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Latest revision as of 20:19, 14 September 2019

A Night at the club.
Date of Scene: 02 September 2019
Location: Club Evolution, Bushwick (Mutant Town)
Synopsis: Sam and Rahne make a new friend?
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Rave, Wolfsbane

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is sitting at the bar. The place has a decent crowd, and tonight is open mic night. there is a band playing some metal currently, mixed humans and mutants, and Sam seems to be wearing one of their T-shirts tongiht.

Rave has posed:
A new club was a curiousity enough to have Rave out and about. It -was- her sort of thing, be it for performing or indulging after all. Dressed in her skirt, her tank top and that half-jacket finished off with her knee-high boots and her neon-blue hair tied back, she didn't exactly look like she was dressed for running. But that was fine, the speedster -was- dressed for a night out...and what really was the difference between a mutant and a metahuman anyway?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and does notice the new face. He will offer a nod in greeting. The man seems to be enjoying the music and does have the prime corner seat at the bar. his drink looks to be a soda, so not to crazy tonight perhaps.

Rave has posed:
The advantages of Rave's abilities? She got to drink in the suroundings in full. From the movement of the people to the beat of the music. Of course, she does spot Sam's look her way that draws her faintly luminescent irises towards him, but she simply returns the nod with a smile and makes her way forwards towards the bar.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie seems to be relaxed, and as the band finishes he claps, and reaches over to a tablet looks at it, and with a touch of touch of a button, the DJ names the next band to play, but will be playing a couple songs while the bands change out. Once the woman gets to the bar, he will offer a "Hello Miss."

Rave has posed:
Quick to lounge against the bar, Rave signals for attention and to order herself something when the tender gets her way. 'Something sweet and bright' being all the frustratingly vague description she'd given. But half the fun was seeing what she might find. Approached by Sam, she looks up again and gives a little flash of a smile. "Hey there. You one of the staff here, or a supporter?" she questions, gesturing to his shirt with a chuckle.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well you could say a bit of both. Ah'm Sam." He says to introduce himself offer a hand in greeting "I run the place here and like to see the new bands and folks making a bit of a name of themselves. Trying to get some of the local music out amongst the people.

Rave has posed:
"Rave," the girl greets back, but there's no pause to really see if he recognized her. If the club as newer and he hadn't picked her from the crowd then the club owner probably wasn't one of her fans. To be fair, she'd only recently gained the draw of her publicly emerged powers to add to her following. "Seems a nice enough place, and being in the middle of 'Mutant Town' helps too. I suppose folks around here don't always have the means or the mood to party, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and the club is not the newest but Sam's only been running it a few months not. "Not always, but we try to help out hiring locally, and giving people a place they can come and not be stared at cause they have blue fur, an extra arm, bat ears or what ever. Well bat ears gets an occasional extra look but I think it is more for the hello kitty ear plugs he wears to bring things to a normal level for him.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Out front, Wolfsbane is trying that Security thing Sam had talked to her about. In the wake of the trouble with the New Hope Gang, which Doug...took care of in a sense, things have also settled down with the whole hit list many of the people trying to stop the spread of Hook had ended up on. More than that, Rahne just started to feel like she could safely go out again as herself. As such, she's tried to put her particular set of skills to use in helping keep troublemakers and bad things out of the club. Already, a few people with some drugs they wished to sneak inside with have been turned away. An impressive feat considering it comes from a short wolfen mutant wearing a 'Security' shirt for Evolution.

Rave has posed:
That earns a giggle, Rave nodding her head and then finally leaning back to retrieve her offered drink. Fruity! It'll do the trick quite nicely! "I imagine so. I suppose some people got off lighter than others. The occasional glowing or super-strength isn't quite the same as some of the rougher things some people deal with."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Tis true, like myself, none know I am a mutant unless I am using my powers." He admits. He takes a sip from his drink and says "Rave is an interesting name, name you took yourself after your abilities manifested?

Wolfsbane has posed:
Soon, Wolfsbane is relieved from her time at the door. Rather than staying dressed the way she is, she passes into the club en route toward the back, so she might change. It's hard to miss her, even in a place like this, even with others who look visibly different.

