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Latest revision as of 20:27, 14 September 2019

Late Night Run
Date of Scene: 09 September 2019
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon vents about her encounter with Bobby to Sam, and reveals her worry about the safety of her kin.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball

Nightingale has posed:
     Of late, the lake had become one of Shannon's favorite haunts. It was a place of joy, peace, learning, and freedom. It was a sanctuary to her, somewhere she could run or fly or just come out to clear her head. It was the latter that the winged teen was most in need of, somewhere she could go out and think, alone, and maybe get a bit of a workout in while she was at it. She left a brief note on her bed in case anybody back at the mansion was looking for her, and headed out for the lake for a good, old-fashioned run, grumbling and cursing under her breath.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie may not have found said note in the girls dorm, but finds himself out here as well. He does some occasional night flying and seeing activity here, comes in for a landing to see whats going on.

Nightingale has posed:
     The words that do reach Sam are definitely not favorable ones, the ones that are uttered with enough volume to singe his ears, questioning someone's parentage. And if he's close enough to get a good look at Shannon's face, there is a black scowl etched into her features at odds with her otherwise angelic appearance. "That..." Censor. "What the..." Censor, censor. "...burr got under his saddle? What the..." Censor. "...did I do wrong??"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit to her, and will find a spot waiting to let her see him instead of telling her he is there. She probably heard him incoming but she does seem a bit distracted. He will lean against a tree calmly.

