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Latest revision as of 20:42, 14 September 2019

Intros in Central Park
Date of Scene: 01 September 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Triage, Darkstar, and Pixie meet, but only one name is revealed, and that without hint of its true nature.
Cast of Characters: Triage, Darkstar, Pixie

Triage has posed:
Central Park is bustling for mid-week, with some people passing through the large open space on their way to other parts of the city and others enjoying summer's fading warmth while they can. Along with the walkers, joggers, and bikers, a slender young man cruises on a skateboard, weaving deftly around knots of people and rolling on only two wheels along the edges of sidewalks to pass other slower movers. He waves to the owner of a food cart. "The usual, Pete!" he calls after the last customer leaves. The young man lowers one tennis-shoed foot to slow his ride on approach, and then flips the skateboard into the air, only to catch it with one gloved hand.

Darkstar has posed:
The last time laynia had been in Central Park, earlier on, she'd been eating pizza with a pair of new friends. Now she was back, wearing clothes fit for a diplomat. She's got herself into a tiny, tiny bit of trouble as she's walking the paths and keeping to herself. Watching the skateboard and its rider, she says nothing yet. Instead she looks to the food cart, then steps toward it.

Triage has posed:
Triage tucks the board under his left arm, along with his often-present bo stick while he watches Pete at work. The carter ladles refried beans, rice, chopped chicken, shredded jack cheese, and finally salsa into a large tortilla on the small counter. Then, like a Cuban craftsman, he rolls the ingredients into a hefty burrito wrapped in foil, while the boarder fishes money from a pocket. Pete sets a large bottle of water on the counter. Money and food change hands, and the boarder, now clutching the burrito in his left hand, pushes his mirrored shades upward to perch on his forehead below his helmet. "Gracias mi amigo!" he thanks tHe vendor. He turns from the cart and spots the woman in her finely tailored ensemble. When she heads for the cart, he inclines his head and steps to one side. "Petey, you're pullin' in the classy crowd now!"

Pixie has posed:
It's a nice day for flying, and while Megan shouldn't be drawing attention to herself, she couldn't help but enjoy a flight in the last few days of summer. Dressed in denim cut offs and a green T-shirt, she had started out her flight high in the sky, away from prying eyes. But when she dipped down low to inspect a flock of geese, she had startled them enough that they scattered and confused her, sending her crashing and reeling towards the ground.

Darkstar has posed:
Laynia steps to the food cart as she looks to Pete. "Yes, hello, I would want...burrito" she says and looks around as she hears the crash and runs ovr. She's unsure if whoever just hit the ground needs any help, or, or....if she needs to do anything. Her food's being made, so Laynia returns to the cart, paying for it then returning over by the others again. She shakes her head with burrito in hand as she bites into it, then nods to them all, waiting until she's finished swallowing to speak. "Yes?" she asks looking to them all with a nod.

Triage has posed:
The scattering of nearby people and then the flash of color tumbling earthward catch Triage's attention. Wasting no time, he plops his skateboard and burrito on the and heads toward the scene of the crash. "Clear the way!" he calls, waving his bo stick at a clump of gawking bystanders. He trots to the bushes and offers a hand. "Do you need help?" he offers.

Darkstar has posed:
Laynia lookes over and follows along to the bushes. She's got a hand out as well. She's wanting to help, as part of the Winter Guard, she's got a job to do. Watching the bushes, Laynia waves her burrito at the bushes, like it'll lure people out, or whatever is ever in there. Laynia though is shouting to clear the way as well, and to send help. She's thinking this through, the level headedness kicking inn and watches the bushes again.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn groans, stumbling shakily to her feet. She's got a big ugly bruise on her head. But hey at least she didn?t sprain her ankle this time! "Darn, I gotta work on my landings..Those geese caught me by surprise.." she rubs her head, peering at the two approaching people. "I'm ok I think..,Head hurts though.."

Triage has posed:
Triage glances to Darkstar, the still anonymous but well-dressed appreciator of fine burritos to him, and nods. "I'm glad to see that someone else had the good sense to run toward trouble rather than stand and stare." He returns his focus to Pixie and cocks his head. "You should sit in case you have a concussion. You have a nasty bruise." He touches his own temple to indicate where the wound would be on her head. "Do you mind if I take a look? I have some ... experience with this sort of thing." He smiles and glances again at Darkstar. "Wounds, not falling out of the sky after failing to evade geese."

Darkstar has posed:
Pulling her ID out, the ID that shows Laynia's a Russian diplomat.....she nods. "Yes I don't like people being hurt. Please, sit" she says adding an instruction in Russian then looks to Pixie. "Stay still, We will take care of you" she says gently, watching the others as she waves the burrito toward Pixie. It may well work as smelling salts, or...smelling burrito, even. The burrito's got a bite out of the end that she's holding, as the Russian superhero looks over Pixie then across the park and back to Pixie, taking in the crowds, and Pete.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly between the two of the and nods and smiles, crawling into a nearby bench. "Sure. I don't think I have a concussion, I hope I don't..I'm not usually that bad except when I am distracted..By crazy geese,." she makes a face.

