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Latest revision as of 14:22, 24 August 2019

Yo-Yo Ma She Is Not
Date of Scene: 24 August 2019
Location: Wanda's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Lorna and Pietro visit and hear about Wanda's planned visit to Atlantis. Steve and Rhodey join and the beginnings of an Avengers jam session may have formed
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Polaris, Quicksilver, Captain America, War Machine

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda sends Lorna a text, inviting her to stop by if she is able. Wanda mentions she may soon be gone for a little while and hard to reach, though doesn't give details more than that.

At the moment she's seated in a chair, the cello acquired from the antique store between her legs as she slowly works her way through the musical scales. She is taking well to it, but still a beginner, only able to play the simplest of songs upon the beautiful instrument. Her classical guitar is sitting nearby on its stand, still played, though having to share time with the new instrument.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arrived much the same way she always did, vaguely harried, and over worked. Her focus else where and likely attached to some fixed point some thousands of miles away on the other side of the world. Her phone buzzed on and off in her pocket, and she checked it repeatedly on the elevator up, and through to the entry way to Wanda's suite of rooms in the Mansion.

The green haired sibling wore a button up white tank-top of a semi-wrinkled linen, and pair of high waisted, flowing blue pants. Her heels clicked as she moved, and tucked the phone into her pocket as she swept her hand out and pushed open the door to Wanda's abode with her powers after a polite knock. "Hey Wanda.." She offered, her eyebrows drawing together in curiosity. "Hey, what's up? What's this whole 'going away' thing?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks up and flashes a warm smile to Lorna. "Come in, come in. Grab yourself something to drink," she says, motioning towards the kitchen area. Her rooms are one big open affair except for the bathroom, and she's over near to the bed at the moment where her music stand is.

"This is just between us, but I am going to Atlantis, as part of working on a cure for Hook addiction. I discovered a connection to Atlantean alchemy. Arthur, the Atlantean king, was disturbed by the connection. And some of his court didn't take it well at all that he's letting me take some medical staff to their Royal Hospital to study the matter," Wanda tells Lorna.

She brings the bow back to the cello, drawing it slowly across the instrument to make the beautiful, warm sounds that the cello can produce. "As part of making it happen, I offered to keep the connection to Atlantis quiet. It would be a matter of embarrassment for them," she says. Wanda looks over. "I also realize there have been some rattling of sabers with Father. Another reason I kept my distance to help my trip be as an Avenger and not be seen as royal family of someone they are odds with. But, I wanted you to be aware."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna went to the kitchen area, and helped herself to a soda, popping the top with a crack and hiss of carbonation as she returned to listen to Wanda's explanation with a deep furrow to her green eyebrows. "Wait a minute. You're going to //Atlantis//? After Aquaman threatened our country with missles, and flooding.. and who also threatened to over throw father with military might and impose his preferred ruler on the throne? Seriously?" She tilted her head, no small amount of irritation coloring her tone. Lorna had //tried// her best to be diplomatic. To multiple countries, diplomats, and figureheads over the past year.. And Aquaman had by far been the worst of her interactions.

Her lips thinned into a white blur of a line before she took a sip of her drink, and shook her head. "No one is willing to //talk// to me, or accept my help, or my offers because I'm tied to Genosha and therefore I'm tainted or something.." She muttered another curse as she plopped down on the nearest available chair. Looking as if she'd say more but biting her tongue instead.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda was most likely expecting Lorna's initial reaction to be something akin to what it ended up being. She sits quietly, playing the calming cello music as she listens, eyes over on her sister.

At the end, Wanda gives a slow nod of her head. "Yes, because it is probably the only place that I am going to find an answer. An answer that I hope will be able to overcome this addiction that is affecting humans and mutants alike. It's such a strong and sudden thing, this Hook is extremely dangerous, the kind of power it could give the distributors."

