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Genosha Rising: Fortress M: Father & Daughter
Date of Scene: 16 September 2019
Location: Fortress M, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.
Synopsis: Lorna helps Magneto pack up Fortress M.
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Polaris

Magneto has posed:
     Late afternoon at Fortress M, is normally a quiet time. But Magneto and the two thousand volunteers he amassed were working non-stop. Magneto himself was on the VTOL pad, hovering three feet off the ground with his arms crossed, looking to a large shipping container that was mid-air, stacking on top of three others. "ETD: Three hours, brothers!" He comments aloud to the members of the Brotherhood, different than the original Brotherhood. This one was less militaristic, and less antagonistic. They merely wanted to fight the injustices they saw in regards to Mutants.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had been sending regular updates to her father regarding Genosha, the Sentinels, and the happenings of the X-men that she felt were relevant. Some things were simply better not shared with her father. Still, she felt the need to arrive in person to speak with her father as he worked to ready the Fortress once more. She could help boost his own magnetic powers, a doubling of access to the magnetic fields.. and hopefully, help bring everyone home a little faster.. Or at least give her father a rest.

Lorna arrived via portal, and stepped out from Genosha's royal palace directly on the Fortress's grounds near to her father. She wore a pair of black pants, and green tinted leather jacket. The only true armored piece of anything she wore was the metallic headband that kept her hair from her face. An especially useful accessory with the whipping winds from the higher altitude. She approached her father, sending out her powers in a swirl of magnetism around him in silent offering, freely offering the connection between them if he sought it.

"I'm here if you need a hand with anything, at least briefly." She offered with a smile.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto was clad in his battle armor, with a twist. He was wearing the white and black trimmed variant he wore the first time the Sentinels had attacked the X-Men. "Lorna." He said quickly, finishing the container stack as she boosted his power.

  She would see this was the first time she'd see him as weary as she'd been. Bags under his eyes showed the signs of the days he'd spent awake.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna slowed her pace as she came up alongside her father, tilting her head up as she focused on the way her powers twined around her father's and widened her own access to the magnetic fields. She exhaled a breath as the container stack was handled with a sweep and a thought, and her gaze opened to return to her father. "Father, have you eaten recently? Sat down?" She arched a brow upward, gesturing to him at large with a wave of her hand.

"I can hold things up for a time, so you might stretch and relax for a while. I need to speak with you about a few things. You saw my reports about the Sentinel remains and what happened with Sebastian in New York, right?" She arched a brow and looked about for a chair she might find for her father to actually sit down in.

Magneto has posed:
     "Recently? Breakfast." Almost ten hours ago. Magneto answers the first question, before he floats over to the next item up for stowing. Though he stops as Lorna questions him more. "Yes, I read them. It was a beautiful gesture, the memorial. A shame that he showed up to it." As far as he saw it, Sebastion was just as much a genocidal entity as the other Sentinels were.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna trailed along after her father, waving over one of the many volunteer mutants that passed by the two royals to her. She quietly asked after water, and for someone to get her father a freaking sandwich. Not that she expected the Master of Magnetism to actually sit down and eat it, but she figured it was important to make the attempt regardless. "If he'd wanted to cut everyone's powers then and there it would've been a slaughter. I would've been caught in it, and I know he has a rather sizable radius. How far that is, I'm not sure." She exhaled a breath as she considered what to say.

"It's one of the reasons that recently, when Emma Frost asked me to meet with her.. I've been toying with accepting her invitation to the uh.. club." She left things vague, testing the waters of what she could or should say while in the open on Fortress M. And more over, judging to see what her father thought about such an invitation.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto had been hovering while he moved, but one and a half names made him stop and turn around to Lorna quickly, his cape fluttering with the sudden twist. "Do you know what that...club is? What goes on?" He didn't know how much his daughter knew, he didn't mention the Hellfire Club with any frequency in front of his children.

  "Emma Frost is Indeed a powerful woman. I would put her up against your Jean Grey at any time. And that doesn't include anything else she brings to the table. You would learn much from her. But you also need vigilance. She is ruthless should you cross her."

  A hand raised in the air, and some scrap metal is distorted and molded into two chairs, modern and sleek in style. He sits, for the first time today.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna tilted her head, her gaze held raptly on her father's figure and expressions, the tone of his voice.. everything. Even as she threaded her magnetic fields through his own to make his work go faster and smoother. "I only have a vague awareness of the club, such as it is. I haven't truly dug into what reports the school has, or anything beyond who the vague outlines prior to Emma's invitation. I know you're involved, to some extent. And I now that they're a broad reaching, international organization that includes some very powerful, very wealthy people." She folded her hands behind her back as she pursed her lips.

"Emma wants to help me work on my trade deals and business connections for Genosha. Mind you, it's still under the table, which is frustrating to say the least.. Though I suppose I understand her caution."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto's eyes squint a little as he rested and listened to Lorna's words. "They are Indeed that. Powerful people, family bloodlines are important there. You may even know more people who belong to the club itself. I have a dinner with Emma this evening, I will have to pry into her plans for you."

  "Trade deals are one thing. I suppose she was angry about other company's hesitations in joining into trade with Genosha?" Magneto did not know, but he did know Emma very well.

  "What do you think of her?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna finally settled into her chair beside her father, and crossed her legs as she eased back against the metal creation. "She was rather affronted that they dared to refuse to work with me. I mentioned how Roberto refused to accept my offers of aid, well at least until the Professor gave him a bit of a guilt trip about working together and compromising. But yes, more or less that. Genosha is a rather unique opportunity she said, and she wants to see it do well." She pursed her lips, pressing her hand against her chin.

