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Bean there before
Date of Scene: 26 August 2019
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Mina and Ivory get to talking. Nita drops in for a hug, then runs off again
Cast of Characters: Mina Harker, Ivory, Namorita

Mina Harker has posed:
There's a lot to be said for traveling a lot. There's more to be said when said traveler is a prim and proper (in places) woman from Victorian era London. Mina Harker is sat on a couch with a tea cup. She's got tea in a coffee shop, with a plate and one of those little tea biscuits the British love so much. Mina's pale green eyes slide over the shop. It's not bright and gaudy. She likes it and with her pinkie finger extended.

Mina's settled at a couch with a table nearby within speaking range as she's sat in a prim and proper way too.

Ivory has posed:
Having taken a break and locked their little pop up shop for the moment, Ivory had moved down some blocks to grab a coffee and cake, stretching their legs for an hour or so. Dressed in their usual pullover with a scarf and baggy cargo pants combined with converses, they slipped to the counter to order, pulling a money clip from the back pocket to pay for their drink.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina's eyes take in the figure at the counter as she tilts her head a little. She's got her science-y hat on under her beret. There's a logical reason that figure's here. Coffee. Though she wrinkles her nose at it. In her mind, coffee is a bitter drink. She'll drink it, but today she wants tea. She gets up to look over the place some more...and to order another cup of tea. Stepping away from the couch she's navigating tables, looking at the various meals on display then shaking her head. Tea's what she wants. And...even if she's not actually....you know...drinking it, she's certainly saving it for later, right? Reaching the counter she reaches into her jacket, the designer logo visible as she's waiting in line. The Brits love queuing. Mina, being British.....

Mina just stays there quietly, politely, not making a fuss. She'll get what she's after when it's her turn after all.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory tells the barrista their name to write on the cup, remarking that it is written like elephant tusks and ebony. Or the song my Paul McCartney. They chuckle a little as the clerk humms the tune and then move to where they get their highly milk infused caffeine extract with some flavor on top, hands seeking their pockets while they wait, the money clip tucked away again, their dark green eyes following the practiced movements to press the ground stones of coffee cherries into a brick, then mount them in the machine to force high temperature steaming water through it...

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina watches quietly, handss at her sides and not even fidgeting. She's definitely doing her best to, well, stand there. She's getstured to the counter. "Yes, I'd like a cup of tea please, with milk and sugar" she says. She's....brought her teacup and plate to the counter, even. She waits, and watches as her tea is being prepared. Water is being heated with a teabag placed in....another cup. Mina debates saying something but what would a lady actually say?

Ivory has posed:
Ivory meanwhile leans a little against the counter, sorting the scarf on their neck. Male? Female? Hard to guess, they did choose to make it hard how they dress. Nothing against tea, but they preferred their caffeine kick. A little coffee infused mix of foamed milk. A little smile creeps up their lips as they turn, still waiting for the paper cup as making proper milk foam takes just a tad longer than making a tea.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina watches quietly with a look as a smile is on her lips. She's an amused half vampire, her designer logo on her jacket visible as she moves to pay for the tea. It's in....not a proper cup for her liking. Even so, Mina takes it...albeit with her name scrawled on it. Her preferred name, Mina.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory turns a moment at the sound of steps, their eyes scanning the jacket a moment, noticing the little label as they know where to look, then back to the barrista, who was just about to put the lid on the cup to hand out. Somebody from the back calls him, he exchanges a couple words with them, then picks up the cup and with his usual fast pace moves it to the pickup place...