Wanda's voice softens. "It is not lost on me, the political situation. But this is where the path has led me. And actually this was arranged before the confrontation began. It is clear they employ magics they wish hidden from the rest of the world, and banned any other with mystical senses from coming, except me. Though I have a team of 25 from the CDC accompanying me, including Bruce Banner."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned back in her seat, her jaw working to grind her back teeth together faintly. "Look, I'm not pissed at you. I'm sorry. I'm just..." She made a sound of utter contempt and frustration at the back of her throat. "I thought I was helping mutants by being on Genosha. I thought I could do something worthwhile there. That the world, that mutants //need// our own home to just be ourselves without being constantly scared or worried about humans.." She exhaled a rough breath through her nose, and took another sip of her soda, her fingers curling around it tightly.

"But everywhere I go, every time I try to help, people tell me. 'I can't accept help from Genosha, it's a dictatorship', or refuse to meet with me. Or want me to stay away because if I'm there then it'll ruin whatever image they want. I'm sick of it. And every time, I try to do these things.. or run into literally anyone else outside of the X-men.. I get the same compliments of 'Oh I know you sister. She's done so much for us.' All the while they refuse anything to do with me or my resources." She sneered, her lips twisted into a half snarl.

"It's as if everything I have ever worked for or tried to do was pointless."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is playing a cello over in a chair by her bed, while she talks to Loran who has a can of soda. "I understand how you feel. It took Pietro and I some time to earn others trust. As much as our father is trying to help mutants, he has a history of having done bad things, Lorna. The world is not going to forget that. And unfortunately, his cult of personality he is ruling with doesn't help to change those opinions."

Wanda keeps playing the soothing music. It's a simple song, but one she can handle even as a beginning student of the instrument. "Keep with it. You'll make your own mark and people will come to see. But don't be afraid to put your own stamp on matters, either. Yes, you're there for Genosha, but they are dealing with /you/ when they deal with you," Wanda encourages.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's lips twisted as she turned her gaze down to the soda can in her grip, already indented briefly with the pressure from her overly tense grip. "I just don't like it that they can be so two-faced directly to me. Taking and accepting help from you like it's nothing, all the while threatening me to my face, or dismissing me entirely." She exhaled another sigh, her shoulders rising and falling with the tension that ran through her.

"Tactically, if they were trying to lure you there to use you as a bartering chip in negotiations that would honestly make more sense to me than the moral backflips they must have to do to excuse their own threats of violence against a civilian population.. All the while chiding what father does." She muttered, her anger just simmering beneath the surface.

"The more I interact with the world at large the more I'm just convinced they're all a bunch of lying hypocrites and that Genosha is better off having nothing to do with any of them..." She muttered darkly.

Quicksilver has posed:

After a quick blur of white and blue, there's Pietro Maximoff. Dressed in a blue jacket with black jeans, his hair left to be fully wild and wavy as it always is, Pietro narrows his eyes at his sisters, his voice touched by an accent he usually doesn't speak with unless he gets passionate.

"Another meeting of the family and you did not invite me?!" Pietro looks upset, he's always had a delicate temper. Though he does look between them once again, his arms firmly crossed before he calms down. "Hello, sisters." He kisses Wanda on the temple if she allows, and he kisses Lorna on the forehead.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff reaches over to Pietro, leaning over against him for a moment as he kisses her forehead. "You get bored waiting for the letters of the text to show up on your phone," Wanda chides him playfully. "I was just letting Lorna know I would be in Atlantis for a time."

She looks back to Lorna and says, "I considered it. But that the trip was arranged before father even brought the castle, I don't think it a trap. Even if it were, they would be risking the animosity of both the US government and the Avengers, given I'm working with the CDC. Is it possible? Yes. But it seems like it would be biting off an awful lot, and to what gain I don't know."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna blinked and her older brother was there, despite her sulking, dark humored mood, she still managed to flash him a smile. "Hey Pietro." It was almost as if a set of clouds had passed over the sun for how fast her older brother's presence managed to lighten her mood. It was something unique to Pietro, his fast paced tendencies and mercurial moods made her own seem slow to act and move.

