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Latest revision as of 04:29, 23 September 2019

Welcome to the Dark Side
Date of Scene: 27 August 2019
Location: Los Pollos Hermanos, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Wherein Faith meets a bunch of Scoobies and offends most of them; Willow spills about her current arcane mission (plot 13: The Librarian)
Cast of Characters: Captain Britain, Faith Lehane, Willow Rosenberg, Spike

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian Braddock was alive. He was not mauled by a bear, or burnt alive in a tragic sushi fire. No, like many university students, he had studies, papers, and exams to complete. Having emerged from them, and transmitted a paper to his professor, a paper that was due tomorrow, he was having the munchies, and rather than wake the staff at his home, he had opted for late night dining.

Of course, late night dining had very little to do with fine dining. It was a case of one or the other. He elected for the convenience of American fast food, even if technically Los Pollos Hermanos was owned by a German company. Heading in through the doors, he was pleasantly greeted with a nearly empty restaurant, and best of all, no queue at the front.

Walking swiftly but surely to the area, instead of going right to the girl on the till, he stood back, to look over the menu. They all looked good in the pictures, but rarely looked good upon ordering them. It might take a while for him to decide.

As he stood there, not so much looking up as looking slightly above forward, given his height, he wore grey sweat pants, which said 'property of Empire State University' along the leg, a burgundy t-shirt which had been purchased at, and bore the logo of Rupert Giles' Magic Box. He also had red, white, and blue Reebok sneakers, and white socks.

Faith Lehane has posed:
While he was still looking at the menu, the front door opened again to allow another person to enter. To say she was the exact opposite of him was about right. She was much shorter with dark hair and eyes. She was also dressed in something way more daring. Black leather pants with a pair of ankle high black boots, showing off her strong legs. A short red t-shirt that left her midriff bare. Over it all was a blue denim jacket, which hid quite a few things away from prying eyes.

She headed for the counter, stepping right around the giant of a man who didn't have a clue what to order. Or so it seemed by him staring that way. "A three piece, all dark meat. Fries and a coke." She didn't need a menu. She slipped a twenty to the cashier then took her change and turned to head for a table to sit and await her food. As she turned, she glanced the man she had cut in front of and let out a low, appreciative whistle. "Damn, you've been eating your Wheaties."

Captain Britain has posed:
After the shorter brunette comes by, orders, and moves to take a seat, Brian approaches the girl, saying clearing, and without a hint of Spanish accent, "I will have a Pollos a la Brasa, quarter chicken, Yucca a la Huancaina, a Bisteck a lo Pobre, and for the fizzy drink, hmm, no Ribena, no Vimto, no Bing, oh, I'll just have a Coca-Cola Classic." The cashier takes the order, and he pays for it with a bank card, which creates some confusion, as they apparently do not have chip and pin, but eventually they manage to get it sorted.

Then he hears the woman behind him, which makes him blush, "Kellog's Cornflakes, actually. My name is Brian Braddock, what's yours?"

Faith Lehane has posed:
Oh Lord, he blushes.

The smile that spreads on Faith's face looks a lot like the cat that ate the canary might. If a cat could grin. Suddenly he is even more attractive than he was just looking at him. All of him. Slowly and deliberately in the hopes he continues changing colors. If she tried hard enough, he might end up scarlet instead of that cute pink.

"Faith. As in Got to have Faith. Which I hope you will take me up on after you eat whatever it is you just ordered. Cause I'm certainly thinking I've got to have some Brian right now." She moves back to the counter, leaning her backside against it and propping her hands atop it just a little behind her.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Ah, well, pleased to meet you," Brian offers Faith as he watches her move and pose as she does. He had just ordered a fair amount of food, but he's a big guy, and hasn't had anything but energy drinks and coffee for the last several hours as he worked on a physics paper.

She was what Brian liked to call 'very American'. It was interesting, but he wasn't really sure how best to react to it, so went with a simple but polite nod.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Was that a yes? My night just got better." It was that moment, the server showed up with her tray. Since she hadn't gone to a table yet, they placed it on the counter beside her so she could take it with when she chose a table. "I'm going to sit over by the window. Join me when your mountain of food is ready." She took her tray and placed it on the table she wanted.

