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Rush Hour at the Magic Box
Date of Scene: 07 September 2019
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Business is booming at the Magic Box as Black Alice, Hogarth, Zachary Zatara and Rupert Giles discuss the weighty problems of the wizarding world, and Colette buys a book.
Cast of Characters: Rupert Giles, Stardust, Zachary Zatara, Rave, Hogarth Hart, Black Alice

Rupert Giles has posed:
It's a late night in Sunnydale, and a heavy rain batters the windows. It's the kind of rain that has people putting down lines of sandbags to stop some of the lower streets from flooding. It's also the kind of night that tends to leave the Magic Box without any customers. The lights are on, which makes it one of the few visible lights from the streets, and one of the only places to really get out of the rain.

Giles wanders about, humming softly to himself as he shelves old books, while several others wait beneath his arm.

Stardust has posed:
    The bell on the door rings, and a voice calls in "Uh... hello? Are you open?" It's a somewhat disbelieving voice. The bell chimes again as the owner of the voice steps in out of the rain without waiting for a reply. The sign reads 'open', the door is unlocked, and the lights on, after all.

    The figure attached to the voice pulls the hood of her hoodie down, revealing a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair who could very easily be one of the local student population; they're not rare visitors to the shop, though this one isn't familiar to Rupert. Not the blonde he may have been hoping to see, but hey! Maybe a customer. "...'cos the sign says you are, but the time says you probably aren't." Colette - for it is she - does not seem to be speaking in anyone in particular, not having yet noticed Rupert, but seems to be addressing the air. Maybe the building itself. Her eyes instead turn to gawk at the wide assortment of oddities that fills the shop. "I can come back another time," she continues to monologue, "I was just passing through and thought I'd take a look. Wasn't expecting anyone to actually be here."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
The strands of magic have been ripped out of a place. This world's mystic reverse shifts to another. That sort of thing can be concerning for someone whose entire sense of self resolves around the art. It's an understatement to say that Zachary Zatara is a bit concerned, but he's playing it off well, save the detour in his schedule here or there.

One detour led him to the Magic Box. He exclusively studies in the Shadowcrest, but his mentor isn't around so much and sessions alone often leave more questions than answers. So he pushes into the shop, in a light maroon jacket and jeans. He doesn't announce his presence or anything but shakes off the chill of the night.

Rave has posed:
Sunnydale was a little out of the way for most, a bit obscure for those who had been mostly drawn to the big city and who didn't know of mystical or mythical dangers. But that was kinda what made it 'neat' in Rave's eyes. With free time from classes, no gigs of late and the joys of being a speedster, Rave had been making her way across the country quite comfortably just for the hell of it. But that didn't really mean that when the sudden streak of neon light came to a stop in the form of the bright blue haired girl in the middle of the street outside the shop, it wasn't going to get some looks.

It looked curious...and even she could use a breather!

Rupert Giles has posed:
    "We're open, yes!," Giles calls out. "We tend to stay open pretty late. Plus, I figured some folks might enjoy somewhere to hide from the rain." He sets the stack of books down on the table and walks further into view of those coming inside. His voice is smooth and his accent crisp and genteel.

    The rain continues to pound against the windows. It's nice and warm in here.

Stardust has posed:
    Colette looks surprised to find the shop she has walked inside is indeed open, and greets Giles with a smile and a nod as she looks around. The arrival of Zachary, unannounced but for the tinkling of the bell, reassures here that the shop must indeed be open and this strange British guy indeed here in some official capacity rather than, say, a burglar who thinks up his excuses quickly.

    Her initial gawking done, she turns back to Rupert, distracted. "Uh. Do you sell boo... old boo... I mean yeah, I can see you do. Um. I have a list of... I wasn't expecting you to be open to be honest, so I didn't bring it. But your shop was on my list and I was uh... well I was just driving through the area and thought why not take a look." Judging by how her clothes are only a little damp despite the hammering rain, she's presumably parked just outside.

