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Some snacks are harder than others!
Date of Scene: 28 August 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Vomit, Dust and Dead Vampires. PG wants a shower, Tim exploded a guy and Spike needs a lay down.
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Spike, Red Robin

Power Girl has posed:
It was well known that Kryptonians can traverse the skies in moments and travel across the country with ease. The same however, was not publically known of Karen Starr. Of course, it wasn't without its benefits either; post the meeting she'd spent the afternoon and evening in a decent hotel suite and a particularly large bubble bath awaited. She just couldn't go flying back there!

And so tonight the blonde woman walked, wearing her simple pencil skirt and her suit jacket with her hair tied back, she looked like she'd just stepped out of a boardroom and make her way past the alleyways. Is some ways she had!

Spike has posed:
Spike's out and about in the park looking for a fight. He's angry, he's....not a happy litle Spike and he wants to get into a good old fashioned donnybrook. He's in his usual gear. Shaking his head, Spike sneers around at the park with a weary sigh. He's just....Spike is absolutley not happy. Things are going every which way. Things are just totally not going good. He kicks at the grass as he walks and grits his teeth, swearing under his breath.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has offered to walk with Karen as seems the two have rooms in the same hotel. He is nice enough though once out in the open, he does not talk business even though it is wayne tech and S.T.A.R. having a meeting, instead talking about the city and things that have happened lately.

Power Girl has posed:
The problem with first impressions, people tend to judge by appearances. The same could be said for would-be muggers and attackers it seems, and the pair of them being dressed in business wear offered a tempting target...or at least that seems to be the reasoning to Kara Zor-L. Pausing for a moment as they speak, there's a slight tilt of her head.

"Someone is following us," she speaks casually, her vision flicking towards the darkened street further down. "Several of them in fact..."

Muggers in New York? It was almost stereotypical, but the Kryptonian woman couldn't help but smile. After all, she wasn't beyond enjoying a little scrap here and there, and there was a note of amusement to the idea that someone might try and jump them on their way back. Even so, the woman can't help but blink. Something felt a little bit 'off' about this group.

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head at the park. He's striding through it, and got a good view of the pair walking. And oh the figure following them. He's well aware how bad New York City is. It's still, amazingly, better than Gotham, or Bloodhaven. Then again, Spike's sort of gone sideways in the world re: living arrangements. There's more muggers, and Spike's not saying a word. Sure, the chip won't let him directly hurt humans, right? There's nothing in it that says hey, sit back, enjoy the fireworks. Besides, muggers don't always get violent. Then again....Spike starts walking over, he's got that gnawing sinking feeling that this is about to get good. Then the rush of the fight. Even if they don't go for the duo, Spike is liable in his current mood, to start a fight for the hell of it. He needs this fight, too. It'll help de-stress the British vampire. Plus, fights are what Spike lives for. Well that and a few dozen other things.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake sighs softly as he hears this. He will reach up to untie his tie, wrapping one end of it around his hand. "Got an idea on how many?" He will ask, as his mannerisms change slightly. Those well trained in reading people, might see he is prepared for a fight, but to those who are not he still seems relaxed, even more so since taking off his tie. "The park is a very lovely walk at night I have to admit." He says just a little louder than they were talking before.

Power Girl has posed:
"Five or...six," Karen comments, but there's a frown to her lips. She still hadn't quite placed it as she steps around the corner and into the alleyway. She was making bait of herself, certainly. Better her and Tim than the next random passer-by, right?

Its only as their would-be muggers round the turn and follow her in that she blinks and exhales a breath. Oh shit, now she could pick it! Sometimes you get so used to hearing something that you can't immediately notice its absence. "They don't have heartbeats."

Spike has posed:
Five or six vampires? Alright. Spike's so down for this. There's the sound of running feet, as Spike's boots are thudding on the ground as Spike's running toward the alley. He's not a fan of vampires much...despite being one himself. He, for crying out loud, patrols with the Slayer. Something the vampires might well pick up on. Spike's even brought a stake tonight. He's got fists, and a stake. Alright, it's really a sharp bit of wood. But if it gets the job done? Sure. Spike's in a full on sprint now, eyes on the vampires. He's suddenly wishing he had a bit of help, Buffy, Anya, even Xander or, ya know, any Scooby or even cop. Like New York's finest will do anything against a vampire or six...

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Magical or Mechanical?" He will ask Either way, his free hand moves to the small of his back, pulling out a collapseable staff he has sheathed there. He keeps it hidden in hand for now waiting to use the surprise of it to his best advantage.

