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Loaded Questions
Date of Scene: 18 September 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: 9247 Sam and Shannon talk about how to help Samuel, growing, and how best to sort out matters with Blurr.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon wanders into the rec room later that afternoon, after the majority of classes are through. While she's far from frowning or upset, she does have a very pensive, thoughtful expression on her face. She heads right for the fridge and the comfort of a cold root beer. She pops the top open and takes a long swig of the stuff, looking more than a little cheered by the simple pleasure of the sweet treat.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie loos over from where he was hidden away in one corner of the room. He sits the book he was reading aside, and says "So, what's got you all thoughtful today hopefully not anything to bad not planning on making pumperknickle are you?" He teases a bit offering her a smile.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs a little and shakes her head. "Believe it or not, that's one kind of bread I've never tried to make. Wouldn't even know where to start." She flops down on the nearest beanbag with her drink, and takes another long pull from the bottle. "Techno was asking some loaded questions, and I'm in no position to answer them."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Probably have to go tot he bank and get a few rolls of nickels to start I would think." He jokes but at the last of her words, he will ask "Loaded how, like what was on his mind?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon purses her lips, and furrows her brows as she thinks for a moment. "Let me quote what he said. 'From what I saw in that training room yesterday, this sort of thing is going to come up sooner or later. Whatever they're doing in the school, I'm guessing they're not expecting us to go to university and get a degree.'." She shrugs and smiles a bit. "Or something to that effect. Basically, he's got the idea that this isn't just a school, but that's not the kind of question I'm sure I should be the one to answer."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "He was trained to be a weapon, and believes it all has to be such. Ah will have to talk to him a bit and try to reasure him on it that he has a choice what he will do. It is a hard concept for him Ah believe

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles some. "That's pretty much what I told him. I did have to be bluntly honest and say I wasn't sure how much I was at liberty to say, but whatever there was here, it would always be his choice to go for it or not." She sighs, and swirls her soda around in the bottle a bit, watching the play of the deeply caramel-colored liquid shimmering inside, and listening to the light, fizzy popping of the bubbles. "Just hope that was enough. I was surprised, though, how much he opened up about things."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah think your a good influence on him, seeing you and getting to know you he is find an honestly good person, something Ah don't believe has has encountered much in the past."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and tilts her head, thinking. "If you or Doug could talk to him about the team, that'd be great. I did suggest he may want to go looking for one of you, so don't be too surprised." She smiles, thinking over the morning run. "He's actually pretty nice. Bluntly honest about some of the things he's done, but I think under that he's got a good heart. Just he's never had anyone treat him normally, or really give two pins about him as a person."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Ah get that impression as well. Jean has him slowly getting to be around more people, wanting to make sure he aint going to fall into some programing he has had done or something Ah believe.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles some. "Damn near broke my heart, though. He's got it in his head that people have always wanted him for something and always will want him for something. I hope he'll see someday that yeah, there are actually people who give a shit just for its own sake."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "We take in many from different back grounds and hoping to show them a better way. with time I am sure, we will show him a while new world, but he has to have time to believe it can be real.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles. "Till then, if you and Jean are okay with it, I'm glad to keep working with him like I have been the past couple days. It seems to be doing some good. Kind of give him someone his own age he can just vent to, you know? If he thinks he's going to scare me off with some of the things he's done... he'd be very much mistaken."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Ah think it is a good idea, not only does it give him someone to talk to, but also if he tells you something that we need to know Ah have faith you would tell us, and it may sound a bit bad, but if something happens and he strikes out, you heal faster than most.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and bites her lower lip. "There was something, but I wasn't sure if I should share it or not. Especially since I sort of took it as in confidence. It was about the hologram in the danger room last night...."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well from that Ah assumed either he was taken from his parents when he was young, and if they are alive might be something we look into helping with, or was a scientist that actually cared for him when he was young, if so probably did not end well for the scientist.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs and shakes her head. "We were talking about the hologram, and I mentioned how I missed my family. Asked him if he missed the person in the hologram. You'd think that'd be a natural question, right? It was the scientist who raised him. I believe the name he gave was Doctor Ludwig Eisen. And... it did not end well. He didn't get into detail, but spoke of his death on June 30, 2024." She ducks her head, and bites her lower lip. "At his hands. I wasn't about to ask more about it. He'll come out with it if or when he's ready."