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Latest revision as of 19:41, 18 September 2019

Introducing Samuel to the Danger room and a little practice for them.
Date of Scene: 17 September 2019
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Training and mud was had by some.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Nightingale, Samuel Morgan

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has called Sam and Shannon to meet him at the elevator. He leads them down and into the sub-levels. Sam will feel a lot of computers and tech around here. Sam the elder leads the two intot he danger room, which right now looks to be just a large room with metal walls and metal floor and ceiling. "So this is our training room."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is not completely unfamiliar with the danger room, and looks as if she's relishing the chance to train in there again. She's stretching out, loosening up a bit and working out a few muscle kinks from the night before. With a nod towards both Sam's, she smiles. "Hey... haven't seen you for a couple days. How's things going for you, settling in?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    For the past few days, ever since arriving at the school, Sam the Younger has been waiting for the first shoe to drop. Nobody, absolutely nobody, takes on a case like him without expecting anything in return. Perhaps he's cynical, but he can't imagine true altruism to actually exist. After meeting the headmistress, after meeting Laura in the kitchen the day before, Young Sam was feeling his suspicions solidify. He'd mentioned the odd feeling of technology to Alek, and the other technopath has responded with that cryptic 'oh, but we're strange people'. Laura had mentioned combat training for all students... and for the life of him, Sam couldn't imagine all the students getting together in a gym somewhere and pairing off under some benevolent self defense tutor.

    On the way down, he can feel the signatures get stronger, although the room he's entering is a curious void... it's simply too big for him to sense in its entirety. It's also large enough to take up most of the foundation space of the entire school. And so, it seems, he has finally arrived at that moment he'd been expecting.

    "As well as can be expected. People have been... helpful." Despite his momentary apprehension, Sam takes the time to respond to Shannon and takes a few steps further into the room, rolling his neck and curling his hands into fists. "This is why I'm here, isn't it?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other, and says "Well this is where you will be practicing your abilities, but not really why your here. This room we call the danger room, it has holographic abilities beyond what you have probably seen backed up with forcefields and occasional robots, or walls. We use this so, we can train in any informant, be it a city." And the room changed to look like New York as Sam taps a button on a controller, "To jungles." The room changes to the Savage land complete with dinos in the distance "To alien plants." The room still looks very jungleish but a bit more avatar crazy color jungle.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon does not exactly care to get eaten by any of the alien plants, so acts on the instinct to get airborne, fast. With strong downstrokes of her wings, she gets above the profusion of wildly colored hologrpahic flora, hovering above the two Sam's. "You know, this is going to get really confusing in training sessions, having two of you with the same name. I know yours, Cannonball... but do you have one, Sam?" Confusion averted, for now. Hopefully.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Cannonball?" Other Sam gives older Sam a look with a raised eyebrow and the hint of a smile. But no further comment is made... he knows codenames are bestowed, not chosen, and he won't poke fun at someone for the moniker they've been stuck with. He watches Shannon hover, looking around the jungle and generally getting a feel for the place. "No, I don't have a codename that means anything to me. SHIELD called me Scorpio while I was in the Pit, you can use that if you want." And then comes the question that was inevitably going to be asked. "What's yours?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smils and says "When Ah fly, Ah am somewhat like a cannonball. Really fast, and things can that get in my way normally looks like a cannonball hit it. " He will tell the other man "We will figure something out you like and that fits. While in here nothing can do serious harm to you. You may get a sprain or such, but with the safe guards at the worse would be a broken bone, and that should not happen but in a bad situation could happen.

Nightingale has posed:
     "And even if it does, I'd be able to step in. Worst it'd set me back is a couple days." Shannon cracks a smile at them both. "When my mutation manifested a couple years ago, my folks started calling me their little Nightingale. I've kept the name. It fits." She looks around the alien surroundings from her vantage point, to see if she can spot any immediate threats to both Sam's. "Is this the one we're working with tonight, Cannonball?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Nightingale. Their little Nightingale. Little Nightingale. Nightingale.

    It's as if Sam has been struck by an invisible hand, recoiling for a moment and then standing quite, quite still. As he's still close to a wall, the projection around him flickers and grows fuzzy, indistinct, and then shows the projection of a smiling man, kneeling to ruffle the hair of what may be a very, very young Sam. 'Ah, meine kleines Nachtigall...'.

