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Latest revision as of 04:29, 23 September 2019

Shut your mouth, Leo
Date of Scene: 13 August 2019
Location: Nantwich Skytrain Station
Synopsis: Robins, Scoobies, and Turtles, oh my
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Red Robin, Leonardo, Buffy Summers, Captain Britain

Donatello has posed:
     It was a one of those things. Ride the shellraiser on the lines out of Manhattan and then into one of the side tunnels, rooftop hopping... and finally at the Skyway station. Donnie was crouched on a support pylon, making notes on a tablet and and looking through a telescope mounted to his equipment harness.
    "I'm telling you, Leo. If we could get some of the designs from observation I could make sewer travel for us at least twenty percent faster... Long term project at least. I mean if I could somehow find a means for it to be a rotating grip-track for an overhead direct drive line... we wouldn't even need permanent tracks."
    He heaves a sigh, looking over at the Bat Signal against the clouds, shaking his head and looking back at the rail superstructure from afar.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin has seen the signal, and started heading that way. He is heading along the roofs toward sit pausing on the roof of this building as hechecks in to see what is know about why the signal is on. The young man is taking in his surroundings got a moment to see what is up. Highlighted for a moment as the dark silhouette that the bat family of Gotham are known for.

Leonardo has posed:
Also crouched nearby, Leonardo is at rest with both katanas at his back. Venturing into Gotham City again could bring them under the focus of the Batman they've heard and read about, and they at least know a little of him through the recent encounter with Damian, who wants to learn from Splinter. Leonardo's still not sold on that idea, but Splinter is his own rat and if they do it away from the Lair...

"Maybe you should just walk into Gotham City Hall or something and ask for the schematics sometime, Donnie," Leo suggests with a hint of sarcasm. He probably doesn't understand the need or infatuation with having a track like this in sewer tunnels. He's not usually the one thinking about those kinds of things. But, Donatello wanted to do some recon and they have a rule about not going alone, so he took up the call tonight. "I wonder what's going on, that the signal is out."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers was still travelling between Bludhaven and Gotham in the summer, having decided to pick up just one summer course to make up for the one she had nearly failed in the winter, much to her annoyance. So here she is, waiting at the sky train station, having just missed the previous train that leaves her more or less alone on the platform as she paces back and forth rather impatiently.

She also notices the bat signal, and as she glances skywards, Buffy can't help but wonder if she caught some brief movement on the edge of the roof above her as well.

Donatello has posed:
    "Why would I walk in? We can just -get- in... sheesh." he pauses, looking to the skylined figure. "Woah woah... shut your mouth, Leo. What's that?" pointing at Red Robin. "Think he's with those wierdo bat folk?" and then he looks again, "OH! It's the hot blonde from when I met the werewolf and the invulnerable guy in Harlem... Seriously weird night so far..." he's talking fast, getting excited.

Captain Britain has posed:
Rising above the city streets and the occasional skyscraper, Captain Britain hovered over top. He coughed a bit, "Gotham, even the air is dark and gritty." As no one else was up there, he was thinking aloud. Reaching into a compartment, he had a look at his phone. The reception was surprisingly good up here without any interference. "So I take Bay Side, West Village, and..." then his phone seemed to change the directions to by train, "oh, bugger this" he called out in frustration, only to then see the bat signal broadcast against the night sky. He put the phone back into the pouch, "a signal light, how quaint." And he began flying towards it.

Leonardo has posed:
"And they probably have security cameras everywhere, and it would look weird if we broke into City Hall for blueprints, and we could just ask April to go for us," Leonardo replies, ticking each thing off on one hand. Good thing he has enough fingers (plus the thumb) to cover it. Eyes track over in the direction of the bird-based guy Donatello calls his attention to, a brow sliding upward behind the eye mask. Before he can even react to that, someone else is picked out that's familiar to his brother. "You seem to be making a lot of new friends, Donnie," he quips, but he does not yet move. He's a little too real to be a statue, but the idea is there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers closes her eyes and relaxes, focusing on what she thought she saw..Now she's definitely picking up voices, although from this angle, she's not getting anything clear, other than something to do with a 'hot blonde'. She smirks. "Whoever's up there better not be talking about me.." she murmurs as she steps towards the edge of the roof, peering upwards. It's not exactly high enough to just jump up on the rooftop, at least not for your normal person..

