mildly disturbing: each of the Birds receives an envelope in the mail containing what looks like a blank business card -- right up until the correct person looks at it, at which point shadowy shapes describe an address and a time before fading away again.

    For some reason, that address has led them to an empty lot this evening, in a quiet part of Upper West Hill where not even the cabs come without good reason...

Silk has posed:
    Cindy takes the web slinging express to the card's offered location. That is after she quickly plugged it into her phone to bring up a map of the area. She is still learning Gotham as it were and with one finaly THWIP that is hardly noticeable in Gotham's ever present din, she lands with a few long strides ot help slow her down. Silk in black on black with a black mask takes a survey of the area nd lets her head tilt, breathing in deeply of that lovely but noxious city air.

Black Canary has posed:
A motorcycle rolls up, a racing one at that. Astride it is one Dinah Drake in street clothes. Ripped jeans, a tank top and a leather cycle jacket of bright blue, black and white. But conspicuously lacking a helmet.

The blonde parks the bike and glances toward the empty lot curiously. It was the right address. Hmm. She begins to walk toward what must be the 'entrance' to the lot.

Shadow has posed:
    "Ladies," A sinister voice echoes from a patch of what looks like thin air - until the fog and shadows start swirling together, coalescing into a tall figure in a greatcoat and cloak, with a red scarf covering their face. "Thank you for coming... and welcome--"

    The figure waves a hand to indicate the empty lot... And all of a sudden shadows start flickering, flowing, blurring -- and what was an empty lot now contains a warehouse in excellent repair.

    "Welcome, Birds of Prey... to the Nest."

Silk has posed:
    Senses starts to tingle just before Dinah pulls up and Cindy turns her head, stepping out of the shadows herself. Her chosen outfit really does work well for blending. But before she can get in a greeting, she goes still and turns to the sound and appearance of the building. Her head ilts and she lets out a whistle.

    "Spider's have nests too, it works," a quiet observation that others may hear as the webslinger tentatively steps forward and towards the entrance. "How very handy," she says giving a nod to the newest figure and glancing to Dinah. She lifts her shoulders and then pulls the door open to step inside.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow leads the way, walking brisky into the building without so much as a glance at the doors which open before them of their own accord, past a well-equipped workshop and vehicle parking area, to a room at the back where a very familiar green icon is projected from the wall-to-wall monitor.

    "I believe this place has most of the amenities we should expect to need. If you feel anything crucial is still lacking, inform me or Oracle and we will see what can be arranged..."

    With that, the Shadow steps to one side, letting Oracle make her own introductions.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake looks to The Shadow. "Well you've caught my interest.." She follows the concealed figure inside after sparing a look toward Silk. "Makes sense, doesn't it?" Then she follows through the entrance. "Well it's certainly got charm" she says with a smile. A glance to the display with the icon then back. "Well.. I have to say I'm disappointed there's no stage in the corner..."

Silk has posed:
    Oh my! Cindy is anxious to say the least but she's good at not giving into that urge to explore everything. Following after Shadow, Silk bedecked in her Gotham-esque suit with its black with black silicone webbing design and black eyemask seems to fit right in. Why add color when it just might get you shot? "Charm is one way of putting it," says the dark spider, her hands flexing at her sides before they come to rest on her hips - what do you do with your hands as she finds a perch for them.

    "Right now...got nothing but will keep that in mind," she says evenly, but her head is turning, searching. Lacking? What is lacking?

Oracle has posed:
<<Hello. My name is Oracle.>>

The symbol manipulates slightly into a green face with no decernable features. The mouth moves and it turns slightly as if looking in the direction of whoever speaks, but it has no eyes with which to actually see.

<<Shadow has brought you all here to update you on some of the more pressing matters that have befell Gotham City.>>

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake watches the display and introduction. Hmmm. Interesting. "Hello Oracle" Dinah offers. She glances to the Shadow and back to the display again, intent on listening to Oracle and Shadow as may be. She glances around the room again curiously then back.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods at Oracle's icon. "The Birds of Prey were founded in order to provide a more united - and therefore more effective - front against the forces of organized crime in general. To take out not just their endpoint operations, but cut off their sources as well."

    Another nod towards the screen. "Oracle's expertise in the realm of information networks is the stuff of legend; rest assured it is not exaggerated. Between their skills and my network of agents there is very little we cannot get to the bottom of."

