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Asgard's Requiem: Dreaming of Home
Date of Scene: 18 September 2019
Location: Fortress Asgard, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Brynn and Sif ask Loki some questions about Asgard's fate.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Sif, Valkyrie

Loki has posed:
King Thor, it seems, has conveyed a royal decree among the magical of Asgardians to assist Loki in any way he needs. Rumors abound about what the project involves, centering most specifically around the insane hope of somehow, SOMEHOW, Asgard could return.

Not just borrowed land on Midgard, but home. Their real /home/.

Exhausted and quiet, a trio of Asgard's mystics head out of the Fortress area, going down the stone path, and back to their homes. They are clearly spent, but all of them walk with a quiet smile and pride, perhaps a glow that's more than just magical. Something did happen, in that strange magical tent that they exited. Loki's had his special tent there for a very long time, as there isn't a 'proper' palace yet for him to occupy, but it's recently been the center of the magic project, too.

Sif has posed:
In the blink of an eye, the Lady Sif is present on the grounds of the sprawling New Asgard. A home away from home, this place, and she inhales to scent the area. It smells of fire hearths, distant cooking, smoke and the tang of metalwork along with the atmospheric chill of the northern half of Midgard succumbing to encroaching winter. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the chill in the air, for in her Warrior's armor and red-dyed leathers, with sword at her hip and gauntlets gleaming, she treks with purpose towards the Fortress sector of New Asgard. Nods are granted where recognition or respect is offered at her, but she cuts across the grounds like a shark through a reef, clearly on a mission.

A discussion with the elder Odinson will occur with time, no doubt. For now, the Trickster God's tent in on the way to the main throne room itself, and the Goddess of War wishes to check on the state of the mage. Last she saw him, he was oozing with the efforts of his work with wounds trekking each vein on his body -- it can't have been comfortable.

Pausing outside of the tent, she sighs and glances around, her breath glowing in the night. "Loki, tis I," Sif says by way of announcing herself before she brushes aside the tent door to enter it properly.

Valkyrie has posed:
Brynn had been working with some of the younger warriors down by the training field earlier in the day. She was focusing on the clash of blades and the feel of a handle in her hand. It was better than focusing on the goings on.

Though word had come from their King that they were to support Loki, word from Hela herself said to keep an eye on him. She did not trust him. For good reason.

She was on her way to the Broken Antler when she spied Sif making a path to the tent of Loki. A nod of respect was given to the other woman. Then Brynn made a decision and turned her steps, following in the wake of the other warrior.

It was time for her to see what was going on. As Sif announced and started to step in, she too raised her voice so those inside would be aware of her presence. "Brunnehilde seeks entrance as well."

Loki has posed:
Loki's tent's interior has always been overly comfortable, but in a recklessly impressive way. Sort of an explosion of expensive fabrics, metals, and gem-detailed lavishness. It is larger inside than out, to give a clear indication of the power of magic to anyone that comes within, and has multiple chambers, separated by draping silks that are transparent yet also don't allow truthful vision of objects beyond them. It is a strange, odd effect: that one can see through the transparent dark blue drapes to see some of the next chamber, yet if the silk is drawn back, the contents of the room aren't what they had appeared to be. But Loki's little spot has always been like that.

The front interior is covered in cushions on the floor, arranged in three small circles, where various magi have arranged. Loki himself is towards the back of this main area, and had clearly just removed his horned helmet: it's in his hand, his other running back through his dark hair to smooth it back. He pauses in the action as Sif and Brynn both arrive to make entry. Loki doesn't appear injured, but that doesn't mean much. He's in a mage version of his battle regalia, suitable for impressing other magi.

"Good evening to you both," Loki answers them serenely, finishing the gesture over his hair, and setting the helmet aside on a rack. The rack includes several long glittering daggers, and a mix of relics and objects.

Sif has posed:
The Princess of Vanaheim immediately steps to one side to allow her fellow sword-sister entrance to the phenomenal tent. To herself, at least, Sif will admit she's impressed and vaguely intrigued by the rooms beyond rooms, even if they themselves are lies. Her glacial-blue eyes slide back to Loki and she inclines her head in a second's long dip to him.

"Good evening to you as well. I see we find you well. This is a glad tiding," the Warrior replies to the younger Odinson as she takes up her restful, watchful stance, palm resting on the pommel of her sword.

Valkyrie has posed:
Brynn takes her moment to look around, actually glancing outside then back within the tent. Magic obviously, but she had no idea what it had looked like. Multiple rooms, the strange shimmer of the material separating them. She felt the hair at the nape of her neck standing on end as she took the steps in as the tent opening closed behind them.

