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Latest revision as of 04:29, 23 September 2019

Date of Scene: 14 August 2019
Location: In and around Colorado. And Space.
Synopsis: Mon-El goes to intercept a 'ballistic missile' that was heading right for the Legion cruiser... only to end up in a brawl with the Hulk all the way up into space and faking out of the fight. We also learn Lar isn't a fan.
Cast of Characters: Hulk, Mon-El

Hulk has posed:
Late night, the sensors blare warnings. Alarms. The Legion cruiser is under attack!

... or is it? The alarms suddenly stop once the ballistic missile is calculated to veer off course, back to Earth. Whatever it was, it's heading for the Colorado Desert.

Or rather, it /was/ heading for the desert. It impacted a few moments ago.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar had been sitting in the crew quarters, brooding about his woman problems, which also had everything to do with his family problems. After a spell though, he'd finally gotten up and headed over to the bridge to check on some things. That's when the alarm had gone off. He had been ready to jump out of the airlock and meet whatever was coming for the cruiser head-on, but then it...veers off course suddenly and heads for Colorado. "What the..." he mutters, frowning. Suddenly, he has a feeling whatever this was isn't a missile after all.

    Before long, Mon-El is off speeding through the atmosphere after the mysterious ballistic something, the air popping with the sonic booms that occur with his passing. He slows down a bit as he approaches the ground near where the landing point should be, at least according to the cruiser's tracking systems.

Hulk has posed:
It's pretty clear /something/ massive hit the desert, because there's a massive crater exactly where the 'missile' landed. Sand is everywhere, and obscuring everything visually as Mon-El comes down.

Then, there's the roar. A feral, gutteral roar into the night air, before there's a massive /BOOM/. Then another. Another. More sand is being thrown up.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar comes closer and closer to the location of the crater. There's a massive roar. Nope, definitely not a missile. Definitely a living something. There's a lot of sand obscuring his view, but right before he lands he quickly wills his enhanced vision to look through it all to see what exactly is creating all of this commmotion.

Hulk has posed:
Yep. Definitely not a missile. Not unless missiles have suddenly become Hulk shaped.

Another roar, and Hulk jumps out of the crater moments after Mon-El 'sees' him. He lands a half mile away, looking this way and that in a feral stance. He's around twelve feet, so he's been fighting. Or at least getting angry.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches as the thing reveals itself to be none other than the infamous Hulk. Oh, -great-. The last time he went up against that guy, they punched each other halfway across the continent. It's a wonder that the Avengers can somehow get him to cooperate when they need him.

    The Daxamite takes a moment to scan the area for signs of any potential innocent bystanders who might get caught in the Hulk's rampage, at the same time trying to determine how best to calm him down. Without a target, this could end with injured and/or dead Terrans.

    He flies after the green giant, not -too- fast hopefully, but just fast enough. "Hey, uhhhmm....hey big guy. Nothing to rage about for now. Want to try calming down?"

Hulk has posed:
There are no people around for at least five miles. Not that miles are any sort of buffer zone for a Jade Giant that can literally jump across the planet if he tries.

When it becomes clear there are no people or things around him though, Hulk lets out another roar. Possibly a victory roar? Before he turns his gaze on Mon-El.

Green eyes narrow at Mon-El. His lips peel back in obvious anger, "What flying man want. Hulk remembers you from the human city." His tone is very growly... but Hulk isn't attacking him at least. Yet.

Mon-El has posed:
    Okay, no one around for miles at least, but he does realize that Hulk can jump so far it's practically flying. Not flying on Lar's level, but still. So it doesn't exactly matter.

    "Nothing, really. Just hoping you'd calm down. I think whatever you were fighting, you won. So, congratulations? Time to kick back and relax? Everyone needs that every once and a while. Even--even the Hulk, right?"

Hulk has posed:
"No one tells Hulk what to do." Hulk growls at him, before he shrugs one shoulder, sending sand everywhere that had collected on him. He sniffs, before he starts walking over to Mon-El. "Try it, and Hulk SMASH you." He isn't attacking still. Yet... so he isn't completely psychotic like some of the reports say he can be.

Still, who knows what triggers him to go Hulk Smash on people?

Mon-El has posed:
    "I--wasn't!" Lar says, putting his hands up placatingly. "I wasn't telling you what to do, just...uh, just a -suggestion-, that's all. Something that might be good for you?" Grife, he's terrible at this.

