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Latest revision as of 15:11, 22 August 2019

Gonna Fly Now!
Date of Scene: 18 August 2019
Location: Horse Stables - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon and Sam talk about life pets, Negasonic and Surge join them later
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Surge

Nightingale has posed:
     So, it was strength training that was needed? Fine. Then that is what she would do. Shannon knew all too well that she had been very lucky the AI hadn't thrown her a curveball in the Spawn scenario the other day, and was determined to better her odds the next time she was called down to the danger room. However, like many students, she didn't exactly have the means to go out to a gym. But, there was always the old-fashioned way, one touted in story, song, and popular culture--good old-fashioned work. She might be a mess and smell like the stables when it was all done, but she'd be better for it and hey, it was nothing a shower couldn't cure, right? So she's taken on the task of mucking out the stalls, accepting as little help as possible in the process.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has been doing that mostly himself, and as he walks in he raises a brow to see the job is being done already. He will walk over to Brightwind offering him the apple he brought the horse "Well hello there Shannon."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks--and smells--as if she's been at it a little while already, wisps of her pale gold hair clinging to her forehead. But, she's smiling, setting down the -very- full wheelbarrow for a moment. "Hey there, Sam!" She peers over as she sees the apple offered to Brightwind and chuckles. "Well, at least now I know what he likes."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Apples or Carrots he is good with both of them." He brushes a hand through Brights mane. "He he is a good boy, he takes care of Dani and helps us. So what got you in the mood to work the stables?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon leans against the wall to catch her breath. "Well... for one, it's pretty peaceful out here. Two, there's always a lot of work to be done. Figured I'd try and start building myself up a little bit the old-fashioned way." She smiles, watching him with Brightwind for a minute. "It's been tempting to bring him a treat, but I wasn't about to do that without Dani knowing, you know? I don't know what is and isn't okay with her when it comes to him."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well once a week or so she should be ok with he might want it to be like once an hour but with a few of us doing it I think he gets off pretty well"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles softly, approaching the stall, her wings spread slightly so that Brightwind can see them clearly and not be surprised by them. Very bad idea to spook any horse, but especially one of that size and strength! "Spoiled rotten, huh? Sounds like my cat back home. Didn't need an alarm clock in the morning."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Hmmms, makes me wonder something might need to talk to Kitty. We got some folks brings dogs out for folks to play with occasion, we might need to figure something out with cats too."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows and looks over at Sam, smiling. "Maybe, especially if there's any shelters in the area that need a hand." She grins and hugs him, chuckling softly. "You're bloody brilliant, you know that?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "I don't know about that, I just try to look at things a bit more straight forward than some and actually try to pay attention to other folks and what they say. too many people don't listen to others

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs, stepping away a bit. "Ain't that the truth!" She takes the wheelbarrow outside to dispose of the leavings, struggling a little bit with the weight but taking her time. Damned if she was going to ask for help! However, she does manage, and comes back to start in on the next stall. "You know, I think that's one of the things I like about you. You tell it like it is, but you're not mean or nasty about it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Well being nasty to folks aint of really much use. There are a few folks Ah might be towards, but in general they have done something to deserve it. So, what was your cat's name?" He will ask her.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and sighs a little. "Pepper. Black and white kitty, shorthair, tuxedo markings with white socks. Little guy was born under my bed when I was six." She smiles and looks towards the ceiling, wrapping her arms around herself for a moment. "Miss the little guy. It was always nice having a furry little buddy who didn't give two sh.. umm, pins... when my gifts came in. Long as he had a lap to curl up in, food, and a sunny window, he was happy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Ah would have thought he might have been a pain fir a while trying to play with your wing tips, when you were not expecting it." He offers her a smiles and hmms a bit to this in thought.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs softly. "He did. Between him and my folks, the wings were at least a positive thing to them. He just gained two new toys, that's all. Little shit managed to snag one of my feathers once, though. So I made a cat dancer out of it for him. It gave him something else to play with besides my wings."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Ah can imagine." He will says "We had some cats and dogs around growing up but were as muck workers as pets. Cats kept the mice down, and the dogs helped with hunting.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs. "Don't need to tell me about cats and mice. One time, Pepper brought a... present... and dropped it next to me in bed. Both he and the present learned how to fly."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Yea, cats can do that, had a neighbor who broke her ankle and her cat kept bringing her snakes and mice trying to take care of her while she could not get up and about."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles wider, clicking her tongue softly. "Awwww! Now that is so sweet! Anybody who says animals don't have feelings, has obviously never been around them much."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I think animals are a lot like people, you treat them right and with kindness and generousity and they will return it. You treat them like shit, they going to be a little shit."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, running her fingers through her hair. "Wish more people would remember that. Animals make more sense than people do sometimes." She shrugs and starts spreading some new bedding in the stall she just cleaned out, humming a little bit as she works. "Working animals or not, they can become like family, too. Just some of them have different appendages, and maybe fur."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well around here it aint just the animals who can have fur and different appendages, But yea. Honestly like most things though try to be a good person to the people your around a lot and most will at least be ok back to you.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and chuckles a little bit. "At least it can't hurt to try... even if you're not quite sure what to make of the people you meet." She's finishing up spreading some fresh bedding in one of the stalls, looking like she's been at it a while, but doesn't seem to mind. "I mean, take Mr. Stark, for example. Seemed nice enough, even if it felt like an oncoming freight train meeting him. The odds of that ever happening again, though, are pretty damn slim. So eh... just not sure what to make of the whole thing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is leaning against one of the walls chatting letting Shannon do the work in the stable today "Only really met him in passing to be honest but seemed a decent fellow, reminded me a little of Berto but a bit more over the top