Nightingale has posed:
     Between her verbal venting and the run, Shannon stops to catch her breath, perhaps gathering strength for another round of colorful metaphors. But when she looks up, she spots Sam, and closes her mouth very quickly. There were places and times for the more earthy parts of the English language, and talking to Sam was not one of them! She just nods in acknowledgement of his presence, still fuming but keeping it a bit more under wraps.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "So, your first time in trouble, who ya made at him, for hollering at you, or yourself for him feeling he needed to?" He will ask her He starts to walk towards her and says "You know sometimes, Ah wonder if we might be blood kin and just not know it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just grumbles even more. "That's just it, though. I don't get why I landed in hot water here." She picks up a stone from shore as if to fling it in the water, but actually seems to be given pause for some odd reason, instead dropping the rock again. "During the attack that Daniel was killed in, I do not remember disobeying any orders. I sure as hell wasn't about to go after any of those Sentinels with a dive-bomb, not if they took Daniel out so easily. That would've been pretty fucking stupid. I was told to go help him, so I did. Even though it was too late, he probably died instantly. But I obeyed. When they told me to go help Lorna, I did, even though she probably got no more than a couple bumps and bruises. Hell, I was shocked to see Magneto there, and I wasn't even sure if it was just my imagination, so I asked for confirmation that I wasn't seeing things. I heard Bobby tell me to shake it off, so I tried to put it out of my mind. As he told me to do. Fucking hell, the only time I recall disobeying a direct order was the trip that Noriko and I took with Mr. McCoy and Doug, and to be frank, that was both of us because we had no intention of running and leaving friends behind!" She growls low in her throat. "Fuck, isn't it bad enough I feel like shit for failing Daniel, without this, too??? And to top it all off... he made it sound like joining up with the New Mutants was a fucking PUNISHMENT, when I was damn proud you signed me on!!!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well, I think he ment the whole extra training as punishment, not the joining up with the new mutants. And from what I seen that is where you and Pixie got under his skin a bit. "He said for her to get Daniel to the hospital and for you to help other wounded." He looks at her, and says "Ah could be wrong, but with the kid having similar powers as Bobby he may have expected the kid was past your help, and wanted to either a spare you having to realize that or have your talents more in a place where they could be used instead of where he thought they were wasted. " He looks to her also wondering if Bobby may think the kid could have been saved if teleported to a hospital as he said but keeps that quiet for now. "Bobby is a bit newer to leading than some of the others, and he is finding his feet in it as well. He aint really worked with fully green folks before I don't think, and Ah would wager, he honestly thinks he is keeping you safer.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon runs her fingers through her hair and lets out a deep, angry sigh. "The fuck... what does he think I do all day, sit in the kitchen and bake? Okay, sure, I can't get into the danger room for training on my own, that's fair enough. But there's still plenty of shit I can do that doesn't involve putting myself or anyone else in danger. You already have me working on my strength training, and now so does Logan. Okay, sure, it feels like there's times I'm flying blind out there and yeah, he was right about one thing, I do need to learn to work with a team better. But what the fuck, I had ONE thing to be proud of... JUST ONE... it is NOT punishment, I don't give a fuck what he says about that. And does he think I don't know that it's life or death out there??? It's no game out there. Any time we go, chances are pretty good someone's going to get hurt. You just have to do your best to make sure it's not because of doing something monumentally stupid."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "I don't think being on the new mutants is punishment either, and I don't think he ment being on the team as punishment, more that you were to be drilled and have more training. Which I am pretty sure he hates doing himself." He will look at her and says "Ok, Shannon, how long have you been doing this... a month, two?" He looks at her and says "Yea, he probably thinks you might not know what the real price is to pay out there yet. He has saw you in the field, and you did not do what he told ya to do. to him, he is probably going to think at least for a bit your not taking it seriously. Or maybe your not taking him seriously. " Sam does not go into that one to far as would be a totally different thing. "Bobby learned all this under Scott and the Professor, and Ah believe you have an idea on how most feel Scott's style of leading and teaching is, when he feels you did something wrong? Bobby is going to have to find his own voice and right now he is sorta Scott jr. But that aside, yea, he thinks you did not listen, cause you and Megan did not. Megan was to get Daniel out of there, and you were to help others, so is someone was hurt to a point where they were not able to get away, you would have been able to help them get away. If that had been a longer fight and more damage had been done, you on the ground helping someone who had sprained an ankle or who had gotten hit by some falling debris may have saved their life. If you had been able to help Daniel, then you would have been the one laying there taken out and not able to help anyone else, and Megan would have needed to get you to the hospital, or even worse. Daniel was on hurt really bad, but medical could help him. You land you heal him, so he can run but not your laying there dieing, and Megan is not coming to port you to the hospital cause you have it covered. They continue to fight the sentinels, you lay there and are taken out for the rest of the battle, maybe die cause none there to help you now, maybe not, but also your not there to help others who might have needed your help, and they may die as well.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grumbles. "See, that's just it, though. There WEREN'T other wounded at the time, thank god for that. There was nobody else at the moment for me to help, and NOBODY had a clear idea of just how bad Daniel was. Fuck, does he think I would have been stupid enough to try and take on injuries that bad, when I still am not sure just how far my powers extend?? That's the very thing I've been trying to train with Josh for... and he's been away a while now, so I'm sort of in the weeds. The extra biology classes help, yeah, and so does volunteering in the Wellness Office. But that's still minor stuff, I know damn well I'm not capable of more yet." She sighs, a little more softly this time. "I get the extra training part, but I hated being treated like an idiot child. Anybody could have mis-heard an order out there and hell, maybe even he didn't see that there were no other wounded at the time. But he didn't need to be a jerk about it." She frowns a little bit. "And the worst part about all this? Now I feel like shit for being pissed at him, because in his own way, he's just as new at what he's doing, as I am on my end."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at her and says "Well keep your big girl panties on, cause I am going to make it worse. No he does not know what your were going to do, or think your capable of, cause he has not work with you. He has to direct you to what he thinks is the best, and assume you might do the worst left on your own, at least till he knows you better. Cause when he makes a plan he has to trust you to do your best to do what he says so as the battle goes he has an idea where your at what your doing to bring your skills into the battle in the best way possible. If he knows your in a spot behind a dumpster for example he knows if he has to he or someone else might be able to sacrifice taking a minor would that once there you can heal that might put the person coming to you in a better position to help someone or take down the enemy. Now you add in when your out there, your responsible for yourself, and want to help civilians and your friends. In a leadership position even if you don't listen, something happens to you or any of the team, he is going to blame himself, even if not his fault. And some folks yea only listen through being balled out, some listen through having lessons drilled into the skull through training over and over and over again. Then there are people like you. Who I thinks learns from things being explained to them, and then feels bad they got frustrated in the first place, cause when they can see the bigger picture it makes sense, but between frustration and inexperience you occasiionally miss the bigger picture till your helped to see it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and runs her fingers through her hair. "You didn't make it worse. You actually helped." She sighs a little. "I can imagine a leader would rarely have time to explain things like this, though if he had time to ball me out he could've tried what you're doing now. But you're right, he doesn't know me, not like you've had a chance to." She sighs a little bit, some of the fight going out of her. "And it doesn't help that I'm really starting to get worried about my kin."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises and will ask "Mutants in general or blood kin?" waiting on the answer to know which way to go on that one.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Blood kin. You haven't seen the news lately, have you?" Shannon's scowl of rage has melted into a frown of worry, as she wraps her arms around herself and looks out over the water, watching the moonlight play upon the glassy surface.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Nope fill me in? Maybe I can help with it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slightly. "The largest of the Sentinel factories was destroyed on Friday." She goes dead silent, as if afraid to speak for a moment. "It was in southern Connecticut. Damn close to where I lived. That's not a very mutant friendly area to begin with. I haven't been able to get in touch with my folks since around that time, and I'm hoping to god that it's something simple and completely unrelated, like maybe their phone being on the fritz. But right now, I've got no real way to find out. I mean, okay, maybe there is one person I could ask, but it's pretty unlikely they'd have the time to look into something stupid like this."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Yea, I know it sucks, aint like you know someone who can throw ya over their shoulder, and be in like an hour or so? Someone who understands what it is like to worry about family, and maybe even considers you family. If only you had someone like that around.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a little bit. "I do, though... but they're also a leader. And there's more than just one team member to worry about."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, but a couple hours aint long and taking a couple hours to fix something so someone is not worried for days ? sounds like worth it to me. And to be honest, even if you did not want to ask him, you know another who could help too.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows a little bit. "Oh? Like who? I mean... okay, from the sound of the broadcast, some things were pretty hush-hush, and I know better than to go poking around in that. But still... all I'd really need to know is to make sure no civilians were hurt. Then at least I could stop worrying, and it'd be a hell of a lot more likely it was something simple and stupid to begin with."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ok, lets not count the teleporters as you don't know them very well. How about the street artists who can run to China for chinese food for lunch?" He will tell her. He walks over and says "But thats no worry now, give them a call, if no answer we will fly down to your house. Ah know where the plant was so know where to avoid.