    The Shadow then gestures toward the holotable, where a model of Gotham rises up from the surface with several red dots marking locations. "In recent weeks there has been a severe influx of a new and dangerously potent drug, nicknamed 'Hook' in street parlance. More concerning, as near as we could tell it was not coming in via any of the known distribution channels, which is why it took us longer than expected to identify key players..."

Silk has posed:
    Oracle. Cindy straightens up even in the presence of green pixelated construct. A nod of her head is given but she glances then to Shadow and back, her weight easily shifting from foot to foot. The conversation is one that sends a shiver up her arm and leaves her focused. Dark eyes linger a moment on Shadow, sucking her lip into her mouth as she waits for more information.

    "So you know who is responsible then?" For Hook that is. They have indicated that might be the case.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake listens to the beginning of the briefing. Glancing to Silk then back again, she nods as the explanations continue.

"I'm still based out of Starling City with obligations there, but I have no problem commuting to give a hand here as often as I'm able." She looks to the Shadow with a nod that echoes her interestin the answer to Silk's question.

Oracle has posed:
<<Not necessarily responsible, but we know some of the primary dealers and street level gangs pushing the drug. I have done an analysis of an impure sample of Hook and found trace elements for at least one unknown compound body. I am running it against a detailed search of my extensive database for any reference to this bound, but I do not feel confident one will be found. I have contacts outside of Gotham City that I will speak with on the matter.>>

THe pixilated face turns towards Natasha and nods. Then looks back forward. The voice has no gender, it is an amalgamation of a both blended together synthetically.

<<The low level street thug Hammerhead is primarily known for running a crew of ruffians out of New York City. His gang are mostly street level, but he is exceptionally dangerous in hand to hand combat. The front portion of his cranium has been replaced with a high strength titanium plating. Recently he has been reported by various sources to be using the recent Hook push to extend his reach into Gotham City and strengthen his hold on New York. I believe Silk can fill us in further on more details regarding his combat prowess.>>

The face turns towards her.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods at Dinah. "We have reason to believe that the Tri-State area is a... Trial area, so to speak, for Hook's distribution; if it catches on well here, the rest of the nation will be next. On the other hand, if we /stop/ it here..."

    They trail off, letting Dinah work out the math while looking to Silk to speak up.

Silk has posed:
    The answer is given and Silk merely nods, listening to the rest that goes mostly over her head. She's not a chemist by any means but she does not gloss over what is being said. She soaks it in. Then Hammerhead is mentioned and at first Cindy is a little lost as to who this is until she's mentioned along with it. "Oh that's his name? I guess that fits," she remarks thoughtfully.

    She wets her lips and nods her head, "Once he gets his hands on his opponent he can be rather forward and brutal. He uses his head like a battering ram. A couple of broken ribs later and a nearly broken neck I got away. He is weak like most men are in certain areas, do not be afraid to use that to your advantage. But he is dirty, fights like it too and apparently has a beef with Spider-Man. I was apparently a release of his anger in regards to that," she says and rubs at her still sore side.

    "He likes to wear pin stripe suits and really reminds me of the old Maffia bosses. Looks like he's spreading his business to most of the big cities and was accompanied by some basic street ruffians."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "I'm not about to refuse help, ladies." She then turns toward Silk to listen to the details being filled in, watching the dark clad spider as she recounts Hammerhead's methods and purses her lips. "Sounds like a real charmer for sure."

"A mob wannabe, huh? Well there are worse schticks to have been chosen I suppose." She looks to Shadow, "Has his Gotham hangout been located?"

Oracle has posed:
The green face lets the information unpack quietly, glancing to each systematically as they speak on the given subject. Specifically to Silk, to whom it nods.

Shadow has posed:
    "His main hideout, not yet," the Shadow admits, picking up the thread again. "However, we /have/ identified several of his main distribution points."

    They point at the map, where several red dots are blinking, and a larger circle surrounds one of them. "This one, in particular, is reportedly expecting a new shipment soon. Disrupting the handover will go a long way to reducing his stock /and/ jeopardizing his supply lines, but the primary objectives will be to identify his source -- and to leave an explicit message that he is not welcome in the Tri-State area."

    Blazing blue eyes look around the room, catching he gaze of the others present. "He may not even have realized he picked this fight, but we /will/ finish it..."