and the cup's lid learns flying, the hot content of light brown mixed fluid with white foamy top coming along, splashing out as the lid hadn't been properly secured. With a shriek and jump, Ivory tries to get out of the way of the liquid, but not enough to fully evade it, the arm getting a good soak of it.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina ducks out of the way and watches, a mix of horrified and worried about the drink. "Are you okay?" she asks, a little concern in her voice. She barely....well doesn't, know this person but they got coffee on them. Mina's woried if they got hurt. Mina though begins searching her pockets for anything to help. She's not got anything to hand, so instead she stays quiet after her questions really.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory winces as they shake their arm to get some of the coffee out of the fabric, sending a little glare at the careless barrista that is already starting to appologize before turning to Mina. "Well, it's not too bad, I mean, yea, I need a fresh shirt, but I got a couple change in my store, it's just... dangit, I wanted to drink the coffee, not drown my pullover in it."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina listens and gives a little sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault" she starts, turning her green eyed gaze on the Barista. "Could you please get another coffee?" she asks. Her voice is that of a Victorian schoolmistress. She's got her hands on her hips, too, and she's giving the barista a look that could bore through concrete, metal or....whatever she's annoyed at. To her, throwing coffee was careless and a free coffee's the least that barista could do. Apologies? Those work, but the daamage is done. Mina though glances back to Ivory. "I'm afraid I don't have anything to wipe the coffee with" she says quickly, more focused in on the barista and her mounting annoyance.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory sighs as she reaches for the paper tissues that the coffee shop offers to its customers, trying their best to pick up the moisture from the shirt. "It's allright, I mean, they have these here..." they answer to Mina, trying to sort out the pullover while getting it somewhat dried on the arm at the same time while the barrista is already slaving away to try to appease the customers by making a new drink.

Namorita has posed:
The door jingle-jingles as another patron steps into the coffee shop. Tall and blonde, Nita is dressed unusually for the weather in an outfit that would fit somewhere between 'workout attire' and 'beachwear'. She's at least wearing flip-flops on those winged-heels. City ordinances, and all that. With her long hair pulled back the Atlantean pointed ears are prominently... even boldly... displayed.

The commotion at the counter catches her eye, then she does a double-take. "Mina? Oh. My. God. Mina Harker, is that you?" Her voice is loud and fills up the shop as well. Nope, nothing subtle here!

Mina Harker has posed:
It is indeed. Mina just looks for a moment, then...."Nita?" Mina asks. She remembers Nita. Then...the bats and LSD. Still she remembers Nita and waves her over. She's torn between running off to hug Nita, well go in for a hug, or help out the poor owner of the pullover. She's not moving from her spot, and the barista's making a free drink. At leaast that's dealt with, but Mina calls over to Nita. "I'm right here Nita. Where have you been?"

Mina finally decides she should step out of the way. Just one step, and she sips her tea. She's got her pinkie finger extended with one of those foam cups. It looks....oddly genteel, really. But Mina's still hanging on to one or two bits of her upbringing.

She only takes one pace out of th eway mind. one pace closer to Nita.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory looks to the woman yelling out in full force for her friend, then the gentle answer from Mina, reading the note on the cup to confirm indeed, that was the woman talked to before looking back to Namorita, giving her a little smile. They still fought with the we sleve a bit, leaving the two to their own greeting.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita was in the doorway one moment, but in the next eyeblink she's across the shop and over at the counter. Hovering just a moment, she touches down and wraps Mina in a hard, enthusiastic embrace. Arms and shoulders flex, and it's a wonder that bones don't crack. The blonde laughs almost triumphantly for some reason. "It's been entirely too long." she offers, releasing the embrace at last.