The way Sif said those words had Brynn glancing at her. Then she looked Loki over more closely, noting nothing that seemed amiss with him. "You have been splitting yourself between two places. It is surprising you are not worn down." Carefully stated but she knows he is now Sorceror Supreme, or so Hela had told them. Thus, he was likely staying at the Sanctum related to that role when he wasn't here.

Loki has posed:
"I'm flattered and venerated by your concern over my well-being," Loki answers Sif, his manner at ease, regal and powerful within his personal space. The tent's interior is made to make Loki more impressive, much as it can warp other aspects of reality just a little bit. It's like walking into the spiderweb, though there is no obvious sense of stickiness. No, the place is just sweet: the scent of it has a natural quality that Asgard had to it. Something so long lost, now: and designed to relax visitors.

And remind them of the hope he dangles, of Asgard.

"Alas, I am not /fully/ recovered, as I lack the luxury of taking a true break, but soon enough I will have one," Loki chuckles at Sif. His eyes move to Brynn, and Loki tilts his head slightly, though no wicked grin comes forward. Loki is being very pleasant, without the edge of any blade. So far.

"'Splitting' -- that is not quite correct. I am drawing power from here, to my primary site, though," he answers Brynn, with an elusive lift of brows.

Sif has posed:
"A boon, to be well rested," the Princess agrees in a neutral, polite tone. Her attention shifts now to Brynn and lingers before shifting back to Loki. "And what is the state of your progress? Your company of earlier left appearing to be more contented than concerned." She references the magi seen exiting the tent not minutes back.

"No doubt you were venerated for your efforts," Sif adds blithely, her own brows rising in expectation to an affirmation from the Trickster.

Valkyrie has posed:
Brynn falls silent though there are several questions that leap to the fore of her mind with his words. Drawing power from here to the Sanctum. Rumors that he is trying to give them Asgard once again.

But at what cost.

She looks at Loki while Sif speaks, waiting to hear his comments on her words.

Loki has posed:
"Word is getting around, I think; I am proud of the progress, though I would not want to come across as bragging," Loki says evenly. He takes a moment to pause before answering: brushing a bit of something off the helmet with his fingers, eyes moving there in a subtle way, before slipping back to the two Asgardian women. It makes his manner feel relaxed, confident, as he then comes forwards through the zone of pillows.

"But I was thinking of restoring the city, tonight," Loki says. It isn't said as if it's easy, but more like a benevolent god might offer a feast to his disciples: expecting a positive response. "Would it /interest/ you to witness that?"

Sif has posed:
Another glance towards Brynne is quick at the offer extended in a mage's hand. The query might be expected: "I expect your brother to be present for this? It would no doubt be of great interest to him to see the city's golden spires standing once again against the mountains." How often had Sif herself meandered through its magnificent vaulted hallways and pillar-lined courtyards.

Even as she comments, her gaze flickers away towards the direction of the royal hall and its throne room, where no doubt Thor is entertaining guests or discussing most important things with advisors.

Valkyrie has posed:
"They are not rumors? You are telling truth? You have drawn enough power to restore Asgard?" Brynn asks. There is the tiniest hint of something there. Awe perhaps. It is kept contained because Loki does not need more boosts to his ego but the idea that they could bring back their home, their world.

She nods at Sif's words, forcing herself to move beyond that dangled carrot of hope. "I am certain King Thor should be present if such a thing is possible." Although, she hesitates and glances away a moment as a thought comes to her that likely will not be welcome. For though she dearly wants her home returned, "What of this world's magic? You said you had been drawing power from here to the other location..."

Loki has posed:
"If my brother were to witness /everything/, I'd hardly get enough done in the time I need to do it," chuckles Loki. "Besides, he /is/ there, and has another important task set to him." Loki, not getting the praise he expected, perhaps, stretches his back and shoulder some, and starts to move his attention to the room they're in: perhaps the magic cushions will give him proper approval.

Brynn, though, asks him the right question, and gets a warm, golden-gilded smile from Loki. She'll get his favor, clearly. "Truth? Of course." As if there were any question around the god of lies.

"Drawing power -- Tonight, from here -- Not precisely. From the mages contributing. Only what is /given/ to this project: which, considering the purpose, has rallied many. Lady Sif contributed, herself, voluntarily," Loki says, with a nod towards Sif. "Though if you MUST know, the last group were restoring me personally; creating Asgard is quite a task."