    The projection returns to normal after tiny Sam smiles up towards the man, mouthing 'Papa' without any sound, with a snap that is almost disorienting. And Sam? He's standing there, eyes closed, taking deep breaths. "Sorry."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "Are you ok?" He will step forward and start to put a hand on the young man shoulder, but pauses and announces it "I am touching your shoulder." He knows the young man might have some trauma and does not want to have him freak out.,

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon goes very, very silent, realizing something is wrong. The shift in the holographic images has her frowning, and even with her general lack of command of the language, it's not hard to piece together the words through context. Shit. This could be a problem. Backwinging to a landing, she stays nearby, though several steps back, crouching down to appear less of a threat. "Sam? What is it?" Her voice is gentle and low, and she makes sure her hands remain within sight, to remind him that she is unarmed.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Thank you, I'm... I will be fine." On the whole, he appreciates the concern and that Older Sam remembered to warn him. It turns what might have been an instinctive reaction into the mere tensing of that shoulder. When his eyes open again, they're as clear as before, and the first thing they see is Shannon.

    "It's a good name. You should keep it, take care of it. It gets corrupted too easily." And that, it seems, is about as far as he's going to let anyone look into his soul for now. "I'm holding up training, we should proceed."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well as I suspected you can talk and control the computers here. If thing you are facing is obviously mechanical and using your powers is part of training feel free to use them on it, if is is not treat it as if if was not. If you think something might be hidden robotic, you can message me on here." He holds up the controller, and says "I will tell you if it is or not." He mashes a button and the room changes to look like an olympic practice gymnasium"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles softly. "It was for Florence Nightingale... and healing." She gets to her feet, dusting her jeans off, and tilts her head. "Thank you. I won't let it get corrupted. Not on my watch. As for names... well, we'll find one for you. Maybe make it part of a fresh start for you here, if you'd like?"

As the room shifts to look like a gym, she whistles low. "Finally! Now we're talking!" She grins at both Sam's, clapping her hands together and laughing. "Maybe you two can show me what's what now, right?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Mine was for the old KGB Nightingale school. If you've never heard of it, never look it up." Sam notices the world change. How nice it would be to be able to do that for real... is that what it would be like to be able to teleport? Still, the surroundings have him relax almost instantly, even as he hears Cannonball's instructions. "Verstanden, Kanonenkugel." There's even a slight grin as he says that. Turning to Shannon, he motions for her to follow as he sets off on the track at an easy pace.

    "First things first, always get the engine running before you do anything else. Ten laps should do it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile a bit and lean against the wall. He watches the two and lets them get two laps in, but as they start the third one hurtles appear in front of them, giving them enough time they should be able to jump them. "Let make this a bit interesting as you warm up."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Scheisse!" Somehow, it's always the more colorful aspects of a language that are learned first. This case is no exception. Shannon keeps her wings folded tightly behind her as she takes a leap over the first hurdle. Oh, so that's how it was going to be. Fine, then let's play ball. Shannon grins at Sam-bean, calling out, "Come on, let's see who makes it over the most hurdles!"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Oh, now we're talking."
    It might be that nobody in the school has seen Sam genuinely smile. Cannonball and Nightingale might be the first so privileged, as for the first time in days, the teen is able to stretch his legs, literally and figuratively. The first hurdle is vaulted without breaking stride, and soon he settles in the new pace, feeling his heart rate go up quite pleasantly. A challenge before him, an open gym and nothing to do except put one foot in front of the other and not fall over... life is suddenly simple. "You're on."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will make the hurdles pop up quicker, some just giving them moments to hurtle them. He waits till they are pretty prepared with this and says "So you want more difficulty for this?" He will watch them

Nightingale has posed:
     The first several hurdles are cleared easily. But as they come up faster and faster, Shannon smacks her right foot high on the instep on one. It's not enough to make her fall down, but she does stumble a little bit. Still, she's laughing, rather enjoying seeing Sam-bean smile. Life was good. It was simple for once. It felt good to just blow off some steam. "What do you have to throw at us, then?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    At no point, literally no point, does Bean try to overtake Shannon. When he sees her hit the crossbar of a hurdle and stumble, he's there with a hand to steady her, while still keeping his eyes on the course. "If you fall, roll and go. This isn't a race, it's a team effort."

    Vaulting hurdles, one after the other, Sam-Bean is relaxed enough to reply almost irreverently "I'm not even sweating here, Guthrie! Wanna make this a steeplechase?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I am thinking a bit more. The course does change a bit changing into an obstacle course. Think more American ninja on steroids, but it seems another TV show maybe making an appearance, a gun comes from the ceiling, but is obvious not a real gun but one that shoots tennis balls via American gladiators"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Hah! I'm liking this!" Yes, Bean couldn't possibly be happier. This is the kind of training course he wishes he could have had, and the joy of actually getting to use it is overriding any other sense. Except one.