Rave has posed:
Wolfsbane is glimpsed by Rave, after all the girl herself stands out wearing the security shirt when most of the types who wear the same are a little more on the bulky side. Giving a little nod, the woman looks back towards Sam with a shrug. "I suppose so. As much a stage name as anything. Certainly more 'me' than 'Naria' anyway. Don't you think?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "Well names can be important as you find yourself, but it is more the person making the name than the name making the person. If a new name makes you feel more where you can be who ya feel ya should be it is good, but make sure you use it as a tool and not a defining purpose.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane continues along, her path leading her toward the door meant for staff. A glance is taken toward the area Sam and Rave are at, but she doesn't change course. Seems she'd rather be out of the 'uniform' and into something she's more comfortable with.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over offering a wave to WB. He will motion towards a drink to sk her if she wants one waiting on her way out.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane returns a shake of the head, passing through the doorway to disappear for at least a few minutes, though a second glance is had toward the pair first.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look at the tablet in hand, and the new band is up. They are set for 5 or 6 songs, depending how they are doing. He will motion over to the bartender and a bowl of the snack mix will be brought over to them.

Rave has posed:
"I suppose you're right but...yeah. In the end the best part about it is picking for myself." Rave muses with a grin before glancing towards the stage. The band didn't seem bad, although there was a little competitive sting to her thoughts. Next time, she'd have to bring along some of her own music to try out. Wolfsbane's fidgeting adn headshake earns a raise of a blue brow before she glances back to Sam. "That your sweetheart, or are you offering all your employees drinks?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Friend like a sister to me. We have known one another for ever and someone I trust alot. He notices the look and asks "So you a musician or what if Ah may ask?

Rave has posed:
Now that was a topic to get the 'bluenette's attention. "Singer, music maker, occasional DJ," Rave lists off, counting on her fingers and then giving a little chuckle. "Not every gift needs to be quite as dramatic as laser lights and all that, but y'know." She nods to his explaination, shifting a little in her seat and then looking towards the dancefloor.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Have to show me what you have sometime?" He notices her looking at the dance floor "Care to dance?"

Rave has posed:
A chuckle comes, Rave makes a small circular motion with one of her hands and a faint glowing 'band' of light takes form aroun her wrist, much like a 'glo-bracelet' one might wear to her namesake. His suggestion earns a shrug as she's already moving, drink apparently forgotten. "Sure. Think you can keep up?" she calls back, offering a wink before she moves into the fray and begins to move to the music with all the grace and ease of a keen clubber.

The girl sure knew how to dance!

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane leaves the staff area after having changed back into her more normal clothing, definitely not what others would recognize her in as being an employee of Evolution, part-time or otherwise, but by the time she's returned to the main floor the spot she looks two toward the bar is now vacated. The wolfen mutant's eyes wander the room, a hand rubbing one of her ears.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and follows her out here. Maybe it is the fact he sees folks doing the dances here or maybe it is the years he and his friends had to take dance, but as the music hits him, he is busting a movie, and the boy can dance.

Rave has posed:
Into the mix, Rave had moved, dancing and practically laying claim to the space in confidence and grace alone. There was a glow to her, literal it seemed. The light itself seemed pulled to her bright blue locks and span about her, but then there was no reason to reign herself in when she was here in a mutant club.

Dilated time simply meant she got to see it all, reactions from the crowd, the sight of others around her moving and even every movement of Samuel and Wolfsbane alike. She could enjoy every last bit of it!

Wolfsbane has posed:
There is some sense fo confusion in the Scottish one's expression, then her eyes are drawn toward something about the one dancing opposite Sam. It's Rave, glowing in some way, or at least the light reacting differently around her than others. Odd, perhaps, but she steers clear of the dance floor. Instead, she goes over for something to drink. A glass of water. Taking a seat there, a hand rests against the counter and her fingers drum against it slowly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie dances with her, smiling as he notices the colors and things about her. Her powers does not seem to bother him. He will show quite a few nice moves, and after the dance will say "A nother drink?"

Rave has posed:
     "Your friend is the lonely sort?" Rave muses, questioning as she continues to move. It was pretty clear she love her dancing, loved the music, loved the feel of it all. But that didn't stop her from noticing Wolfsbane keeping to herself. "Or not much of a dancer?" When the drink offer comes? She shrugs her shoulders. Why not?