Still, she glanced back to Wanda as her sister spoke. "I don't think Aquaman would risk all that, but I'm just saying it would make more sense tactically than whatever it was he was doing." She muttered, her lips twisting into a grimace again.

"I don't like anyone threatening my people, and my home. Particularly when I'm //trying// to be diplomatic." She muttered, "As far as I'm concerned, Atlantis is blacklisted for me."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro holds Wanda close for a moment, because he can tell she really needs it at the moment. So does Lorna. So after he's done hugging Wanda, he's hugging Lorna, but as always, he takes a spot right next to his twin. "Atlantis? Why the hell would you go to the place of fishpeople? Their king has made it quite known that he doesn't exactly consider us allies."

And by 'us' he means Magneto and their fellow mutants in Genosha. Pietro then looks at Lorna. "Neither do I. I could kill him in seconds." Pietro says pridefully.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles at the effect that Pietro has on Lorna. Not that long ago, the three were near to estranged as a group. But in the recent months, the feeling between the three of them has changed so much.

Wanda rests the tip of the cello's bow on the ground as she tells Pietro, "I discovered something in the Hook that bear similarities to something I found in old tomes from Agatha Harkness. Something she indicated had Atlantean alchemy as a source. Steve and I visited the Atlantis Embassy sometime back to discuss it with them, and they agreed to help us work on a cure for the addicted people."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna settled back against her seat opposite of Wanda, sipping at her soda still in an almost sulky way. She flashed Pietro a smile as he came back around to give her a hug, as long as that could possibly last for the speedster that is, she enjoyed it. She blinked and he was back beside Wanda, as he always was. A faint twist of her smile followed her older brother's words regarding Atlantis and she arched an eyebrow upward.

"Lets not escalate things to trying to kill a foreign nation's monarch. I was more along the lines of just forever refusing to interact with them or something. Maybe throw a bunch of rusty iron bits into the ocean outside of Genosha in some passive aggressive note.." She muttered, and nodded to Wanda.

"I don't think it's wrong for you to do what you can to help people there. I really don't. I won't begrudge you that. I'm just saying I'm paranoid a bit about their motives and they really pissed me off."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda, his eyes narrowed. "I'm going with you." it didn't sound like it was much of a question. Protective brother is protective. He knows this is more Wanda's area of expertise but that doesn't mean he's gonna let her do it alone. Not unless she does convincing, anyway.

Then he looks over at Lorna with a smirk. "Heh, why not? He seemed just fine doing the same. Hasn't Atlantis been testing their weapons lately?" He crosses his arms then.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda tells Pietro, "Brother, I would prefer to have you there. But I agreed to the terms, just me and the 25 medical staff from the CDC." Wanda gives a little wave of the cello bow. "They aren't going to try to abduct me while I'm there with a delegation from the American government, after all," she says.

Wanda begins playing again, a simple song, but sounding beautiful on the old instrument. "Can't really play things to sing along with, like the guitar," she says, "But I do enjoy the sound of this quite a lot. Lorna, do you play any instruments?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips, "I don't like it either, Pietro. But pissing off a whole nation of underwater people when I live on an island sounds like the epitome of stupidity." She murmured, glancing toward Wanda and her brother as they go back and forth about Pitro going along with his twin. The youngest sibling winced, and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from trying to egg on her older brother.

"No, because Atlantis has no problem supporting a country known for racism, hate, genocide, and imperialistic dogma. They'd never do anything to piss off their dearly beloved ally.." She muttered and rolled her eyes skyward. The snark thick on her tongue as she glanced down at the can of soda in her grip and downed what little remained of it.

Wanda's question regarding music had Lorna averting her gaze. "No. I tried it once in high school and decided it wasn't for me.. Most of the guitars in the practice room were all just steel strings.. and uhm, well there were some boy troubles and I got kicked out of class a time or three for misusing instruments.."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda and he seems to immediately frown. "Wanda." is all Pietro says. He looks upset that she's not quite going to let him go. "I've learned historically that foreign nations really don't care where your from, especially if you're not human." his dealings with the Inhumans aside...

