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Latest revision as of 20:15, 14 September 2019

Showing Hydra Sam around the mansion.
Date of Scene: 14 September 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: New Sam is slowly starting to feel more at home with folks.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Samuel Morgan, Nightingale

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has offered to show Sam around the day after they brought him to the school. It was late wen they got him there the previous day. Sam told the other Sam he would meet him for a tour when he was ready Now the young man is waiting at the base of the stairs for the other.

Cypher has posed:
Doug, somewhere, shoots Sam a text - 'Wrapping up a piece of work, I will meet you walking around'

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's a hesitant Sam that comes down the stairs, still dressed mostly in his drab grey prison outfit, but with a Xavier Institute hoodie over top. Considering his self confidence of the previous day, it's perhaps a bit bewildering, and the teenager seems to be looking around constantly, looking for something or someone he's not seeing... and the longer he's not seeing whatever he's looking for, the greater his unease seems to grow.

    He does attempt a smile when he finally gets to the ground floor, for the benefit of the other Sam, even as he becomes aware of the message that's been sent on... 'his' phone. Another absolutely unheard of luxury. "Good afternoon Mister Guthrie. Apologies for being late."

Nightingale has posed:
Somewhere in the vicinity of the kitchen, the smell of fresh cheese, tomato sauce, and dough baking wafts out into the hall. It seems one of the students is at it again, cooking up a late-night snack. Just who said student is becomes readily apparent as Shannon meanders out into the hall, with a little dusting of flour clinging to her nose. Her hair, normally long and loose, is tied up in a knot, to keep it out of the way while cooking. And... there is no missing those wings. Large, white, feathery wings. She smiles when she sees the two Sam's and waves. "Hi, Sam!" Oh, my.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to Shannon, and offers her a smile. He looks over to the younger Sam and says "You pretty much have run of coming and going on this level of the school. I am sure you sense a bit more than you actually see, and we will get to that." He offers in a friendly tone. This is a fellow student her name is Shannon, and you will often find her baking good things in the kitchen, and washing dishes when her baseball team loses against a better team." He will joke.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I was looking for the landing staff, or the sentry to ask for permission to come down." Sam the Second clarifies. He'd been taught by his therapist that he should explain his difficulties to others, rather than let them guess. It's still not easy.

    The new arrival is greeted in a way that might be somewhat unsettling to people who aren't used to it... The first glance over, Sam does a quick threat scan of Shannon. She'd been in the kitchen, so he's looking for knives first, and other weapons afterwards. The wings on her back are registered as a detail irrelevant to his immediate survival, and take seconds longer to process, as the rest of his subconscious decides that this other person is not likely to do him harm. Then, and only then, does Sam smile again. "Hi Shannon. I'm Sam. Samuel Able Morgan." Yes, even his initials spell out Sam...

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs, dusting off a bit of flour from her hands across the legs of her jeans, before offering her hand to Sam the younger. "Real nice to meet you. I think I'm suddenly appreciating Ellie's penchant for nicknames, it'd sure help to keep you two straight." She grins and winks at Sam the elder. "And just you wait, mister. One of these days, -you'll- be the one doing dishes, and then we'll see who has the last laugh!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You can come down when you want to Sam, we do ask if your going out somewhere you sign out to let us know your going. We prefer people check in semi regular with the sentinel issues we have had recently. Ah know you have been in a rather structured" He uses the word after thinking a moment how to say it. "Environment before but we are alot looser than that here, but if it helps you can ask me something or report to me about something till your comfortable with not doing it. The only thing you need to worry about upstairs is stay on the guys side of the dorms unless your invited to the other side, and knock on someone's door if your at their room. You will probably sense a lot of tech stuff in the room 3 doors down, thats Alek's will introduce you to him, when we can."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    And that's a few things explained in one go. It takes care of a few pressing questions, and Sam is happy to let the others wait for a bit before he deluges his new guides with questions that are likely to have obvious answers. "And that explains why my door wasn't locked overnight." he does venture, because that had been bothering him for hours. "Wasn't sure if that was an intentional test of loyalty or an oversight by the security staff... there's... there's no actual security staff here, is there?" And then, mostly to himself. "Of course not, it's a school."

