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(Genosha Rises) Go Go X-Rangers
Date of Scene: 22 August 2019
Location: Here
Synopsis: Witty Ripostes and Global Ramifications.
Cast of Characters: Iceman, Polaris, Rogue, Cannonball, Shadowcat, Magneto

Iceman has posed:
    The X-jet took little time to get ready and with a minimalist crew, Rogue had the stick, being the only one actually qualified to fly the jet. This was happening while Bobby took seat in the other seat, as the co-don't touch anything or you're dead-pilot seat. Bobby turns his head to look at the two others on the jet and gives Lorna a look and a nod then Samuel gets a look and a nod. "Now remember, we're not going to start a war, we're just trying to talk. Hopefully. But that's why it's only us four. We all should be able to handle ourselves should anything go horribly horribly wrong." Bobby says, feeling awful as the senior member of the x-men on this mission so he'll be acting as the team lead.

    Black bandana on.

    Just over the horizon and soaring through the air towards the ominous little black dot over the water, it quickly scales up as they approach to a flying fortress. Literally. "Okay Lorna, can you do that ... magnet handshake thingy so he knows not to outright drown us all?" Bobby asks pleadingly with his eyebrows furrowed in fear and worry and hope.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was not particularly enthused with the idea of going to visit her father on his Fortress... but neither was she wholly against the idea either. The green haired woman had been accosted a few times now when she'd visited the US by people that hated or feared what her father might be up to. It was getting increasingly dangerous for her, and those around her. Never mind what the general population of mutants had to face every day. So when the mission was suggested, she'd hesitated for only a moment before agreeing to go.

Even if she still hated planes and still hated riding one.

Her green eyed gaze seemed distant as she stared off to a certain focal point, already lost to the magnetic spectrum as they flew ever closer toward Fortress M. Her lips pursed into a thin line as she glanced at Bobby when he spoke. "That's sort of always on Bobby. You can't tell magnetic poles to stop being what they are you know.." She exhaled a breath.

"Trust me, he knows it's us."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is indeed at the helm of the jet. She went through her pre-flight checks and got the plane ready to go. They were out and in the sky within minutes.

Once up, she looked back to the others. "Whats his play here?" She asked about Magneto, her eyes trailing over to Lorna. "I mean, I know he does things bold and bombastic, like tossin' train cars onto the White House lawn and all, but whats got his britches in a bunch this time?" She then asks.

She turns back to the jet controls and reaches up to dial back the cabin heat, it was a little overly warm inside the jet.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "It is the sentinels. He wants them stopped, and it looks like he is ready to start world war 3 to get it done. Ah am hoping he is planning mre on the show of force being what gets the job done than going to actual war. He may feel it has gotten to the point where if it has to happen he is ready for it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty and Lockheed are sitting at the back of the plane today. She's been quieter than normal since the focus began to turn to the mission today. She spent most of the flight checking the computer systems, searching for anything else in the area that might cause issues.

Kitty's hand goes to her necklace she wears, fingering the religious symbol upon it. It's not the same necklace she had when she was younger, on her first trip to Genosha. That one was lost in action somewhere in the years since. But the replacement, a gift from Piotr, draws the attention that the old one would have.

Magneto has posed:
     Fortress M was ominous. It was supposed to be such. Two hellicarriers worth of space makes for much more than a simple floating fortress. "Blackbird, you are cleared to land on VTOL pad 2." Came a voice on the standard hailing frequency, Magneto knew exactly who it was, and at least one of the occupants of the famed Blackbird. As well as how to communicate with it.

  From overhead, the contents of Fortress M seemed simple enough. Many of Genosha's buildings were of this modular design. It was easy to use to rebuild after the civil war that waged years ago on her soil.

  The Master of Magnetism himself waited outside the main tower of the complex, hovering in the wind as the X-Men made their approach. Many plain-clothed mutants were stationed around the landing pads, not at arms, not in any show of force. They seemed to be pointing and excited to see it as they arrived.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby looks over to Rogue as the comms go live for the X-jet to settle down onto the pad. "Yeah, roger that ILM. We're coming down and we got a load of coors for you all to enjoy as well." Bobby says with a look over to Rogue and a wink.

    Who let this man on the comms?!

