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Oooh, shiny..
Date of Scene: 07 October 2017
Location: A slum in northern Metropolis
Synopsis: Origami and Pixie find a burning building... that shouldn't be able to burn. Magical Hijinks Ensue.
Cast of Characters: Origami, Pixie

Origami has posed:
Back in a run down slum, a small building has started burning. Not at all unusual! Except that the fire is pinging magic senses. Which is.. a bit more unusual. The slum building actually went before the fire department could even arrive, and by the time anybody shows up, it is collapsing into a pile of debris, and still in flames. Which is very odd, for a BRICK building...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't go to slums generally. She grew up in a smaller place, and now goes to school int he suburbs. But she's flying over the city, when she sees some odd colors. Yes, flying is nice. So the casually-dressed freshly-graduated student zooms on down toward what she's seeing, getting a better look at the fire. She squints as the oddities become more apparent, the closer she gets.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore is soaring this way from a different direction, riding on top of a yellow paper airplane on lined paper like the ones you threw in elementary school! She stays pretty low, swoops in, and touches down, flying carpet style, on the street in front of the house.

She rubs some hand lotion onto her hand and looks around the scene. "Wait. Is that bricks?" She looks at the building and screws up her face a bit, squinting. "Smells like a library fire." She glances around and frowns, reaching into her bag and pulling out a square sheet of paper. it creases almost by itself as she folds it into a shape, then lightly tosses it on the ground where it grows, turns grey and expands into the shape of a large geometric folded paper elephant, which stomps forward to move the car left abandoned in front of the nearest fire hydrant.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is startled when the other person arrives, and in such an odd way. She's left hovering in mid-air, before then coming in behind Miyako. Not saying anything just now, but seeing this elephant(!?) show up, she bites her lip, and waits to see what's going on next. This could be the person who CAUSED the fire, someone trying to PUT IT OUT, or anything in between. Best not to rush in.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore crinkles her nose, rubbing more lotion into her hands as the elephant finishes moving the car out of the way of the fire hydrant. Once that's done, it suddenly shrinks down to a small folded piece of crumpled paper and falls on the street.

She pulls out a large radio and talks into it. "Origami here at the Smith Street fire. There's something weird, the bricks are on fire I don't know why? Something smells funny. I moved a car so you can get to the hydrant. Over." She winces and flexes her scarred and ruined fingers a bit, then looks around, and up. She blinks and waves cautiously, "Do you know what happened here? Bricks aren't supposed to burn?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn gets enough to decide that this person isn't any trouble. "Origami," she repeats, coming to land near Miyako. "Hello. I um, no, I don't think bricks are supposed to burn. What is this building, and do we know if anyone is in there?" She'll then start to fly up again to see if she can see an answer to either question.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore looks back. "I don't know, it looks like a slum apartment - Maybe bad wiring, maybe arson for insurance money, except brick buildings aren't supposed to burn like that? I don't know if anybody is inside.. it's already collapsing though, I don't know how to find out. I was waiting for the firemen, but... Burning bricks?!?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn presumably doesn't see anyone trying to get out, and then comes back down to land again. "Oh goodness. Maybe the reason nobody's in there is that there was a spill or an accident, and that's what's on fire?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore hmms.. "Maybe! There are fire trucks coming, but they are probably just going to make sure the fire doesn't spread after that report, until we can find out if there is any accelerant or toxics." She reaches into her bag and slides a sheet of paper out that she rapidly works between her fingers, folding along creases that weren't there before. "I'm going to take a quick look around.."

Miyako lightly tosses the resulting figure up in the air, where it becomes colorful and bright, a large angular folded butterfly the size of a cat, which flutters toward the house. She stands still, eyes glazed.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does have certain powers. And even a little bit of magic she can control now. But it doesn't seem like any of it is particularly relevant to this. "If we had a hose I could probably lift it up over the fire myself now... but I don't suppose you could fold one of those up, the way you're folding up everything else."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore sits glazed, then suddenly jumps and blinks, a couple seconds after a strange spark from the house. "The fire jumped up and bit me! Fires aren't supposed to do that!" She shakes her head some. "Huh? Um.. The engines can get everything here with the hoses, I just don't know what the fire THING is. There's.. less fire now, but.." She gestures confusedly and starts walking toward the building. "Do you do anything other than fly? What do I call you?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn squints and looks between Miyako, and the fire. "Are you saying the fire is alive?" She says softly. "I'm Megan... and I have a weird idea. If you think a... confused fire might be better than an angry one?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore frowns, thinks, and shrugs. "Hi Megan! Uhm... Maybe? I don't know if it's angry, or if it's just.. lost or something? It was a ball of fire about as big as a.. watermelon, with eyes. Something smelled like.. magic. But I couldn't tell what, and well... paper and fires."

