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Mad Science
Date of Scene: 25 August 2019
Location: Turtle Lair, Williamsburg
Synopsis: Donatello and Pippi end up having another hear to heart. Donatello has a foul mouth! Realities of many shattered !
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Pippi

Donatello has posed:
The return of the Shellraiser is, of course, the indicator that Donnie is home... has something, and is going to share it... maybe (he is). The doors sliding open he comes out pushing one of those massive outsized shopping carts... It has pre-made pizza crusts, sauces, and other things half falling out as he hustles in.
    "Pizzaxperiment day!!!" is announced in his gravely voice, bouncing on the balls of his feat once the cart is by the table and restaurant ovens he has set up. "Who's in!?!"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi is drawn out of her room by the potential for fooding, and general arrival of someone back into the lair.

    "What day?" she asks, sounding unsure. Her red-and-white face peers aorund the corner, her ears drawing up in curiosity, nose twitching. Her head tilts, and she gives a curious sounding 'hrm' noise as Donatello sets up the cart full of.. man, what doesn't he have in that cart?

Donatello has posed:
One of the first things set down is a bag from chipotle, next to an open crust. "Pizzaxperiment Day, Pip! Best day of the when we feel like it!" Donatello chuckles, pulling out a plastic cup full of taco sauce, another of pico, and he begins opening up one of the burritos. "Come on, Pip! Have a little fun!" a few bags of cheese pulled and set out. "What kinda pizza would you want?" he motions to the cart as if it was Wonka's factory.

Pippi has posed:
    Sniff. Sniffsniff.

    "I dunno, is that a burrito? Are you making a burrito pizza?" she inquires, and gets excited, her tail giving a wag. "Taco pizza. Chicken taco pizza! With jalapeno slices and Diablo sauce!" she replies, catching some of the excitement as she draws up closer to Donnie.

Donatello has posed:
"I think I have something like Diablo sauce, if not exactly!" Donnie bounces, pointing to the Burrito is he is preparing to dump the innards of onto the crush. "Carne Asada and Steak burrito pizza was the first I was going to do. With Monterey Jack and that cheese used for the cheese sauce in Mexican restaraunts!" he's all teeth in his grin, "But dig, there's a bunch of stuff from restaraunts, I used food-dudes and delivery services! Go nuts!"

Pippi has posed:
    "It seems like... everyone's doin' the carn-eh-az-a-dah thing." Pippi comments as she goes digging through, sniffing at things to try and determine if there's what she's looking for in there. "Is... this another pizza at the bottom of the stack of McDonalds?" she asks in curiosity "A pizza flavored pizza? Pizzception?"

Donatello has posed:
    "I like carne. It's about time the restaurants caught up to me." Donnie looks to the cart. "There should be about four or five from different places. Pizczception is totally an option." Donatello grins as he grabs jalie slices for his current concoction... "I think this needs more pico?" he looks back to Pip again, for her opinion.

Pippi has posed:
    "What makes it so special? I mean, there's places that have better taco meat, but I like chicken in my tacos 'cause the greeny-lemony looking thing tastes better with it." Pippi comments conversationally, then looks back to Donatello's pizza as she takes out taco bag, and raises her furry brow ridges. "I think it needs more pico." she replies, and goes to open a jar, slowly testing out how much strength she needs to get it open.

Donatello has posed:
Watching her gauge her strength, Donnie grins, "Force machine has been really helping eh?" adding more pico to his pizza, "And Carne is just shredded pork, it's tasty, and a lot of places wouldn't touch pork." he takes a sniff and adds more cheese. "This is gonna be good."

Pippi has posed:
    "Alopex was workin' on helping me pull my punches so I could work on sparring. After all, what good is all this strength if I can't hit?" Pippi replies with a grin, and she pops the jar of hot sauce open, taking a sniff of it as she gives a shrug. "Pork's not to bad. I still like chicken the best, except for bacon. Bacon is the best overall."

Donatello has posed:
"Bacon is meat candy, really..." Donatello notes and holds a hand towards the hot sauce, "May I?" taking a bit of carne from his pizza and popping it in his mouth. "Weird tasting pork too. Like. Good weird... so still tasty." Donnie frowns thoughtfully. "I wonder if we should put some knuckles together for you? For your punching?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a sniff at the arne, and she purses her lips a moment, glaning to Donatello, then back to her own monstrosity of a pizza as she places hot sauce, and a layer of cheese down, and begins to just place whole tacos in an array.

    "Donnie, I've GOT knuckles. Two hands worth!" she states, showing off her knuckles as her hand closes in a fist around the hot sauce, and drops more on her pizza than she was intending on accident.