"On second thought," she added as she walked to stand next to him. "I'll help you carry it since it'll be on multiple trays. Not to say you can't carry it." She reaches out boldly and touches his bicep. "Cause you have not neglected arm day. What about leg day?" She reaches for his thigh. Just for science.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had just gotten back from the Midwest, from a trip that had opened up as many questions as it had answered. Fine, she finally knew who Sam's mystery lady was, and while Willow was slightly less worried now that she knew the woman worked for SHIELD, she was also more than a little concerned that the woman worked for SHIELD and had Willow on her radar. Of course it didn't help that John had gleefully stubbed a cigarette out on her quinjet, or had heard the magic words: expense account.

A quick shift at the Watchtower, and Willow was not only beat, but starving. And, for once, Willow had money. Surprisingly (or perhaps not surprisingly given her marks) Willow had garnered not one, but two scholarships - one that had covered her tuition, and another that while only a stippend, had left Willow rather flush. She wasn't quite sure what to do with herself. Other than buy herself some fries.

And maybe a milkshake.

Yeah, a nice, thick, chocolately milkshake.

Which is how she found herself here, stepping inside the diner, and jumping just a little at the dingly bell that announced her presence, then giggling at herself for being so silly.

Captain Britain has posed:
"A yes," Brian repeated a little unsure of himself. He cast Faith a curious glance. He was ill prepared for someone to be quite so forward with him. "If you wish," he says, agreeing to join his newfound friend, if that was the word. It was someone to talk to. But she was making him a little uncomfortable. Still, in this company, it would be impolite to decline.

He didn't object strenuously to the bicep feel, though with her reaching for his thigh, he took a step or two backwards, "that's..." he said, blushing rather profusely at her attention, just as Willow walked in, "... Willow!" Yes, Willow would save him. He waved her over. "Come, join us," sand save him from Faith, "it's so great to see you." And instead of waiting, he moved to give her a friendly hug.

Faith Lehane has posed:
There is that lovely shade. Deeper this time. Not quite as pink and more red. Faith was positive she could make it darker though. This was now her game for the night. "You say yes but then don't want..."

Her voice trails off as he seems very happy at whoever just walked in the door. Glancing that way, she sees a very cute little redhead. Hearing the name, one she has heard mentioned before, she wonders just how many redheaded Willows might be in this town. Her eyes focus back on Brian. Specifically on his Magic Box shirt. "Oh for fucks sake, you have got to be kidding me. Don't tell me you're a Scooby too! And are you /the/ Willow? Buffy's bestest bestie in the whole bestie world?" She puts on a happy face and says that like it's the spiffiest thing ever! Then her usual sneer is back as she shakes her head. "The only positive is you said yes. The other positive will be if you are dating Buffy and I get to tell her that. Oh wait, you can't be dating her. You aren't a bloodsucker."

Yes, she went there.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There's teh bell jingle barely faded away, and Willow is still giggling at herself when Brian calls out. A furiously blushing Brian. Who is not only gesturing for her, but suddenly hugging her like she's his long lost cousin.. and oh this did not bode well when the first things out of that girl's mouth are swears and..

Willow stands there and blinks. All thoughts of fries and shakes lost in light of the current scenario. Brian is easily enough dealt with, with a hestitant smile - hesitant only in that she's not entirely sure why his companion is talking to her like that.

"Uh.. I guess? I mean, I don't know another Willow. And what do you mean I'm a Scooby too?" Willow's back gets up just the slightest and one can almost hear the little red-headed foot stomp in her voice. "I've been one for ages. Who are you?"

The demand of that takes Willow aback enough that she immediately apologizes, "Oh gosh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean.." That's as far as she gets before the bloodsucker comment hits. "That isn't nice," she informs quietly.

Captain Britain has posed:
There's a lot at play here. Faith mentions Scoobies, Willow, and Buffy, all at once. So clearly she was in the know. And the bloodsucker comment confirms it. But Faith and Willow don't seem to know each other terribly well. Letting go of the hug, he says, "not sure if introductions are in order here, but Willow, this is Faith, and Faith, this is Willow. I'm still Brian. And yes, I suppose there is a second positive." He was still rather red, not as red as Willow's hair, but the whole ordeal was embarrassing. And then the mountain of food comes, "Willow, join us for a late night snack?"

Faith Lehane has posed:
"I wasn't asking you," Faith tells Willow. "I was asking the playtoy here." She hooks a thumb at Brian, as though he can't hear a word she is saying. Cause after all, he's just something appealing to look at. Especially now that he verified what she wondered.