Power Girl has posed:
"I'm not sure..." That's about all Karen manages to get out before the Vampire thugs make their way around the corner, sneering and baring their fangs. There was no need for sublty, nor to be anything but confident. They were just a couple of fancy types that were about to be food, and blue bloods tended to taste better!

"Alright. Not robots."

There should probably be more fear from the two of them, but the blonde woman simply bends down for a moment to step out of her shoes and cases a sidelong glance at Tim. Magical beings could be plenty dangerous to her too after all, but that didn't mean she wasn't worried for the human. Then there was a hiss and one of the would-be attackers who had grown too impatient while the others circled leapt forward towards Tim, picking him for either the larger threat or the first meal. Neither they, nor the 'heroes' in disguise and noticed the blonde man in leather charging towards them just yet.

Spike has posed:
"Oy, buck teeth" Spike yells, a top of the lungs yell. He's running up on them and....not slowing down. "Ow! That's a wall...that's a wall and that's a vampire" Spike says shoulder checking a wall and using the momentum...and pain, to pinwheel into the group of vampires like an errant, angry, British, Billy Idol looking bowling ball. Spike careers through the vampires and goes right past Tim and Karen, before thudding into a wall.

"Bloody hell" Spike says. "I thought this alley wasn't...oh it turns. Great" he says and turns around to watch the vampires. Spike's well versed in picking a fight, but the blur of duster, blonde hair and fangs and boots is soon coming back towards PG and Tim. Spike though slows up, staring at the vampires. He's picked a side. Chick. Suited guy. "You want to tie a rock into the tie and club 'em with it" Spike advises, fist clenched, bit of wood in his other hand. Oh he's so, so ready for this fight...as he gets a vampire to notice him. "Tell your mum Spike's here and I roll with the Slayer and the Scoobies" Spike taunts. "That's right. Buffy's sent me out here to deal with you fanged dicks"

That's not quite true. Spike though is doing his level best to play mind games with the vampires and keep them away from PG and Tim. If he can even distract them for a moment, it gives the other two an opportunity to get in easy blows and keep the vamps off balance.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will hmm softly, as he has just met Buffy sorta recently. He will say to PG. "Blondie here is on our side don't cave his head in." He brings his hand around and charging Vampire that thought Tim would be a tasty meal instead finds himself biting into Tim's titanium bo staff, which Tim has set for charge so the Blood drinker gets a nice painfull full stop there. He asks Spike "Not going to go all spastic when you hit them are you?"

Power Girl has posed:
Did they just get backup from Billy Idol?...No, just a fan it seems. Although this guy didn't have a heartbeat either as far as she could tell, he was clearly on their side according to Tim and that was good enough for her. The vampires were capable, clearly better in strength and even fighting ability than the average human, but Tim obviously had the training to hold someone stronger than him off and Spike had plenty of years behind him of fighting the fanged.

"The Scoobies?"

That question barely gets out of her lips before Karen finds a vampire of her own leaping towards her. The vampire was obviously unhappy with the interuption and clearly used to being far stronger than its prey...but when his attempted leap is suddenly caught one-handed and then hurled into the opposing wall he's more than a little suprised!

Spike has posed:
Spike slugs another vampire in the face as he gets gashed in the hand. "Oh now it's on" Spike says and looks to Tim for a second. "One way to find out" he adds slugging the vampire again, setting his feet to do his best to toss the vampire against the wall. Spike's enjoying this. He looks to Karen for a split second. "Buffy's group" he says and gets punched in the nose. "Ow. Oh you did it now!"

Spike's certainly not...at all, okay with getting his face rearranged by bloodsuckers. So he just lunges, a kick aiming for a vampire's crowne jewels. They don't have heartbeats, but...Spike's smart enough to at least lunge the stake forward too at the same time. "Tim" Spike says, "Got a stake on that thing? Or...cut their heads off. Why didn't I steal Angel's sword and keep it? Oh come on" Spike says realizing he's unerprepared for this mess. Still, Spike's....well, go ta look in his eyes as he grins. "Come at me, vampires. Come at me!" Spike calls.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake sighs a bit and does not have lethal weapons, well not many and using the staff is more give away than he wanted to do, bat booms might be a bit more, Instead he will move to spin the staff which does give a high pick whistle as he does. He looks around and will move towards large grabage can, trying to lure the one or two who are on him towards it. He will keep his eyes on all of them, the whole area awareness is important.

Power Girl has posed:
     Stake or cut heads off? There's quite a bit of concern when things come up to lethal force. Giving a little exhale of breath, Karen actually advances towards the vampire she'd thrown aside while another seems a little hesitant to act. The others were in danger, but they were holding their own among the creatures for now. Vampires? They were monsters, and excluding one they'd tried to kill her.