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is leading the way now to an adventure in the stables. "Come on ZApster... I am telling you .. Dani's horse has motherfucking wings.. for serious..." she ducks into view first now into the stables and then pauses looking around. "Oh look.. Kentucky and Shano." she points looking behind her.

Surge has posed:
Nori isn't difficult to lead, popping into view a little after Ellie with her usual punkish attire, "Fuck that, now Horses are Mutating? I want a horse with wings..." Glancing around, first to Shannon and Sam, "Shan-o! Snitch!" Then to the winged horse, "What the BALLS dude!" Elation, pure and simple, "That's a god damn pegasaurus!"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Heard Brightwind has a lot of history. Haven't heard the full of it from Dani, though." Shannon cracks a bit of a smile. "Freaking gorgeous though, isn't he?" The way Ellie seems to run Sam's nickname and hers together makes her blush a little bit, but she says nothing about it. "I'd watch it, he's pretty strong."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the girls and says "Yea Brightwind is a pegasus from Asgard. Dani saved him on the plains and he picked her to be his rider. He is a very smart critter some times Ah wonder if he might be as smart as us, and if not Ah think at least close. How you ladies doing this evening?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well isn't Dani like also a Valkyrie... so I suppose it is fitting she right a Pegasus." she corrects Noriko.

She may know how to pronounce it because she definitely hasn't watched my little pony friendship is magic.

She heads over to the stall and smiles up to the horse "Hi Brightwind."

Surge has posed:
"That's what I said, Pegasarus." Nori waves at Shan-o as she passes, grinning like she has a secret, then sneers at Sam. It could be playful though! Hard to tell!

At the stable of the Pegasus, Nori throws her arms, sans gauntlets, over the wooden railing beside Ellie. "Dude..."

Kind of awe struck.. "Fucking gorgeous..." Bumping against Negasonic grinning, "I want one."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles, and keeps a few steps back from the action, a bit more in Sam's general direction, not keen on crowding Brightwind. She'd have her turn one day soon enough to properly meet and greet. "Yeah he is, isn't he? But I'm not sure if there are any more, to be honest. You'd have to ask Dani about that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well from what she said Ah aint sure how many are left and you do choose a pegasus it chooses you, and when it does choose you, you become a Valkyrie, which comes with a whole lot of responsibility and such. It is part of why Dani has been away for the past year. If you gentle with you, he will probably be ok with rubbing him, but you need to make sure you respect him and treat him well.. So why am I now snitch?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I am pretty sure you don't want to be a Valkyrie Nori.... and like they said not even Daddy Starkbucks could buy one of these." she smiles watching the equine though. The wonderful feathery equine. So good.

"The oven incident you Snitch."

Surge has posed:
Nori seems to realize her wants are misplaced from the jump, but pouts anyways because she can. "Fiiine..." Leaning down a little to look at the beautiful animal from just over the wooden railing.

"I don't know how to ride a horse anyways... and this one has wings. I bet that's infinitely less intuitive..."

Nodding, then with Ellie, "You got me called to the principles office, ya Snitch."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns a little bit. "Well, it's not like you did it on purpose, Zap. I mean, I don't know you that well but you sure don't seem like someone who'd do that." She glances between the three, at once relieved that Brightwind doesn't seem to be reacting badly to their presence, and furrowing her brows with a bit of concern for Noriko.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the two, and says "Ok, one you do know I am part of staff as well as a student. Two, I put in a report that I had handled it and given you chores, and training sessions so it had been pretty much handled and three If it had not been reported when it came to light and it would have nothing stays secret around here, our headmistress the telapath would have went on to investigate, and you would have been in a lot more trouble for trying to hide it right? Jean did contact me about calling you in, but she is sorta the headmistress. She give you any punishment I did not?

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"We haven't gone in yet to see Jean yet. It's the weekend." and well it is, but well. Is Ellie just taking the piss on this one or does she actually have a point.

She very cautiously, not scared of Brightwind but not wanting to make the horse flinch either, reaching out to try to softly touch the horse.