    Colette takes a deep breath, and tries again. "Do you have any books about fae? Except... well, something..." she looks around vaguely. "Something not... not general stuff. I mean... maybe like something written by someone who actually believes in them?" She thinks about her own words for a few moments. "No. That doesn't work. I mean like... not some twee book about like flower fairies. Um. Old traditions, that kind of thing. Something a bit... rare."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"That is considerate," Zachary observes absent-mindly, eyes already tracing the spines of the shelved books. "That downpour came out of nowhere." He turns the corner, halfway behind a bookshelf and the other half not caring, and mutters what can only be described as complete and utter gibberish.

"Nair nair, og yawa."

Again. pure nonsense, but when he rounds the edge of the shelf, his clothes and hair are dry. Still, his brows knit together, frustrated. The rain continues to beat down. How dare it.

When he looks back at Colette and Rupert, a smile's plastered to his face, "Thanks for the shelter. I have a few questions, too, but I'll let the lady go first." Such a gentleman.

Hogarth Hart has posed:
     Indeed the issues with magic in general have caused Hogarth to be concerned. But the current Sorcerer Supreme has not been the one Hogarth had been assigned to work with. Leaving the young mage to search out other places to help until he could find Doctor Strange himself.

  As silly as it seems, most places like this can hide in plain sight. Those who don't believe stay away, the kooks who aren't truly capable leave with bric-a-brac and those who are, can oft find a resource that they needed. No one being the wiser.

  Hogarth entered the Magic Box without hurry, the rain, while daunting was nothing he ever felt the need to run away from. He wore a red and black jacket, a light blue shirt underneath, with rolled up jeans. On his back was a short staff, about three feet in length, secured by a leather band, and his boots were a worn brown leather, not fitting in with the rest of his outfit. Once he is in, he looks about, starting to peruse the merchandise.

Rupert Giles has posed:
    The older man crosses the shop and holds out a hand to Colette. "Well, we -are- open," he says softly, smiling at her. "Do you have a list?," he asks. He adjusts his glasses and considers, turning from her towards the shelves of books. "The old, old books are kept locked away due to their worth. I hope you understand. Still, we have many books that the average bookstore does not carry."

    "Books on the fae written by someone who believes in them. I have -just- the thing. I actually only got it in last week. One of the girls who works here was supposed to shelve it, but..." He chuckles, and Giles makes his way around the back of the counter. He dissappears for a few moments, before he returns with a thin book with a blue cover. "A copy of Elisabeth Hensley's Journals. A young victorian girl who had a certain obsession with faeries. Some of it is certainly fancy, but...other things..."

    The man trails off and sets the book on the counter, now standing behind it. "Some of the things in here are certainly about faeries in her garden. Some are about the bright and beautiful things she saw on the misty moars just before the sun properly rose.."

    He glances over at Zachary, his bright eyes following him curiously for a few moments. "Indeed." He offers him a polite nod before he turns when the bell dings again and Hogarth enters. He offers him a polite nod as well. "Welcome," he offers to both of them.

Stardust has posed:
    Colette looks with interest at the book that Giles brings out. "Ah thanks, okay if I..." she gestures at the book, but seems to assume the placing on the book on the counter is permission as she opens it carefully and starts flicking through the book. She steals a glance over her shoulder at the latest newcomer, then a second slightly longer one as she notices the staff on his back. You could probably do some damage swinging that at people's heads. It doesn't engage her for long though.