Donatello has posed:
Watching tacos go down on Pippi's pizza, Donatello bobs his head appreciatively "I mean to protect your knuckles from getting hurt, when you're punching." setting a deli pack of sliced muenster in reach, placing a number of slices on his own. "I love this day. Mikey needs to get off his shell with whatever he's out doing. He's the best at these days."

Pippi has posed:
    "Is that where the marshmallow and peanutbutter pizza came from?" Pippi inquires, getting a thousand-yard stare sort of look at the vision of the memory.

    "So, some sorta... knuckle hat for my hands?" she asks as she takes some Mexican Blend cheese and begins to cover the tacos on hotsauce on the pizza crust.

Donatello has posed:
"The one with the strawberry jelly instead of pizza sauce?" Donatello gets a fond look in his eye, "Yeah, I love that one... and the Gummi Bear and Caramel one..." Donatello gets wistful before he looks to Pippi again. "Yeah, like helmet hats for your knuckles."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi looks down to the AmeriMexMonstrosity. "... maybe I should stick to traditional pizzas... like Meatzas and Double Cheeseburger and Pierogi." she states, feel ing her stomach turn at the thought of all that *sugar*.

    "I'd break most of them though, wouldn't I?"

Donatello has posed:
"It's why we experiment..." Donnie puts his on a paddle and starts towards the oven, "I generally stick to the meat and veg pizza, but Mikey is the best at the desert pizzas, no joke." Levering the pizza in, adjusting a few settings and backing off, hands waving to draw the aroma to his nose.

Pippi has posed:
    "Huh. Well, I mean... not wrong?" Pippi replies, and she grabs the paddle to ease her pizza onto the wood surface. "Well, Pizza is kinda his life. I know Pex likes burgers best, me? I'm not picky! Food is food, and food is good!"

Donatello has posed:
"You like spice I noticed, burritos especially. That's fine. I like a lot of stuff." he moves to the fridge pouring himself a 'red' slurpee. "What flavor you want, Pip?" Donnie grins and draws a cup from the cleaning station. "I've got pineapple flavor in here now."

Pippi has posed:
    "Pineapple? What's pineapple taste like? Yellow?" Pippi questions, and she sits at the table with a sligt smile. "I do like spicy stuff. I like salty stuff sometimes. Meaty stuff most of all? I'm curious about chocolate, but Pex said that we can't eat it. It'll make us really sick. Along with grapes. But not grape-flavored things."

Donatello has posed:
"Well I could run tests on that to see if your mutation got rid of the chocolate problems. Pineapple..." he sips at his slurpee, going into the cart and pulling out a can, popping the top to reveal rings and offering the can to Pippi. "My favorite."

Pippi has posed:
    "... I'm not sure I like that idea." Pippi admits quietly. "Even thinking about the lab gives me the creeps." she adds, but helps herself to a pineapple ring. She folds it in half, and pops it in her mouth, giving a soft 'hrrrrm' as she looks over to Donatello.

    "I'll take one of those!" she grins. " Not bad tasting!"

Donatello has posed:
Donatello nods "This isn't like a lab, this is making sure of your allergies, for safety." he heads over to set up a slurpee for the pup. "They're delicious, they're actually a berry too, believe it or not!" The Purp Turp checks on the oven as well before handing Pippi her drink. "It's all important stuff, so we know what's a danger to you and what isn't."

Pippi has posed:
"I wasn't allowed to have it before. Or a lot of sugar. Pex says I have to watch what I eat anyway 'cause I've gotta be able to move easily." Pippi givs a grin, and accepts the slurpee. It's even sweeter than the Real Deal. "So I don't mind not being able to eat it, but grapes are kinda in a lot of stuff that's purple, so that I've gotta be careful with." Pippi replies, and then gives a huff. "It's hard work."

Donatello has posed:
"That's also why we want to check if those canine allergies transferred with mutation. There's chocolate and grape in so many things." Donnie moves to rest a hand on her shoulder, "I don't want you gettin' hurt, so I want to make sure they won't hurt you."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a wry little smile, and she glances down, embarrassed. "I'm not used to so many people trying to help me." she admits."Thanks, Donnie. I'll... try not to break any equipment if I get scared." she gives a small, embrrassed sound, and then slurps down a bunch of that slurpee. Cover the embarrassment in sugar! That'll work well.

Donatello has posed:
"If it gets broke, it gets broke. It's machinery, it can be fixed or replaced - you're irreplaceable, ok?" Donnie's grin remains, "We're family, reptile or mammal. We're gonna be lookin' out for one another."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi blinks a moment as Donnie says that out that they are family. Her ears go a little limp, her tail draws up. "You mean that?" she questions, her voice a little low.