However, Buffy is hardly normal, and a moment later, she leaps effortlessly up on the rooftop, peering around with that eagle-eye vision of hers. Initially, she spies what appears to be a...Turtle statue..? But he sure looks similar to a certain green skinned punk she ran into a while back and so Buffy heads in that general direction to get a better look.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin thinks he hears something but before he can start to go check it out he sees a figure flying towards the signal. "Hmmm no cape." He will say as most of his flyer friends have capes." He will work a few hidden controls on the side of his mask to engage telescopic vision. Not recognizing the guy right off will softly say ""Oracle, we have an id on this fellow?" Is said softly, and he will turn to investigate the sound he thinks he heard while waiting on the answer.

Donatello has posed:
    "I know we can send April, but... hey if we can't bypass some cameras with a few digital lens blinding lasers, some wire re-routes. It'd be f-u-u..." he snap his mouth shut, and Donnie looks to the blonde. "How many people do we run into with super hearing lately?" not yet spotting Britain yet as he looks to the Bird Guy.
    "Man, Gotham is friggin' weird Leo... I mean..." seeing the movement he goes still waiting to see if they've been made, looking to Leo for a confirm.

Captain Britain has posed:
One problem with having enhanced vision is that just because you can zoom in, doesn't mean that you know what to focus on. And looking down at the city, there's a lot going on, far more than in the sky. Captain Britain stood out as, pretty much the only thing aside from the bat signal, and the odd police blimp or helicopter.

But as he flew down, a few things caught his eye, one of them being a familiar sight. Coming to a landing nearby, he spoke in his authoritarian, 'hero' voice, not deep and gravely by any stretch of the imagination, but more like Patrick Stewart when giving an inspirational speech, "I can't speak for others, but my super senses came as a bonus prize."

Leonardo has posed:
"We don't do that, Donnie," Leonardo answers, barely moving his mouth as he whispers. He is bascially saying no to a little B&E just to get something that might be 'cool' to have. It's still trespassing.

Then he adds, as not just one but now two people, minimum begin to converge on their location. "It's much easier being a ninja in the /other/ city."

Throwing down a smoke bomb right now would only get them so far, and disappearing into the night could be possible, would even be the sort of thing Batman would do, but this may be one of those times where bumping into others is a choice that's somewhat taken away from them. Instead, he rises from his crouched position, slowly and deliberately, clearing his throat. "Another friend?" he asks his near-twin, if not for the height comparison, the different mask, and their choice of weaponry.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to approach the turtle 'statues'. They're doing a good job of staying still, too bad she already ran into one of them in the past, or else she might be convinced that they're actually just statues and nothing more. But she has to make sure. She quickens her pace to close the gap between herself and the two 'statues', folding her arms as she peers at them more intently.

"Okay, maybe I'm just going nuts, but I could've sworn I heard you guys talking." she narrows her eyes a little upon the purple bandana'd turtle in particular. "And as for you, this isn't the first time we met, is it?" Buffy looks ready to attack, or at least defend herself if this guy starts causing trouble again. Hey, she even brought a sword for tonight's patrol, strapped across her back, semi concealed from view. But she seems reluctant to use it today.

And then one of the turtles straigthens up and makes no attempt to hide anymore. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call him a friend, more of a nuisance...What are you guys, giant..Turtles?" she is only briefly distracted by the welcome sight of a certain flying figure who lands not too far away, breaking out into a smile. "Hey there, handsome, come to join the party?" she winks at Captain Britain.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin will change his lenses to thermal for a moment and seeing there is heat coming from the statues. he will hmms and using his hero voice which while not overly gravely is deeper, and a bit louder than his normal voice. "Ok, who are all you folks and what are you doing here in Gotham?" He will ask, moving so he can keep all in view if possible, trying to be all authoritive.

Donatello has posed:
Statue... Donnie is a statue... well. "I think we're made, Leo. Amscray?" looking to Buffy, Braddock, and now Bird Guy is talking to them. "We're just being people who are standing on a pylon at night for no nefarious reason at all!" standing up, looming taller than Leo, keeping his hands where people can see them for now.

Captain Britain has posed:
The smile given by Captain Britain to the Slayer was genuine, "oh, no, this cannot be a party. American parties require pizza, and a liquid substance that truly tests the definition of beer. But, I'm on board if you are."

Turning to the man with the beak-like mask that had demanded to know who everyone was, he clearly states, "I am Captain Britain, and this is the Slayer," as if saying that should carry a great deal of weight. "I saw the beacon, and thought assistance might be required.