She doesn't say HOW long, because apparently the bold Atlantean does know a bit about propriety.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, though. You were having a coffee accident or something when I stepped in." And here, she looks at Ivory as well. "I'm Nita Prentiss, and old friend of Mina's."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina being half-vampire is why bones don't crack. Instead, Mina was fully expecting to be tackled to the floor in a hug. Nita's enthusiastic which is all a good thing. Mina had the sense to.....nearly put down her tea, the embrace sends the tea teetering over on the counter and sending it off the back of said counter. "Oh no, no. I just met Ivory, they got into a bit of a problem and I was helping" Mina says with a sparkle in her eyes at seeing Nita. "Yes it's been entirely too long" she agrees, hoping this time, no bats. No LSD. No asylum. Instead she pulls out money. There's British pounds, US dollars and.....a couple of other currencies in her purse. "Let me buy you a cofffee or a tea" Mina all but squees. Actually, genuienly, squees at Nita, then she turns to Ivory, holding out the price of the first coffee. "Please, take this" she offers with the money in her hand.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory just smiles for a couple moments, shaking their head before dumping a few tissiues into the bin to offer her hand. "Eh, yea, Ivory... I mean... where did you.. oh, the cup... Ivory Valentine," they answer, their cheeks a little flushed as they shake hands. Nothing strong, just general human strong, but possibly magic tingly. Or interesting blood tingly, in case anybody would feel such. "eh... thanks but I can't take that, I mean, it's not your fault at all, Mina... I mean, miss Harker... gosh, that makes me sound old..."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita lingers close to Mina, even going so far as to rest a hand casually upon the woman's shoulder. To Nita's senses there's nothing unusual about Ivory, although the Atlantean does tilt her head a little in the examination. Drawing away a little to shake Ivory's hand, Nita's grip is firm and confident. Quite firm. And while she's not musclebound, the blonde-haired woman is definitely athletic. "Nice too meet you, Ivory. And please, I think we can all just stay on a first-name basis here. Baptized by coffee and time and all that." To the barista, she offers. "A tall mocha for me, please."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina nods to Nita then Ivory. "Mina, if you please" she says. It's an old fashioned way of syaing it. But. Mina's a walking contradiction. From the 1800s to the 60s to now...Mina's getting used to it. She puts in her two cents. "Mocha?" she asks, sounding just a little skeptical....though she's also amused as she buys another tea. Milk, sugar, and...one of those little biscuits again.

"Baptized by coffee? Do I look like I dunked my head in the coffee?" she asks. Nita's loosening Mina up, and her wit's coming out. "I'm too pale for that, Nita." she quips and actually smiles. She's not forgotten the Ivory too, and pockets the money again. "Okay" she says sounding a tiny bit disappointed.

Ivory has posed:
"I.. It was just my sleeve anyway. I mean if, at all, then the barrista has to pay up, not you Mina..." They smile as they shrug a little, offering their hand to Mina too. "Anyway, nice to meet you two. I take you are like old friends or something?" They smile. It's a toothpaste ad nice smile matching their snow white hair. "I mean, at least you seem to be from how close you are."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita gives Mina a knowing smile. "Mocha means chocolate in coffee-speak." she explains. And Nita got hooked on chocolate shortly after moving to the surface world to live. "And 'baptism' is a figure of speech. I thought you were working on those..." To Ivory, then, she offers. "Mina and I first crossed paths at one of the protests in Washington years ago. And after a while it became more of a regular thing; both the protests and the meetings." She looks to Mina, then, leaving out some of the story but clearly curious about something.

Fast-forward to the present. "And now here you are in New York."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina laughs gently, actually....more like chuckles. "Chocolate and you. It's like you can't go two minutes without chocolate" she adds and nods, "I'm here in New York until I get restless and travel again. But since you are here, it's a good enough reason to stay. You know, you're right. We met at the protests and now here we are again. It's like old times, Nita" Mina nods.

If 'old times' involved bat and LSD infused reasons to get lockd in a mental asylum, of course. Mina nods to Ivory. "What about you?" she asks curiously, watching Ivory then back to Nita, extending an arm to (in theory) put around Nita's shoulders. Nita's one of the few Mina's that affectionate with. Quatermaine and company also get her affections. Hard won, that is. Hard won affections. Mina digs in her pocket and brings out a small candy bar, offering it to Nita. It's just your reegular chocolate candy bar, realy....but Mina remembered when Nita said mocha equals chocolate. Mina's totally not crazily prepared or anything mind.