"Which sounds all very well and good, but I worry what she thinks is for the good of Genosha verses what actually is might be two different things. I don't trust her. I think she'll do what she thinks is best, no matter what. Much like you. And that she has some very good points. So there is that in her favor." She let her hand fall back to her lap and glanced back to her father.

Magneto has posed:
     Lorna's comment on what Magneto thinks is right garners a raised silver eyebrow. "Thank you." He comments plainly. "Roberto Da Costa...a boy with more feet in his mouth than neurons in his brain." A stab at the former New Mutant.

  "If you are to join the Hellfire Club, you would have to do so under my approval along with another member's. You can handle it. But I warn you, the level of mental and emotional chess that is played there is that of a grandmaster. If you know that before you enter, then you have a leg up on others."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's lips twitched briefly at her father's raised eyebrows, a faint glimmer of amusement tickling her expression further. Still, she sobered as her father continued onward to insulting Roberto. "His heart is in the right place, Roberto wants to help mutants and do it in a way that is entirely and completely morally right. Which I can admire, even if I feel it's an effort in futility. Morals are certainly not going to interfere with how the world views and treats us after all.." She shrugged and pushed her hair back from her face.

"So you think it a good idea for me to join then? That it's not a mistake for me to accept Emma's proposal?" She tilted her head, considering her father as he mentioned a grandmaster chess game and another smile curved at the corners of her lips. "I've beaten you at chess a time or two, so I should be able to survive well enough." She paused, as if considering something else.

"If you honestly thought it unwise to join, I wouldn't.. if you think that this will in anyway become problematic for Genosha, I'll tell Emma I've changed my mind."

Magneto has posed:
     "Morals are a matter of scruples. One man's morally right is another man's struggle. You cannot please every single person in the world. He -should- know that at least. But alas, he is found wanting."

  "Do you know who else has beaten me at chess?" The list is short and with few exceptions: distinguished."

  "It isn't problematic for Genosha. Not in the least. The only problem would be it changing you. If you join, I trust you will consult me when you need council." Magneto warns, looking at Lorna's eyes. "If you prepare to swim with sharks, you mitigate at least some danger."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged, acknowledging her father's rather subjective world view on morals and the alike with a sort of calm acceptance born of having heard the argument before. It was an old one, one which she'd heard the opposite from the Professor several times as well. Still, as her father continued she listened with care, looping her fingers through the metal scrap of her chair's arm rest, twirling bits of metal this way and that in a sort of nervous tick.

"I came here to ask your advice about joining, so it's pretty much a given that I would seek your advice in the future, father." She flashed him a smile, her gaze lifting back to consider the older mutant beside her.

"I assume that I can expect the typical number of people trying to use me to either get to you or improve their standing with you?" She asked, arching a green eyebrow upward.

Magneto has posed:
     "About the same amount. But they will also see you for what you are. The princess of a nation, and the heir apparent to the throne. Deals that change the world are made in the Hellfire Club, and many decisions both positive and negative can flourish there. You'll find sycophants aplomb, but the ones you must really watch for, are the ones who do not seem to want anything from you, until you are in need, then they are right there, ready to facilitate a Faustian deal."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna inclined her head in a slow, considering nod. At least she'd had a few years of getting used to her father's cult of personality, the Acolytes, the Brotherhood. How some of the more fanatical members saw her father as a god and her his second coming. The usual sycophants would be easy enough to deal with, she expected them. But in a club filled with the rich and powerful, it was a new world to the Princess. One she hadn't truly had a chance to work out the rules yet. The halls of power beyond Genosha had been denied to her publicly. The Hellfire Club was a unique backdoor to those very same halls.

"I'll keep that in mind. Is there anyone in particular I should be wary of? Anyone that you know would try something with me?"

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto rested his chin on his fist for a moment as he considered it. A smirk appeared on his features, before he answered. "Yes." As to whom that was, he couldn't say, wouldn't say, more like. "You'll have to find out for yourself though, dear. Make your own mistakes, and trust that your father will step in when necessary."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, getting up to close the space between her father and herself and gently wrap her arms around his shoulders. "Oh, you mean actually parenting me for a little while?" She teased, leaning back after a moment's pause. "I suppose I should be over the moon about that. My father, letting me try my own hand at playing with the big boys and girls that shape the world with backroom deals and fancy drinks." She grinned and glanced about the Fortress.

"You've been working too hard, keep sitting down and tell me what needs to be done and I'll do it. You need to actually eat something. I can tell you all about Wanda's break up with Josh and get you caught up on Pietro's desires to murder Bobby."

Magneto has posed:
     "Fine, Lorna. Once the containers are stowed on each other, we should be complete, if everyone has completed their assignments inside. We will then set off to Genosha again."

  "One piece of advise with Emma: single malt scotch." It was then that the Brotherhood manner brought the sandwich out to Magneto and the Master of magnetism fashioned a table out of more scrap, bending it to his will to a modern shape like the chairs. "Why would Pietro want to kill him?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed a smile at her father, "I'll keep an eye out regarding Emma then," She murmured, reaching out with her hands outstretched as she made to move the shopping containers about and continue the stacking her father had been doing before her arrival. She moved with an elegant twist of her wrists, trained and practiced, completely at ease. Though she still kept a side eyed glance upon her father until the other volunteer brought her father food and he began to finally eat.

The question about Pietro though, earned a slight twist of her lips. "Well, because I've given Bobby another chance?" She murmured, when she'd first found out that Magneto was her father Bobby and her had broken up. Badly. It had been dramatic and explosive. And Lorna hadn't done well immediately after either. It had been years though.

"Pietro thinks its better to kill Bobby before he has another sister handling a bad break up."