He chuckles softly at Donnie's explanation. "As for the... turtles..." who he turns partially to regard, "my money is that you were bitten by a radioactive red snapper, or it's gene therapy gone awry." Back to the inquisitive cape, "And what might be your story... Birdman?"

Leonardo has posed:
"Well, you're right about the pizza part," Leonardo speaks up, and at his full height he's /maybe/ five and a half feet tall. Big shell at the back, no clothing aside from the belt and strap that holds his swords in place along with a few other things lining the belt in a few pouches.

There is wariness, but what there isn't is fear or intimidation at the sight of others converging on their rooftop spot. Leo stands with confidence, but it's not an aggressive stance. Anyone good at reading body language could see it. "Very perceptive of you," he quips at the giant turtle question, then he casts a sidelong glance toward Donatello. "My brother /is/ a nuisance at times, but he means well."

Being referred to as the 'Slayer' causes Leo to give Buffy a second, longer glance, a measured one as the case at her back is made out, but he turns his attention toward Red Robin. "I am Leonardo, and this is my brother Donatello. We are ninjas of Clan Hamato, and we aren't here to hurt you." Without giving a reason for their being here yet, he looks the young man up and down. "Are you a friend of the one called Damian?" He asides to Donnie, "That one is trying to change his voice, too. It must be how he helps keep up his disguise." Was that said too openly? Just a shake of the head follows, finally, to Captain Britain. "You'd be short some money in that case."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers doesn't seem convinced. And then another superhero makes an appearance and she arches a brow at 'bird guy'. "Who're you, the police on your way to a fancy dress ball?" she smirks, "And I wasn't invited? Pity.." Red Robin seems to be a good guy however; She's not sure about the two green guys though. "People? Did you just say...I mean, seriously, I'm not *dumb* you know. You look more like...Demons."

Yes, demons. Maybe that's what they are. But they haven't attacked yet, for some reason. What are they waiting for? "Um seriously? You expect me to believe that? Especially after the last time I met your purple flagged buddy over there, instigating an attack for no apparent reason..Gimme one reason why I shouldn't vanquish you two.."

Fortunately, Leo manages to calm her down a little, and he seems to be a little less..Mischevous than his brother at least. Perhaps? "I see...Soo, what are you guys doing out here, enjoying the scenery?"

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin looks to the group and says "I am Red Robin." He tells them, prepared for the burger jokes. He eyes roll just a bit at they refer to Damian as Damian "I would hope he was not trying to bring you home as pets, he has a bit of a habit. He looks at Captain Britain, you I have heard of, but your a wee bit out of your normal stomping grounds." He looks to Buffy, and says "Slayer? What pray tell do you slay?" The trained martial artists will see he is still prepared not totally relaxed, and the turtles may notice some of the same style as Damian.

Donatello has posed:
Leo is handling the diplomacy, but Donnie can't help but quip at Britain, "Red Snapper is a fish too, dude." and then he looks between Leo and Buffy. "Her werewolf friend said they hunt vampires and monsters if I remember correct." looking back to Buffy, and then back to Red to gauge his reaction.

Captain Britain has posed:
"So, should I make the cheque out to Leonardo, or would you prefer cash?" He jokingly offers to the turtle with the blue accents. Only for Red Robin to crack a joke about his wanderings, "oh, I could make reference to how imperial policy made the world England, or that our domain is wherever the sun touches, but in truth, my home is safe and secure. Yours is experiencing... difficulties. And when friends are in need, the right thing to do is to provide aid."

Smiling to Donnie, "you are quite right, quite right my friend; I must have confused the red-eared slider, common snapping turtle, and several species of fish. Marine and reptilian biology isn't really my strong suit." Moving over a little closer to get a better look at Donnie, he adds, "forgive me if this is inappropriate, but you and Leonardo seem to have different skin tones. I'm guessing you were..." and then he smiles, "oh my, really," yeah, that was his scientific mind at play. He lowered to whisper, "are you two a case of the inverse of the way these things usually go?" He was smiling at the thought.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo's chin rises slightly toward the one called Slayer. "I've never seen demons like us before. Have you, Donnie? And what did you do that has her ready to attack on sight? Were you playing your music too loud again? Disobeying traffic laws somewhere?" There is probably a mixture of some sarcasm and light-heartedness here, not that he isn't taking her as a potential threat - there must be a reason for the title, which Red Robin is now asking about - but he's also keeping enough space between himself and the others that he can get to something if he needs to use it.