A ball of fire jumps from one flaming part of the building over to a peacefully smoldering part, lighting it impossibly ablaze, and spins back and forth with big wide glowy jack-o-lantern-ish eyes.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs. "Well, there's one thing I can try. I really doubt it can make anything worse..." She hops and gets into the air, trying to get OVER the ball of fire. Once overhead, she shakes her wings, and a rainbow spray of dust comes falling down on and over it, before she flies back toward Miyako. The dust will have a pleasing effect on most people and animals, but a ball of fire? Who knows.

Origami has posed:
The fireball starts bouncing around in circles, spinning around, then burrows into the bricks a bit. And apparently burns an electrical wire, which starts sparking. Around the corner, a fire truck pulls into view and starts pulling up to the sidewalk at the hydrant.

Origami scratches her head a bit. "That's.. something? Ohhh, why isn't the electricity already off! It's supposed to be off." She facepalms a bit. "It's kind of cute, but it doesn't belong here!" She crinkles her nose again. "And it's not where the book smell is from." She points over at the part of the building it was in before.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn goes up into the air as the fire trucks are approaching, directing them to where to go, where the hydrant is, and all of that. Just making sure they don't have to waste anymore time than necessary. Then returning to Miyako again. "Doesn't belong here? Where would a thing like that belong?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore frowns. "I don't know? I don't know much about magic yet.. I just know what it smells like." She starts picking her way over the rocks toward the place where the fires are dying down, carefully. "I mean - I USE it, but nobody TAUGHT me anything.. I just touch the paper and I know." She reaches in and pulls out a sheet of square paper, holding it lightly and frowning. "It's burning things, so it needs to go somewhere else. I don't know why it's HERE."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn takes a deep breath. "I don't know what to do about this. Can you... lure it out? I wouldn't even know, off the top of my head how to deal with something like this. I'd need help... some way to learn about it..."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore frowns. "Well, it chomped my butterfly.." She folds and sets the paper figure on the ground.. where it grows into a green paper turtle, which goes trudging along towards the fireball. "What do you need to know about it?" She tilts her head and looks at the burny spot it vacated.

She considers.. "That fire is almost out.. I'm going to see if I can put it out in there. Maybe there's something that makes sense?" She pulls out another sheet of paper and starts folding it into a flower, furrowing her brow a bit. "Hmmm, how to do this.."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn purses her lips. "I feel very useless right now... if my dust had any effect on it at all, it should at least be in a good mood right now. But maybe... it's hungry? Maybe it can be lured out with more than just pieces of paper... but something bigger, flammable."

Origami has posed:
The fireball hops out of the hole and jumps on the turtle, which lights on fire and slowly burns up, shrinking down to a pile of ash. It sits there on the ashes looking like a candle flame in a pile of rocks, lighting a few bricks on fire, and looks around blinking.

Miyako folds a flower, which immediately turns blue, and lightly tosses it in the hole. "Icey in the hole!" She takes a step back then stumbles because bricks aren't good to try to move quickly on and ends up sitting suddenly. After a moment, she rolls over on her stomach and huddles a bit.


Whirling snowflakes and mist flies from the hole briefly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn notices that the person doing magic is moving away. So she moves... up, and out of the way. Watching, she winces when there's a big change. "Goodness..."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn looks down at Miyako. "Good job cooling off the building? But now what do we do about that thing? It doesn't seem to be affected by much of anything."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore uhms.. "Maybe there's something in the building where it came out of? I know it smells like magic there, I just don't know what yet. I'm worried that someone will splash the fire and get it angry or something - I don't know what it can do."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn wrinkles her nose. "Smells like magic? But.. is it even safe to go in there? Isn't the whole building collapsing?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore blinks, "Well.. THAT part isn't! I only see fire close to that fireball now. And you can fly, I can't do that like you can. It's open on top, nothing will fall on you.. I don't know if it will hold my weight though."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks and nods. "Alright.. . I can... look at that part. Because being able to fly doesn't make me immune to falling hunks of concrete." She then takes off, goes over the building, and lowers herself into the aforementioned hole. "As far as I know I don't know how to detect magic... but I'll see what I can see."

Origami has posed:
The place the fireball came from looks like a part of the building that collapsed and fell sideways. It's a room that is now on its side; living room furniture lies burned against the wall that is now the floor. The sun shines in through the hole that was once the outside wall.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does her best to call out. "IT's apparently a living room. That collapsed or something. This seems really bad, good thing nobody was inside."

Origami has posed:
There are waves of warmth coming from a half-burned open closet nearby, just past a hole burned through a floor. Wall. Whatever. There are ice crystals in the shelving that is visible from a distance, so it shouldn't still be burning, but for some reason.. it feels hot. And weird, the heat doesn't feel natural, but you just couldn't put your finger on why.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn winces. "I'm not even sure I want to touch anything, in case things collapse even worse." But she does her best to fly around a bit. The closet seems warm. "Oh god is there still a fire here?" She uses her foot to try to open up the closet, biting her lip.