    Bobby looks to Lorna and shrugs. "I don't know how magnets work. I'm a math teacher, not a science major." The class clown says with a frown as he tries to change into his more battle face. "Okay, seriously, gotta get our game faces on. This is Magneto, this is his own flying fortress over the Atlantic. Lets do this right you guys." Bobby says as he stands up and gives the shortest, least Scott pep talk he can.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced toward Rogue, with a grimace twisting her lips. "It's what he said, my father wants the Sentinels stopped..it's not enough that there was talk of arresting Trask. He wants it all stopped before it can progress to genocide." She fell silent as the comms went on and Bobby responded. She winced, unbuckling herself from the chair and magnetically anchoring herself to the plane as it landed rather than sit still.

As Bobby turned about to speak to them she was already moving toward the door.

"He's still my father.." She muttered, mostly to herself as the doors opened and she stepped out. She wore her suit of varying shades of green trimmed in black, her expression grim as her gaze swung around the Genoshan designs surrounding them, to the plainly dressed occupants of the Fortress. She exhaled a breath, waiting for the others to take lead as her focus drifted back toward her father. Her own magnetic fields drawn close around herself, as if trying hard to not disturb the magnetic fields that kept the Fortress aloft in the air.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue finds the proper landing platform to bring the jet down via its vtol systems and once its deactivated, the jet's bulkheads rumble as its engines wind down and then... silence and air flow through the ventilation system. A second later and there's a hissing hydraulics sound as the gangplank in the aft of the craft starts to lower to let people out.

"Well, lets hope it ain't world war 3 we're here t'witness startin'. If so, I'm gonna go find a deserted island in the Carribean t'vanish to before the nukes start flyin'."

Her sunglasses are raised up to the top of her head and in her black jumpsuit, leather jacket on over it, Rogue struts her stuff to the back of the jet to disembark. On the way out, she glances to Kitty and Lockheed on the way and grins at them both, for whatever reasons.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs a bit himself. He stands up making sure he is prepared. He might not have the same inner conflict that Lorna has, but Sam does consider this man a teacher and mentor in some ways, but also someone who he does not share an agreement on methods or fully goals. He has been out to Genosha to help folks in the past, but like this day that was to try to help mutants and humans alike.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde shuts down the computer and undoes the straps holding her into her seat, rising and reaching over to pat the dragon on her shoulder. She gazes out the door as the ramp is slowly lowered, revealing Magneto hovering there in the air.

It isn't her first time back to this fortification, even if it wasn't flying before. But past memories of the place can't help but be prominent in her head. Lockheed nuzzles against her cheek, the empathic dragon sensing Kitty's mood. Kitty looks over to Rogue, as she's given the grin. It brings out the start of a smile but it is a little half-hearted compared to her usual warmth. Her fingers go back to her necklace then as she moves to follow the others out of the plane.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto waited in the air, allowing the X-Men to approach him. Some of the onlookers waved and others smiled. Most seemed just happy, as if meeting rockstars or the like.

  Magneto stands, arms held out to his side, lowering to the ground and giving a welcoming smile. "I was wondering when you all would show up." He comments, looking at everyone. He noted their dress, a show of what was on their minds. Magneto was dressed in the iconic crimson and purple getup, why mess with a classic? Especially if it strikes fear in enemies.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby wears his sweet bandana, and a lot more. Thank God. He has on the classic blue and golds. For now. But he does make it look so good. By being the rockstar Magneto thinks he is. And he's trying to take the lead by stepping in front, if possible. We'll see how Lorna is feeling.

    "Still feels weird to call you Erik, but... I'll live." Bobby says, trying to show that he's not in the worst mindset and not here to put up his dukes. "I'm embarrased it took us so long." The X-man says with a bit of that playful twinkle as he stops near Magneto and plants his feet shoulder width apart and hooks his thumbs into, nothing, and readjust his hands to rest at his waist, elbows out.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna didn't take point, perhaps, to the point that it was awkward for her to shuffle off to the side and wait at the bottom of the ramp. Even while her gaze remained trained on her father. She exhaled a breath as she trailed behind Bobby, her hands loosely held at her sides as she tried hard to not cross them or come off as particularly confrontational.. it was difficult though, and it left her feeling awkward and unsure of what to do with herself.