But then he looks on over at Lorna when there seems to be talk of playing instruments. "I used to play guitar, but I've long since lost the talent." Pietro shakes his head. "I did learn how to phase through walls though.

Captain America has posed:
In his fairly normal early-night pattern, Steve's on his way up from a spate of running -- on the treadmill downstairs in the gym rather than out on the streets. With dark having fallen and an early morning in the works, the usual ten-mile track wasn't an option. His hair is still damp from a quick rinse-off in the shower room tucked to the workout room. About his neck, a white towel also still damp; his t-shirt is the standard Avengers' fare, red with a white A, and his sweatpants black with white piping.

With Wanda's door cracked, he catches the sound of...cello music, of all things, beneath what sounds like a conversation. Ah, guests. He frowns as he picks out one particular voice he's mildly surprised to hear (that of Lorna), and it pings the recent memory of learning about the relation between the princess of Genosha and the Witch -- and there's Pietro, it's one big family gathering.

A light knock-knock of knuckles on the door and Steve leans into it, opening it enough to make himself readily apparent. "Just wanted to say hello," says he, smiling mildly.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff motions over to her classical guitar. "If you'd like to take it up, Lorna... or take it up again, Pietro, I'd love the accompaniment," she says. "And no steel strings. Just the tuning pegs and frets I imagine." Though Lorna could tell better than Wanda of the guitar sitting nearby on the stand.

Wanda goes back to playing just in time to hear the knock from the door. "Steve, you're always welcome. Come in," she tells him. "At least you don't phase through walls. Vision was bad enough. Now apparently Pietro can do it too," she says, flashing a grin at her brother.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow as she considered Pietro, "Well, Atlantis isn't human per say anyways Pietro. So who knows at this rate?" She snorted and leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs as she did so. At the suggestion that she pick up the guitar, Lorna made a face and shook her head. Her manicured hands lifting up in a sheepish manner as she waved away her older sister's suggestion.

"Oh no. Nope. You definitely do //not// want to hear me play anything. It's been years and I don't remember any of the chords." She murmured, glancing over her shoulder at the knock on the door. Her eyebrows knitted together at the sight of Captain America, Steve Rogers... standing in the doorway.

And just like that Lorna's posture changed, her more sulk slump straightening minutely as she sat up and watched her sister and Steve from her position. Whatever form of 'relaxed' irritation Lorna had previously shown, it was well shoved down and ignored at the sight of someone not related to her.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda as she seems to wish for accompaniment in terms of song. "If you wish..." Pietro sighs, looking at the guitar as he picks it up and tries to strum a few chords as he tunes it. He remembers that much at least. "I can't do it as easily. Takes time. Focus. Can't even do it while running." Pietro seems to snarl a bit at that part. But then he looks at Steve as he enters.


And thats all he gets in greeting. Then he turns his head to Lorna. "Wanda could always teach you again."

Captain America has posed:
Taking up an easy lean on the doorframe, Steve slips his hands into his pants-pockets. His regard slips from person to person to person within the room. He takes the relative temperature and finds he's likely intruding in the slightest. A mental note is made to not linger overlong.

"Haven't figured out how to phase through walls yet," he agrees quietly. His eyes land on the cello briefly and then flick to the acoustic guitar. "If I'd known we were putting together an impromptu band, I'd've brought my Fender."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gives Pietro a slow nod. "I suppose just waiting for the strings to vibrate enough must be a bit of a frustration," she comments to him, "If you have your perceptions amped up at the time."

She smiles back to Steve as he comes inside. "Feel free to grab something from the fridge," she tells him. The room is a big open layout, the kitchen island just by itself with the tile around it and the kitchen counters.

