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Latest revision as of 20:42, 14 September 2019

Mystery Movies
Date of Scene: 01 September 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Remy and Shannon enjoy the hilarity of MST3K, and share wisdom gained the hard way. Laughter, good clean fun, snacks, a good time had by all!
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Nightingale

Gambit has posed:
Friday night, so naturally most of the teens at the school have plans. But not all, and thus Remy put up a little flier on the school bulletin board MST3K Triple Feature Pajama Party. Bring your own snacks (Popcorn and Soda provided). Remy didn't expect /much of a crowd naturally, but hey in no one showed up he'd get to watch MST3K, eat a ton of pop corn and drink 20 liters of pop.

Nightingale has posed:
It didn't look as if Remy was going to be getting a chance to hog all the soda and popcorn this time--particularly if root beer was involved. A semi-familiar winged teen shuffles in to join the fun, wings a-flutter behind her. She's got a loose grey tank top, red tartan sweatpants, and sheepdog slippers on for PJ's. Eclectic, and more than enough to keep her modest. The salty, buttery aroma of popcorn is filling the air, and draws her in like a flame would a moth. "Thought I smelled something good!" Shannon chuckles, making a beeline for the popcorn.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a bit and nods. ""Grab a bowl, an' use a scoop." He directs towards the massive bowl over flowing with popcorn. Remy seems to have grabbed the grape soda for himself as well as a bowl of popcorn. "Gonna give everyone five more minutes, den we starin' wit' 'Obgoblins... which 'as de distinction of bein' mah first MST t'ree K movie evah." He says. He himself is wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt and a pair black martal arts pants.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins and heads right for the bowls and popcorn, scooping out a definitely healthy helping of the stuff. A bottle of root beer is claimed, and a well-loved old red beanbag near the TV is claimed. "Never seen that one, but MST3K is a blast." She opens the bottle, raising it as if in a toast. "Haven't seen you in a while. Want to get this party started?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, looking at the empty doorway and shrugging, "No time like de presen', non?" he asks starting the movie and leaning back in a recliner not far away. "Ah've been 'round Ah guess. Not been much foh company lately is all."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head and peers over at Remy, taking a swig of root beer. It's a good thing she's not one to sneak some booze in there somewhere, the way she gulps that soda down! "Why not? What's going on?" The movie's opening alone is enough to draw a groan from her, and she flicks a little popcorn at the TV, laughing. "Oh jeeze... 'involuntary on-turning'? Sheesh!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little and leans back, shrugging a bit. "Personal stuff Ah suppose chere." He says tossing a bit of pop corn high into the air and catching it in his mouth. "Fair warning, yah nevah really grow out of relationship drama..."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and chuckles lightly. "Yeah, already finding that out," she says, somewhat ruefully. "Sometimes it turns out for the best, though." She grins and holds up a bit of popcorn, flicking it his way. "Catch!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau watches the popcorn and tilts his head just slightly to catch her's as well, grinning slightly at that and shrugging. "Maybe foh de best... still de bes' not always feel like it at de time, non?" he says casually as the Robots (and Mike) scream and run down the hallway full of doors..

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs a little and smiles. "Yeah, it can hurt pretty badly when you like someone but it turns out they just don't see you the same way. But on the other side of things... in the end, they can become the best of friends, almost like family. So, not entirely a loss." She shrugs and rolls her eyes at the mayhem on the screen. "Idjits."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a little bit, "Oui, but dat's why dey fun ta watch, non?" he shrugs and leans back. "It still frustrating... Yah get used ta de way t'ings are and den...den somet'ing yah always expected ta be dare is gone."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon glances over, ignoring the movie for the moment. Her brows furrow as she tries to think something through. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, mon ami?" Her voice has gone very soft, tinged with concern. "What happened?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs sightly, responding in French (Though his player doesn't feel like playing with Google Translate today). "Rogue and I broke up some time ago. Felt we were growing apart. What Can I say, she was probably right. I just can't get past it I guess. NEver had a woman get to me the way she did. Even my wife."

Nightingale has posed:
It takes Shannon a moment to translate what he said in her mind and nods, reaching over to squeeze Remy's hand gently. "Maybe I don't know as much about all that as some, but I've already learned that when someone gets under your skin like that, it's real hard to either adjust to it, or to get them out again." She offers a smile. "Whether they're gone or they don't see you the same way, they'll always be really special to you."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods a bit and takes a long drink of grape soda, laughing slightly at the antics of the characters on the screen and Mike and Crow's banter about it. "Wise words foh a young girl." He says with a grin, and then turning his full Cajun Charm on her adds "If yah were five years older..."