As her father spoke, she averted her gaze, her lips pursed into a thin line as she found herself studying the ground between them instead. Briefly, her attention shifted to Rogue and Kitty, a sidelong glance to each of them that perhaps demonstrated how very 'off' the young magnokinetic was feeling at being there.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes were wandering all around this impressive place that Magneto had built up. She was very curious about it after all. But once they arrive at the man himself's location she just pauses off to the side while Bobby steps forward to speak for them and it makes her smirk lightly. Her green eyed gaze then sweeps over to Lorna to expect the Princess to go on a tirade... but she doesn't...


So... in the spirit of deflating war, Rogue starts to walk forward, her black suited body moving up a set of steps as she reaches into her leather jacket's pocket and pulls out a bottle of perfume, a bottle that a certain someone had sent to her. She makes a public and open display of raising it up for everyone (especially Mags) to see as she puffs it lightly on the sides of her neck and then she grins up to Erik.

"So... hey there, sugah." She says to him as she slipds the bottle back into her leather jacket pocket. A glance is cast about again. "This is quite the place ya got here... But ya know, all ya gotta do is drop me an e-mail t'get aholda me. Don't gotta go t'quite THIS much trouble." She says then, placing her left hand on her hip as she cocks her hip out in that direction once coming to a stance just beside Bobby, eyes on Magneto.


Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will watch all this, and is quiet still. He does cross his arms frowning a bit. He does not look like he is brimming for a fight, but he does seem unhappy. He has been thinking about what he should say for a while, and is still not fully sure. He lets the others take the lead for now. He keeps his eyes roaming about slowly. Not trying to look all shifty eyes, but making sure he knows what's going around them. He does keep coming back to look at Magneto though.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches as Lorna lags behind the rest as they deplane. While Bobby and Rogue are moving over to greet Magneto, Kitty moves to the side of Polaris, slipping her arm about the woman's waist. Kitty gives her a little side-hug of support and a gentle pat before she lets go, her smile flashed to Lorna is reassuring as Kitty adds a little motion of her head to join them.

And.... then she sees what Rogue does. "Oh good Lord," Kitty murmurs, covering her face and trying to hide her smile. Ok, maybe Lorna would rather keep her distance after all. Kitty flashes a trepidatious look back to Lorna and gives a little shoulder shrug before continuing forward.

Kitty walks over towards where Magneto waits. "Hello Erik," she tells him. "So," she says, glancing over at Rogue, and leaning that way to sniff for a moment. Is that lightning? She remembers the smell differently. She looks back to the Genoshan monarch. "Not sure what kind of mileage you get on a fortress like this. Come a long way in it though," she says.

Magneto has posed:
     "Then by all means, Robert. Call me Magneto." He comments, pointedly. It was word games, a battle of wits, nothing more. When Lorna made herself known, she garnered little more than a glance aside. It was Rogue who garnered his attention next.

  The perfume, his gift to her. That scent of electricity and light flowers. It was enough to cause him a chuckle. "My dear, this" he extends his arms and motions to the entire fortress. "is about us all, and for mutants that have yet be born. Complacency has only resulted in more casualties on our side. And -that- is why it took you as long as it did to approach me, Robert. Your inner doubts. Your belief that maybe, just maybe, Charles' way is not the right way. I don't yearn for mutant supremacy, I just want us to not have to worry about when we will be slaughtered for the sake of some militant human. This is why these people decided to join me here. Every one of these mutants do so of their own volition, under no banner. Only the promise to secure the future for the next generation. Even those you hold dearest in your country, agree with me. A memory from my own past, who knows too well the horrors Trask's mentality can conjure."

Iceman has posed:
    "No no no. Not this time. Erik." Bobby says almost triumphantly but- Oh for F.

    Bobby rolls his eyes and even his shoulders far enough to have to take a step away from Rogue, turning his back to the flagrant display of flirtation that's ever occured on the open seas of the Atlantic. Yes, more so than that Jim Cameron film about the oceanic or whatever it was called.

    Bobby frowns at Kitty and Lorna, with a look given to Sam, before he completes his circumnavication of this specific spot. "Maybe it took us this long to get out here because we're kind of a mess right now. Didn't think of that big guy, did ya. Wearing your stupid helmet." Bobby mumbles to himself that last bit as he still has trouble looking at Rogue because he knows he wont be able to stop if he does.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed Kitty a briefly, if terse smile at the one armed hug, and leaned into the support offered there briefly. She'd already spoken to her father, already found herself on the fence... unable to act and frozen for it. She wasn't sure entirely what to do. Before she had spent time on Genosha with her father, before she'd faced the scathing hatred of the crowds and riots where people had tried to physically rip her apart for who she was.. It all left its mark on the young woman.

