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Latest revision as of 04:25, 23 September 2019

Hot Dog Interrupted
Date of Scene: 15 September 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: When the craving for hot dogs meets a crashed flying saucer Language Warnings abound.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (Pym), Fantomex, Darcy Lewis

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Sometimes a girl just needs a break from her work. And when you're a teenage supergenius dabbling in equations that defy the understanding of most people but does not pay especially well (or indeed at all) there aren't many places you can afford to hang out when you're in New York City.

Which is why Nadia Pym has come to one of her favorite low cost haunts. Central Park. Big enough that it's easy to avoid any Red Room agents that might be trying to follow her. And pleasant enough that you can forget you're in a huge city filled with people.

Also there are really good hot dogs.

Fantomex has posed:
Central Park is, of course, a pleasant and welcome place in the middle of the urban jungle that is Manhattan. Also happens to be a good place to crash-land a flying saucer.

Well, not quite a saucer, it looks more like a shiny metal sphere with a ring of multi-colored lights and metal around, perhaps five yards diameter.

It appears quite suddenly, just a few yards from the ground, then hits the ground, skids on the grass, bounces on the ground twice, then on a small tree, and finally stops, the ring tipped over and leaning on a bench.

Weird, even for Manhattan, and yet only a few people point at the odd flying device. Most do not even seem to see it.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
OMG. The Fucking Hot Dogs. They alone are worth coming out here. Sure. Darcy totally has a meal plan at the Triskelion, but some days These Fucking Hot Dogs are the only thing that can fill a girl up. She skated here, because the weather was nice enough for it and soon it won't be and so this must completely be taken advantage off.

In workwout clothes, Darcy rolls through the park along the side walks, searching, until she finds her prey: The Hot Dog Vendor. Oh, great peddler of amazing weiners!! Put your sausage between some buns and let me put that in my mouth! Darcy rolls up to the back of the small line of other waiting for their food things.

Of course, then flying saucer crash lands not far away and Darcy turns her head to look at it. For a moment, she's silent. And then:

"Oh for fuck's sake! Really? I mean REALLY?! I am OFF DUTY! This shit's not even my depart- Fuck this. I'm just going to pretend I don't fucking see..." Darcy turns away from the crash site, arms folded over her chest only to turn back to it a full two seconds later.

"AArrrggh! Fuck! Fuck you and fuck you and fuck you! I just wanted a damn hot dog. Fuck!" Darcy blurts out, earning all the stares of people in line as she turns and rolls away... toward teh wreckage, while pulling her phone out.

"Seriously. I'm putting in for a fucking raise and upped security clearance. Because this is bullshit."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Oddly it's not the flying saucer which immediately gets Nadia's attention. She's dressed in a fairly plain jeans & t-shirt combination along with some sensible sneakers. And is half way through her third chilidog with all the extras in a row, a feat that in itself has drawn some curious looks, when one of the few SHIELD agents she can recognize on sight skates into view and starts cursing.

"I know you," she notes with her faintly Russian accent. Her voice drops lower and she adds "Is this some sort of message drop? I do not wish to blow your cover!"

The ship receives a more measured look. It didn't land /on/ anyone. Nor does it seem obviously damaged by the landing. So presumably the inhabitants are fine. "Is it against the law to park here?" she muses. "I have my costume with me if I need to perform a citizens arrest... And it would be interesting to study an unusual flying vehicle..."

Fantomex has posed:
The ship seems to have taken some damage on landing. The metal surface is scratched and torn, revealing it seems to be made of circuitry, not solid metal. It also have a few rather large holes in a side, each a few inches deep, black metal pods seem to have punched through the 'skin'.

Darcy's favorite hot dog cart was almost hit by the odd vehicle, but actually stands intact less than a yard from the outer ring. The old vendor looks puzzled, as if he had problems understanding what just happened. "I sure hope this is not happening because you wanted a hot dog."