    But then when the Hulk threatens him, he can't help but smirk just a little bit. "Well you know the last time you tried that, I still got right back up so I don't know if it would quite qualify as a real smashing." Whoops.

Hulk has posed:
"Hulk is strongest there is. Hulk can /keep/ smashing until flying man /stays/ down.' Hulk gruffly informs Mon-El. "Flying man not attack Hulk, but flying man isn't friend. Flying man gets in way when annoying creature attack Hulk." Hulk scoffs at Mon-El, before he turns around and begins walking. The sound of light tremors can be heard through the sand from the sheer weight of the creature.

"Hulk in desert, but Hulk doesn't know this place." Hulk finally states as he looks around, trying to get his bearings, seemingly.

Mon-El has posed:
    Oh, -no-. "-Really-." Lar questions. "Not too many people in this galaxy who can do that." Well, it's true!

    "Wait, what annoying creature was attacking you?" he asks, catching up to him as he starts trudging away. "You're in the Colorado Desert."

Hulk has posed:
"Hulk strongest. Hulk can do it." Hulk turns around, looks right at Mon-El, and slams his fists together. The resulting shockwave sends sand /everywhere/ again. "Wanna test Hulk?"

Seems the annoying creature question is being utterly ignored.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Strongest Terran, maybe." Lar replies, smirking. Welp, forget the whole trying not to get him riled up, and trying not to get in a fight. And forget trying to careful too, it seems. "But in case you haven't noticed, I'm not a Terran." he says, folding his arms.

    He floats right in front of Hulk's face, indeed eye to eye with the giant green man. "Have you actually ever -met- someone you couldn't just knock out?" he asks, arching a brow at him.

Hulk has posed:
"Hulk strongest. Avengers help Hulk sometimes, but Hulk smash anyone that annoys him." Hulk is twelve feet right now, but he's known to grow in height as he gets angrier. "Hulk never met anyone stronger than him. Hulk is sure Hulk can knock you out, with time."

With that, Hulk actually reaches out with one of those massive green arms, and tries to grab Mon-El by the chest.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well there's got to be a first time for everything, right?" Lar chuckles. He probably could have dodged that one, but instead he actually lets the Hulk grab him and try to crush him or throw him or whatever he's going to do, perhaps just to prove the point. The point that he's hella tough.

Hulk has posed:
Mon-El is brought up to his nose, and the Hulk sniffs him... before he releases Mon-El and /SMASHES/ him right into the dune behind him. Hulk is roughly in the 120 tonnage range for his strength right now, and he goes full force right at his face, the impact sending shockwaves over the sands once more.

Mon-El has posed:
    Sand indeed flies everywhere, the terrain even rippling a bit with the sheer force of that slam. The place where Lar is smashed into the dune shakes as if there had just been a minor earthquake. The Daxamite is temporarily buried in the dune as he is pushed hard down into it, but mere seconds later, he rockets straight back up out of it.

    "Not bad, but still not even a scratch." he remarks. Then he flies at the green giant, aiming for an uppercut straight into the sky. Just how far up he'll go is admittedly something he's curious to see.

Hulk has posed:
Hulk is clearly not expecting the counterattack, what with the moment of confusion as Mon-El flies right back at him and uppercuts him. The Hulk, being unable to fly, gets sent high. Really high. There's a loud roar that slowly gets into the distance as he goes, going end over end over end uncontrollably as he starts to head into Kansas.

Of course, he's probably going to land on something else from the sheer distance Mon-El just sent him.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches as the Hulk goes flying...and flying...and flying. "Aw, grife." He mutters, not quite having expected that, at least not with the Hulk. He had better go make sure he doesn't land on anything important, or squish any unsuspecting Terrans.

    Zoom! Up into the stratosphere he goes, sonic boom once again in his wake as he heads for Kansas to once again search out the green giant.

Hulk has posed:
It doesn't take long to find the Hulk, given he's a giant green eyesore going end over end. He seems to be flailing about to try to control his descent... and he's succeeding partially, but it's only enough to redirect him into some high and rolling grasslands to the south of Kansas. No major urban center, but he's certainly gonna hit a road if he doesn't get assistance.