Donatello has posed:
Head tilting to the side, "Why wouldn't I mean that, Pip?" Donnie walks up to Pippi and attempts to place a hand on her shoulder. "You're like the little sister that could shatter my shell with a punch or a hug. You've done so much with us and put up with so much - I couldn't see you any other way."

Pippi has posed:
    "I... thought it was just a short term, you know? That Pex an' I would only be down here for a little bit while things were worked out." Pippi explains, her ears going down. "I think maybe Pex thinks it's temporary too." she adds, and her ears draw up. "But... if... that means we're staying, and we're family... I owe Leo a huge apology."

Donatello has posed:
"Leo is very... by the book and strict. He takes it all too seriously. Mike doesn't take it seriously enough... and Raph is Raph." Donnie notes. "We're all we got you know, the seven of us down here, April up top. There's caution, and then there's overcautious right?"

Pippi has posed:
    "Yeah, but last night he..." Pippi struggles a moment. And she sniffs the air. "Is your pizza burning?"

Donatello has posed:
Moving to take his pizza out, "Just a little dark in the cheese." Donnie uses the paddle to bring his out, eying Pippi, "Leo did what?" tone becoming a bit more serious.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi moves to put her own pizza into the oven, taking a breath and slowly easing the peel in and sliding the pizza off. Content, she leans back a moment, and then rubs the back of her head.

    "Leo tried to help me with something, but I don't think it's something that can be helped, an' I think I hurt his feelings." Pippi replies. "And I try so hard and even did extra chores and all the training to say 'hey look I can be good and behave and be cool like you too', an' I didn't mean to hurt him..." she trails off.

Donatello has posed:
    Pausing to listen to Pippi, Donnie hooks his thumbs into his belt, studying the power pup while she confesses. "What'd he try to help you with? Maybe I can figure out something, or let him know for sure it's a dead end?" finally leaning back around one side of the ovens, a katana that Leo has likely been looking for, forever, is taken and with several quick sweeps Donnie's pizza is sliced and an oil cloth is wiping away grease and oil.
    Tucking it away, a finger is held to Donnie's lips with a wink. "And family make mistakes plenty of times. Shoulda seen the row Leo and Raph had -years- ago... man..."

Pippi has posed:
    "... I... can't read." Pippi exhales, her shoulders and ears drooping. "And I've tried learning, but the letters an' numbers move around on me. One of the lab people said it might be 'cause I was too old. Or diz.. diz-licks..." Pippi stumbles over the word a moment, and then with a tightening of her fist around the peel -- the wood gives a groan of protest -- "I'm just dumb. An' he offered to help teach me but They tried and it doesn't work and I'm just /dumb/."

Donatello has posed:
    "Hey!" Donnie is across the distance and attempting to put hands on her shoulders. "Dyslexia is a serious condition and it it deals with how your brain -views- letters and numbers. It is in NO way an indicator that you're not smart, Pippi." Donnie's brow is knitting beneath his mask.
    "It only means that your mind doesn't see letters a certain way. Don't ever call yourself dumb." the purp turp attempts to pat Pippi's cheek. "We can experiment with what can be done to help you work -with- your dyslexia, ok? It's something you learn to work around, I'm not aware of a cure." giving her a smile before he plates some of his za and offer for Pippi to try it.

Pippi has posed:
    Oh hey, that's the word. Pippi, though pulls her head away from Donnie's hand, and gives a snort. "The lab tried. Pretty sure I woud have been ter.. termi... they would have gotten rid of me if I didn't have the strength." Pippi replies woefully, but she takes a deep breath. That was a lot to go over in not so many words, and she accepts the slice of carne asada burrito pizza.

    "... but I kinda shut Leo down without giving him a chance to kinda... figure my brain doesn't work that way. So I feel bad, 'cause he was the first to really welcome me here, you know? He took th time to help me with katas and figuring my stances."

Donatello has posed:
    None of his brothers are around, and Splinter is out of earshot - so Donnie does something for emphasis. Turning back to Pippi "Fuck... the lab." fists on his hips. "Fuck 'em. Right in their damned twisted, psycho, monster faces. I hate them. These labs. Treating people, animals, and the folks like us like we're in petri dishes and can be just binned if we don't meet their damned requirements. Stop comparing yourself by their stupid standards."
    Donatello actually looks a little winded, tired, a decade older. "Like... damn dude." leaning on a table, "Leo doesn't know his ass from his elbow with science, or biology, but if he was trying to find a way to help you, maybe you owe him an apology. But if you don't want us to press on something, we won't. But you're not dumb, just because of a reading disability." he looks to the pizza and just... hovers, lips pursed.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi had never heard such a string of phrases come out of one of the turtles. She looks absolutely taken aback, her eyes going wide, her ears drawing up, her lips curling down into a surrised grimmace before Donatello finishes his statements in regards to the lab. She gives gances around, the pips of her nose opening as if trying to sniff out if anyone else was around, and she just rubs the back of her head.