    Skimming through the book, Colette obviously doesn't find the 'fairies in her garden' stuff too interesting, but stops in a few places to read a paragraph or two, frowning slightly. She gives the others a little time to address Giles with their questions before commenting. "Um. Interesting, but not quite what I'm looking for. I'm thinking more like something uh..." She struggles to figure out a way to express what she's looking for. "Okay. So say you have a friend who really... believes in this stuff. And you wanted to get them a gift that would really blow them away. Like it's written by someone who claims to actually know about them, not just... stories. Know what I mean? Uh. I know that's not going to be the cheapest books around, don't worry."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
As Colette conducts her business, Zachary moves on to the other items in the shop left open for browsing. He is careful in his handling of the books, touching with a delicacy that suggests familiarity with old tomes and older scrolls. The 'real' stuff of the magic world. His eyes flick back to the shopkeeper and the blonde occasionally, but his perusal puts him in the path of Hogarth.

"Nice stick," He comments, lifting his chin towards the staff.

Black Alice has posed:
There is a clash bang of dark magic outside the shop to those who are able to sense such things. Honestly is has the flavor of the Pit to it specifically. Which almost always means terrible trouble or some sort of problem.

This is probably very front of mind with the leylines being yanked and pulled so violently as magic is drained for mysterious purposes.

For a moment, two, then three... nothing happens.....

Then the door to the shop opens, the cute little bell chimes cutely and in comes a very wet, disgruntled looking, goth teenager whom cold give Raven a run for her money both in the goth and brooding department. "Does this rathole of a town always rain like this.. it is practically Gotham-like out there."

Hogarth Hart has posed:
     "She wants The Goods." He says aloud, stepping in for Colette. He wasn't rude about it, he saw the interjection as helping.

  Hogarth gives a raise of his own chin back to Zach as he continues on his business. Though he sharply turns his head as the loud clash of dark magic is felt outside. Dark magic wasn't something to mess around with, in his eyes. Not saying there was no use for it. But it was certainly noticed. "I may have to use it, too." He comments to Zach in a hushed tone.

Rupert Giles has posed:
    Giles chuckles softly and nods slowly. He reaches out to gently take the book from Colette. He turns to set it aside. "I think I have what you are looking for." The man makes his way out of sight again for a few moments. The sound of some things being moved around in the back room can be heard. "This one is a bit more expensive, I hope you understand!," the British man calls out. "It's a copy, but still older and rarer. The original would be quite priceless." He comes back into view again, carrying a grey hardback that is a bit thicker then the last one.

"'The Tales of True Thomas the Rhymer, as retold by Jonathon Crisp'," Giles says, setting it down in front of her. "This...is what you're looking for, I believe. It sounds like simple fairy tales, but it is -not-."

    Giles glances about now and again, keeping an eye on the other folks in the store as well. He then goes still as he feels that flash of magic, and he glances towards the door. His friendly demeanor shifts a hint, though he manages to keep a rather false smile on. His defenses are up now. "Normally it is quite nice," he says. "But it rains before the snow starts come Winter. We -are- near Bludhaven." He's an expert at stoicism, and he seems JUST fine and friendly still, even if he is watching the newcomer with wariness. He glances to Hogarth and offers the man a small nod.

Stardust has posed:
    To those whose senses are well attuned to the Arcane, the arrival of the goth might trigger alarms, at least if they are paying attention. Colette glances her way briefly the same way she did the other two visitors, but pays her little attention, suggesting that she is not counted amongst those with such finely tuned senses - and goths, after all, are not rare in a student town like Sunnydale.

    On the other hand, Raven-like Goths and magics with the flavor of the pit are probably something you build a natural resistance to, over time.

    Colette returns the Elisabeth Hensley to Giles, while giving a nod of agreement to Hogarth's interjection. "Yeah, The Goods," she agrees. You can hear the capitals. She seems to enjoy that, judging by the grin. When Giles returns with the new book, she looks it over and her forehead creases with a frown. "Thomas the Rhymer? That sounds familiar. I think this is one of the books on the list." She opens it carefully, browsing with a look of concentration. At first she flicks through pages rather quickly, but something catches her eye and she starts reading more slowly, a chapter titled 'The True Tale of the Harp of Elfland.'

