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Latest revision as of 20:35, 14 September 2019

Through The Looking Glass
Date of Scene: 02 September 2019
Location: Arkham Asylum, The Narrows
Synopsis: Stockholm, with the aid of 'Matches' Malone, breaks out of Arkham Asylum.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Stockholm

Batman has posed:
He's through the looking glass now.

Breaking in to Arkham Asylum in order to break someone out.

Julia's cell has been left unguarded - a scheduling mishap that was anything but - and when the door suddenly rattles open, no alarm sounds. Only the empty hallway and the dim lighting await her there. At the end of the hallway, a dark silhouette awaits her.

The Batman has eschewed his usual terrifying attire - his uniform - in favor of something less conspicuous and easier to explain away in the event that things go badly. He's dressed all in black, his face smeared with slate grey paint, and a black knit cap upon his head. Costume make up has been applied to his cheek beneath the paint, giving a long and winding scar down his face. He holds himself differently than the Batman, too. His shoulders more hunched, his voice gruff and less refined, a slight squint to his eyes.

He is "Matches" Malone, goon for hire.

Stockholm has posed:
It has been a little over two weeks since the Bat came to visit her in Arkham wanting more information on Hook. Well also more information on her really, but the stated reason given and accepted was Hook.

That gave Julia a couple more weeks to heal bringing the total time in her cast to three weeks, which means like halfway there est case. It isn't like she has an experimental WayneTech brace and treatment system on her arm. Or a Negative pressure system on the bullet wound.

Still she is super scrappy and coming along nicely despite being in Arkham. This is almost like a vacation for the criminally insane. albeit one that has left her with a black eye. She told Calendar Man she would make him rue the day and well and good did she in the last group session. One armed and everything, totally knocked a tooth out of his mouthy mouth.

She is back in her cell on her bunk thinking thinky thoughts as she doesn't do anything to get her put in with other inmates. She hasn't forgotten the promise. A large part of her thinks it is bullshit but what else does she have to do. Joker broke out like over a week ago after all. Harley is unreliable and didn't pick her up at the same time, so much for breakout buddies.

Julia did place a call earlier this week, it bounced from her 'lawyers' to an burner, and then into an encrypted burner, it was very mysterious.

Batman has posed:
After a moment, the open door to Julia's cell is filled by the dark shape wearing simple black clothes and obscuring face paint. He looks her up and down carefully, and when he speaks his voice has a definite low-income bracket twang to it. Maybe he's from across the River somewhere? It's uncertain.

"We have a limited timeframe here, lady," 'Matches' growls at her, jerking his head towards the hallway and kicking at the open door to make it rattle on its frame, "Hurry up."

Stockholm has posed:
There is a very slow blink. She tilts her head to look at 'Matches' and her eyes narrow a little. "Oh." she notes thoughtfully. "I thought this might be another attempt to kill me so I figured I would fight for my life somewhere familiar..." she rolls nimbly over onto her feet, her cast bound arm not getting in the way as rolls.

She carefully but quickly slips her feet into the inmate shoes, slip ons, soft pliable, no laces.

She is studying Matches though the whole while now, thoughtful as she steps out of the cell, keeping an eye on him. There is some cognitive dissonance going on in her head right now. This presence is familiar even if she has no words for it, the voices are quieting like only a couple of other times in memory.

"Lead on then.. don't want to miss our train."

Batman has posed:
"Jus' follow my lead," Matches tells her, immediately turning on his heals and creeping back down along the corridor the way he came. When they pause near the door to the cell block, he produces a small black earpiece from his pocket and drops it in her palm, "Headset mic. If we split up - an we shouldn't be splittin' up - we talk on this. Keep your voice low."

Satisfied, her turns his attention back to the outside corridor and looks up and down. Satisfied, he leads the way outside and down several doors before they both duck into what looks like a supply corridor.

"We got a mutual associate who wants you out of here without all the fuss and noise. So stay outta sight."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia's good hand slips out palm up and then she turns it over in her hand, moving to tuck the earpiece into her ear. Tapping it into place and then murmuring. "Check check." if it is a small explosive device she will laugh about it later, but she somehow really doubts it.

She drops to a lower profile, following in sneaky ninja mode right now, keeping close and not trying to jump the potential savior. I mean for all that is good and holy she should be thinking it is a potential assassination or trap, but the feeling she has off this guy does not scream that.