Yet she bit her tongue as Rogue sauntered up and shamelessly started to flirt with her father. The scent of the perfume drifted her way, and her nose wrinkled, and heat came to her cheeks. Still, it wasn't what set Lorna's steps in motion. Rather it was her father's words, his repeated phrases that he'd told her before about his intent and his reasoning behind it.

As she walked her hands curled into fists at her side. "Father stop it, you abandoned Genosha. You left us defenseless! You left us and painted a target on our back for every mutant hating country to target while you're not there! Genosha needs it's King. We need you, alive and there ruling. Not starting a war that will not end until you're dead or Genosha is destroyed!" Her voice was sharp, and impassioned as she continued, her voice catching with the choked emotions that caught in her throat.

"Please come home."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just keeps a grin on her visage for Magneto after he responds to her and then on to the others. She glances around again and legs her hand slip off of her waist before she looks to Bobby and raises a black gloved hand up to gently pat his shoulder. "Its kind've a cool lookin' helmet, an' you know it." She tells him in a near-whisper before her eyes then shoot over to Kitty, Lockheed and Sam. She gives Kitty a grin again before Lorna's words draws her attention to the daughter of Magneto, the one most likely to actually get through to the older gentlemen.

So Rogue looks back, folds her arms together on her stomach and just stands there, watching... with a sassy little touch to her stance of course, because she can flirt without even speaking.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Magneto still silent. He does not wish to interrupt. Lorna is the man's daughter after all, and her words are important, and may get through where others can't. Bobby has taken the role of leader and Sam wants to support the other mans position. He will look over to Kitty and offers her a nod before stepping up and waiting. he will speak his mind but lets others go first.

Shadowcat has posed:
"No," Kitty Pryde tells Magneto. "We waited because you made an international incident and we let some others try to talk to you first," she says. The young woman turns and looks around at the impressive fortress, and at the new recruits that Erik seems to have gathered in his time here. The latter seems to draw her attention for a good length before she finally turns back to him.

"Erik, public opinion turned against the Sentinels. Heroes are fighting back against them. We have the chance to affect some positive changes, maybe lasting ones to help mutants for years to come," Kitty says. She glances around the fortress again and shakes her head. "And this stunt is risking throwing it all away. I know you truly want to help mutants. But your presence here is not encouraging more actions against the Sentinels. It's taking up news cycles that had finally begun showing people what those metal monstrosities do to people," Kitty says.

She waves a hand off away from the direction of the East Coast. "Trask isn't even in the United States anymore. So what are you expecting them to do? You aren't offering help. You're just threatening. Please. You have gathered together those looking for leadership. Call it a win. Take the fortress home. If you want to help us oppose Sebastion, help us oppose Sebastion. If you want to help us take down the Master Mold we're planning to assault, then come join us. But this? This is not helping."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto approaches his youngest daughter, responding in a hushed tone. "I explained to you what to do if you felt there was no other option. I left Genosha with the one person I trust as much as myself with her governance. Obviously, she is not in a dire enough spot.

  Magneto reaches a hand to hold Lorna's shoulder. "I meant what I said. Never again. I will fight until my last breath."

  When Kitty makes her stance known, he regards her just as he did with Lorna. "You In fact, did just that. Captain America and I had plenty of time to talk. We came to an agreement. Which is why I've been keeping us here, in international waters. No aggression, none of my original plan. Even Aquaman backed down from his pedestal. When this is over, the fortress will return home, to a hero's welcome. And we will go back to our way of life. Back to Genosha, and back to peace. If we back down, mutantkind does so with a tail between its legs like a scorned dog. We lose more than ever."

Iceman has posed:
    "Maybe we should be making such concessions with the humans in order to leave peacefully with them." Bobby says with a look from Erik to Lorna and then with a lift of his eyebrow to Rogue. "You have got to be kidding me." The ice man mumbleth under his breath. The x-man then sneaks a look back to Sam and then Kitty with a sigh. This is the most awkward run in he's ever had with Erik, and there were times he threw snow balls at the man.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's head tilted back as her father approached her, his focus on her so intently that she felt the magnetic fields about them spinning as much as her heart hammered in her chest. The weight of his hand on her shoulder seemed to feel like a leaden one, heavy not only with the weight or the responsibility, duty, and expectations he put upon her with those words.. but also with the finality of it.