    "How much?" Colette asks, without looking up.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
In that moment, Zachary looks past Hogarth, past staff on his back, past the glass window, into the black night as something dark, dark, dark approaches. His mind empties of all else, and the pulse of sorcery is there, barely restrained at his mind and fingertips and ready to be unleashed onto reality with the spoken word.

But it's just Lori.

"Oh my god, YOU?" Zachary outwardly groans, panic residing down his gut. "What sort of hellspawn have you messed with, tonight? And don't even //try// to take my magic again, it isn't even working." A note of pleading in his voice? Never.

Black Alice has posed:
Lori looks over at Rupert Giles, he does have the look of an aged shop keep about him really. So very British. Also handing out books fairies it seems.


Well maybe. That is still a fairly common book on the Fey. "What kind of faerie you dealing with sunshine and lollipops?"

When Zachary groans and then pleads Black Alice will finally notice him. "Oh." pause "Hi Zach." purposely not using his surname. "I haven't borrowed your magic in at least a few weeks, chill out. You seem in one piece." vague gesturing at him now. "As to them not working... well they are working they just don't have enough fuel." she frowns walking further in. "Leylines are all bent out of whack... would probably take three tries with a sling ring to get here if I didn't take a short cut."

What short cut, through hell!?

"I wish I knew what the Doc was doing.. honestly which is why I am here. You .. British dude... books on wards please. Stupid ward isn't like anything I've ever seen or in the library which is bizarre so I am getting a bit desperate."

Hogarth Hart has posed:
     A nod given returned to the Watcher and his hand calmly starts reaching back nonchalantly.

  Though as Zach comments to Lori, that one hand reaching behind the staff at the lower end of his back releases its grasp on the small wooden staff.

  The Order sorcerer keeps a stoic face while the other two talk and Colette starts working a deal. Then a certain name is brought up and it has Hogarth's undivided attention. His cobalt eyes look her over and he finally makes a comment to her. "You aren't referring to Doctor Strange, are you? You haven't -seen- him have you?"

Rupert Giles has posed:
    Giles considers the cost for a brief moment. He could likely get a good price for a book as rare as this. He brushes a fingertip briefly along the edge of the book, and then glances past Colette, towards the others. He blinks at Zachary's response to the goth girl. "Is there going to be a problem? If so, please take it outside of my shop," he says in his crisp accent.

    He then turns his attention back towards Colette. "It's on sale," he finally says. "Early, pre-Halloween sale, in fact. But only that one specific book," he adds, glancing about. "Ten dollars."

    He arches an eyebrow at the mentions of ley lines. "Curious. I had a visitor earlier tonight regarding the Ley Lines. An Avenger, in fact. Very nice young lady." He turns slowly towards the goth. "My name is not 'British dude'," he says softly. "I am Rupert Giles. If you are looking for protection spells, I would reccomend the shelves labeled 'protection and purification'." He gestures. The name might ring a bell to those really, really in deep with the supernatural.

Rupert Giles. Ripper. An Occultist who, in his youth, was one of the most dangerous dark wizards around...known to the occult community as Ripper.

Stardust has posed:
    It may be a fairly common book, but when you're looking for something very specific and very much in the area of things that Fae have traditionally avoided discussing with mortal mages, you're not looking for specifics. The specifics just aren't there. You're looking for hints and clues, a story of someone who actually did once recover an artifact from Elfland might just contain a detail worth knowing. Colette reaches into her pocket for some money.

    "Lollipops?" Colette repeats with surprise. Does anyone talk that way? "Uh. Just... general, I guess?" she replies, sounding thoroughly uninformed. She reaches for another pocket, having found no money in the first one. There's no money in that one either, and she starts searching her jeans, finally finding some cash in a pocket on her thigh which she apparently forgot she had.