Ivory has posed:
"Washington protsets, huh? That's like a yearly thing. 4th of July, Labor day, whatever, people come and protest. Or to be hooligans," Ivory remarks with a little chuckle, finally picking up their new coffee cup and a gift card for a coffee of their chosing instead of the cash they had given to the barrister earlier, before they assaulted them with the drink they ordered. They nod to them, then looking to Mina and Namorita. "Oh, left my cozy sleepy home up in King-monster-infested Maine to the big city to make my own as a designer. Well, So far I am not in debt and even manage a pop-up store up close to Mutant town for the moment."

Namorita has posed:
Hooligans? Okay, Nita lifts a brow at that. For her part an arm slips around Mina's waist as well, hand resting comfortably upon the proper woman's hip. Eyes brighten at the offered chocolate, and she holds onto it with her free hand. At one time she probably would've devoured it on the spot, so she's making progress.

It's not like it's Nita's fault that everything in the sea tastes salty!

Nita grins at her old friend. "Right. All you need is a bandana halter, paisley skirt, and rose-colored glasses." The rest... if there IS a 'rest'... is left unspoken. Or to the imagination.

"Well Ivory, if you're looking to make it big as a designer then New York's the place to be. And if your offerings are eco-friendly, then we should probably talk some more. We have a budget for sponsorships at Oracle, Incorporated. If you like, I can set up an appointment for Mr. Valentine."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina huffs a little at that. "You know me a little too well, Nita. The question is, what do you need clothes wise?" she ponders then nods, looking a little serious. "Seriously. Listen to Nita here. She knows what she's doing" Mina says and takes her tea as she finds a table and sits at it, sipping said tea. Looking over the other two, Mina smiles. She didn't expect to catch up with Nita right this second. But it's good to catch up. "You think they'd let me in?" she calls joking. "I'll protest outside until they let me in" she adds with a smile, a joke about times gone by. She has, actually protested for real. In the 60s.

Ivory has posed:
"I try to be, Nita, as much as it can stay affordable. I mean, nobody wants to chuck 50 bucks for a T-Shirt, unless it's a special art print or a custom one made just for them." Ivory notes, chuckling a little as they have just sold a pair of custom ones incusive art for 90. "And please, no mister, misses for me..." They smirk a half moment, the facial structure changing ever so slightly together with a tiny hint that the pullover is seated a little different from one moment to the next as they vault the gender wall as if it is not existing at all. "There's nothing as insulting as getting it wrong by mistake. Just Ivory please."

Their green eyes dart back to Mina, shrugging a moment. "Everything's better with cats. Even clothes and cloth shopping. Though paisly and bandana tops are coming back as Retro." They search one of the many pockets, finally pulling out a buisiness card, checking the adress and numbers on it before handing it to Namorita. "Well, if you want to reach out for a sponsorship, call, ok?"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita lingers at the counter to pay for her coffee while Mina finds a table. "I hate to drink and run, but I'm afraid I -do- have a meeting across town shortly." she offers. Tilting her head, she gives Mina a knowing smile. "And they'll let you in if you have an appointment with the CEO." A CEO in beach-wear, no less. "Seriously, though. Stop in and let's catch up. Properly. No 'dropping off the edge of the world' again."

Ivory gets a grin and a closer look on the 'no titles' remark, and the shifting, but Nita keeps her thoughts to herself. "Very well... Just Ivory it is, then." she quips back wryly. Accepting the card, she slips it into her top with a single nod. "My assistant will set up a meeting, then. Soon. Expect a call."