As the first climbs to its feet and surges towards her? A sudden bolt of bright glowing heat comes surging from her gaze towards the target. Fire was meant to work on these things, right?

Spike has posed:
Spike watches the fire and instinctively ducks. That results in a punch flying over his head and fangs biting into hair.He rears up and just about drives his head into and trying to put it through a vampire's jaw...and head. That gives him an idea as he picks up on the garbage can. "Alright, you wanna dance, bloodsucker?" Spike asks. "You gave me a hell of a headache,, oh you're gonna pay for this. Hey, why's there four of you guys fighting?" Spike asks Tim and PG. Apparently, he's somehow /more/ sarcastic and talkative with a headache and a possible concussion. Not to mention it messed up his hair. His. Hair!

That's it. Gloves are off as Spike jams the piece of wood, small stake, into the vampire's heart and ducks away. Nope, not sticking around this vampire. If anything, Spike's unsure how effective jamming a bit of wood through clothing and such is. Where's Buffy or Faith when you need them? Spike would dearly love a sword or, or a proper stake right about now. The fact the alley's moving around too isn't helping as Spike's seriously wanting the world to quit spinning. Then he gets punched by another vampire and clutches his head. It's not the chip. It's more Spike.....being about to decorate a vampire's fancy jacket. He's looking green around the gills but has that mad gleam in hsis eye.

"Stand back" he calls, gagging a little as Spike hurls. Spectacularly, all over the vampire that he decided to go all dentist on. Thankfully they're away from Tim and PG, but Spike's in no mood to grapple with a vampire that got hurled over. Nope. Even Spike's got standards. He'll hopefully humiliate that vampire into running away. If not, well....

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will trade punches with his vamp, making sure to roll with any punch that actually connects, but making sure as many as he can don't/ He will keep backing up towards the trash can and then pumps up on the lip of the thing. When the vampire lunges at him, he does a high back flip bringing the staff to the lid of the trashcan catching the Vamp with head in the can body out. Tim winces a bit as he lands on the lid to make his make shift guilitine work. "I do not like fighting Vampires, why are there so many around lately.

Power Girl has posed:
The vampire takes a little longer to burn...until it doesn't, bursting to ashes so suddenly even the Kryptonian gives a startle and backs up...right in time for a brick to be smashed back over her head. It was enough to stagger her by suprise alone and she was probably going to be picking cement out of her hair, but it didn't seem to be drawing blood.

She turns, making to face the attacker, Tim and Spike all in turn before the sudden vomitting had her shaking her head. "Ugh...that's just...eww..." she murmers, looking back to the vampire who just smacked her. "Right. C'mere 'Vlad'."

Spike has posed:
"Vlad" Spike says, still dealing with the world spinning. "How many are left? I count four but I did just ram my head through jawbones so....two or four?" Spike asks as he manages to make his way over. No way he's fighting the puked on one. Not...yet at least. Vlad, on the other hand as Karens' named him, is fair game. Spike shakes his head. "I gotta punch the one in the middle."

Great. Now he's quoting old movies. Go figure. Spike though does launch a mean hook toward 'Vlad', and makes fairly sure the multiple Power Girls he's seeing aren't in range of him. Given he's seeing double, maybe triple....Spike's doing fairly well. He's gesturing for something to throw vaguely at the puked vampire, too. He's not dumb enough to get close to that one. Somehow, he doubts Buffy would approve, either. Spike. Possible concussion, quoting old movies...yeah, Spike's got in trouble for this. Still, he's at least helping out. So a few points for him there!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will wait till Spike is gestures at pukes boy, and then throws one of the small bat bombs at the things head. Counting on Spike to not see the small ball heading tot he vamp. As it hits the vampire there is a moment of confusion from it, and then it's head is a fine rest mist as it goes boom. Tim seeing there is only one left, puts the staff away and looks over to Spike "How did you do that?" Yup, he is willing to go Real Men on Spike pretending the guy somehow make the vamps head go poof.

Power Girl has posed:
Spattered and atomized puke? It was that much grosser when you can percieve it all in detail. Turning her vision back to the remaining vampire, she's left to blink as the creature starts to turn to run. Clearly today hadn't gone its way and the Vamp-Mugger wanted out. The last burst of heat vision sadly would put an end to that plan.

Silence, mess...and only one slight concussed vampire.

The Kryptonian woman gives one last noise of disgust and walks back over to where she'd discarded her shoes, glancing between Tim and the 'Blonde guy'. "Alright. I don't know about you two? But I need a shower..."