    Monologue over, he looks at the door, and then at Older Sam. "You mean I can walk out that door whenever I like, as long as I tell you, and I come back? Are you sure that SHIELD is going to allow that?"

Cypher has posed:
"In essence," Doug says, approaching from down the hall, "You have the run of the house and the grounds *except* for areas specifically noted to you as being off-limits. If you want to *leave* the school to go into Salem Center or what-have-you, you do need to log it and be accompanied by someone, because you're a minor. Also, it's much easier to get around if you're hanging around with someone with a car, or someone who can at least fly or teleport."

Doug says. "As far as the school's rules, they're pretty loose. No fighting outside of supervised training. No drinking if you're a minor. No skipping classes. Be in bed by lights-out. Pretty standard boarding school discipline, all-told. And of course, there's some *flex* on some of those rules. Especially if you don't get caught or get permission. Unfortunately, mixers with the kids in town are a thing of the past, these days, which is a policy I'm not so sure I like--"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon regards the younger Sam with a steady gaze, her brows furrowing slightly. "Takes a lot of getting used to, huh? It's pretty different, coming here. But seriously, you've got two of the best to help you get settled in. And as for security... well... I haven't seen anything too overt, but it's not unheard of to have friends looking in on things here from time to time." This last gets her to actually smile a bit, the expression a welcome change from her more somber visage of recent days.

"They're not kidding on the whole checking in with staff and taking a buddy with you when you go out, too. Trust me, Sentinels are not anything you really want to run into alone. It's rough enough when you're -with- someone."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    'Don't get caught'. Now there's a rule that Sam knows well, smiling over towards Doug in recognition of the ultimate universal constant where kids and teenagers are kept together under some form of discipline. "I'll find out at what time I'm due back in my c-... my room. I take it there are further rules about the carrying of personal defense weaponry?" Oh boy... who's going to explain that one to him?

    "And this may sound strange but... what is a Sentinel? It has come up as a threat twice now, and clearly there's rules to stop any of us from running into these Sentinel. But what sort of threat level do they represent?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Well they seem to think your ready for this and we sorta have security it is more we all act as such. There are a few who have history with those you have history with more fighting them than anything else. You will see oddness here now and again, one of the more..... interesting people you may meat is Wade. He does not go to school here, but he does stop in now and again, and is armed to the teeth most of the time, but has not proven to be a problem, except maybe to Logan, and they seem to have a past." He hmms and says "Prefer weaponry not be carried around the school, but if you feel you the need or want for something you can have such in your room, preferable nothing of mass destruction." He jokes a bit and says "Sentinels are giant robots built to capture and kill mutants. They have a vast array of offensive weaponry from blasts to nulifcation abilities. He looks over to Doug and says "Should see if Ms. Hogarth is still principle in the school. I know our last event with them ended badly, but maybe it is time to try again."

Cypher has posed:
"...You can have a pocketknife." Doug says. "But I wouldn't go any more hardcore than that."

"...Once you've acclamated a little bit," He says, "They'll probably assign you a roommate or two. It has its perks. Larger suite with a bathroom you don't need to share with thirty other kids, for instance. Sam and I were roommates when we were students, along with another friend of ours, who you might meet -- though he is possibly the *busiest* man I've ever known--"

"A Sentinel is an advanced, semi-autonomous robot built to hunt mutants, the private eugenics science project of soem extremely well-heeled bigots. It's an issue being dealt with by various interested parties."

Doug looks up, and says "It was more managable when we were younger. We were the test class... fewer kids. But we used to go to dances at the high school and once the girls threw a slumber party -- though that didn't end well, and I don't know if they ever tried again."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just turns to look dumbfounded at Sam and Doug. "Whoah, wait a second. What's this about mixers, and why haven't I heard about them before?" She crosses her arms, pinning the two with the 'dish out the deets' look, her wings ruffling and starting to spread out a little bit. "I thought we were supposed to keep things on the QT about the school out there?"

