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When angels weep....
Date of Scene: 03 September 2019
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sam finds Shannon by the lake, and they work through the aftermath of the Sentinel attack in Mutant Town.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball

Nightingale has posed:
     Ever since the protest in Mutant Town earlier that day, Shannon had been keeping to herself. The familiar aroma of sweets baking in the kitchen was missing that day, nor did familiar Elton John tunes played on the piano fill the music room. The winged healer did what needed to be done as far as classes went, studying or at least going through the motions of studying. But in the end, she finds herself out by the lake, sitting cross-legged upon the shore, tears trickling down her face as she watches the moonlight on the water, wings drooping behind her.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has read the report, and hmms. He knows Shannon and figured she might need to chat. He did first check her normal haunts, bread, good vibrations, and Brightwind munching on apples not being found, he took to the skies. He started a pattern checking around the ground for her. One of the benefits of looking for Shannon though unless she is specificly trying to hide, you just look for the large white wings. They sorta stand out.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shifts from sitting cross-legged to drawing her knees up and hugging them to her chest, burying her face in her forearms. If Sam is scanning from the skies, what he's likely to see on the shore of the lake is what appears to be a big ball of white feathers. It is, though, just the large white wings in question wrapped around their owner, as if to ward off the rest of the world.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come in for a landing, and not as if he can come in stealthy. The young man will walk over and kneeling in front of Shannon, in the right position for the hug he thinks she will need/want. He puts a hand lightly on her wings and says "Hey there sis, been worried about ya."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks up when she hears Sam's voice, her face streaked with tears. She unfurls her wings to let them droop behind her, leaving the way clear for a hug. "Why does there have to be such hate? Why?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pull her close, and hold her there. "Ah wish Ah could says Ah don't know, and it is limited, but Ah have thought about it, and well it is part of the world." He tells her. He rubs her back, and says "The world, heck the universe is a vast vast place, but It sorta seems to like a balance. There are folks out there who hate, hate for all they are worth, heck like the line in the movie "If hate were people I would be china." But there are people out there who love, and care and want to help. The people out there who hate, they get more hype and news cause what they do is shocking, but that's sorta a good thing. As long as it is shocking we know it is not the norm. Those out there who care and love, and guard, well we don't make the news as much, cause we don't sell papers or advertisements. Good and love are often shown in the small things. The woman who brings her neighbors food cause she knows the mom of the house is sick this week. The kids who see a stray and shares his hotdog with it. The person who holds the umbrella for the little old lady. " He may ramble a bit there "But over all for all the hate and evil out there you have to remember all the good and love out there too."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is glad her adopted brother is there, and burrows right into the hug. Her voice is broken as if a lump were caught in her throat, and she tries to take deep breaths to keep from breaking down completely. "I know we all did a lot of good out there, and a lot of people got to go home to their families. But when I close my eyes, all I can see is that one young man... the hole blasted in his back. How fast and how brutal he died, before I could ever get to him. All I could do was close his eyes." She rocked a little bit, struggling to hold back the tears. "There was a lot going on, but in the end... the only one to give him some sort of dignity in passing... of all people... was Magneto."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her and says "He has seen more death than the rest of us combined perhaps, and hates it, but is willing to do cause it when he feels it is needed." he does not candy coat about the man "There is alot I look at Magneto and can say there is a good man, but alot I say where he steps over the line. You think he was the only one to show him dignity?" He will pull out his phone and show her a youtube video where people have already started doing the candles, and presents on the spot where the young man died.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly as she listens. "There's a lot more to him than I realized. We never spoke... probably never will... but maybe that's someone I could learn to respect." The video gets her attention and she watches silently, as candles, flowers, and presents are left around the three metal blocks on the ground--the remains of the three Sentinels--where Magneto had laid the young man to rest. She can't hold back the tears any more, shaking as she cries bitterly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will keep one arm around her letting her cry while he holds her "It is a harsh harsh world, and a lesson we learn in many hard ways. Some of the people out there are going to die, and as hard as we fight we can't stop it. And there is another lesson your gonna end up learning that might be as hard if not harder to accept

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, swiping her hand under her eyes. "Yeah, it's harsh out there. Yeah, people are going to die, and they won't always be so lucky that someone gives two sh... pins about their dignity. Yeah, there's going to be times we can't help them. Doesn't make it any easier." She looks up at Sam, her brows furrowed deeply. "What's the other lesson?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hand her the phone to pull out a bandana to use to whip her eyes and blow if she needs to. "That sometimes folks in this line of business come back, and sometimes they don't. That no matter how hard we want someone to come back we can't control who will or when they will come back. We can't count on them coming back, but somewhere in the back of our minds we hope that somehow some day they might. And sometimes they do, but alot of times they don't.