Wanda smiles as she looks down at the cello. "Picked this up at a little antique shop that Josh and I stopped in. I've always loved the sound of them," she says. "We'll definitely have to have a little jam session. Does Janet play anything?" she asks. Wanda motions to Lorna, "You remember our sister, I imagine?" she asks. "I was letting her know I'll be heading to Atlantis soon for the Hook investigation."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed Pietro a look as he suggested that Wanda teach her how to play the guitar again. She barely restrained herself from rolling her eyes, but only just. Her stood up, shaking her head instead. "I don't have time to learn guitar, and I highly doubt that Wanda has time to teach me in between saving the world and rescuing kittens stuck in trees. Not everyone is as fast as you Pietro." She flashed her older siblings a smile as she stood up.

Steve's comment that he had a guitar earned a raised eyebrow in surprise.

"You play?" She asked, glancing toward Wanda as if for confirmation that this was fact and not just a joke.

The green haired woman's phone dinged and she repressed a sigh, "I'm going to have to deal with that. I'll be right back Wanda. Pietro, you should stick around and we could do dinner or something."

Her gaze swung back to Captain America and she offered a polite smile and nod as Wanda reintroduced her. "Hey, sorry I gotta dash. I'd like to talk to you sometime if you've ever got the time."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda. "You have no idea." He shrugs a little bit but then he seems to smile at Wanda a bit. "A jam session would be nice, though I cannot say I would be any good at it." He looks over at Lorna. "If you want." Then to Captain America, Pietro raises a brow. "I would hope not, otherwise you wouldn't be Captain America, you'd be a guy who could phase through walls. You play?" Pietro looks almost surprised at this.

Either way, he watches Lorna leave, before he looks at Wanda. He still seems...concerned.

Captain America has posed:
"Thanks, I might." The Captain does consider the fridge; exercise does burn calories, after all. "Janet plays the drums, believe it or not." His smile is fond if muted, given his tendency towards stoicism. His eyes shift to Lorna and he nods in silent greeting at her, letting the dip of his head hold in silent acknowledgement of her royal status.

"I do play the guitar, yes, both acoustic and electric," he informs her before stepping further into the room -- no need to block the doorway with broad shoulders and all. "You're welcome to contact me at any time. Wanda or Pietro can pass along word if need be." He watches her go and glances back over to the siblings aforementioned.

"I ended up learning how to play to control my strength. Back when I first had the serum injected into me, I broke everything I touched. Practicing an instrument helped me gain better reflex control," he tells Pietro. "You're going to visit Atlantis again though?"

This he asks of Wanda even as he finds a spare chair in the room and plops down.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles to her sister as Lorna departs. The smile is given to her brother then. "It isn't about good it's about having fun," she tells him. She picks back up the song. It's the cello equivalent of Mary Had a Little Lamb. But even a simple song sounds good on the instrument.

Wanda gives Steve a small nod. "The meeting we had... it ended with Arthur agreeing to allow a team of medical staff, and myself, to visit their Royal Hospital to work on a cure. Given how his chief magister reacted, and that they are limiting those with magical senses allowed to myself, I suspect there is going to be a bit to see there beyond our type of medicine. Though really I just care about finding a way to cure those addicted to the drug."

War Machine has posed:
     Out from the hallway peaks in a familiar face. The good man he is Rhodes shoots a sly comment right at the moment of discussion of guitar. He holds one hand on the doorway stopping in the midst of his stride.

     "The keytaur is better" Before letting go of the wall his hand used to push himself off the wall as he gets ready to head back off down the way. "Gets the ladies every time, trust me." A pause to play air keytaur for a moment

     He's dressed in combat fatigues the sort of desert military uniform that tells pretty clearly where he's been. The man's got his cap on and his full silver bird on the upper shoulder to show him as a Colonel.

     "Trust me growing up it was the coolest thing you could play." A pause as he notices the royalty heading out on their own a light tip of his military cap.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda before he plays along with her. the medley is surprsingly good with the twins harmonizing together. But his attention falls upon James as he arrives. "Rhodey." Pietro says with familiarity, giving the fellow a nod. "Keytaur? I am unfamiliar." But then he looks at Steve, shaking his head a bit in a 'of course you do' kind of way.