Nightingale has posed:
"Wisdom unfortunately often seems earned the hard way." Shannon smiles ruefully--and then turns beet red, clear to the tips of her ears. She bursts out laughing, and flicks some popcorn over at Remy. "Smoothie! But I'm not five years older... and that was half the problem." She rolls her eyes and smiles, not entirely immune to a compliment even at sweet sixteen.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins wickedly as he makes the winged girl blush, tossing her a piece of popcorn back the way she did for him. It should go right in her mouth provided she does not move. "Oh, an' what's dat supposed ta mean?" he asks curiously about her "5 years too young" comment.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon somehow manages to catch the piece of popcorn in her mouth without choking on it, covering her mouth and giggling softly. The mirthful sound does fade, though, at Remy's question. "The one I liked was just about that much older than me. So... just a bit out of reach. And I'd never really even thought of anybody in that light before." Ouch. Just... ouch. She distracts herself by turning to the screen, rolling her eyes at just how epically -bad- the movie is.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau ahhs and nods, shaking his head. "Nevah was good wit' ages an' such.." he says with a shrug, "Ta me, five years eit'er way don' make dat much of a difference. But den Ah am not de one whose opinions mattah Ah suppose." he shakes his head as the man's head explodes on screen.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and cracks a bit of a smile, though she flinches a bit as the man's head explodes. Granted, the special effects are bad, but still... "Well... merci." She flicks a bit of popcorn in the air and tries to catch it, but it bounces off the end of her nose instead. "It still worked out for the best, though... even though it's going to be a while before the ache goes away. It's the kind that will heal clean, I think, instead of keeping quiet about how you feel. Now -that- is a pain I wouldn't wish on anybody."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a bit, "Ah've always been de sort ta jus' let de wound fester an' scab ovah." He says unironically and shrugs. MAybe Ah shoul' just follow mah brot'er's advice when it comes ta situations like dis."

Nightingale has posed:
"Oh? What's the advice?" Perhaps it was some bit of wisdom the winged teen could use herself, and not have to chase it down the hard way. "And letting a wound fester isn't a great idea. I may not know a lot about things, but I've got two good ears to bend if you need it."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau drops back into French and gives the girl a wicked grin, the kind of grin that made fathers all over NAwlins hide their daughters. "Not'ing gets yah ovah de last one, like getting undah de next one."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is taking a swig of root beer, and nearly chokes on it, coughing up a storm. If her face was red before, it was easily a brighter shade again this time, especially when the full translation sinks in. "Mon dieu! You sure you don't have a silver tongue? Wait... never mind, probably not a good idea to find out the answer to that one!" She's laughing, though, and cleaning herself up.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit. "Come see me in five years, maybe Ah show yah jus' what sort of tounge Ah 'ave." he says playfully, but just grins. After all the girl /is/ a student and there are some lines even the Cajun won't cross.

Nightingale has posed:
This time, it's a good handful of popcorn that gets flung at Remy, to the tune of peals of laughter. A rogue and a smoothie this one might be, but he was certainly a lot of fun to talk to. "You're terrible! Besides, what are the odds you won't have found the one by that time, anyways, as funny and kind as you are?" A student Shannon might be, but she was only human, hey, it was good to see a friend smile.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit and shrugs, "De way mah luck 'as been lately." he says letting her pelt him with the popcorn with impunity, shaking his head. "Ah may 'ave found an' run off two or t'ree somebodies in dat amount of time."

Nightingale has posed:
"Well... you can look at it one of two ways. Either see them as failures, or see them as one closer to finding the right one. Hell, okay so the one I went through, it hurt like a son of a gun. Still aches. But I'll probably have to go through a lot of frogs, to find a prince." Shannon lightly pokes Remy in the shoulder and laughs. "Ribbit."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "DAt is a very optimistic way of lookin' at t'ings certainly." He says amused, shaking his head slightly, "Kinda petty of me ta t'ink of Rogue as some wartty toad 'owevah, don' yah t'ink?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs a bit and just shakes her head. "Only saw her in passing at Betsy's birthday party, don't really know her that well. But I wouldn't call anybody here a toad." She chuckles a bit, turning back towards the movie. "Okay, so maybe some here are a little grouchy, but really not all that bad in the end."