Cypher has posed:
"This was back when it was easier to disguise Xavier's as an elite boarding school." Doug says. "They did a good job of it, too. Even I was fooled, for awhile... the volcano should've been a tip-off, but I figured rich people are eccentric--"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Eugenics?" That's the word he gets stuck on. Sam is still hearing everything, and processing everything, but his expression froze the instant he heard that word spoken out loud. A torrent of memories follows, many of them unpleasant, and for a split second he can actually smell cordite before the vision fades back to reality, eyes flashing a bright blue for an instant. He doesn't know for certain what else has been said, having heard words but not yet having processed their meaning. A moment after that, the lights in the room flicker, and he blinks suddenly, taking a deep breath.

    "Sorry, I got a bit... distracted. So ehm... volcanoes?" Yeah, he has no idea where this conversation has gone, desperately latching onto the last few words he heard.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "One of our classmates had geo powers, and could call up lava and in such make mini volcanos." He will look to Shannon "The last one to my knowledge badly, on no real fault from our side of things actually, but I have not heard if any others might be done. If so, inducers would need to be used of course." He looks over to Sam, and after the moment he will ask "Are you ok Sam?""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns with concern at Samuel as she sees the lights flicker, and his reaction to the mention of eugenics. What the hell had happened to the kid? She keeps her voice soft, drawing her wings back behind her to minimize their appearance and hopefully seem a little less imposing--as if she ever could be so in the first place! "Hey... it's okay, we've got you. What's wrong?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug watches Sam, and then says, "...He just had a small PTS flashback based on how he's reacting. I think the Sentinels triggered him. The PTS was in his dossier. We will... work on it. By the way, that's your first rule - it's OK to have bad days. I... had a traumatic event in my past I'm still dealing with, and I'll occasionally have PTS flashbacks of my own. More commonly night terrors when I dream about it. You're not alone, Bean."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I'll be fine, it's just..." and yes, Sam needs a moment, and bites his lip before he comes out with something that seems to not be meant for general consumption, but has to come out nevertheless. "Dieser Scheisse gibt's doch irgendwo Ich gehe..." A deep breath, and a grateful look to Doug, and then a more contrite look to Shannon. "He's right. I was reminded of something I've been trying hard... trying not to think about for the last few years. One of those things..." Finally, he looks over to Sam, recognising him as the de facto authority at least in this little gathering. "Do you know where I can get my Xanax for the day? I'm... not going to be fun to be around if I stop taking my medication."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We should be able to stop into the wellness center and get yours today. Dr. McCoy will want to do a check and talk with you about your medicines and make sure it is all correct. Would you rather come down for it each day or have a weeks supply or so at your disposal?" He will ask the man, trusting Doug to read the other man's reaction if there is anythign to note there."

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, "Sprache, junger Mann." He crosses his arms, and then says, "You'll be receiving better than the best medical care and counseling, up to and including telepathic support. Also," He says, "You'll be getting a full metabolic write-up. They'll tailor your exercise program to it and provide you with a diet plan. Following both is optional, but I endorse them. Take it from the world's fittest IT guy."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smiles a little bit at Samuel. "I think you'll like Mr. McCoy when you meet him. He and miss Munroe were here on my first day, they helped get me settled here. I've been coming to respect them both a whole hell of a lot, though I've run into Mr. McCoy a bit more." She laughs a little, her smile wry and somewhat self-depreciating. "Once, the hard way, in the medbay. Note... healers make lousy patients." She turns as, from somewhere in the kitchen, the sound of a timer goes off, the smell of pepperoni pizza quite strong now. "There should be enough pizza for us all to share... don't know what kind of things you like. Oh, and big brother..." She's going to have to refer to Sam the elder by this, it seems, to keep from confusing the two. "When you've got a second, got something I was hoping to run by you, regarding our trip into town a few nights ago." She leaves it there, not saying anything more for the moment. She disappears into the kitchen for a few minutes to take care of things in there.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I was hoping there'd be a gym. Once you get used to doing a morning workout before breakfast, it's hard to stop the routine." Fitness is unlikely to be an issue here then, but Sam the Younger clearly gave that answer as a way to stall for time while he was thinking over how to answer the more serious question he'd been asked. Although Doug will also get a very sincere. "Entschuldigung."

    "I'm looking forward to trying anything you've made, Shannon." Again, perhaps, Sam is stalling for time, or he might just be a polite young man.