    There really isn't much she can say to follow up on that, and in lieu of speaking and maybe even upsetting Donatetllo more, she covers her left ear -- the one with the ID tattoo -- and stuffs her mouth full of pizza.

Donatello has posed:
    "I'm not mad at you, Pippi. You don't need to cover that up. I'm mad at the sons of bitches who did that to you. They're no better than Saki, or Stockman, or any of those other monsters who make things of living creatures and people."
    He continues to stare at his concoction, and his slurpee, "I wanna just... go when there's no people there, trash security, take the equipment and burn the damned places down. But they have insurance, so it'd be like rewarding them. Codes of honor and logic have little to no place together. Be the better person, by letting evil perpetuate." a fist smacks down on the table. "I'm sounding like Smart Raph at this point."

Pippi has posed:
    Things that are unexpected: Donatello being the foul-mouthed one.

    Pippi balks agin, and she looks down, rubbing the back of her head a moment before she manages to swallow the carne asada pizza, and coughs a moment. "N-no, I know you're not mad at me, Donnie!" she exclaims, and she brings her ears down. "I.. I won't bring it up again. I'm sorry." she whispers, then goes to grab the peel for the Hot Taco Party pizza.

    "Pex doesn't like it either. An' Leo told me outright that you guys won't /starve/ me as punishment."

Donatello has posed:
    "God damnit, that's not what I mean, Pippi!" Don turns back, brows knitting. "We can't just swallow this under the rug, Pip. We can't ignore it. It happened, it was terrible, and we should figure out how to keep it from happening again. Evil triumphs when the good person does nothing."

Pippi has posed:
    "Yeah, it did happen. I was taken from my home, and Nathan. An' I was changed, and it hurt. But.. but now I can help people. I can help people get out of bad situations, and fight crime and defend people." Pippi says, in a squeaky bit of whispering at the cursing. Her eyes are still wide, her ears drooping down. She exhales, and looks at the ninja-to to consider using it to cut the pizza, but she decides ultimately against flinging hot cheese, hotsauce and taco bits around the kitchen, and goes to grab the pizza wheel.

    "'Sides. If they made me, imagine the better ones."

Donatello has posed:
"I doubt there's any better than you Pippi." Donatello allows. "You're getting in your own way more than anything else. Why do you think you suck so bad?" he finally takes a slice of his pizza and starts munching at it

Pippi has posed:
    "You're all better than me. I've just got the whole strong thing. You'e all got tons of training and experience!" Pippi protests as she sits down with her very cheesy, hot-sauce-spicy-taco-pizza. She folds it around the taco on the slice.

    "An' I don't suck. I'm just not smart, s'all." Pippi adds on as she takes a big bite of the pizza.

Donatello has posed:
"We're trained, that doesn't make us better. Shredder is trained. Is he better than you?" Donatello notes. "You're plenty smart too. You're just inexperienced." he refreshes his slurpee. "Inexperienced and dumb are different."

Pippi has posed:
    "Pretty sure Shredder is a better /fighter/, but a pretty awful /person/." Pippi points out, "Just like you an' Gee are great big nerds, but I'm the better power lifter. Probably." Pippi gives a little grin. "An' I'm not smart, but I'm learning, an'... that's all right. Not everyone's gonna be brainy!"

Donatello has posed:
"And you're not dumb. Don't ever ay that. Ok?" Donnie frowns, a little. "Everyone has what they're good at, what they're not so good at... Just like me, my brothers, you, even Master Splinter."

Pippi has posed:
    "Pretty sure Master Splinter is good at *everything." Pippi states, through her food. And she gives a bit of a shrug, stretching one arm over the back of her chair, her leg giving little hops a moment. She smacks her lips.

    ".. this sauce is pretty spicy."

Donatello has posed:
"I'll make sure to keep some for other pizzas and wings" Donnie laughs and takes a seat himself, finally. "And even if it means being punched through a wall, you call yourself dumb again and I may just crack you upside the head with my bo."

Pippi has posed:
    "Save it for when I get trained up!" Pippi states, and she throws her hands up in defeat "Or until I get my knucklehats!"