Triage has posed:
Triage eyes the ID and frowns at the diplomatic seal. "Please don't see this poor hospitality, ma'am," he suggests. "From us or from the geese." He waves toward the sky. "At least you picked a fine vendor for burritos." Then he cocks his head toward the pink-haired young lady. "It might have been the sun." He stoops to snatch his bo from the ground and follows to the bench. "Are your ears ringing or do you feel dizzy?" he asks. "Do you mind if I have a look at your head there?" he repeats.

Darkstar has posed:
"Distracted. By geese?" Laynia gives Pixie a look like she's a little nuts. "Maybe head wound hurts and makes you say crazy things?" she asks looking over to Triage. "Oh no no, is okay. Really, is okay. No problems with hospitality" Laynia says, "But I want the geese dealt with for causing incident, yes?" she adds with a look over at them then up to the geese again, as if she's trying to work out which nation they belong to. Unfortunately, she doubts geese even have diplomatic relations any. Oh well, Laynia's an amused, impressed and worrried woman, worried bout Pixie on the bench. She does though, chomp on her burrito again.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at Laynia. "Woah, no need to blame the geese! This was my fault, I was daydreaming, and a bit of sun.." she shrugs, "A bit dizzy, but I'lol be okay. Thanks anyway, I should get going!" she climbs shakily to her feet, Wings fluttering rapidly as she heads skywards. No need to make another scene and she is at least more mindful of her surroundings, flying more slowly as she flees. "Phew, so embarrassing.." she murmurs.

Darkstar has posed:
Laynia looks over with a smile. "Good, you need rest" she says and pockets her ID, chewing on the burrito. "So" she says to "Triage. "You are...?"

A hand is offered as Laynia has a hand offered, coated in burrito. She's trying, really. She's trying. Laynia looks over to Triage then the food cart, watching it all as she seems to relax a tiny, tiny bit.

Triage has posed:
Triage steps back from the bench when the the pink-haired young woman starts to stand. "Be safe, then," he urges. He turns to the burrito-chomping diplomat and then frowns. "That reminds me. I left mine over there." He points to where his board still sits on its wheels, with drink and foil-wrapped wonder waiting. "They're not so good once they cool," he adds. THen hearing his own code-name registers. He blinks. "Wait ... how ...?" He looks back to the cart and Pete. "It's a nickname," he explains. "I know a bit of first aid and stuff. So I help where I can," Triage clarifies.

Darkstar has posed:
"I meant Triage in the medical sense, you know, surgery and first aid" Laynia says and nods, "You have it as a nickname?" she inquires. She'l need to check up on this when she gets a moment to talk to the Motherland. She nods to Triage, "Triage is a medical term, ya? Ah, no, cold food isn't good aside from pasta, yes?" she adds and begins heading back towaard the board. She finds a spot to sit and sits carefully in the grass. It'd be bad PR for Russia to see their diplomat in the news for being grass stained...but she's watching, observing and taking things in. She's also on another mission here, but...but.....

Triage has posed:
"Triage is when you examine the wounded person to decide how to treat him ... or her. If you have several patients, you need to decide who needs treatment first," the young man explains while he reclaims his board and his lunch. When the diplomat settles in the grass, he looks around the area. "That's what I do, help with wounded people," he adds. "So ... Triage." He pauses. "A bench might be better," he suggests to her. "You don't want stains on that outfit. Dry cleaning around here can be expensive, even for a lady with diplomatic ties." Then he nods.

Darkstar has posed:
Laynia gets up and heads to the bench and sis there chewing on her burrito. Shaking her head she smiles. "Don't worry. Dry cleaning is taken care of. I work for the Russian government, they look after me" she says with a look. "Da, Triage is that, yes" she says and bites more into her burrito again.

She pauses, watching Triage. "So you're a doctor, ya?" she adds and smiles a little.

Triage has posed:
Triage settles at the other end of the bench, leaving some room between them to avoid any misperceptions. With the board between his feet and the bottle of water between his knees, he begins to unwrap the burrito. He smiles and shakes his head. "I'm not a doctor" Wisps of steam escape from the portable feast. "My mother probably would like that but I should weigh my options for now." He takes a bite, chews it while the observer studies the locals, and swallows. "Burritos are good but I hope that your government didn't send you here just to try one."

Darkstar has posed:
"Oh no, It's work, it's not a food taste tour" Laynia says with a gentle laugh as she nods and carries on eating quietly. She nods again watching everyone as if taking notes. She's got her reasons for being here, diplomacy, yes. Russian governmental interests, yes, but...she's not a complete and utter puppet of the State. Rather, she's got a free mind and she's willing to scrutinize her orders and weigh them against her morals. She listens to Triage and nods. "Da, please your parents, it will help you out in life" she advises with a slow nod.

Triage has posed:
Triage takes another bite of burrito and chews thoughtfully while he, too, watches others enjoying the great green. After swallowing the second bite, he assures, "Pleasing them isn't hard as long as I appreciate the value of learning. Both of them are educators." He takes another bite and glances at Darkstar. "I imagine that your parents are proud that you're a diplomat."

Darkstar has posed:
Laynia pauses for a moment, watching Triage then and keeps her face neutral when the subject of her parents comes up. Looking past him, she looks back to the burrito in her hands...then back to Triage. "Something like that" she adds with a plastic smile. She gets up and starts walking though, ensuring she's out of sight before opening up a portal and disappearing through it. It's nothing Triage has done, just...she's got places to be and diplomacy to do. And people to mee. This is just the quickest way.