Sif has posed:
"Mmm." The short sound is acknowledgement to the potential slow-down of any process for lack of necessary royalty present. Sif then steps away from her stance beside Brynn towards one of the pillow piles in question. As Loki explains the usefulness of the departed mages, she toes at one of the pillows sporting tassels and what appears to be a shiny sheen of silken covering. Okay, it's a real pillow, not some illusion, by how the tassels move...maybe.

Glancing up at the Trickster God without an ounce of guilt or embarrassment at her actions, she nods curtly. "I did contribute some of my personal power, yes. It seemed appropriate at the time," she explains, glancing again to Brynn.

Valkyrie has posed:
"I understand," Brynn says with a nod to Sif. To give a little of oneself to be able to help bring back Asgard, that is a small price to be asked. Only, now more questions came to mind. "To see Asgard restored, I would be willing to contribute as well though it seems I am, to use a Midgard term, late to the party."

She watches the shifting of the pillow even as Loki moves toward the little pillow nests all over the place. Brynn keeps her spot not far from the exit.

"Will all of our realm be restored in time? Tonight you mention the city itself?"

Loki has posed:
Loki had partially turned away, and he looks back to them, with a quiet exhaustion. "Questions and doubt... I don't have the energy to deal with the /usual/ intense distrust of me tonight," Loki says, his tone very smoothly /honest/, even the catch in his throat that comes from probably still being injured, even if he's a maze of illusions to not show anything wrong.

"Would it matter what I said? I don't think my assurances about wanting Asgard back will convince you, so we'll stick with actions. Go and look at what I've done already. If it brings you hope, take that with you, contribute. Late? Hardly, you're rested and can pick up where the tired may need a break."

Loki's doing a flawless impression of patient frustration, if it isn't real. "If you have issues, you can take them up, eventually, with Odin." Loki flares a little, and flicks his hands, magically sending the pillows into neat piles on either side of the room, like an expression of his annoyance.

Sif has posed:
Sif watches the pillows disappear from around her and considers them before she then considers Loki in turn. Her sigh put on display is equally patient and a touch more frustrated.

"I did wish to sit upon that," says she flatly of the neatly-stacked dislay along the tent's side. Regardless, she then drops in a show of grace and mulishness to a balanced lotus-seating upon the tent's flooring. By the lift of her chin, she doesn't consider this a decrease in her status at least. "Your actions, thus far, have shown out in favor of a returned Asgard."

Valkyrie has posed:
The fact that he was seemingly frustrated didn't really effect Brynn much. After all, he was the God of Mischief. She knew he could play a role convincingly well and this could be just such a demonstration of his skills.

Her mind was locked on Asgard. Seeing it. Breathing the air there again. Certainly she had spent much time on Midgard and loved this world, long before Asgard fell. Yet, Asgard was still home. To restore her to her beauty?

"How can I help?"

Loki has posed:
The lack of purchase of Loki's manipulation attempt may or may not be phasing him. Loki's got threads of things under knots. Certain emotions are useful, other ones less so. If some of what he's displayed is trickery, he isn't showing that it is, for now. He's doubling down, maybe, on really wanting Asgard back.

Or just wants their home, too.

"As I said, I'm going to do some city. However far on it I get. If you want to contribute, that's fine, I'll bring others into channeling to support my spellwork," Loki answers. He gives Sif a bemused look at her taking a seat. "My magic carpets are in the /other/ room, if you're coming too," he teases her a little bit, and with the edge of the frustration that caused him to 'clean' the room of the cushions, lifts his chin and saunters into the room to his left -- hooking his helmet with his fingers as he passes it.

The next room appeared to be empty, until it's actually entered: there's a huge open portal in there, electric blue and beautiful, revealing an open seascape beyond, yellow wildflowers on a cliffside of stone and grass...

And familiar. The cliff isn't far from where the palace stood, facing south; the waterfalls are there. Loki doesn't have to use physical knives, he has plenty of nostalgia hooks with which to draw out the loss and buried longing.

Sif has posed:
"Of course they are." Loki gets an actual roll of eyes at his back, an effect he's caused in the Princess since childhood. Sif doesn't give him the pleasure of seeing her rise, though the soft sounds of metal upon metal no doubt give away how the Warrior now stands to follow behind in silent curiosity. She brushes aside the hanging silk panel half to allow Brynn entrance and half to linger, properly cautious of the magical tent and its contents.

"I know of artists who would plead for a view such as this," the Goddess comments as she then fearlessly steps through the portal limned in brilliant light, glancing at Loki as she does. Her cloak banners lightly behind her in the shift from one world to another. Even if she does appear still cool, her heart does flutter.

Ah, but to see the golden spires of the city once more...