Hulk can certainly survive the impact... but the road won't.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar didn't expect it to be hard to find the green giant, especially with his level of senses. He flies at the Hulk as he tumbles and tumbles, glad that he doesn't seem to be anywhere near hitting any buildings or anything.

    Still, if the state of Kansas doesn't have to worry about fixing the road, that would be nice. So he tries to grab the man who is many sizes larger than him by the wrist or leg or whatever is most convenient and gently set him down safely away from any destructible property.

Hulk has posed:
He might have even managed it... but instead, Lar is greeted by Hulk twirling around in mid-air and sending a roundhouse kick right for his face as he falls.

Seems Lar pissed Hulk off punching him without warning.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar gets roundhouse kicked in midair and sent skidding across the prairie for several miles, tearing up the ground and whatever might be rooted on it until he finally smashes through the wall of an abandoned barn and comes to a stop in a pile of rotting hay. Good thing there aren't many trees out here. But seriously? He thought that was enough of a demonstration, but it seems the guy won't even quit!

    He grumbles and he gets back up and brushes some mildewy hay off of himself.

Hulk has posed:
And then there was a new crater in Kansas. The earthen mess seen for hundreds of miles from the sheer distance and force involved.

It's gonna take a while to repair that.

Mon-El has posed:
    Welp. Lar floats out of the wall he just collapsed to take a look at the aftermath. He -really- hopes this building wasn't one anyone really cared about. It doesn't exactly -look- like it, but you never know. Keeping his senses about him, he prepares himself in case Big Angry Green still hadn't given up.

Hulk has posed:
Nothing happens... or at least nothing comes Lar's way. Hulk has no way of knowing where Lar lands, but he can hear even from this distance the sudden enraged roar coming from where the crater is briefly.

Then, nothing.

Mon-El has posed:
    Of course he can hear it. Lar could hear that rabbit that scampered away back into its hole a few hundred feet away from Hulk when he roared furiously, and some pieces of dried grass breaking off and blowing away from the sheer magnitude of that roar.

    Ugh, guess he'd better go make sure none of that anger got taken out on anything important, or any innocent bystander. FWOOSH! He zooms off again, and within seconds he's hovering just above the Hulk's head again. "Hey, hey! Haven't had enough?!"

Hulk has posed:
When Lar gets to the crater, he'll see Hulk standing inside of it, his stance somewhat feral as he takes in his surroundings. "Red suit man still attacking Hulk without warning." Hulk growls at him. "Red suit man want to fight?" Hulk suddenly brings up both arms, and /SLAMS/ down into the ground, the force sending up a metric ton of dirt and debris around the two.

"HULK CAN FIGHT!" Hulk roars, and Lar can hear the telltale sound as Hulk jumps from his position.

Mon-El has posed:
    "What? No! I thought that was supposed to be a test to see if you could knock me out? Which we have already clearly seen that you -can't-." Lar points out. "So why don't you just accept the fact that there -are- people out there who simply can't be subdued by a punch from the Hulk and quit wasting your efforts?"

    When the Hulk jumps at him, he tries to block it and just send him right back down to the crater where he'd been previously standing.

Hulk has posed:
He could try to block it... but all he does is manage to give Hulk a handhold with one of his massive hands. His legs move to leverage against his chest then, and his spare hand comes up as he tries to start rapidly punching Lar. Right in the face. With enough force to send shockwaves that clear the air almost immediately.

"HULK," Punch, "STRONGEST," Punch, "THERE," Punch, "IS!" Punch Punch.

He's basically a jackhammer at this point.

Mon-El has posed:
    Ugh. Lar is beginning to regret saying all those challenging words earlier. This was basically like a stupid 'no I'm stronger' fight. He swings his head from side to side, trying to dodge the jackhammer fist. Some of them hit, some of them sort of swipe. But all in all no matter how many times Hulk smashes his face with that massive fist of his, it never seems to get smashed in!

    At least not before Mon-El kicks out with both legs at the arm gripping his arms, sending the rest of his body back while at the same time letting loose with the thermal vision that is so iconic to Kryptonians and those like them--straight at the green giant's face. While he usually tries to tone down the intensity on those to avoid doing -too- much damage--he doesn't do that here. Because c'mon, it's the Hulk and honestly, he's a bit curious to see how well he'll take that one.