Nita leans in suddenly, then, kissing Mina on the cheek. The door jingles wildly as she dashes out, immediately going airborn to fly across town. And in her wake echoes to words: "Caaaallll... meeeeee...."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina waves as Nita disappears outside, and she sips her tea. "You said bandana and rose glasses and all that are coming back? Did they finally perfect time travel?" Mina asks. She's only half joking, her eyebrows going up in surprise. Ohh if only they had. She'd be....normal! Instead...no, she's a half vampire. "So Ivory, you're a designer, huh? You said nobody buys a shirt for $50. Yoou are..." she says pausing for dramatic effect. "Forgetting tourists unfortunately. I travel a lot, I always see those tourist shops with insane prices"

Ivory has posed:
"Nope, just the flower children of the first generation are starting to bite the dust and others pick up their stuff and find it fancy. It's how fashion works." Ivory answers as she slips into the booth with a smile, nodding to the quesion about her occupation. "Ok, Tourists pay anything if there is a statue of liberty on it or a bitten fruit. That and fans obviously. But tourists also love to buy more to take home to share."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina laughs quietly. "Yet a lot of those have made contributions" she opines, sipping her tea as she pours more sugar in and stirs with one of those wooden tiny spoons.

"See. You could make a fortune designing custom tourist t-shirts and you'd not even have to try" Mina adds.She's unsure how to explain exactly what she is. Still, mind...she nods. "Fashion's an interesting thing. I could tell you stories if I felt like it" she says. She's putting up her walls again, she's willing to talk, but won't give much away. Then again, if Ivory gets through to her, she may have a fiercely loyal friend for life.

Mina stares into her tea and looks back to Ivory then with a slight smile, but she does seem interested in fashion. It's all new and shiny and exciting to Mina, after all. Being locked up in a mental ward since the 60s...yeah

Ivory has posed:
"Oh, one can to a degree, but it's also a lot of work that would go into it, and touristy stuff wears out people quite fast. And it's a departure from doing what I do. I mean, I make stuff that is reasonably touristy, but also casualwear. Stuff that's genderneutral. And of course it's better with cats. Everything's better with cats," Ivory notes as she settles into the niece with Mina, leaning back a little. "You have been in fashion?"

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina looks amused. "Yes but once tourists buy things, their problem once they bought it" Mina shrugs, "It's their problem. They buy it, they deal with it" Mina says gently.. She's got a ruthless side, the fact tourists buy things, Mina thinks it's their problgs then have to deal with touristy things? Their problem. Mina listens quietly with a sip of her tea again.

"Are cats better with cats? So...you are a cat lady, right?" she asks. Nita's apparently changed Mina's perspective. Gone's the stuffy and prim and proper ladyy, as Mina's animated, to a point. Sure she's not opening up a lot, but she's at least asking questions now. It's like she's absorbing information. "I always wanted a cat, but..." Mina adds, hands on the table.

Ivory has posed:
"Well, cats playing with cats are super cute. And yea, I am kind of a cat-person. You know, got to please that inner cat and all..." Ivory teases a little as they lean back, seeking for something in the pocket. Their head leans back as they stare at the ceiling a little... And no adam's apple to be seen as the scarf falls a little. Was Nita wrong earlier? "You should meet my store manager and label namer."

Mina Harker has posed:
"Inner cat?" Mina asks, then shakes her head. "Cats are just cute anyway" she says gently. Looking over Ivory, Mina shakes her head. "In fashion? No. I just wear clothes. Though" Mina admits, with a look from Ivory to her teacup...thing. "I know who I like and what I like to wear. So.....does that count as in fasion?" she adds, stirring her half empty cup of tea again. Sure, it's getting cold, but...but....

Ivory has posed:
Ivory shrugs as they take a sip from her coffee drink, giving themselves a couple moments to contemplate. "Kinda? Do you reade the vogue and decide based on that or do you raid the fleamarkets and second hands of the town?" They sort their scarf a little as they look back at Mina, carefully waiting for the answer, their green eyes looking unblinkingly.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina pauses for a moment. Looking to Ivory again, Mina smiles a little. "I get the clothes from the stores I afford that I like" she says crypticaly. "Does that count as being in fashion? Or in the industry?" Mina adds with a quiet look.