Nightingale has posed:
     "You have no idea how tempting it is, Sam, you really don't. If it were anyone else, I'd say fuck no, that's a crazy idea, but there's not much that could hit you when you're flying. At least you'd be safe." She frowns a little, pulling her phone out of her pocket. "I was going to try again in the morning, because even if it -is- just their phone, they won't be able to get help on it any sooner than that. Sucks when stuff breaks on the weekend. IF that's what it is." Pursing her lips, she seems to mull things over for a minute. "It's tempting to just let you pick me up like a sack of feathers and fly down to CT right now. But I've also got to listen to Bobby on this, too. There's nobody awake that, if we do this, we could let them know what's going on. I don't want to see him pissed at you, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "I can leave word with Doug, Kitty or such, and Bobby would not be the one I would get in trouble with if I was going to be in trouble with anyone would be Jean or Scott, but if we go there we aint planning on just ging and crashing into things. We go in subtle and see whats going on. If your parents are having issues we can bring them up to the area somewhere near.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks at Sam as if he grew two heads, though she does smile a little bit more. "And you think I want either of them pissed at you, too? So far they've been nice. Though I sure wouldn't want to piss off Scott... even if he was being nice about warning me not to sneak into the danger room a second time." Nibbling her lower lip, she seems to consider things for a few moments. "So which route would be playing it smart here? Leave word with someone here and go down to check on the folks now, or wait till morning, just in case it's something simple and stupid?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Keep calling, and if you aint heard anything by the morning we will head there. It could just be an issues getting through to them. We can make some more calls checking the area out a bit.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "That sounds better than going off our heads here. Hopefully, I'm just in a panic over nothing. Better to have egg on the face than worse." Smiles a little bit more and opens her arms and spreads out her wings for a hug. "You sure you're not the angel here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Come on lets get you back inside, try calling one more time and then we will check on them in the morning if you have not heard anything by then." He will start leading her towards the mansion.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, getting her phone and dialing her home number one more time. She listens as it rings... and rings... and rings. A deep sigh escapes her, and she hangs up, shaking her head. "Let's hope I'm worried over nothing. But if we get there and they're okay... I'd advise against letting mom cook you anything. My learning to cook was a survival mechanism." She chuckles a little bit as they head back towards the mansion, but as she glances back towards the waters of the lake, she whispers a prayer. "Please, let them be okay..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will looks to her and says "I am sure it will be ok, get some sleep and we will double check in a few hours." He hugs her and sends her to bed with some warm milk.