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Latest revision as of 15:10, 22 August 2019

Tesla delivers a not for Lorna, but she is not home.
Date of Scene: 17 August 2019
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sam took custody of Lorna's Letter.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Tesla

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie heard the buzz for the gate, and after checking who it was, and not recognizing them Sam has headed down to the gate. It is a bit of a walk, but as they try to keep things subtle down here specially with visitors Sam walks down the path jogging a bit perhaps to not make them wait to long. Once he is near the gate, he offers a smile and a wave. "Can Ah help you?"

Tesla has posed:
Tesla looks rather like something out of Star Wars, given his attire. It's an elegant cut, but by no means would he fit in among an ordinary crowd. The young man, whose features make him look deceptively older, seems almost ill at ease waiting for the buzz to be answered. Nevertheless, Tesla manages. Samuel arrives at last, and he turns his eye upon the figure almost in assessment.
     After a moment's pause, Tesla explains in a genteel tone, "Good evening. I have something to deliver to Polaris, and I was told that she should be on the grounds." He looks beyond the gates for a moment, musing, "The vaunted mansion, where the just and true mutants are reared, so I've heard."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit as he walks a bit closer, and says "Your looking for Princess Dane," He uses her formal Genoshan title, "but Ah can make sure she gets it." he opens the gate to let the man onto the yards "Step in off the road and we can talk at least."

Tesla has posed:
As the gates are opened for him, Tesla takes a few steps forward, cape flowing about his form. He reaches into said garment and produces an envelope sealed with what looks like a thin piece of metal. "That's correct. Of course, he would know where she is, regardless of what one calls her," the man comments as he spares a moment to look about his surroundings.
     It's only a small delay before Tesla looks at Samuel again and, with thought, offers the envelope. He says, "I'll entrust it to you, then. It shouldn't be opened except by her. I'm sure that goes without saying. Magneto would be very displeased."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take the letter, and look at it, and says "Well, Ah may have displeased Magneto in the past a few times, but it usually was with good reason. He does not look like he is going to open it though does shake it once so if it is going to explodes, hit does it here, ready to kick his powers in if need be. With no explosion he will smile and says "Can Ah tell her who dropped it off, Ah don't think we have met before. Ah am Sam Guthrie. You can tell Magneto you left it with me, he won't be upset, unless he told ya to put in her hands personally, which I doubt he did since you handed it over easily.

Tesla has posed:
Tesla seems to take his time answering, as if he were distracted. In fact, he's even looking about, with a few glances favoring the ground. "A lovely courtyard, and estate in general. Everything here would be so clear to me," he says, "if there wasn't so much metal hidden just underneath the peaceful veneer." The young man seems almost amused by whatever it is he's referring to, but he shakes his head and gets back to the business at hand.
     "I was instructed to deliver the letter in a civil fashion, else I'd have bypassed the gates and reached her by other means," Tesla states, tone quite forthright in its honesty. "You may tell her that Tesla delivered it on behalf of Magneto. I am her father's disciple, though it happens I'm in the area at the moment, rather than Genosha."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head, a bit and says "Well Ah am sure it would have been a bit different than you would expect but we don't need to go there. I was once Magneto's student so have a wee bit of an idea how he wants things handled. "Don't upset him, he might ground you...err room, not electromagnetic version, well maybe depends on how much you upset him. A little hint though for you, when you have a choice of handling things you might want to try the civil versions first. If things go badly you can always resort to less civil things then. I will make sure to tell her.

Tesla has posed:
Tesla looks openly amused in full for the first time, without attempt to conceal the fact. He leans forward a bit to address the advice given. "Your words of wisdom are appreciated, but Magneto makes his expectations very clear. That aside, my first teachers make this opportunity seem positively ideal," he admits. With a strange mix of casual and grim elements in his tone, he glances aside as he straightens up. "The government takes much from those of us with gifts of interest. For every gain I made in captivity, there's a scar. Always, they tried to pry loose the secrets."
     "Well, Samuel Guthrie," Tesla says, arms sweeping forward slightly so as to straighten out his cape. "I think that concludes my business here, unless there's anything else? As welcoming as you've been, I don't believe the faculty at Xavier's would appreciate me as a visitor."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well Magneto has been at times, and as long as your not set on causing trouble, we don't mind visitors. He will offer his hand to him in greeting. "I am sorry to hear about the issues you had with those who trained you. Do you know if they are still there, if others need help getting away from there?"

Tesla has posed:
Tesla seems to find the offer of the handshake somehow quaint, for it prompts a pause. He chuckles faintly. "Forgive me. I'm finding myself taken aback by how casually people live here. My own upbringing as a mutant was rather different," the man explains as he reluctantly sweeps his cape aside on the right. A gloved hand accepts the offered shake, which is held for a moment. "Oh yes, they're very much still 'around' here, my former teachers. The United States government, though you'll be working very hard to find the section responsible for my education. Rest assured, I keep watch, and I ... deal with those who should hold my brothers and sisters in captivity."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, hopefully they will be found and stopped so they do not continue. There are sadly some in most all governments that use their power for evil. We try to work to towards a world where people can work together, and where those who seek to do harm will held accountable for their actions.

Tesla has posed:
"What a lovely dream," Tesla comments as his gloved hand draws away from the shake, disappearing again beneath his cape. "Unfortunately, 'evil' is as much a point of vew as any other moral gauge. Humans with enough drive to claim our gifts will always find some way of justfiying what they're doing. They convince themselves that it's for one good purpose or another. You can dismantle their operations, and I'd encourage you to, but work together? Eliminate them entirely? I'd wish you luck with that, but it is indeed a dream. They're everywhere, my friend, and new cells rise up to replace the old with the help of the government's generous black budget. As you might imagine, I'm kept very busy tearing down what they constantly rebuild."
     Taking a step back, Tesla inclines his head mildly toward Samuel. "Thank you for seeing the message to the Princess, Mister Guthrie. I'll excuse myself from the grounds." He turns to leave, but pauses for a moment with a faint smile upon his lips. "Again, careful with the scale of good and evil. Many would rightly consider me to be the latter, even though you and I have a common enemy. You just never know." He finishes his turn, retracing the path he'd followed to reach the gate.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other and says "Well, hopfuly we will not be facing one another on the field of battle, but all things considered it will probably happen. Just know it is not personal, and Ah do wish the best for you.