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Latest revision as of 21:13, 27 August 2019

Date of Scene: 19 August 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Megan and Rahne do a little window shopping and girl bonding
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Wolfsbane

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hadn't really explored Mutant town much..Aside from a brief glimpse into Club Evolution (translation: stumbling into Samuel and his mermaid date), stumbling into a fight between some drugg dealers and an enraged Illy, and a quick fieldtrip. She'd been warned of the dangers of wandering around here on her own, and so she had somehow talked Rahne into joining her on an outing. Because she was still determined to find a cute outfit to wear to Dazzler's next big show, and to hopefully impress her. "So!" she quips cheerfully as she walks alongside Rahne, "Where do you figure the best (and hopefully non-creepy) mall would be, in this town?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Just how Wolfsbane got roped into this, she's still trying to figure out. To put it lightly, she has never been a paragon of fashion tips. There's that one outfit that doubles as a costume, but it was something she got mostly as a lark, because she just liked what she saw and was overly curious about it.

That doesn't mean she won't try to help Megan find something. They are from the same side of 'the pond' and probably share a few things in common, and Rahne's recently learned both of them are on a 'hit list' for their involvement in fighting back against Hook. They're going to have to look out for each other, especially in Mutant Town. Anyone could be looking for that bounty on them if they caught word of it.

"If I'm being honest, this is a wee bit new for me as well," she tells Megan, having dressed down to plain clothes along with limiting the wolfen features. That might not make a whole lot of difference considering Pixie's own appearance, but time will tell how safe they are or not. "Just..be verra careful. Ye've heard about us being on tha' list, aye?"

Pixie has posed:
Okaaay, so Mutant Town isn't the best place to be if you're on a hitlist in the same neighborhood (Thanks a lot Illy!) Buuut, Megan is determined to make this town safe for mutants, and she's also determined to make Club Evolution safe too. And let's not forget her biggest idol of all time does regular performances here too! She's gotta make this place safe for the Dazzler too!

Fortunately, she doesn't have to do this alone. At least Pixie is doing what she can to blend in, dressed in a grey hoodie with bright green accents, the hood pulled over her pink hair, and black jeans and stylish green sneakers on her feet. Sadly, it's hard to hide her wings under her clothing, without bending them or making them look plain weird and uncomfortable under her clothes. They flutter freely through her hoodie, now a pink tinged greyish hue as they walk along.

"Don't worry, I've got this covered! They don't dare mess with the Pixie, not after we handed their asses to them the other day!" well okay..They didn't bag all of them, only a few but.. "She peers around at the stores that they pass by, doing a little window shopping. "So like, is it just strip malls or have you been to any actual indoor malls around here? They'd feel a bit safer.."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's eyes were on constant alert, sweeping the area as they make their way down a side street off the main street that runs through the neighborhood, the one that gets the most traffic. It also helps the wolfen mutant stay away from being too close to her apartment building. Staying there grew more dangerous once the list came out, but she's determined not to let it push her back to the mansion right away. She does not want to be intimidated out of an area that's supposed to be for people like her.