Wolfsbane has posed:
The answers to Rave's questions could be complicated. What answers will Sam give her? What might Wolfsbane say if asked? For now she is silent, considering the glass of water, nursing it for a few seconds the way someone who was trying to stretch out an alcoholic drink might, then she shifts course to down it in one sip. Partial attention remains on the two.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Na, she just is a quiet one, she can dance probably one of the better people in the place, but she is a little shy. Sweetest person you will ever meet though.

Rave has posed:
"I suppose there's two types of people then, those that party after work and those that don't want to because they were working." Rave muses aloud, making to approach the bar once more and nodding her head to same. "Shame, but fair enough I suppose."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Sam knows enough about Rahne to understand whether she's the partying type or not. With her refraining from joining them to dance, Rave might be able to guess. The question is more in what Wolfsbane heard them discussing, even if there are many other sounds within the place. She slides the empty glass back over for a refill, then sips from it this time around. As soon as they're both close enough, she speaks up. "I turned away three people wi' heroin an' another who was trying tae sneak in some booze, Sam. None o' them gave me any trouble." A side benefit of being what she is, evidently.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and nods his head. He gives Rahne a one armed hug and says "This is Rahne, one of my best security personal, and one of my best friends ever. ahne this is Rave, I believe she may come by on our next open mic night/

Rave has posed:
"Heroin?" Rave repeats, blinking a little and shaking her head. "Makes for a stupid night on the club. But then, some folks are a little crazy..." A shake of her head, she's left to reach up and swipe a bright blue lock from her eyes. Sam's additional content has her smirking, shrugging her shoulders. "Maybe, but I'd hate to scare folks off. Tough act to follow and all..."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Sam asked me tae..use muh talents tae help keep th' place clean," Wolfsbane explains, cradling the glass of water between claw-tipped fingers. "There's often someone trying tae bring trouble by, but a' least it seems like Hook is on th' decline. I've no' sniffed any o' it oot lately." The hug is returned, if a little mildly. Might be one of those somewhat quiet nights for her in spite of the setting. "But it's nice tae meet ye." Any smiles are fleeting.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We have had some trouble but making sure things are better now. Also if your good we do get some big names on occasion you might be able to open for as well.

Rave has posed:
"Well, at least it doesn't seem like anyone has come in here kicking down the door lookin' to cause trouble or pick a fight." Rave muses, tilting her head before crossing her arms under her bust. Her drink was forgotten from before, probably for the best anyway. A little chuckle comes for Sam's comment and she shrugs. "I got an offer for a club elsewhere now and then, we'll see how time allows. Huh? You can decide if I'm good enough some time yourself."

Wolfsbane has posed:
If anything, Wolfsbane just doesn't look all that..happy to be here. Could that be the trouble? It may be hinted at at she says, "Sam, I'm no' gaunae stick around much longer. I'm just feeling like going back tae muh apartment an' curling up in muh bed for a while. It looks like th' two o' ye are in good shape here, though. Ye both looked, ah, ye know..good oot there." She nods in the direction of the dance floor, where others have filled in the space Sam and Rave left behind like they were never there. "I apologize if I'm sounding like a wet blanket."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Rahne and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well you need anything call me, miss getting to spend time carrot top." H looks over to Rave, and says "so you have some contact information about how Ah might be able to contact you?

Rave has posed:
A nod, a shrug of Rave's shoulders. "Well. You can find me online, on social media and such. Even got an- Oh! Almost forgot!" The blue-haired speedster grins, pausing to fish into her jacket and retrieve her smartphone, taking a selfie in a smooth turning motion and catching the dance-floor in the shot before she tucks the phone away. "You'll find me."

With one last wave as Sam turns away, the girl turns back to Rahne and gives a little grin. "So...how about a drink then? Might help your mood."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ahh..if it's water or juice," Wolfsbane replies after a short nod to Sam. "So do I, an' I'm trying tae be around here a bit more noo tha' some things are settling back doon." But, Rave might figure out the furred mutant is not one for a strong drink, noted by the glass of water that lacks any sort of aroma whatsoever beyond perhaps a bit of lemon.