Nightingale has posed:
     "And you never really get used to it, do you? Because the minute that happens, you become the very thing you're fighting." She sighs heavily, and makes good use of the bandana. HONK. Yeah, it's going to need a washing. "I know someday one of us might not come back... but I know both of us sure as hell are gonna try real hard." She looks down at her hands, flexing her fingers. "Going to have to train a lot more. Can't help everybody... but I want to give them a good chance of coming home."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Well just remember that means keeping yourself safe as well. Ah don't want to loose you and Ah have been thinking about things and an aspect of your power not sure if you have thought about.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon takes in a shuddering breath and looks over at Sam, deadly serious. "The fact that it would not be very hard for me to take in too much, and put myself at risk?" She ducks her head and sighs softly. "Yeah, that's crossed my mind. It's why I'm training with Josh, and volunteering in the wellness office. So I can learn to control that. Was that what you were thinking?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at her, and says "Also the fact if you are already hurt, and take on a new wound, when you are already hurt. I mean in a scene where you are in a disaster or such not even a fight. You need to be cautious, enough bumps and bruises from 17 people and what would it do to you?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs. "I guess it'd depend on the bumps and bruises. That's something I should bring up next time I run into Josh though. I mean... wellness office, there's minor cuts and scrapes that come through there all the time. I can handle quite a few of those and it won't really affect me. But the bigger stuff... it's an unknown." She looks out over the lake, and nibbles her lower lip for a second. "I kind of thought of that too, though. It's why I mentioned learning about more conventional means of healing, too, because relying too much on my powers could go south. It could for anybody, really. Back up your powers with other things, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to her, and says "It is always a good thing to have, being prepared often can be more useful than our powers honestly. With the right prep work your powers maybe unneeded. Now, I want you to answer something for me. When you think of today, who was the hero?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks deep in thought, and shrugs. "I don't know. We all were, mostly. Mr. McCoy and... Quentin, I think it was, they were great at helping get everyone out of the way. Mostly everyone, that young man, he was just killed too quickly...." She chokes up for a moment. "Bobby, he was great at keeping us all on track... Megan was great at taking on that Sentinel, though I got real worried for her there, too, thought for sure she'd be next when that thing threw her back. Lorna and Magneto... those two go without saying. Without them it would've gotten a whole lot messier. Not only did they tear those Sentinels to shreds, but made sure that what was left didn't cause any more injuries." She picks up a stone and flings it into the lake, rather hard. "I didn't do a hell of a lot, but... got a lot to learn, too, maybe... damn it!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You will learn, and Ah asked cause Ah wanted to see something. If I tell you who Ah think was the most heroic you might be a bit upset that you did not think aout it. It was the kid, he did not worry about himself, had no training, but thought of others. Now the lesson here is a heroes life is dangerous, you need to make sure your ready for the possibilities that come with it, and that you realize not only the effect it has on you but others. The toughest thing Ah ever saw Magneto do was not fight a sentinel, float an island, assemble an asteroid. No it was talking to Doug's parents, Ah hope to god to never have that duty. Now, you may think Ah am cruel for this, but I want you to spend the next two days, seriously thinking about if you want to be a hero, and if so what type. If you feel you want to, should be or should not be in the field, and what your willing to risk with this life."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "What do you think I've -been- thinking about since that class trip? And yes... yes that kid was a hero. Probably the greatest one of all of us today, he stood up for what was right and didn't let himself be scared off. Even though it cost him everything." She hugs her knees to her chest again, and rests her chin on her forearms. "I've seen my dad have to talk to families the same way, and there are times he'd actually cry when he got home. And I can't imagine how Dani had to feel during the class trip... how she must feel, being a Valkyrie, knowing if someone's time was coming or not, and not being able to stop it. Or how angry and frustrated Mr. McCoy, or you, or Lorna, or Magneto, or anyone else who was there today must be feeling right now. I'm not blind to those things. Yeah, I know what the kid gave today, it could be asked of any one of us. Just... I didn't count on getting hit so hard in here." She taps her heart. "Death is no stranger to me... just not used to it on this end of things. But I'll have to get used to it, because if you think this is going to stop me, you'd be wrong."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hugs her again and keeps her close unless she fights it "Well Ah hope you don't have to get used to it, Ah hope it is something you see very seldomly but it is something you have to be prepared for. Ah know you have been taking this hard and honestly the talk Ah have with you today was a little different than Ah probably would be with most. With us, it was more realizing not only we could be killed doing this but someone our own age could be killed. It is something most kids have a hard time grasping till it happens. Ah figured you for past that one but Ah want to make sure you look at it all, and also know you don't have to carry the burden alone.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, not fighting it in the least. "Do they even know the kid's name?" She looks at the nearly-forgotten phone, reaching over to tap the screen and play the video again. "Who told his family? Do they know their son... their brother... is a hero?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "I don't know to be honest, the thing Ah found had not found out his real name, just what he called himself. That is where you will find some other issues to be honest. Many of the people in mutant town have given themselves new names abandoning they past. So finding out their old names can be hard. Also, there are many who have been abandoned by their families so it is not only do they know, would they care.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "I hope his family knows... and cares." She takes a deep breath, though she's still shaking a bit. "I'll get through this... it's not going to stop me. Just... hit harder than I thought it would." She looks over at Sam, and leans into the hug a little bit. "I think if I'm going to be going out there, though... it's not going to be real smart with just jeans and a t-shirt."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and says "Yea, I think we need to get you your bumblebees as Doug would say. Hope you like yellow and black." He gives her a grin.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles a little bit, a welcome sound, though her eyes aren't quite dry yet. "As long as it protects better than what I've got on, I'm not too worried about the color. We're not after a fashion statement here, just staying alive."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We will see what we can do, but most of the costumes aren't bulletproof you know that right?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Neither is this, but if it blocks anything at all it's a step up." She nibbles her lower lip. "Should probably also let you know, I ran into Logan the other day, wound up in his class. So... sounds like I'm pretty likely to pick up a few things there that'll help out there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Hand to hand? Yea he is one of the best to teach ya that one." He will admit to her "It is a good thing. " He will stand and guide her to stand next to him "Going to show ya something Ah think you will want to see, maybe a little hard but now might be the best time."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon gets to her feet, brushing off some sand and dirt from her jeans. Yeah, those were going to need a washing later. "Like you said... I won't be dealing with it alone. What is it, big brother?" Her voice was a little more steady than before, the shaking subsiding somewhat, and she's steady on her feet.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lead her to where they have the monuments to the X-men who have been lost. HE will hold her hand, and lead her through. Stopping at each and telling her what he knows about them and how they passed. (Keeping it vague on specifics since not sure who all is dead in continuity.)