    He sees the tennis ball cannon appear, and looks over to Shannon, making a spreading motion with his arms. "Nightingale, serpentine! It can't track us both at the same time. Go right, I'll go left. Go!" And he breaks away from running companionably side by side, veering left like a wide receiver going for a hail mary thrown halfway across the field.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and veers off to the right, presenting a second moving target for the tennis ball cannon to track. "Keep your eyes peeled, there may be more of those things!" As wonderful as it was to see Sam enjoying himself, she could not afford to forget that the purpose was to train, not to goof off. She scans her immediate vicinity, glancing this way and that as she continues down the track, not taking a straight line, but shifting direction every so often.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts them off on a low AI setting the gun shoots one ball, and then hesitates before turning to start tracing Sam. It is not overly hard to dodge at least not yet. There is a gap coming up where you will have to take by hand held rings if you go the standard way. He watches the two to see what they do.

Nightingale has posed:
     Crap. Training with the rings was not something Shannon had encountered. She was going to pass this time, instead bypassing the rings entirely. "Sam, you get the rings, I've got the wings! Go!" On the fly, as it were, she spreads her wings, and takes off with a few downstrokes. In keeping with presenting the guns with two moving targets, she banks right and left, avoiding the rings and not tangling them up in her wings. Thank heavens she had the airspace clear for this!

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Understood, keep 'em off me."

    Dodging tennis balls is not terribly difficult, Bean can see them coming at him long before they have a chance to hit, weaving out of the way. Of course, he has no such chance when he's dangling from the rings, so he's relying entirely on Shannon to keep the cannon busy. And, to his great delight, she suggested it without prompting. Excellent. He launches himself at the rings, skipping the first and then swinging hand over hand across the gap, using his momentum to skip as many of them as he can. After all, the longer he takes getting across, the longer Nightingale is being shot at. You can bet that gives him metaphorical wings, even as he lacks in physical ones.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and will have the gun speed up, as they are coming up on a wall, it is a tall one Sam may have some issues getting over it himself alone, but will they come together to overcome the problem, will they find another way or will theybe gunned down by the tennis balls of doom.

Nightingale has posed:
     Cannonball sure didn't mess around, did he? That was one sheer, tall wall, one that would easily intimidate an experienced climber. And there were mere seconds before they reached it. Shannon had to think fast. Carrying large weights in the air was not something she was good at yet, but if she could get up to the top first... "Get up that wall as far as you can, I'll try an assist the rest of the way!" She zig-zags in the air above Sam-bean, drawing the fire of the guns to buy him time to get to the wall.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The unclimbable wall. A staple in every team building exercise... or at least, it is for certain teams. Bean can't imagine accountants doing this regularly. There is only one way to take that wall, and that's at speed, especially if he hopes to not get hit by these tennis balls. They wouldn't really hurt, they certainly won't harm him, but man... it's the principle of the thing.

    Clearing the gap, Sam-Bean lands on his feet and takes off at a dead run, picking up speed as he goes. "Got it. Go!" He's no speedster, but he's no slouch, that's a respectable turn of speed for someone his age... respectable for someone a few years older even. His feet pound the ground until, at the last moment, he kicks off with his right foot, plants the toes of his left on the wall as high as they can go, and then with one muscle-twanging heave kicks himself up higher on the wall, right hand outstretched.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will have the guns near them. He makes sure it is close, but the fact they are showing teamwork gives them a bit of grace, and he grins "Good good." If they don't keep going pretty quickly though the tennis balls will find their mark.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lands on the top of the wall and lays down on her stomach, drawing her wings in tightly behind her to present less of a target for the guns. It was go time. If she didn't help Sam-bean get up this wall, they were both going to be in hot water. She leans down as far as she can, extending her right arm. "Come on, grab on! You're almost there!"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's wrist to wrist, and Sam-Bean grabs on, immediately starting to pull himself up. He's... not all that heavy, but heaving himself up on one arm still requires a fair bit of strength... and he's just been swinging himself across a gap on rings, so he has to cheat and scramble to the top using the still new toes of his sneakers. It gets the job done, and done quickly, but that would have earned him a shouting in his previous life. As it stands, he does what he advised Shannon to do earlier, drops along the top of the wall and rolls back to his feet, reaching back for a moment to help his team mate up. And then? Then it's back to running and dodging tennis balls.

    "Can we do this every day?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well maybe not everyday, and some days maybe more fighting something but this is the training as part of what we do. You will need an authorized staff member to bring you down here, and to run this room. Ah am glad your enjoying it." He presses a button and the floor starts to drop out to be a mud pit under them.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    So far, it's been a lot of fun. And when the mud appears, well... he knows Cannonball is keeping the exercise realistic, but trying to keep it fun. And so Sam-Bean, never one to shy away from something just because it might be dirty, plunges on. "Wish I had some wings right now."

    His pace continues, although he has to high step now, and the resistance of the mud is enough to slow him down. Too fast and he'll pitch over on his face. Too slow and he'll get beaned, hah, by a tennis ball. No rest for the wicked.

    By the time he gets to the other side of the mud pit, he looks like he might have crawled out of a swamp. Laundry is going to be a pain...