Honestly she sticks closer to him than she would some random thug. When he addresses the associate. "I wonder who that could be." not quite amused, but well she has a pretty good idea of who that would be. The question is just because she has to. "Huh kept his word.. weird... I'm use to people who don't.. well except threats a lot of them keep those...."

She seems awfully coherent.

Batman has posed:
"They gave me the impression you'd be a rantin' and ravin' lunatic," Matches tells her matter-of-factly, pausing for a moment in the supply room to survey their surroundings, "Like you'd be tryin' to cut my throat and wear my skin as a cape or somethin'. Since when they lock ladies like you up in Arkham?"

He narrows his eyes at her, as though expecting her to flip out at any moment. He seems professional enough, but the way his movements seem almost rote suggest he is just obeying some blueprint that was laid out for him in advance. But then, that is what the Batman wants it to look like.

Seems he's a dab hand at acting, too.

"Alright, you okay to crawl through the air ducts? Only way out without catchin' hell."

Stockholm has posed:
"Oh no to be fair there are several voices .. urges to choke you out with my cast and bash your head into the corridor wall honestly. Maybe use that mop, break it, and then impale you slowly like." she taps the side of her head with her palm. "But .. they are pretty quiet right now. Odd that."

"I've used the airducts before, it is pretty effective but only if you have someone on the outside crack it open so you have an exit.. one too many escapes through them really.... but I suppose you have that taken care of." she looks down at her arm considering it. "I should be good to go, may be a bit slower than usual with my arm like this, fair warning."

She looks back up to Matches and narrows her eyes, but doesn't lunge at him. The cells with the other inmates aren't very near the supply closet, all she is struggling with right now is the general atmosphere of Arkham and having been marinated in it like a soup. "Let's do it. Though when we get out I'll need you to confirm who hired you before I tell anything I've learned."

Batman has posed:

Matches doesn't go ahead of her, opening the airduct above them with a practiced jump. He tugs on it, prompting it to open neatly. It looks like this might be the way he got in, given that the screws have already been unfastened. Satisfied, he crouches down and prepares to boost her up into the place.

"I'll tell you what," he muses, "You promise not to try any of that, and I won't break your arms and legs and drag you outta here. He said get you out, never said you had to be conscious."

Stockholm has posed:
"MMMmmmmm you do seem like the type who is capable of breaking arms and legs and even knocking a girl out cold in self defense... but I don't think you will." thoughtful tone to her words. "Still double deal, and I do tend to keep my word... when I can."

She steps into the hand and uses the boost, though it is questionable if she needed it the way she snags it one armed and then pulls herself up, and in. Like a snake, she really doesn't disappoint when it comes to agility and reflexes.. even with just one arm in play.

Into the earpiece mic she murmurs softly assuming the tech will pick it up. "You are going to have to tell me where to go though, not sure which way you infiltrated for this exfiltration..."

Batman has posed:
"Just go forward," Matches tells her through the earpiece, noiselessly lifting himself up after her and entering the air duct, "Turn when I tell you to. Radio silence when I do this."

To illustrate his point, he reaches ahead of himself in the tunnel to squeeze her ankle. Just a brief two pumps.

"We're going over the staff room at some point. Can't afford to be making noise when we do."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia goes very still when he squeezes her ankle, crystal clear for a moment, it is super odd and jarring for her. Then it is gone, like a hazy static is back. "Fuck." she mutters.

Then "Man that would be hilarious if the airducts broke and they were celebrating Frank's birthday party... it is his birthday today... crash.. cake everywhere." okay she seems very coherent but this is still Arkham and soup. Mental soup for an empath even with 'Matches' there.

"I mean Roger." soft to the mic and then she starts to shimmy along through the ductwork following instructions.

Batman has posed:
"You okay?"

The question is asked in response to her reaction to him grabbing on her ankle, though he quickly lets it slide as they start to work their way forward through the narrow tunnel. As they go, he speaks hushedly over the microphone.

"Once we're outside, there's a ride waiting for us. Blue sedan. You get in the back, I drive. Don't waste any time. Just get in. And don't go too far."

Stockholm has posed:
"I'm good. Really good actually. Thinking clearly." she notes "Not planning on ditching the plan don't worry." she wiggles along through the ventilation system it is dark so it is pretty much by touch.