"I was going to go with Wanda..but she denied me. Part of me ewants to go anyway."

Captain America has posed:
Steve nods as he listens to Wanda explain what has occurred since his own brief visit with the monarch of Atlantis. "Good diplomacy there. Keep us paged on it."

Rhodey's arrival and commentary is enough to make the Captain snort. With a lazy fold of his ears and dance of his eyebrows upwards, he replies to the airman, "'bout ninety-nine percent sure a keytar is going to make the ladies giggle these days, Rhodey." He dimples to one side of his mouth as he imagines briefly the expression on Janet's face if he ever showed up playing one: it's amusing, to say the least.

Pietro gets a glance of minor sympathy. The blond super-soldier lifts up a hand from his bicep as if to accent his gentle comment: "'s'not on me to step in 'nd dictate here. If it helps, talk about the pros and cons. If it's about protecting one another, that's a conversation between you two. You're both fully capable of holding your own."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff doesn't seem familiar with the instrument either. "It isn't what they use to play... what is the video game, with the guitar? Rock Star? Something like that?" wanda asks. She has no experience with video games at all, practically. It was probably impressive she came up with the amount she did there.

Wanda reaches over to pat Pietro. "It isn't my choice, that's what the Atlanteans will allow us," she says. Wanda waves Rhodey further inside the room. "Nice to see you, James," she tells him. "There are sodas, beer, iced tea, juice, in the fridge if you want to grab something," she offers before starting up another song.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes grabs onto where his heart is atop the uniform of his. He looks mock hurt by what he's hearing. His jaw hangs slightly open.

     "I expected so much more out of you cap." A moment to wipe the tear away from his eye as he moves back to lean on the frame of the door.

     "Take an electric piano, or keyboard right?" He holds up one hand. "Now make it a guitar." He slaps his other hand onto the first one. "Trust me back in the 90's?" he slides his hand across from one side to the other. "Nothing cooler you could do."

     He offers a friendly full mouth smile only just getting a small glimpse into the conversation. Finally when invited he comes further into the room revealing that he's not exactly geared up for a simple picnic in his uniform but looks ready for a full on combat tour.

     He grabs a cold one from the stack cracking it open. Taking in a long sniff of the air from the can he downs a bit of the contents his rifle still slung over his back. "You know I think Atlantis is one of the only places Tony's shenanigans haven't drug me yet." He pauses for a moment just placing one hand into the pocket of his uniform while sipping away at the beer.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Steve. "I'm aware." Pietro says to Cap with narrowed eyes before he looks at Wanda even as she pats him. He shifts an arm to wrap around her shoulders, giving her a hug if she allows. "I know. But I don't like this idea. Your in a place that I can't get to you easily. I wish it was on the surface..." because Atlantis is DEEP beneath the seas. Pretty good place for Pietro to never get into. Either way, he looks over at Rhodey. "Give it a few, it always happens." he shakes his head as well at the explanation of this amazing instrument.

But then Pietro stands up. "I'm going to go now." and ZOOM.

Within the blink of an eye, he's long gone.

Captain America has posed:
A blink indeed and the room is sans speedster. Steve glances over at the door where it swings from being touched, on its way to closing, and sighs to himself. "Rhodey's got a point. It's pretty closed off down there. We'd have to pull a stunt to get to you if trouble cropped up," he says to the Witch. The Avengers leader isn't one to idly fret either.

A turn of his head on the pillowed backing of the chair towards Rhodey is accompanied by another small smirk, however. "Still haven't convinced me it's a cool instrument."

War Machine has posed:
     "Hate when they do that." Said as Rhodes grabs back onto his hat the moment that it's kicked right off from his head. He balances that hand for a moment holding the cap at arms length as the wind clears out.