    Colette's eyes flick very briefly over to Hogarth as starts asking about Doctor Strange. Probably curious about the sudden enthusiasm. They then flick over to Zachary, for no obvious reason, before returning to Giles, who she offers a ten to.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    Zachary isn't convinced that his powers won't be snatched by the end of this exchange, but Lori's dropping some interesting facts and the storekeeper wants him to behave. "Of course," He says, with a tight smile and an uneasy chuckle. "I've forgotten my manners clearly." He ends his semi-apology with a pointed look towards Lori as if to say 'remember yours too'.

    "I am my own fuel," He protests, approaching the goth cautiously. "Do I want to know why you're trying to break into someone's library?"

Black Alice has posed:
Lori will glance over at yonder shelf and then get a sour expression. "Not the front of the house trash Mr. Giles. I need a more rarified tome for this work." hey she used his name, then she slowly narrows her eyes. "British, occult bookshop. Giles." pause "Well damn. I'm pretty sure some people have bets you didn't live to retire in a small town... Which Avenger?" she seems more interested in that now than the book.

"Name is Black Alice."

Which well also has a lot of reputation to it. The Magic Thief. (technically borrower but it doesn't have the same tempo when someone is cursing her out as Thief does).

Her attention drifts back Hogarth for the first time. "Right. Stranger than usual these days for sure, I'm his apprentice." which sounds non-plausible, why would he take on the Magic Thief.

She sighs "Not the library, he locked me out of the room he is fucking with the leylines in and I want to know what he is doing with so much fuel."

Hogarth Hart has posed:
     "He isn't there." Hogarth comments quite matter of factly. "Whoever is there...isn't Doctor Strange." The leylines were indeed all out of sorts, but it was not Stephen doing it.

  The name of Rupert Giles is at least somewhat of a boon to the sorcerer of Strange's order. But he didn't think he would be helpful to Black Alice here. Instead his voice took on the even and uprightness of a monk. "I'm a member of the Order, and there is much at stake concerning the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. This leyline issue may have something to do with it."

Rupert Giles has posed:
    The owner reaches out to take the offered cash, and he steps over to the cash register. He rings Colette up and then slides her a receipt. "Here you go. I hope your friend enjoys it." He frowns softly at Lori's comments, and he smooths down his shirt. "I am not sure what you are eluding to, Black Alice." He shrugs softly when asked which Avenger he is referring too. "I can't seem to remember," he clearly lies. It isn't his business to divulge other peoples errands.

    When he recognizes her name, however, he brushes a small amulet beneath the register. The wards over the various true items in the shop increase with a faint, barely notable hum that is inperceptible to non-magical senses. He nods softly to Hogarth's words. "Interesting..."

Stardust has posed:
    Last time whoever wasn't there wasn't Doctor Strange, Colette reflects to herself, whoever was there was Raven. Something interesting is going on. Does Raven know? Of course Raven knows. She just hasn't mentioned anything, because she's Raven. Raven lives on air and not mentioning things. And sarcasm. Sometimes Pizza.

    "Ooh, scented candles!" Having taken her receipt and put it and the book in a small backpack (somewhat unceremoniously, but hey it turned out to only be a $10 book after all), Colette finds one of the displays of junk put out for the tourists, and starts going through it, smelling scented candles and picking up bits of crystal. There goes any credibility she may have had.

    It's an excuse to stay in the shop a little longer and listen in. After all these folks seem quite happy to talk in front of muggles, but you've got to be there to overhear.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    "You're the Sorcerer Supreme's apprentice?" Zachary repeats incredulously and scoffs. Because Magic Thief who 'borrowed' his powers. More than once. Stealing Doctor Strange's, though? That sounds about right. "That's a ballsy heist, Alice."

    Things start to align in his head quickly after that, and Zachary chews down on his lower lip, at the implications of both Alice's and Hogarth's words, "The Good Doctor isn't calling the shots, anymore?" His eyes dart between Colette and Giles, before settling on Strange's lackey and 'student'.