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon pauses in front of each monument, reaching out to trace the names of the fallen. She's quiet for a long moment, deep in thought. "Would it be possible," she mused. "...to have a monument here for all the heroes who have fallen, who had nobody else? Our equivalent of the Unknown Soldier." She smiles a little bit. "Then heroes like that kid will never be forgotten."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "It is possible, but to be honest, I think it might be better to put in a park in Mutant town if we can. But if we do it do we do for just mutants, for all folks, or what. Think upon it, and come up with a plan and maybe a design and we can talk to Berto

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little bit. "You're right. If it were just for mutants... then that'd be the same discrimination that the kid gave his life to fight against. Maybe it'd be better if it were for all who give everything in that same fight. Something simple." Oh yes, the creative wheels are turning, and she nibbles her lower lip. "I might actually contact my dad for monument design ideas, he'd be the expert in the family on that, or at least he could point me towards some resources."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and nods his head and says "I have confidence in you when your ready we will get you to someone who can help you with this. " He rubs her back, and finishes the tour then takes her for chicken and rootbeer.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smiles a little bit. "Nobody should be forgotten... even if we just spare a thought for them, whether we know their names or not." She lets Sam guide her back to the mansion, where the universal remedy of good food, good drink, and good company await. That, and time, perhaps will heal all ills.