"Father--" She breathed, her voice sounding gravely to her own ears and likely only more than a hushed whisper of sound to others. "No, no.. I can't. I can't.." She seemed to finally understand the enormity of what Magneto meant, there was a click of understanding in her gaze. The things they'd talked about, the crowns he had shown her. All of the hints. The plans. The double meaning to his words. Her eyes went wider, her eyebrows furrowed sharply in her distress.

"I can't rule Genosha." She mumbled, her anxiety over the very notion clear not only in her expression but also in the magnetic fields between them. "Not without you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has actually talked to Lorna some about ruling Genosha after or without Magneto." He looks over to the other man nodding in greeting, "Ok, well to be blunt, if you have talked to Captain America, and Aquaman, and all seems good on those fronts. What are you waiting on before you actually take the Fortress back to Genosha sir?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is mostly silent just off to the side with her hands on her hips, her green and gold bodysuit on, her yellow matching gloves tucking her thumbs into the belt around her waist. She lets her gaze go to Bobby who gets a grin, then to Lorna who gets a stare... and then over to Magneto again. "You're stressin' your daughter out with all'a this, ya know." She says then in a moment of lucidity toward the situation rather than toying with any odd mutual attraction that she and the older gentleman might share. She motions to Lorna then. "She's a good person, who just wants her father's help and all'a this..." Rogue motions around to the floating fortress. "Impressive as it is... it really ain't gonna help anyone, I don't think. Just gonna put all the normies on edge, and make'em think you want nothin' but a war."

Rogue's hand drops back to her hip then and she shifts her weight from one yellow tall boot to the other. "What do I know though, I'm just a T.A." And then she shows a light grin of course, cause she probably has a double meaning for that... probably, maybe. Definitely.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a small frown at Erik's response. Her hands move to rest on her hips. "Then if you're going to be here... help us. If you're worried about how mutants look, then help us deal with the problem. There is a Master Mold that we are going after soon. Your assistance would be a substantial help given the numbers we might face," Kitty says quietly. She glances to Lorna, sees the reaction and hears the comments between them. It causes Kitty to fall silent for the moment, not interrupting the father-daughter discussion for now.

Magneto has posed:
     "Because the fortress can only be separated from me for a period of six hours." Magneto says bluntly. "After that, it falls into the ocean, never to be seen again."

  "A dead-man switch, it would require either myself or Lorna to move it. And it takes eight days travel back to Genosha." Magneto crosses his arms with a bit of contempt. "She has proven herself more than capable." He comments, at least about Lorna's capabilities.

  "Aquaman is not part of the bargain. If he were to show his face to me, I would have his head atop his trident for what he's done." He adds in, not so much bloodthirsty, it was the principle of the thing, threatening to attack Genosha when he should have kept his nose out of it.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby's hand falls not so discreetly behind his hip and he takes a moment to ... sort his costume out and then he looks to Rogue with a frown and a shrug. "I feel like I brought her to help and now it's become like we're the odd balls out in the family rumpus room." Bobby frowns.

    "I'm pretty sure I could move it." Bobby says thinking idly aloud as he looks out towards the horizon and then a nudge towards Rogue and Sam, "These two could almost definitely move it."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just crosses her arms together across her stomacn while her hands grip at her elbows and biceps and the leather of her jacket rumples up a bit around her shoulders. She looks from speaker to speaker and settles on Bobby with a smirk. "Pretty sure this fortress is outta my weight class even." She quietly tells him in response before she looks back to Lorna, Kitty and then to Magneto. She's at a loss for words here, not feeling like she's a great mediator for this situation what so ever. Scott or Jean? Yeah, they could probably do way more here to help than she can!

Polaris has posed:
Lorna crossed her arms over her waist, swallowing the bile that rose at the back of her throat as she sunk deeper into her anxiety and pooled her magnetic powers around in like a shawl against the cold. She shuddered, feeling the depths of her father's power over the Fortress, even as he spoke of why he couldn't leave the Fortress behind for any length of time. Her shoulders climbed higher as she squeezed her eyes shut as her father addressed Rogue's and Kitty's concerns. Her teeth clamped down hard against her lower lip and she tried to calm herself down.