She wasn't kidding about using this way to escape before. If the whole place wasn't ancient this wouldn't even work. They would have sensors and lasers in the ducts. This is no Iron Heights in Flash Territory that is for sure.

She murmurs. "You remind me of someone."

Batman has posed:
"Guess I'll take it as a compliment," Matches mutters, looking around a moment before he taps her on the foot, "Turn left here."

There's no accident that this is a way she's escaped before. If the worst happens and they're separated, he wants to know she's not going to get herself trapped up here or get lost. But to hear Matches' reaction, it would seem as though it were all coincidence.

"Alright, keep goin' forward - comin' up on the staff room," to illustrate his point, he squeezes her ankle to call for silence.

Stockholm has posed:
"Oh, I think I know which way you got in." she murmurs knowing it will be picked up by the earpiece. Nice technology.

She turns left and then continues along wiggling and trying to not scrape the cast into the duct work and make a lot of noise. This is extra tiring with the cast to be honest and she does not have enhanced stamina beyond a lot of training which has been kind of flagging off locked up, drugged, and injured.

She goes super quiet and careful.. the squeeze throwing her off a bit for a moment as clarity blossems and then fades away again. So mindful of the cast until they are past the staff room.

She at least is sweating at this point and breathing a smidge harder.

Batman has posed:
As they pass over the staff room, the sound of 'Happy Birthday' can be heard being sung below. Through the narrow vents the assembled guards can be seen, gathered around a cake as Frank smiles a bashful smile and wrings his hat in his hands. Their movements seem uncomfortably loud above such a gathering, but eventually they pass on and into the more insulated, quieter parts of the air ducts. He squeezes her ankle again, indicating that she can speak again.

"Right up here, then we're on the home stretch."

Stockholm has posed:
"That was touching.. . you know I don't think I have had anyone celebrate my birthday since before I went crazy. We use to do the same cake ritual in the precint." she sounds a bit morose. "I mean sure I bought myself nice stuff with other people's money since then.. but it isn't like people throw you a party when you are batshit enough to have people worried you may just shoot them in the face if they get the wrong cake. I mean hell.. I like all sorts of cake .. I won't shoot you."

That is all murmured very softly as she shimmies along, yeah she definitely knows which exit Matches has picked. It is the best one for this sort of thing if you managed to disable some of she security and unbolt everything.

Batman has posed:
"Tell you what," Matches murmurs to her as they crawl, "If you keep a clear head and we get out of here just fine? I'll buy you a big ol' cake and we can make up for all the birthdays you lost? Sound good?"

His tone doesn't suggest either way as to whether he's serious or merely sarcastic, and he doesn't mention it again. Before long, they come to a prominent slope in the tunnel which leads to an open air vent on one of Arkham's lower rooftops. It's quiet outside, but a light summer rain has left the tarpaper damp.

"Just up ahead. It oughta open when you nudge it."

Stockholm has posed:
"That sounds fun." she notes, hard to say if she is sarcastic or serious either really, tone pretty flat and even keeled.

She reaches the covering grate and gives it a nudge, yup loose, she pushes it open and then slides out onto the roof, careful since she is head first out the vent and one arm and all. Slipping and falling off a roof right now would be a sad .. comically sad... way to end the night.

Sehe regains her feet and is thankful the asylum shoes have good traction, no need for someone to slip on all the tiled floors and hurt themselves and spend state money nursing them back to health. Enough ways to be injured in Arkham without that one.

Julia looks around and then starts to edge towards the way she would have done this keeping low unless corrected. "rope or drain pipes?"

Batman has posed:
"You think I'm gonna trust those rusty ass pipes?"

Matches climbs out of the duct after her, rising to a crouch. He creeps across the roof, pulling the maintenance hatch of an air conditioning unit to produce a length of black rop with carabiners on either end. He tosses it over one shoulder, returning to where Julia waits for him.

"I'm not about to fall and break my neck bustin' crazies out of Arkham," he tells her pointedly, searching around for a moment before he finds an anchor he likes and hooks the rope to it.

"You're goin' down first."

Stockholm has posed:
"You are doing the very best to make me think you are worried about me stabbing you in the back. I appreciate that." a soft smile then she does not need to be told twice, she carefully grabs the rope with her good hand, gives it a wrap loose around her forearm and then eases off the side of the roof. She is basically needing to descend and let out the slack one armed like this .. thankfully it is her left arm in the cast not her right which is a bit more integral to her doing things. A bit. She is mostly ambidextrous.