"Pets?" he scoffs at Red Robin's query. "Been there, done that, not interested in repeating it. You have the look of someone who has also been trained. Is it by the League of Assassins, or the Bat Man?" The way he says it, it's like two separate words, a title rather than a name. "My brothers and I were here not long ago, following a lead on a gang trying to expand their territory. We met Damian there."

Finally, a reason for being here is offered. "My brother was interested in studying the way these aerial trains work. He loves to make things, and he loves to drive us crazy with it." If Donatello is paying attention, Leonardo shoots him a disarming look. The blue-masked turtle is trying to keep the situation defused rather than potentially sparking into something more, even if it comes at the expense of some of Donnie's pride. He is being careful with how he shares some information, but it's clear he knows some things. He also tries to maintain a position that keeps them from getting boxed in, whether on purpose by the others or not, and he tells Captain Britain as he holds up a hand, just two thicker fingers with the thumb, "Keep your money. And I'm not eager to share everything about how we came to be with strangers, but...something like that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is about to answer the question about what a slayer is, but it seems that Donatello already knows. She shrugs, "What he said. Nice to meet you, Red Robin, guess there are a lot of bat and birdlike superheroes in Gotham. Wonder why that is?" she chuckles a bit. "Sooo, not demons huh, or at least, not 'evil' demons.." Buffy smirks at the weirdness of meeting two giant turtles and two superheroes on the top of a roof while waiting for the train. "Soooo..If you're not demons, what are you? I mean, I've never seen giant, talking turtles before.."

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin looks to them all, and says "Well, if your in Gotham, you need to be careful, Gotham does not work like most other cities and we already have one issue with a helpful hand. " He says helpful as if it is not so helpful. It's Batman one word, he tells Leo, and says "You cross the line in Gotham or make things worse, you answer to me." He looks over to Donatello, and says "And if your wanting to know how things work I might be able to help ya some."

Captain Britain has posed:
Captain Britain and Donatello ended up going from one tangent, to another, to another, quickly finding each other to have a sharp wit, and a scientific mind. Sometime later, when Captain Britain realised just how long he had been talking to Donatello, he took a greater interest in the goings on, moving over towards the Slayer, whispering, "if you think this is odd, just wait until you meet Technet, the Captain Britain Corps, or Arcade."

Leonardo has posed:
"We're giant, talking turtles," Leonardo replies to Buffy, who apparently nailed it already. "I don't know if Damian told Batman," he says it correctly this time, "but he met with our Sensei and I. He wants to learn from him. You should let Batman know, because Damian will need his permission if that is to happen." There, he's given a bit of information that could prove useful, and he thumps Donatello on the shoulder after the talk of helping with some knowledge. "See, I told you. All you had to do was ask."

But, before much more time has passed, and after the purple-masked turtle and the man from a very long swim away have spoken a bit longer, he clears his throat. "I'm thinking it's time we went back home. Other side of the river," he's clear to inform Red Robin, "Only because he has me thinking of pizza," A thumb is extended toward Captain Britain, showing he doesn't seem intimidated by the warning that was issued from the Bat protege. Given the room, they will fade into the shadows with only a minimal farewell, evidence of their ninja training. Technology may allow their departure to be seen a little longer than without, but they are silent as can be.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Red Robin, "What's wrong, too many cooks in the kitchen? I get that, but.." she shrugs, "Me? I'm just a student here at Gotham U. Don't mind me, I'm not out looking for gangs or criminals. Unless they happen to be the blood sucking kind..Or demons.." she looks pointedly at the turtles as she says that, still not thoroughly convinced that they're not demons at least until they provide a more plausible explanation.

When Cap mentions the Britain Corps, Buffy can't help but smirk a little, in amusement, "Seriously? There's a whole league of you guys? As if dealing with one of you super smart, super proper British superheroes wasn't enough." she does smirk as she says that, playfully nudging him ever so slightly to let him know that was a joke.

Leo is given an arched brow at his rather barebones explanation. "Sure, I guess that explains everything, doesn't it." And before long, he's gone. "Well....I should get going myself. Got a late night class to attend to, and my train is due any minute." she offers a wave to Red Robin, pausing only a moment longer next to Captain Britain's side, leaning over to whisper something in his ear. "Seeya later tonight..Pizza..My place?" with a smile, and a wave, Buffy then leaps off the edge of the building and out of sight.