    "I'll talk to Doctor McCoy about it. It's been handled differently in the past, and if I'm very honest, I don't trust myself very much to deal with this properly."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and will lead the group to the kitchen and says "We have a gym, and a pool, You will be able to continue your workout, but you will have some assigned work outs as well, so I would not suggest exhausting yourself. " He will tell the young man, and as they walk he will point out what different rooms are and where things can be found. You seemed to be a fan of reading, the library is in here, the Rec room through there. We try to do movie nights on occasion you can put in requests for things you want to see." His brow raises at Shannon's words but nods to them

Cypher has posed:
    Doug rubs the back of his neck, and then says, "Danke. Bean, believe me when I tell you, we will give you the best support we can. And you are not alone in having to deal with some pretty severe mental hardships." He says. He pauses, as if unsure of exactly how to phrase this. "I *died*, kid. Not like... revived on the table died... more like 'I had a funeral and they buried me'. I'm told it was nice."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    With keen interest to talk about something else, anything else, Sam 'Bean' The Younger follows along and takes note of all the important rooms he needs to know about, building a mental map of the building. But even while walking he's looking around and checking corners, sight lines... as if he's expecting to be ambushed at any moment. A library though. A library! "I very much enjoyed 'Le Comte de Monte Christo', thank you." That had been a pleasant surprise.

    He glances over to Doug at the revelation and grimaces for a moment, not quite sure at first how to respond. "If you ever want to talk about that, I'll listen." Because he knows what it's like to get stuck with something like that. "And if you ever ask me directly, I'll talk about why I'm like this as well."

Nightingale has posed:
     A few minutes later, Shannon comes out of the kitchen with a large plate bearing several slices of hot, fresh pepperoni pizza. She looks around to see where the rest have gone off to, and spies them not too far off. "Hey... anybody hungry?" She smiles at the Sams and Doug, offering the plate to each in turn. Perhaps the simple comfort of a good snack might prove a welcome hint of 'normal'.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lead the group towards the Rec Room, and says "I will get drinks have a seat, we will take you out and show you the grounds shortly." He looks over to Doug and says "We tried, but still sucked. Prefer we don't repeat it for a very long time." He tells his friend. He looks to Shannon "Thanks."

Cypher has posed:
Doug rubs the back of his neck. "And of course, there are always temptations." Doug says, before he sighs, "...Sorry, Shannon. Today's not a cheat day, so I can't really... have a... slice of pizza--" He looks sorely tempted though.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Is there greater delight than freshly made pizza? Possibly, somewhere in the far corners of the cosmos such a thing may be found, but here and now the appearance of pizza manages to turn Smaller Sam's thoughts a full 180 degrees. He accepts the plate eagerly and sits down, crosslegged, in a seat facing the door nearest the far corner. No conscious thought seems to have gone into that selection. As he eats, he looks over to Doug and raises an eyebrow. "Protein. Energy. Deliciousness. Half a mile more on the treadmill and five more minutes on the rowing machine, and nobody has to know."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles at Doug, putting on her best Puss-In-Boots look, wide eyes and all as she tries once more to offer the plate. "He makes a good point, you know. This does hit most of the major food groups. Dairy, meat, bread, and you could even count the sauce as veggies! Sounds like a pretty balanced snack to me!" She grins at Sam the younger, quite glad the tactic of snacks seems to have lifted his spirits, at least a little bit. "What do you think, maybe between the two of us we can get him to allow himself a small treat?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug shakes his head, and says, "No, no. It's salmon and wild rice and protein shakes until the next cheat day." That looked painful to say, though.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug and says "You can handle it Ah think, besides if you don't then it won't come out even for the rest of us." He tells the man. He gets Shannon a Root beer amd looks to Doug "If it makes ya feel better I can make ya drink a diet." He kids, him and looks to Samuel "What would ya like to drink?

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "If you're not having yours, I'm having it. And you'll be condemning me to a lot of extra exercise. Share the burden, help the team." Is this the same Sam that came downstairs? Looks the same, acts completely differently though. That is, until he gets asked what to drink, and the answer comes out halfway before brain engages. "Water, of c-..." Stop. Check expectations. Assume nothing. "I'll have a bottle of water, thank you."

Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs, and then says, "...All right, all right. I'll cave in and have one if the rest of you do too." He says, with a light sigh. "He'll have a root beer. I'll have a bottle of water."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs merrily as the pizza seems to have worked its magic, a slice each falling prey to the hunger of those present. She smiles at Sam the younger, and teases him good-naturedly, "Another root beer fan? We might have issues if there's ever only one bottle left." She giggles, and chomps down on a slice of pizza herself. "Just kidding... I'm not much of a fighter. Yet." She grins at her adopted older brother, extending one wing around behind him in something akin to a hug as she sets down the plate nearby to accept the root beer. "Thanks... you sure you're not the angel here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie gives Sam both a rootbeer, and a water, and says "You can have what you want to drink as long as you keep yaself in shape to do your training and such. Only known one who had to be put on a diet and he came in wanting to be put on one." He offers Doug his water, and gets a Dr. Pepper for himself before taking his pizza and having a seat.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Ever since the topic of a drink has come up, Sam hasn't eaten a bite from his pizza. He is, in fact, glancing keenly at the other plates that are as of yet untouched. Keeping a polite smile on his face, he reaches for the bottle of water, runs his fingers around the seal to make sure it's intact, before opening the bottle. Small steps... "I've basically been training since I was eight. Habits of a lifetime are hard to break."

Cypher has posed:
Doug takes a bite of his pizza, a string of it connecting the slice and his mouth. He looks at Samuel and blinks, before he swallows, and says, "It's safe to eat, Bean."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises an eyebrow, a little surprised at Sam-bean's reluctance to eat. Maybe he was just trying to be polite, and wait for everyone else to start? She shrugs and smiles, chomping right into her slice of pizza, and looking as if she's in heaven. "Don't worry about your salmon and wild rice, Doug. Got a few recipes for that, that'll let it seem more like a luxury than a diet." She smiles at Sam, and shrugs, musing on the matter of a diet. "Usually go for veggies and lighter proteins myself, but every once in a while... I'll cheat. Miserably. Like tonight." She giggles and grins at the two Sam's. "Maybe it's just as well you and Logan both have me going for a bit of strength training, I'll be able to burn this off quicker."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrienods, and says to Shannon and says "It helps if your going to do the momentum turns by holding onto something. " He hmms and says "Ah have been thinking Doug might get you to do another young avengers program for the kids." He tells the other man "So, Sam to let you know Doug here is a master of languages and patterns, and ah am a flyer with a blast field makes me almost impossible to hurt while flying."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Once the others start eating, and Doug seems to understand his hesitation yet again, Sam-Bean helps himself to what remains of his slice of pizza, eating with every indication of delight. But after two years of prison food, who can blame him? And now, it seems, the 'other' introductions are being made. He's pretty sure those who need to know have his file, but it can't possibly hurt to share in the revelations.
    "I control electronics, somehow, and I ... sort of talk to them. I can read text messages on a phone without looking at the screen, I can send them without touching a single key, things like that. But that's just what I do, I've been trained for... other things."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head as she listens to Sam-bean's 'other' introduction, mulling this over. "That's actually pretty neat, about the electronics. You should've seen Doug one time, literally talking two Sentinels down with machine code. Verbally. You two would have a lot to talk about." She smiles somewhat, and shrugs, ruffling her wings in an echo of the gesture. "I'm a flyer and a healer. But the healing comes at a price... I absorb other's injuries into myself through physical contact. But, on the flip side of that, I also heal pretty quick, too." She inches the left leg of her jeans up a little ways, to where a well-healed gunshot wound has only left a small mark, as if it had been weeks healing. "Got that two days ago."

Cypher has posed:
"I suppose you could say my mutant power is the ability to communicate with anything that's capable of communication." Doug says, rubbing the back of his neck. He sits back, and crosses his feet at the ankles, as he listens to the others. "...It's only a little mutant power, but it's mine."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon pins Doug with a somewhat stern look. "Hey. Don't you let me catch you putting down your gifts again. Communication's a powerful thing, especially in the right place and time. And that was one of the most freaking awesome things I'd seen that day, really. So don't. Ever. Sell yourself short. Got it?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Here's to being proud of who you are." Sam-Bean says without a trace of irony, holding up his water in a salute. It's only water, but that doesn't matter.