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and though sadness can be seen in his eyes "My first thought would be those who were training him to be a weapon made him do it to prove their control over him or such. It shows how well he will listen to them, and after it done it is a hard thing to get out from under which helps them keep him.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon closes her eyes for several long moments, hugging her knees to her chest. Her entire body is growing tense, and she actually begins to tremble, right down to the tips of her wings. Her brows furrow into a dark scowl, and when she opens her eyes, well, heaven help whoever crosses her right at that moment. "I hear stories like this, and so god help me, it makes me want to throttle whoever did this to him. It just makes me want to get out there even more and put a stop to bullshit like that wherever it's found."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie reaches over to put a hand on her shoulder, and says "There are a lot of bad people out there but we need to show people what god is and be there to show the good side of things.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon takes several deep breaths to try and calm down, but she's still shaking, though with a little bit less of a scowl. "I'll keep doing that, don't get me wrong. But it makes me want to get out there and kick some ass."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit to this and says "But that right there is a very good thing and Ah am very glad to see that reaction. It shows you care.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "I can't -not- care. That's not who I am. Just... don't always know what to do about it. I just want to stop shit like that from happening, and yeah, deal with the aftermath if I've got to. Make a stand, you know? But not alone... with the school."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit at her, and seems a little proud perhaps.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows a little, not having seen that look on his face very often. "Okay, penny for your thoughts there?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I am glad to see your ready to fight for whats right, when you got here at first, I think you felt the same way but you would not have said it, you would have stewed, and helped if you could but would not have given your opinion on it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Yeah, I stewed. And yeah, I vented. Not to anyone here, though." There's a knowing little smile. "I believe it was said to make a stand, but do it with the school, and something about getting all my ducks in a row."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Your growing here, Ah like seeing you growing and getting better at things. It makes me proud of you little sister.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon turns a little red, the tension melting right out of her. But at least she's smiling again. "Thanks. That means a lot. It's stupid, maybe... maybe even a little childish... but part of me just wants to make you guys a little proud. And lately I haven't been doing that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You have been doing well, you have just been worrying a bit to much about it"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and grins a bit sheepishly. "Maybe. But still... it's nice to know, all the same." She offers what's left of her root beer. "Want a swig?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take it, taking a swig and hand it back to her "So, was there any change in the speed for your healing with the gunshot wound, and the sprain?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head, taking the bottle back. "No change noted. I did also increase my protein intake, because that's just good for healing in general." She tilts her head and seems to think for a moment. "Come to think of it, if anything, with all the practice I've been getting in the wellness office, it's been like exercising any other muscle. It actually seems to be getting a little better. Though Mr. McCoy likened my healing factor as being closer to his, than to someone like, say... Logan's." She frowns slightly. "Hope to hell he's okay."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her and says "Ah would be willing to wager he is already fully healed to be honest.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Probably so, I've heard it was pretty quick. But anything that can knock him down for a few good days like that is serious business. Any word on what it might have been, and is it still a threat?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah aint heard anything to be honest you probably have hard more than Ah have on that one."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, and shakes her head. "Pretty much just what went through the student grapevine. I'll check back down by the lake on Friday, our usual lesson time. Ask him myself then, instead of relying on rumors."

At that moment, her phone buzzes in her pocket, and she looks none too happy when she reads the message. "Oh for... aaargh." Shannon facepalms, and grumbles. Loudly. "How the hell are we going to get back in touch with 'Will' and try to set things right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pull his phone out and looks at it reading the message "Well, may have to go to the area, or Sam or Alek maybe able to find out the number, Doug might be able to. We will have to look at it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods in agreement. "Yeah, for sure. I don't care who it is, just don't want to leave things on a sour note like that. It was pretty awesome meeting a new friend like that. I'd hate to see that ruined."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "I will have to ask Kitty what the deal was she will know better, and we can try to get word to Blurr, and see what w can get sorted out.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles some. "Yeah, that'd be great on both fronts. You talk to Kitty, I'll talk to Logan when I have my next class with him, and hopefully between all of us we can get the whole thing sorted out with Blurr." She reaches over for a hug, and smiles. Maybe this wasn't such a bad day after all.