Hulk has posed:
There's a roar when the thermal vision hits his face. Somehow, Hulk keeps up his punching (albeit wildly) as the beams hit for a good ten seconds, before he reaches for Lar's eyes and tries to actively block the vision with a hand.

If Hulk is taking any damage from it, he's not showing it. Then again, Hulk is rumored to have an instant healing factor. Burn through some green skin, and it'll start replacing immediately.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar struggles to get free from Hulk's grip, but still finds it unrelenting. Not a lot of people can actually do that to the Daxamite, but if anyone could, he figures the rage monster would be one of them. Well at least he laid off of the punching.

    "Damn, you're stubborn!" he marvels, finally quitting the laser vision. "Fine, have it your way, but you'd better hope you can survive in -space-." And with that, Lar rockets up into the air, quickly exceeding the speed of sound. Up, up, up into the stratosphere and beyond he goes.

Hulk has posed:
Somehow. Someway, Hulk manages to hold on... and he even manages to begin punching Lar in the face /again/ when he stops firing those beams at him... and he visibly grows another foot. Lar can feel the difference; Hulks punches are a few tons more magnified now, even as they start heading into space.

Mon-El has posed:
    Well apparently he can. Because if not, he would've let go before the atmosphere got too thin. He strains hard as Hulk gets even bigger, but still manages to break the atmosphere. Then he starts punching again?! Seriously. Welp guess it's laser time again. "Look, why is this such a big deal to you? We'll probably end up teaming up eventually."

Hulk has posed:
This time, Hulk doesn't roar. He's busy not breathing in space. The hand that was punching him doesn't move to stop his vision though... Instead, Hulk moves to grab /around/, going for his head in it's entirety.

As he tries for leverage over Lar's head... he releases the Daxamites arm.... and instead starts to punch Lar in the chest with the /other/ fist.

Being a much bigger target, good chance the jackhammer punches to Lar's chest will be much more keenly felt.

Mon-El has posed:
    At first, the laser vision doesn't stop as the two of them finally reach orbit-level altitude, continuing to burn hard into Hulk's hand as he just grabs Lar's head and starts pummeling his chest. Grife, he's definitely going to have to spend some extra time sunbathing after this, even if out here in space there is no atmosphere to block any of Sol's rich radiation from charging up his body.

    Anyway, he's come to the conclusion that continuing to fight Hulk and say stuff to piss him off or challenge his strength was only going to prolong this. And frankly, he has better things to do than try to beat Hulk in a glorified arm wrestling match.

    So he actually just stops fighting and lets Hulk punch to his heart's delight. Because he can. Without getting pummeled to a pulp, that is. It certainly doesn't feel good, but he'll survive.

Hulk has posed:
Of course, Hulk is trying to knock Lar out, not get him to stop fighting... so he just keeps on punching!

Hulk has already adapted to the lack of atmo, and no longer needs to breath in this Hulk Out.

Mon-El has posed:
    Right, right. He wanted to knock Lar out. So the Daxamite pretends to pass out, going limp and closing his eyes. Hopefully, the big green will be fooled.

Hulk has posed:
He has no understanding of Daxamite physiology, so when he goes limp, Hulk stops punching. Instead, he pokes at Lar in the face. Hard.

There's a frown at first... then he gives Lar one more /kick/ to the chest, before he uses Lar as leverage to dropkick him into space, sending the Hulk spiraling back down to Earth.

Looks like Lar fooled Hulk... though now Hulk is a ballistic missile that's going to land on Earth somewhere.

Maybe it'll be the ocean? Who knows.

Mon-El has posed:
    Ha. Lar goes flying into space, but mere seconds later he stops and starts flying back toward Earth after the giant green ballistic missile. Just to make sure he doesn't land anywhere that will get anyone killed or destroy any important property, once again. So he just makes sure that Hulk doesn't land on a city or town or whatever. If he's headed in that direction, the Daxamite will simply attempt to -punch- him away from the populated area. Because he's done with trying to be gentle. And then fly away as fast as he can before the guy can grab him again.

    If not, he'll just come down alongside the Hulk's fall just along enough to say "Gotcha." Then grin and zoom off at the speed of sound. Psych!!

    Though, once he's well out Hulk's sight and hearing range, he heads straight back to the cruiser for a nice long treatment under the sun lamps. Oof.