"This is probably the quietest breakout I've ever been involved in to be honest. Very professional and considerate."

Batman has posed:
"Like I said," Matches explains, joining her a few feet higher on the rope which seems to take their combined weight without much issues, "I'm bein' paid to bust you out quiet and without any additional injuries. I'm just followin' the plan he laid out for me. If you wanna thank anyone, you can thank him."

But there's still no explanation as to who she ought to thank as they begin to descend, the narrow service road down below deserted save for the blue sedan parked on the side of it. Matches looks at the military-grade wristwatch he wears, clicking his tongue against his teeth.

"We got a minute and a half before they reroute power and this whole place is lit up like a Christmas tree. When you get down there, make for the car and get in."

Stockholm has posed:
"Well I mean the cell door is likely to reset shut and just be empty... I imagine it might take them a bit longer to notice it is empty. Man I can't wait for the headlines on this one.... still better safe than sorry."

When Julia hits the ground she runs low and fast towards the blue sedan and pops the back door and slides in. I mean yes she checks to make sure there are no shooters or others in it but really she moves fast and efficient to the objective.

Unless something goes wrong.

Batman has posed:
Matches follows her close behind, sprinting across the road until he's at the driver's side door. It's as he pulls the handle that things begin to go badly. Inside Arkham, a muffled alarm begins to sound that is quickly joined by klaxons that sound along the perimeter. Emergency lighting activates with a 'thunk' flooding the whole road in blinding light.

With Julia already inside, he quickly slips into the driver's seat and turns the key in the ignition. It starts on the first turn - no mistakes on that front - and the engine roars to light. He glances over his shoulder at Julia as the car's tires screech against the road, making a sudden one-hundred and eighty degree turn.

"Hold on back there, lady," he tells her, "We got a boat waitin' for us once we get to the river. We're leavin' Gotham for a while."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia reaches across herself and seatbelts herself in, better safe than sorry as she said earlier in case there is a high speed pursuit and they wreck this sedan. She has a hunch it won't happen, the wrecking but still.

"Secured." she notes professionally and then looks out the window at Arkham as the car spins around and they take off. "Are we going somewhere tropical, I bet it is somewhere tropical."

"So which of my many benefactors do I owe this jailbreak to?" yeah she has a hunch, lots of them really but she isn't about to just blab her intution yet in case she is wrong about Matches. She would have trouble explaining why she has one particular hunch but she has always been very sharp in profiling.

Especially with a clearer head that is getting clearer by the moment as they get clear of Arkham.

Batman has posed:
The car moves swiftly down the rain-slick roads, Arkham's guards barely having time to mobilize before they're on the move. They cut it fine, but it looks as though they'll be long gone by the time the GCPD arrive. The car itself is unmarked, and the complete lack of anything to suggest it belongs to someone in itself suggests it was purchased for this purpose and will be gone once it's done.

Matches' eyes flick up to the rearview mirror, blue eyes locking on Julia as a sliver of light washes over him in the darkness. His tone is gravely serious.

"I think you know who sent me. Tall. Cape. Pointy ears."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia puts her good arm up on the window lip there as she stares out at the rain once more.

"Right. I was pretty sure. I appreciate that."

So anyhow.. my lawyers tell me the Hook war .. well tide has been tilted thanks to the efforts of the existing criminal elements.. but Bane is still out there." she looks up to the rearview mirror. "I appreciate when someone's word is kept though. ... I tried to keep out of trouble in Arkham but ... not very clear of thought. I am now though." funny that.

"They also told me to work with the Batman on the Bane problem. Yeah when pressed on whether or not I wanted an exit I said I had one lined up.. they approved... I think they are really amused by the whole situation.. The Light and L1." a sigh there.

Batman has posed:
"You're taking orders from the Light?" Matches asks. For a hired thug, he seems keenly interested.

He doesn't take his eyes off the road for more than a second, steering off the service road quickly to a gravel path that looks more like a walking trail than an actual road. But he drives with all the skill of a professional, winding through the trees as they race down the sloping incline.

"The promise was to get you out," he reminds her, "But the job ain't over. You're still okay t'work with the Bat on this?"

A pause as he navigates a particularly treacherous bit of terrain, slowing down to round a bend.