A couple seconds pass. And then a feminine, synthetized voice responds. "I apologize for this accident. I have never eaten a hot dog. But that is not why I am here." There is an awkward pause. "I need a minute for self-repair. I am sorry to bother."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Rolling toward the - fuck, it's in the GRASS isn't it? - edge of the sidewalk, Darcy pauses as Nadia makes her way over.

"Oh. Hey, Lilbit. You DO know me. Bravo. No, this ain't a drop. Aint no cover here," Darcy replies, eyes turning back to the craft in the grass.

"Very illegal, yes." she starts, pausing as Nadia distracts her a bit with offering the suit.

"Whoa. Really? That's... I'm jealous. I wanna super suit. Not that I'm super, but still. Those things're dope. But, you having something in case whoever's in there wants to start trying to eat people is totally a good thing. Come on. Let's go get a closer look while I ping work," she says, stepping from the concrete to the grass. Her steps are a little awkward after the grace of her rolling. Step, step, step, voice? Darcy pauses, then puts her hands on her hips as if she's going to scold the ....spaceship.

"Well, you almost HIT the hot dog cart, so you might want to hurry with that repair then let me know if you can morph into like humanoid bipedal soemthing like us or not so you can go apologize to the nice civilians you nearly smooshed. And then you can tell me about WHY you had this accident," says the SHIELD agent who is not at all dressed like an agent, while she keys this is to Dispatch.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Repairs? Is there anything I can assist with?" Nadia wonders, following Darcy but not actually worried enough that she's stopped eating her final hotdog. "I am able to shrink in size to a microscopic size and have some experience with technical matters. I'm also a very quick learner..."

No element of boasting in her statement. Just quiet confidence and a heavy dose of curiosity.

"The suit itself isn't especially super. But it does have energy weapons and wings," she notes to Darcy. "Are those some kind of projectile holes? From a hostile craft.." She glances up and around. "If so are we about to be under attack from... aliens? Supervillains? Something other?"

Fantomex has posed:
"I can't get arrested," protests the flying saucer. "It is not my fault. I was attacked over Gotham." There is a low whirling sound, and the black pods are swallowed one after the other by the shiny metal of the ship.

"I... thank you for the offer, I don't expect difficulties on the repair process," adds the synthetized voice. "I didn't expect anyone to see me," she adds in a quieter voice. "My stealth abilities were knocked off line momentarity."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"...It has fucking wings. That's pretty damn super," Darcy quips in reply at Nadia. Her attention redirected by the the ship, Darcy's head tilts.

"Looks like," is muttered before Darcy shifts her gaze to the sky.

"Fuck. I hope not. That... would suck," is noted before the ship comments on where the attack happened.

"Gotham?" Darcy repeats to herself, adding that to the quick text report she's filing via text message to her contact back at the office. Gotham and attacked and stealth abailities.

"Well, ya got spotted, shippy-poo. You're lucky New York gets a healthy dose of weird crap on the daily, so this? Ain't really much of much."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"The wings are part of a detachable backpack unit," Nadia points out solemnly. As if the fact they're not really part of the suit itself was important right now. "So probably not an alien ship then. I very much doubt someone would travel all the way to Earth from another planet and intentionally be in Gotham." She bites her lip and scowls. "I went there once and for a moment I thought Siberia wasn't so bad."

She wanders a little to the side, trying to get a better look at the mystery ship and all the internal workings. "You probably /can/ get arrested. Unless you have filed a flight plan with the proper authorities. Or if you're a non-sentient ship the pilot could be arrested and you would likely be impounded. Which would be a terrible shame."

She glances up again. "So whatever attacked you is still in the Gotham area and we are not in any immediate danger?"

Fantomex has posed:
"My name is not shippy-poo, I am E.V.A." says the flying ship, sounding slightly confused. "My attackers are currently still in Gotham and they seem unlikely to survive the next few minutes. That shouldn't be a concern. But I mean I shouldn't be arrested because it would lead to my demise or worse. I need to leave."