Origami has posed:
At first glance.. there is a fire!
At second glance.. is.. is that a PAINTING of a fire? An animated one? A sheet of charred and singed paper, slightly curled, has some sort of ink symbols on it, but the middle is dominated by a jaggedly bordered scene of flames leaping and jumping over an alien Kirbyscape of floating lava rocks, with the flames all angled differently than the paper is laying at. The fires pop and spark and glow, lighting up the closet.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn takes a deep breath, and yanks her foot away once she sees fire. But then it's not. "T here's a really weird panting in here... think you can come look at this? You seem to know more about magic than I do..."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore looks down. "I don't know if I can get there! You're up in the air. Wait, let me send a figurine.." She moves back away from the edge. After a couple of seconds, another origami butterfly flutters down beside you. It talks in Miyako's voice, "..Weird! It's.. It's paper, it can't hurt me. I'm going to get it out of here." The butterfly grasps it in its tiny feet and slowly carries the paper up into the air toward the exit.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip. "I'm glad you can touch it," she laughs. She at least uses her foot to try to hold the door open, making sure it won't hit the butterfly. Helping as she can, before then following behind. "I can fly, but I'm not fireproof," she laughs.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore-butterfly says, "And you can do that.. dusty thing! And I don't know what else. You smell different." It flutters slowly up into the air and lands next to Miyako, then shrinks back to a crumpled piece of paper next to her.

Miyako blinks, then looks down at the paper and runs her fingers over it. "It's hot.. it's a.. hole? Well, sort've.. It goes to this place." She looks up at you. "How long is that dust going to last?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn wriggles her hand. "WEll it's fairy dust. It doesn't' follow rules. For some people it doesn't last long, for others hours. It's small, so we can hope it lasts hours?" She blinks and comes around to try to look more closely at the paper. "It's a hole? Is it too obvious to think that's where this thing came from, and needs to go back to?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore uhms, "Obvious works an awful lot! Do you have any ideas how to get the fire thingy in the paper again? I mean, it's slow going for me to get across all this rubble.."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip. Taking a slow, deep breath, she looks from the paper, to the fire thing, and back. "Can you just... put it down there, near by? As sort of a... not a trap but, like, an invitation?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore says, "Well.. I guess!" She gets a sheet of paper out and folds, making a bat that carries the paper over. It flaps and lands, setting the picture down, and is immediately pounced on by the fireball! Which then lands on the picture and falls through the hole into the scene.

Miyako blinks. "That was, uh... That was a lot easier than I thought it would be."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs. "Hooray I helped a tiny bit!" She then looks to Miyako. "You did most of the work. You're the real hero here. All I did was fly around and look stupid. Good work."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore uhms.. "You calmed that fireball down, too! And I don't know if I would have found that thing without you. I really appreciate all your help! That and you look really cool. Maybe we can hang out sometime?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles "I'll... take your word for that. I couldn't tell anything about this. I just tried a crazy idea. And uh, sure. I live north of the city but I do come down for clubs and things. Where do you live?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore ummms.. and frowns some. "I just sort of stay with different fire departments. I haven't got a favorite yet, because they aren't really *supposed* to let me live there, you know? So they're still figuring that part out. My home burned down. I've got a phone number, if THAT helps, or you can ask at a fire station, and they can USUALLY figure out where I am.."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn purses her lips. "Fire departments... huh. Oh goodness, I'm so sorry. Well that works." She pauses a moment, wondering about parents, before deciding not to delve into that. "Well.. maybe we'll figure out stuff for you to do that don't involve fire, for a change?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods, "Sure! Uh.. I'm not an orphan, I have parents, just... I don't live with them now. I don't want them to lose their home again." She crinkles her nose again, and decides not to comment on whatever wandered through her head. "There's fire stations up that way, too. I can come visit sometime if you want. I don't get to talk to a lot of people that aren't firefighters and stuff, sometimes.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks when her thought gets read so well, taking a deep breath, head tilting to the side. "I... well, I'm glad you're not an orphan. That would be even harder for you. Maybe we can go to a park sometime?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nodsnods, "Sure! That would be awesome. Do you have a number or something? You're probably easier to find than I am right now.."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, and would give the information needed to get ahold of her that way, and then smiles. "So uh... I was on my way back home, flying... you think you're okay to tell them what happened?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore nods, "Yeah, I just.. Have to figure out who to give this picture thing to. It seems like it's going to be dangerous no matter what.. Do you know? Or should I just... drop it in outer space or something?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs. "I'm not sure. Is there really any safe place to put something that sets fires? Maybe is there like a fire safe?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore says, "Well... I would have thought something made out of BRICK would have been safe, but..." She gestures at the wreckage, helplessly. "I'll figure something out!"