Surge has posed:
"I don't?" Noriko's eyes go wide when she glances back at Shannon... then looks to Negasonic, 'I don't?' mouthing it again...

"Shit, I must be slipping in my old age.. I mean I WOULDN'T... obviously... at least not on purpose... which is what we're talking about."

She shifts back around and shrugs, "Don't worry, Shan-o. My first week here I was in the headmzsters office so much, I thought it was my dorm room." Brushing fingers down either side of her nose, all crinkled up, with one eye squinting.

"I can navigate that field of landmines.."

Looking back at Sam for a second, "That's just what a Snitch would say... Snitch." She's grinning now, at least.

"No, she hasn't yet. Because-" Snap point at Ellie. "What Ellie said."

Up onto the bottom rung, Nori looks a lot less inclined to reach out and try to touch the Pegasus, but she wants to see Negasonic do so up close!

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, and just smiles at Noriko. "No you don't. Okay, you may have an electrifying personality, but just destroying stuff for its own sake? I can't see that." She rolls her eyes and laughs a little bit. "There's probably better ways than that to be on terms with the headmistress. She seems nice enough, anyways. Only met her the once, though, at the pool party about two days after I got here."

As for Sam pointing out a few things to that pair? Shannon wasn't about to interfere. Much. Plus, she was curious to see how Ellie would handle Brightwind.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well honestly hope she does not read ya the riot act to bad, cause honestly don't think you did it on purpose either, you might blow something up for the kicks of it, like someone else Ah know, but like the other, your not going to blow something up you have a used for, and pizza rolls taste a lot better from the oven than the microwave."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Everything I blow up on purpose definitely completely deserves it. But yes everything tastes better from ovens.. but don't diss the microwave. It is the savior of those out of time and in a hurry...."

She gently runs the tips of her fingers across Brightwind's shoulder. "Who is the bestest flying horse every. You are." cooing a bit. Ok that is embarassing.

Surge has posed:
Annnnnd guess who has her cellphone out?

Pointed at Negasonic so damn fast you'd think someone said something unPC in public! Nori is grinning from ear to ear watching Ellie with the Pegasus. "Oh em gee... if you got /any/ cuter right now.. bukkkkrrrrr." That's an explosion sound made as her hand flares out slightly like her head blowed up.

"Yeah, well, you also think Dorkmeister is a-" air quote, "'good guy' and Deapool is-" air quote, "'Misunderstood'. You'll have to forgive me if Im dubious of your snap judgement on Jean.. it is suspect." Said over her shoulderish to Shannon. She's recordin, ya see.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs. "Deadpool is... a piece of work. Not quite sure what to make of him but eh, he seemed okay. And sorry, we're going to have to agree to disagree on Scott. i try to think well of people till they prove otherwise." She waits till Sam leaves, then chuckles a little. "And my point is proven about thinking the best of people. Kind of hard to think badly about someone who's decent to animals." She gestures in Ellie's general direction.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Nori I am going to blow up your phone." she has stopped cooing, it is like she can just tell that a phone has been turned on her. Her own tools against her.

"Well that or I post the mouth burning the other night."

She keeps petting gently with her fingertips and then eases back and away. "When did you meet Lamepool?" she shakes her head. "That guy. I swear."

Surge has posed:
"Who the fuck said something about Ellie?" Nori is on the cusp of anger, but Ellie's threats draw her back from it, "Pssssh, this isnt for posting, this is mine." Wiggling the cellphone held with her thumb and index knuckle, then sliding it in her back pocket.

"Yeah.. Deadpool is where cool shit goes to die. You never know which version you'll get either... The really smarmy loud mouth or the fucking weird pulling rubber chickens out his ass."

She hops up on the edge of a horse stall, nearby, but not on, the Pegasus'.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Or someone running around with an image inducer on so they look like Harry Potter, yelling about lawn chairs." Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs, shaking her head. "That's what he was pulling last week when I ran into him. At first I was kind of like, 'What the fuck?', but he seemed okay once I you know, just started talking to him normally. Okay, so maybe he dropped F-bombs like there was no tomorrow but eh, nobody's perfect."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a groan from Ellie at the description of Deadpool.

"Shannon." yeah full real name. "You met whacky zanny funny Lamepool. Like Nori said at any moment you can get smarmy loudmouth Lamepool. Maybe murderous assassin Lamepool. I mean he is a complete walking sociopath who might be shoving dynamite up someones butt one moment or dressing like a unicorn the next...."

Surge has posed:
Nori thumbs towards Negasonic as she lays it out there for Shannon to hear. "He's real cute and fun until he's fucking not anymore. Then it's REAL not cute." She wiggles her wrists to rattle the bangles and drops them down on her knees with a sigh, "I might be all about seeing you cuss and shit, but he'll get you to murder. Just be careful."

Rare moment of caring? Who knows.