The ship lurches, straightening, and rising a few inches above the ground. The damage on its metal hull seems to be disappearing quickly.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeesh. Yeah. It's totes worse. And I've been threathened with Siberia," Darcy comments before turning her texter to attachments and taking video of the craft, just in time for it to lurch off the ground.

"Well, EVA. Where are you headed off for and what's gonna happen to those guys in Gotham?" she asks, because that's important and needs to be in the report.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"It sounds very much like they're being murdered," Nadia notes helpfully. "Which is again also against the law. I hope you will please advise your pilot and.. or... owner.. of this and insist they stop." She watches the ship take off and takes another bite of her hotdog. "I really need to find a dedicated engineer to get lessons from. Those self repair systems are clearly very advanced though."

She ducks and peers at the gap between E.V.A and the ground, trying to figure out how it's flying. "I have a strong suspicion she isn't going to tell you anything important. And if the ship is self aware enough to have a fear of death it's probably immoral for you to say... call in a SHIELD air strike. Which I imagine is very near the top of the recommended protocol for this sort of situation..."

Fantomex has posed:
"I just was told, in a condescending tone, not to talk to strange women agents of law," chimes E.V.A. sounding faintly annoyed. "Please, don't report me," she adds. "This was embarrassing enough." As being seen during daylight is not how it is supposed to go!

There is not visible propulsion system, but for the way the dirt shapes under E.V.A. anti-gravity would be a fair guess. "Yes. Very immoral to call air strikes on me, please don't," she decides. "You could hit the hot dog stand with those." Pause. "Goodbye, Mr. Vendor. Next time I will purchase and try one of your hot dogs." Then the hull shifts. And E.V.A. shrinks to the size of a beach ball.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Air strikes aren't my call," Darcy notes, frowning as the ship sounds annoyed. The video is stopped, and the phone lowered. Her brows pull together, a war within her heart again. She watches EVA shrink down, keeping her mouth shut now, neither confirming that she'll send the report or that she'll delete it. Instead, she turns her gaze down and away. It's a wya to give EVA some cover. Darcy won't be lying when she says that she didn't see where the ship went.

Fantomex has posed:
The vendor waves, looking slightly confused, but as a New Yorker, he is used to strange. E.V.A. mutters a thank you to Darcy and then slides aside, gaining speed quickly and vanishing among the sparse trees of the park. Vanishing as 'fading' into some kind of holographic camouflage, too.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"I'm not an agent of anything," Nadia assures earnestly as E.V.A floats there. "They don't recruit agents my age!" And then the hovering sphere is gone. "Well that was unusual. Some kind of gravity engine?" She hrms, then brightly adds "Very interesting. I'll have to do some research into that someday..."

She shrugs at Darcy. "But I am sure you know who does make that call. There is probably a procedure for getting them to review a situation. Probably to escalate to the Avengers too. If there isn't I'd be very surprised... What are agents supposed to do when they run into something beyond their ability to respond?" She coughs. "No offense intended, I'm sure you're a very capable agent!"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I have an idea of who makes that call, yes, and probably who escalates this when it goes above what SHIELD can handle," Darcy says, souding tired now as she turns and starts back toward teh concrete.

"And none taken. I'm a shit agent. Somedays, I don't even know why I'm still on the roster, to be honest."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym checks her fingers are clean, then scratches her head and takes another bite of her food. "At least now you can have that meal you wanted while you wait for whatever response team turns up?" she offers helpfully. "And I'm sure you'll resolve your career dilemas eventually. I thought SHIELD was supposed to be about helping people and that's the rewarding part, even if they don't always know to thank you."

"And look on the bright side, if you're not a famous or important agent at least that means you're unlikely to be hunted by any number of evil groups!"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Nadia's pep talk has Darcy smiling, a warm chuckle in her throat as she gets back to solid concrete and can roll freely again.

"True true. Thanks, kid. I think this is just the lack of hot dog talking. Come on. If you're still peckish, I'll buy you another," she offers, turning from where there had been a flying saucer to had back to the hot dog vendor.