"Oh, almost forgot," he tells her, tossing a smart phone over his shoulder to land on the backseat, "That's for you."

Should she open it, she will find a WayneTech smart phone that has been heavily customized. The most interesting, immediate feature being a photo of Bud the Dog taken very recently on a non-descript carpet in a room somewhere.

"He says you want him back, you can have him after the mission is done. Says he's taken good care of him."

Stockholm has posed:
"I still find it ironic that no one believed me when I said Batman took my dog, they even filed extra charges for making a false report.. of course they also beat me senseless and filed a breakout when I was almost assassinated. No justice." she is staring at the dog photo and then carefully starts to explore the phone with one hand.

"Yeah, not sure they would be happy or not with me mentioning that bit. I mean I already did once but yeah. I'm an Agent.. which means I don't know anything sensitive but I do get a lot of steady work, cash, and gear out of it. As for this job... they won't be trying to murder me doing it. Bane crossed them in this situation evidently so .. yeah I am to work with the Bat.. which is also what the Batman wants .. so yeah free and clear and I get my dog back."

"I will note this is .. surreal and I half expect him to toss me back into Arkham and keep my dog. But sure... lets do this thing." she looks back to the mirror. "Are you along for the ride then or am I going solo against Bane and whomever else is in the way.. or you shipping me off to the Bat?" yeah a lot of questions but the op is bound to be dangerous. She also still has a broken arm, which is on the mend but still.

Batman has posed:
"I'm stickin' with you," Matches tells her pointedly, "He says he don't trust you on your own. Too many bad influences. You gotta have someone around to keep you on the straight and narrow, and that just so happens to be me. So guess you're stuck with me."

It's a gamble. He's already made plans to divide his time, but it'll be rough. Some of the Family may understand his absence to play nursemaid to one of their enemies, but not all of them. Talia especially won't. But it's a necessary evil.

"I got other work I need to do for him, too," the thug continues, "So sometimes, you're gonna be in the safehouse by yourself. I know that's when the crazy kicks in, so you're gonna be locked up ... now, I get that sounds like a raw deal but it's only for the duration."

Stockholm has posed:
"Well. Seeing that I was just in Arkham and am now not in that nuthouse.... it doesn't sound like a totally raw deal. I also see why there is a smidge of concern about the whole situation." she leans back closing her eyes.

"Straight and narrow. For the record I am very. Very. Good at breaking out of places. Though if I do break out of a safe house I will come back, I have dual mandates for this job and I think even if I get a lil ... off the rails... well I will finish the job. Crazy me might be crazy but I don't want to cross The Light and Batman. That sounds like a recipe to wishing I was just in Arkham."

She evens out her breathing and just seems content back there. "So what do I call you while we are on this operation.. did you mention it... I don't want to mess that part up." that statement could be taken, so .. very many ways. Still Bruce is very good at the acting and disguise right. No tells. The fact she is clear headed though and still has her .. vibe going.. but nothing has ever indicated she is anything other than a broken woman, snapped by Arkham.

Batman has posed:
As the car rolls to a stop, he climbs out of the driver's side and even moves around to open the back door for Julia. He jerks his head towards the boat, taking a careful look around to make sure nothing is amiss. Seemingly satisfied, he turns his attention back to her. The question goes unanswered the entire time, as though he didn't hear it. But as he moves around the now-unoccupied car, carefully angled on a slope facing the river, he speaks up:

"The name's Matches. On account of an arson rap I did a million years ago. But, you know how nicknames are."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia unbuckles "Yeah once you get a moniker or a nickname.. they tend to stick even if they are painful sometimes." she slides out of the car "or super ironic and painful..." she looks around and then at the boat and starts to make her way towards it now. "To bad about the car.. bet the police auction would end with it going to someone who can't afford one new."

Batman has posed:
"Real shame," Matches says in a tone that suggests he doesn't share her opinion. As he yanks the handbrake off, he climbs deftly out of the seat and watches the thing roll into the water. The incline is such that it slowly begins to dip beneath the inky depths, floating momentarily before the water rushes through the open door and it sinks down into the river.

Satisfied, he brushes gravel over the tire tracks with one shoe and then moves to join Julia in the boat. He pushes it out onto the water, climbs in after her, and rips the cord on the engine to get it started.

"Alright, Julia," he tells her, eyes set on the horizon, "We're in business."