It was Bobby's absurd logic to everything that broke the rising tide of a panic and her gaze swung back toward him in a stunned manner.

It gave her the beat she needed to think, to wrap her mind around the bleak thoughts that threatened her. Her jaw squared briefly and she turned her gaze back up to her father.

"So you're going to sit out here, and ... wait? Because you don't want to appear to be on the retreat, and you can't leave to help with an attack in person either. And you won't abandon this either for the same reasons as before... But you want to stand here to remind people anyways that you're here and that you //can// threaten them at a moment's notice...?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "And the fact you can't leave the place is no offence sir Hogwash." He looks to the other man and says "You could have your people here head back to Genosha, or maybe an embassy here in the stats or something. Set this down on the sea floor and pick it back up when ever you wanted to. You are the master of magnetism, and looking at some of the things you did in the past, AH do believe this hunk o island is not alot for you.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty still has a small frown on her face. "It would be better if you were a leader in this rather than being seen to be a leader," Kitty comments. She glances towards Magneto's new recruits. She starts to say something but seems to change her mind of it. She could point out how he's gathered in and taken out of the fight those who might have been willing to help. But then, they are likely un-trained and would be as likely to get hurt or die as not.

Instead Kitty just crosses her arms, letting what Sam and the others have said speak for her for now.

Magneto has posed:
     "I am waiting for the word to strike, then we do so, and return back to Genosha. Or, someone will try and stop me, a battle will ensue, and one of two outcomes happens."

  It was about there that Magneto snapped his head towards Sam. "I said for no more than six hours, Samuel. An operation can happen in that amount of time."

  Magneto extends out a hand, palm upwards. "I would be more than happy to help in your endeavors as well. Now that you've chosen to make a strike. No doubt myself and Polaris can be great assets in this." It seems at least there was an olive branch being extended."

  "And, Lorna, you and I will talk."

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby frowns and takes a step up towards Lorna with a motion for her to lean over so he can whisper in her ear. Words that are intended only for her. Then a look to Sam and Kitty and Rogue with a circle motion that it's time to wrap things up. Or that's what he remembers Cyke doing so many times. "Okay X-men, we've said our piece, it's time to go." Bobby says with a motion towards the jet.

    "Oh, Erik, if you're waiting for word to strike, sounds like you're not the one in charge after all. Maybe we should go speak with them instead." Bobby says and turns around to make it to the jet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Samuel with Magneto corrects him and she can't help but grin at the exchange for whatever reason. Her eyes then drift over to Lorna and she traces her gaze back to Magneto for his response... BUT its Bobby who gets Rogue to uncross her arms and place her gloved hands inside of her jacket pockets. "Welp, back to the plane, it seems."

As she starts to turn she grins ato Magneto and raises her left hand up to give him a little waving waggle of her fingers. "Bye now, sugah. Love your flying fortress. Always a fan of a man who knows how to build things..." Is she teasing? Definitely. Either way she's preparing to leave with the others now, if thats their next move!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the older man, and seems tempted to speak again, but keeps his mouth shut. He will turn to head towards the plan as well, he does keep looking about the area as he is walking taking it all in still.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a small nod as Erik commits to assisting them. "We'll let you know when," she says, giving Bobby a little swat as he makes the jab. Kitty looks over to Lorna for a moment and then to Erik again. "I was hoping we could perhaps get together again in the not too distant future. Maybe I'll bring Mom to Genosha. Dad is living there now, and maybe we can all go to temple together," she comments, a hand going to her necklace from which her Star of David hangs, before she nods to the rest of her team and turns to head for the plane.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna didn't move as her father spoke, watching him and watching those volunteers that hung on his every word beyond their little circle of X-men. She stood there, the wind in her face, as Bobby spoke. She swallowed a lump that formed in the back of her throat at his words, and she pushed her hair back from her face as the wind tangled her green curls about. She exhaled a breath, looking away from Bobby toward her father as he said that they would talk.

When the others made to depart, Lorna shot her father a look. "I'll catch up to you all later. My father and I have to talk." She murmured.

Magneto has posed:
     "You either want me to strike, and start a war, or strike with someone at the helm and avert an international incident. You cannot have cake and eat it too, Robert." Magneto says rather scathingly.

  A short nod to Kitty before he responds. "We will be in touch."

  Erik extends an arm to Lorna and starts to make his way inside, he was not in a foul mood it seems, despite being so before.