"Truthfully, I've no' seen any actual malls around here. I think ye'd have tae go away from Mutant Town tae find one. There are some shops tha' have different things, though ye have tae watch oot tha' ye dinna go intae one tha' might be, ah, more than ye're expecting," she explains, trying to put it in a gently careful manner. There are some places fit for the general public, some not.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn seems to be more lax about all of this than Rahne, perhaps because she simply hasn't been exposed to as many dangerous situations as her more experienced team mate. Still, she does glance around every so often, her senses alert, but more casually than Rahne. "Darn..That's too bad. They really should get some good malls in here. And arcades too. I hear they're making a comeback in some trendy retro places." she grins, pausing by another window, peering in. Looks like a little consignment store. Probably not a lot of expensive department stores around here. "Wow, this place looks pretty quaint. Wonder if they have any flashy outfits. Wanna take a look see?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
When someone else might be even more naive to potential trouble than Wolfsbane, that's pretty naive. Or, perhaps it's just that Megan hasn't had reason to be as wary. Of the two, Rahne can let her senses do the heavy lifting for both of them. It's not as if they don't have their own abilities to help defend themselves. "I'm no' sure there's space for a real mall unless they tore doon a couple blocks, an' then they'd need parking as well," she murmurs, shaking her head. "I've never really been in an arcade." Stopping at the place Megan's spotted, she stuffs her hands into the pockets of the jeans she's wearing and adds, "This may be as good a place as any." She gets the door.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles cheerfully, blissfully unaware of her own naievty as she skips into the store. "Soo, Rahne, what's your style? Something a little more natural looking?" she holds up a suede vest in front of her. "Me? I like bright an' cheerful colors, pinks and greens and electric blue. I want something super special so I can totally impress Dazzler..Maybe she needs a backup singer for her band..That'd be cool!" she looks this way and that, sifting through clothes. They're fairly cheap and some of them are actually pretty nice.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I'm..no' entirely sure. I've never really had much o' a fashion sense," the wolfen mutant, who's currently not looking too wolfen, admits as she rubs one of hear ears. Within the place, however, she lets a little more of her natural preference out and that means some fuzz, a pointed tip to the ears. "I did like this because th' colors make me think o' trees an' forests," she says of her current outfit, "though it took me some time tae get used tae th' material." To be sure, leather was a definite change for her, a shift away from more modest threads. So, Megan may be on to something with her preferences. "Ye can have th' brighter colors," she adds with a half-smile.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins, "Well that's too bad. Good thing you have Pixie here to steer you straight! Yeah, I guess you're more into oganic colors and stuff right? Lemme see what I can find.." she sifts and searches for some clothes, mostly loose fitting, outdoorsy natural colors like khaki pants, and beige shirts and a green dress. Stuff that is practical but pretty and stylish too. "Alright. I got some stuff for myself too. Here, why don't you try these on and tell me what you think, and I'll do the same?" she says as she leads them towards the fitting rooms. "This will be super fun!"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"It's sort o' whit I've felt I've liked th' most, aye," Wolfsbane says of the more natural colors. She's never worn much of the more garish colors, the pastels, the pinks, the brighter ones. It's been a more subdued look overall, even if the style might be adventurous. "Part o' th' reason I dinna change whit I have verra often is muh costume can change wi' me so I dinna have tae worry about undressing every time I shift, or ruining muh clothes." She accepts what Megan's scrounged up so far, however, nodding as the first round of sampling the clothes commences.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles. "Oh that's right. Because you still have a lot of wolf in you, right? I mean..You're probably not used to wearing a lot of clothing, just being part of nature and what not. Kinda like, I dunno, Jill of the Jungle?" she laughs, shaking her head. "To be honest, I dont know a whole lot about you, but I'd like to. I think it's neat that you're b asically a werewolf or something." she makes a face. "Ah darn, that's gotta be a pain, having your clothes tear every time you transform. I mean, for me, I always have these wings in the way so I always have to make holes in the backs of my clothes, and wear shorts under skirts. It can be a pain too, in other ways.."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane shakes her head a few times. "Most people would call me a werewolf, but I'm just a shapeshifter tha' happens tae be able tae turn intae a wolf," she explains, adding, "It'd be like..th' same thing if it was a tiger, or a hawk, or something like tha'." She does nod, admitting, "Sometimes there are some instincts in muh head tha' are stronger, though. But I dinna usually like tae just go around in next tae nothing. It's no' proper." She speaks while working on getting changed into a couple things Megan grabbed for her to try, then she says, "Aye, for ye..it must be more difficult wi' yuir wings always there."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn chuckles, "Hey, I think it's cool, whatever you call it. I mean, I love nature, being a part of nature, being free of the confines of society. It must be so...Liberating! I wish I could get out of the city more and in touch with nature, honestly. Heey, maybe we could organize a camping trip sometime? That would be fun!" she beams, grabbing her own clothes and heading for the fitting rooms, "Alright, let's see how these look! I looove dressing up for parties! Or just about any other occasion.."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"It'd be a bad thing if I didna like nature after this," Wolfsbane confesses, still more out of sight than not. "But..aye, I do like tae go off intae th' woods a' times an' just be there for a while. Noo tha' I moved tae Mutant Town, I'm no' sure whit I'm gaunae do wi' tha', if I'll have tae come back tae Xavier's just tae clear muh head sometimes, or if maybe I can find some space in Central Park. I dunno yet. But, camping would be nice." Soon, she'll be stepping back out in the first of what Megan selected.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, vanishing into one of the fitting rooms, reappearing a few moments later in a short white summer dress with a flouncy skirt, adorned in hundreds of small pink and purple flowers. With her wings she looks like a perfect little fairy and she giggles and twirls, striking a pose. "How do I look?" she exclaims excitedly, enjoying the feel of the soft material against her skin. Too bad summer is almost at an end.