     "Getting better though." Said as he tosses his hat right back firmly onto his dome hiding back away his marine corp cut. "I wouldn't be much help on an undersea mission myself."

     He stops with a bit of a far off look in his eyes before chuckling it off. "Last time I tried to go toe to toe with an undersea creature I wound up washing ashore in greenland." He shakes his head. "Suit aint entirely what one would call waterproof."

     The hat goes off again to point at Rogers. "You might not think it Rogers, but back in the day that keytar was almost as attractive to women as the drums." He pauses a moment redonning the hat again. "And that's saying a lot." A low pause. "Though last time I played it Tony was still rocking the mullet."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff flashes a soft smile to the two men. "Well, then it sounds like we have a regular band ready to form up," Wanda comments to them. The cello is definitely new, no one having heard it before. But her classical guitar most everyone would be aware she has by now. It's one of those things she turns to when the world seems to be getting to her.

Captain America has posed:
"Tony once wore a mullet...?"

Alright, that's apparently a golden tidbit of information for all it garners nearly the totality of Steve's attention. He even turns in the chair to better face Rhodey, his smile a thing of incredulous delight. "I call bunk. No way the man wore a mullet. You got pictures of this somewhere?"

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes offers a bright smile as he leads back against the wall. "Even if I did." He kicks back a swig from his can. "Sharing that kind of top secret Intel would violate the bro code." The smirk moving to more of a smile as he looks back over towards the chello.

     "Trust me, you can spit in the wind and tug on superman's cape but lord knows you don't violate the bro code." Setting the can down to one side he falls that smile back down to a smirk. "Besides if it wound up on TMZ Tony would kill me."

Captain America has posed:
Steve outstretches his arms from their fold, scoffing. "Rhodey -- as if I'd be the one to leak it onto TMZ. 'sides...if there's one thing I've learned living in these modern times, you can't scrub things from the Internet. It's somewhere out there." He grins, expression impish in a markedly rare showing. "I'll dig it up. I'm patient."

A sigh follows, however, and he rubs at his neck beneath his ear, eyes downcast to the side. Faded in intensity, his smile, and he squints now. "Janet's always been more impressed with the Fender than even the acoustic guitar," he reveals to the airman, glancing up at him again. "Dunno that you could convince her the keytar's cool. Y'know? I'd like to see that." There's the ghost of an impish grin again. "You convince Janet the keytar's cool, I'll take back my heel-dragging."

War Machine has posed:
     "You can't." Rhodes points to cap. "And I can't." He points to himself. "But this is a man who bought a car company because they didn't make one in the color he wanted."

     Rhodes laughs for a moment to himself. "If anyone can scrub something off the internet it's Tony." A flashes another grin of those white teeth his kit proping him up somewhat.

     "All joking aside I haven't touched the keytar in years cap." He goes for another swig of cool refreshing beer. "It does have a good sound though, think I've still got one locked up back at the apartment." He thumbs over his shoulder. "Presuming Lilia hasn't managed to tear it apart yet, I could give a try for it."

     "Might take a lot of talking and bribery to make it happen though."

Captain America has posed:
"I'll ask Pepper," the Captain mutters under his breath with a snort. "She's sure to have something if I ask nicely enough." Because Tony might be able to scrub things from the Internet, but Potts has enough blackmail on him to last for decades.

"Given you still haven't convinced me it's a cool instrument, it'll be on you to break it out. We've got Parker's birthday coming up soon here -- tomorrow? The day after. Still have to figure out something for him myself, but you could serenade him?"

War Machine has posed:
     "Now that's just playing dirty." Rhodes says right into his can of beer. He takes another long sip of the contents just downing the rest of the can before tossing it back into the can across the room.

     "Tell you what, I'll show up in my old band gear with the keytar, and show you the keytar is the coolest instrument." Spoken with a deadpan certainty that cracks up somewhat as he just smiles broadly. "Oh I hope Lilia broke it." A light chuckle moving through those lips. "Show everyone the power of the keytar."