Black Alice has posed:
Well honest mistake, though Alice isn't that kind of Magic Thief.

Okay not usually, she is has been known to nick an artifact for whatever purposes, but she really more.. borrows other people's gifts for a short time.

"I'm not here for your knicknacks you Mr. Rr...Giles." she pauses "Also too bad, I'd love to talk to them about this problem. Maybe I should just swing by their mansion.. see how the other half lives."

She bounces her attention back to Hogarth "Well if it isn't the Doc it sure looks like him. The Sanctum recognizes him and his official capacity as well. Though now that you mention it... he has been a lot less lectury and preachy about everything for a couple weeks." she rubs the back of her neck, still damp from rain. "I mean he is channeling enough energy to punch a whole through the universe right now into there... which makes sleeping in my room wild some nights."

Also honestly Alice doesn't care about any code of magic secrecy or muggles, chalk it up to one more various thought crime she is guilty of.

"God Zatara... he insisted I be his apprentice because I need to learn proper magic and actually pay the costs of magic for once.. I am some sort of danger to the fabric of magic if I just keep borrowing other people's.. blahblahblah." she pauses "Yeah now that I think about it.. not one speech like that in a few weeks."

Hogarth Hart has posed:
     Hogarth took a look over Black Alice, and tried to keep his tongue civil. "Why would the Sorcerer Supreme take on an apprentice? There are entire schools devoted to training us. It's like asking Einstein to teach you arithmetic."

  The sorcerer makes his way to the door, instead of losing his cool and disrespecting the shop of Ripper. With another ring of the bell, Hogarth makes his way back out into the rain. Something didn't feel right, and he had been sworn to defend the leylines.

Stardust has posed:
    Colette has heard enough to get a general idea of what's going on. The accuracy of that general idea, particularly after Colette has had time to think and misinterpret what she has heard, is something Raven will have to suffer. The juicy stuff seems to be there, anyway. Anything else is likely to be too esoteric to make much sense anyway. Time to brave the rain.

    Rupert Giles soon finds himself twenty-two dollars richer and the stock two overpriced candles poorer. Colette gives him a smile as she packs away her purchases and slings the pack over one shoulder. "Thanks. I'll come back soon with that list. Bye Mister... Giles."

    The bell rings as Colette follows Hogarth out of the shop, and she's gone.

    The bell rings, and she's back. Or at least about half of her, sticking through the door and waving. Sometimes she can't help herself. "Bye, magic people," she adds, smiling to Zachary and Alice. "Give my regards to Gandalf!"

    The bell rings, and she's gone again, into the rainy night.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"There's always a price," Zachary explains, more gently, even if she won't hear him. "Especially when you don't see it right away."

Some days, he isn't sure if he paid his in full or if someone (or something) will want collection on that debt. But that's neither here nor there.

Zachary walks to the section of baubles near Colette, kneels, and picks out the most magically attuned trinket he can find. It happens to be a crystal ball with only scraps of the arcane, but it's an item and Zach plans on making a purchase after staying in this old man's store for so long. "Thanks," He nods, as he pays, not taking the moment to consider where he's heard that name before.

A card, with his name, number, and brand, appears between his knuckles, and he offers it to Black Alice. "In case you need help with that ward. I'm no good right now," A rare admittance, but he knows his limits and how to play his cards right. "But I still know...stuff." It floats before her, as he pulls his hood over his black curls and leaves

Black Alice has posed:
"Well.. in the Sanctum with the leylines you would be amp'd up not disrupted." she looks the card over after taking it then tucks it away.

"Can't believe that jerk didn't think I was Strange's apprentice... god magic people are so stuck up."

"Later Zack... British dude."

There is a curl of magic around her, and she is wearing taoist robes, just.... very Goth.... it is .. something very wrong how she just reached out and took some practitioners gifts and then she snaps a sigil into the air and steps through it, gone like she was never there ... except for the settling motes of magic on the floor.