She ponders what Rahne had said, biting her lip. "Hmmm, I do like nature, maybe I'm really a fairy and not a mutant at all. I love flowers and plants. Maybe I'll start my own little garden, or ask Ororo about hers." there is central park too, and she nods, "Hey we should totally go there too! I am curious though, why did you move to mutant town in the first place? I mean, it's not exactly a savory place, you know? And so far away from the others.."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane comes back out in the pants and shirt, head tilting as she looks down at herself with uncertainty before considering Megan. "Ye look..cute," she determines, offering a brief smile. "An' I think we're all mutants, even if ye do look more like a fairy a' times wi' th' wings an' all."

She does obviously share the love of nature, but when the question is popped she rubs the back of her neck. "Honestly? I'm no' really sure I fit in around Xavier's any more. I miss some people already, but I dinna think I'm cut oot tae be an advisor or one o' th' X-Men, an' I've been feeling like I was just sort o' there wi' nae direction. A' least here, I think I can help people more closely than if I'm always back in th' mansion."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and strikes a pose. "Thanks! I love this outfit, it's soo much fun!" she spins around, causing the skirt to twirl like flower petals around her. "Yeaaah, maybe. Except that I can use magic too, like a fairy..But I suppose that's more to do with Illy doing..Whatever she did to me in limbo.." she pouts at the memory.

As for Xavier's, she arches a brow, "Really? Don't fit in? How come? You're a mutant, and a New Mutant, you've got friends, allies there, and you've always been v ery helpful and supportive of others, haven't you? I mean, I kinda like hanging around with you, like on that fieldtrip, you were super helpful.." she shrugs, "But I understand if you're just finding your way. So am I! I hope to spend more time in mutant town to help people out here, and hopefully we can hang out more too!"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I dinna really understand magic, but I can see why ye'd be, ah, well...ye know, about Limbo," Wolfsbane answers, stumbling over a few of her words. Illyana, like the others, would be considered a friend, but there's still that darker side Rahne has never felt truly comfortable with being around. A literal hellscape being part of it? Still scary. She avoids asking more about that.

In fact, in spite of Megan's joy over the clothing search, the Scottish mutant still looks and sounds more subdued than not. "Would ye believe even wi' all th' people there, I've been feeling more alone? I've never shared many o' th' same interests others have, an' I didna grow up wi' any friends. I made some here, but there have been so many bad things going on lately I just want tae run away from it all an' stay safe if I can."

Leaving Xavier's even if it's just to split some time in Mutant Town wouldn't seem to mesh with that, but who can say exactly what her thought process is? "I try tae be a good friend, but I worry I canna live up tae some o' th' standards others have. I often find muhself having trouble accepting some o' how people have changed." As growth comes, some handle it better than others. It seems she's struggled with it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, shaking her head. The darkness in her soul isn't as great as that of Illy's, but it's still there, gnawing at her from time to time, making her feel uncomfortable. Megan doesn't want to dwell on it now though, and she just laughs. "Heh, it's okay..I'll figure it out.." she does reach out to rest a reassuring hand on Rahne's arm. "I guess I know how that is. to be honest, I grew up an only child, dad died when I was young. And even at Xavier's, I've never been real close to anyone. But, maybe we can be friends, help each other out. I wanna explore mutant town more myself and you know, sometimes helping others makes you feel good." she sighs, "I guess people change all the time, I feel like i'm always changing and it's scary but I guess that's human, or mutant..Nature?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I hope ye do," Wolfsbane says with a note of regret and even sorrow. To imagine something happening in Limbo with one's very soul is..difficult for her. The touch to her arm draws a brief nod and a thin smile. She's in a bit of a shell, but with some time and effort it might crack a bit. "Maybe next time I'll tell ye a little more about how it was for me as a wee girl. For noo, let's just go find some more things we can try oot while we're here." A nod of understanding follows the talk of how helping others can make one feel. No doubt that's part of the reason behind the move, given some of the issues residents of Mutant Town face.

"An'..aye. Change is everywhere, but no' all o' it is easy tae deal wi'. Maybe it just takes more time for some o' it," she supposes, rubbing the back of her neck along with an ear until she spots a few other things. "Let's see how these look." Off they go for more.