Nightingale has posed:
     With the mud pit slowing Sam-bean down, Shannon is running interference again, when she sees he's not sinking in too far. Good, at least he was safe. She just had to keep the guns distracted long enough for him to get through the mud. She keeps turning this way and that, shifting directions in the air above him, and skimming dangerously low to the mud pit a few times, just to keep things interesting. Close enough where her wingtips skim the mud on the downstrokes. Yet, when she angles her way back upwards again... the mud just seems to slide right off, like water off a duck's back.

     "Come on, you've got this! Go, go, go!" She calls out encouragement to her team-mate; there was no time to catch her breath. But she does grin, echoing Sam-bean's sentiment. "Ohhh yeah, we have GOT to do this more often! Now why the heck can't we?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and watches as the two of the come back t him. he grins and the gun shuts down "Not bad for a first time, not bad at all, Ah am proud of you both.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon can't help smiling from ear to ear. For once, she hadn't screwed up. "Thank you. But it wouldn't have worked as well without Techno here." Yes, she's pulling an Ellie and trying out new nicknames. "Think there's a lot more I could learn from him, than the other way around."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    When he comes trotting up to Cannonball, Sam is actually smiling. It's easy to tell with all the mud on his face. "What you call training, I call a morning warm-up. But I needed that, thank you."

    At the same time, he's holding out his fist to Shannon. "Couldn't have done it without Nightingale though. Best team mate I've had in a long time."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well this was a first time, and we will see about getting ou into some harder things will need to run you through a test at some point, powers and physical capabilities

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins at Sam-bean and fist-bumps lightly. The compliment does have her going a bit red in the face and she coughs. "Well... wow. Thanks! Not bad for only really training since coming here in July." Yes, that's right. She's nearly a raw beginner, still a little wet behind the ears. "If this was just a morning run to you, I might ask you what you'd suggest for training to build myself up a little, so one of these days I might actually be able to carry you over the mudpit instead of you having to do extra laundry."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Practice, mostly." is Sam-Bean-Techno's response to Shannon's question, although he has no idea how to help someone who can fly get better at carrying more weight aloft. "I'm sure there's someone else in the school who uses wings to fly, and they'll know a lot more than I do about it, but you can never go wrong with practice. Every day before breakfast. Meet you tomorrow at six for a fun run, if you want?"

    He does seem to like working in a team... likes motivating team members as well. So he eyes Cannonball with a smile. "Room for one more on that run, if you want. And I'd appreciate an evaluation, haven't had one in years, need to know how much I've slipped."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Today you did well, and worked well as a team. Ah will as Ah said get a full evaluation if you have anything you remember from previous stuff and want to send me it would be ok, and Ah will check it out.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and braces herself for this question. "Okay, so what did we do right, and where could we improve?" At least she was pretty sure Sam would put it constructively, instead of like a Marine drill instructor chewing out a wet-behind-the-ears private.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    And that's a very pertinent question that Shannon has just asked. Sam-Bean almost instinctively goes to stand at a relaxed parade rest, hands behind his back. This would be a good time to gauge what kind of leadership style Older Sam prefers.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the two and says "Actually you did rather well, only thing I would say off the top of my head you could do better, Shannon need to work on your lift, you may have been able to grab him, and give him a lift up, more just a moment of weight giving him that little boost to make it. Sam, you could have cancled out the commands to the gun so you did not have to deal with it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, tilting her head to peer at Cannonball-Sam for a moment. "I recognize that my strength needs work, whether on the ground or the air. Hence, why I asked Techno about what exercises he'd recommend. Was that the only point to improve?" She smiles somewhat, determined to learn from this as much as possible.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    For his part, Sam-Bean, soon probably forever more known as Techno, stands at mute attention as he accepts the criticism of his performance. No justifications, no explanations, no mention that interfering with the program wouldn't have been fun... in fact, it hadn't even occurred to him, and that was something he needed to learn from. So all he offers is a nod and a formulaic "Yes sir."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "You both did very well, Ah am proud of you hit the showers and Ah will take ya back up stairs.

Nightingale has posed:
     Showers. Yes. That sounded heavenly to Shannon right about then. She smiles more than Cannonball might have seen in a few days and nods. A quick sniff check of herself, and she's wrinkling her nose. "Phew. Good idea." With a grin to Techno, she holds up her fist. "You did well out there. It was a blast training with you. See you in the morning?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It takes an effort of will for Bean not to snap his heels together in the usual acknowledgement of being dismissed. Instead he takes one last look around the danger room and fist-bumps Shannong again, smiling. "Oh-six-hundred, by the back door." And then he heads for the hatch, nudging Cannonball. "Warm showers, laundry facilities and your very own holo deck. You should lead with that next time." But a-showering he must go... and laundry is going to take a bit longer than usual today.