She continues speaking to Willow. "I know you're a Scooby if you are B's friend." She uses the abbreviation she prefers for Buffy. "And I'm a little hurt you can't guess who I am." She doesn't seem hurt at all. "Faith. The Faith that you've heard stories about in the dark." She winks boldly as she moves to her table where her tray rests. Now that Brian is a Scooby and not even on the market? He can fend for his own multitude of trays. The cute innocent redhead can help him.

"You know it's the truth though. He isn't a bloodsucker. And she almost exclusively was dating those last time I was around here. First one, then the other. She even fought me to keep me from staking her last one." She obviously isn't concerned about the people at the counter, even if they could hear her. In truth, they probably can't. Or would think she's crazy.

"Let's try these introductions again though. Faith, the Dark Slayer. Or Rogue Slayer. Whatever the Watchers are calling me now." She smirks over at Brian and gives him a bold wink. "Yeah, there's two of us. Wouldn't that make an amazing sandwich with you in the middle?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes a turn at blushing, her cheekbones a faint pink as she realizes Faith was talking to Brian about the Scoobies. Of course she was; Willow was Buffy's beste, which meant if Faith knew that, she also knew Willow was one.. and there goes Faith confirming it.

Willow felt sillier than she had jumping at the door jingling.

"I know who you are," Willow says, now that she has a name. Now. "You're not really.. I mean, I expected.."

Nope. Faith was actually pretty much what Willow had expected if she sat and thought about it. Which leaves answering Brian, "I was just going to get some fries and a shake?" As thought that might change his offer of joining them.

that doesn't stop her from following Faith to the table though. "Dark Slayer," Willow informs. "Or The Other Slayer. And John will probably have other things to say to that."

John usually did. She imagined John would probably get along just fine with Faith if he weren't worried about her hanging with the Scoobies. John's mouth ran a little foul as well.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Playtoy?" Brian repeats, not particularly fond of the nickname, and still trying to figure out the woman. Who was she really and what was she up to? Was it all just to make him uncomfortable, or was there some more sinister agenda at work. In this town, she could be anything, a demon, a vampire, werewolf, though he thought the name sounded familiar. Wasn't that the other Slayer he had heard about?

Deciding to bond a little with her, he offered up, "I was warned off taking that action as well. Still, seems counterproductive at best." He furrowed his brows, still not sure why a chip suddenly makes Spike worth not staking on sight.

He was all ready to get down to business, be it eating, or Scooby affairs, and then Faith had to go and suggest a slayer sandwich, with him as the filling. Yep, that would do it, getting him to reach the colour she had hoped for.

With Willow heading to the table, Brian headed back to the counter, where he ordered three shakes, one chocolate, one vanilla, and one strawberry, for the table, as well as French fries. A moment later, he came back with the first of many trays. His order was still up. He'd have to repeat it twice more to get everything.

Spike has posed:
The door opens as Spike, in all of his Billy Idol glory, not gory, comes in. He's out here because well, Buffy got him out on patrol duty. And he got lost, took a left when he should have gone straight on. At least that's his reasoning. Seeing the food, and Scoobies, Spike jauntily waves. "Hey guys and girls" Spike says looking at the food. "Alright, somebody's hungry"

/Spikee is. He looks to Faith. "You seen Buffy? Short, angry at vampires, likes staking people" he says then spies a Willow. "So a witch, a Faith and somebody who is hungry walk into a fast food joint. And" he says indignantly. "You're not sharing with me? What's wrong with this picture anyway?" he asks, scuffing boots on the floor. Sure, he's not Angel...but Spike can brood just a tiny, tiny bit!

Faith Lehane has posed:
Score! As Brian turns scarlet at her bold suggestion, Faith puts a tic up on her personal mental scoreboard. Not only did she get the blush but she got it at Buffy's expense. Her life is complete. She could die happy right now.

Not really. She plans to be around for quite a while and take a lot of monsters with her. Speaking of monsters. There is that warning discomfort, her radar letting her know there is one nearby. Her posture changes from that relaxed, half sprawled in the booth to more upright, leaning on the table with her elbows and one hand disappearing into her jacket as she grips something wooden and pointy. And it isn't a number two pencil. Her gaze flicks to the door just as Spike enters.

As though it isn't enough. He then talks to her like he knows her. Which they've met, briefly, but he is not a friend by any means. Not really much of an acquaintance either. "If it isn't Buffy's pet. Did someone leave the gate open so you got out of the back yard?" she asks with another of those sneers. The good news for Brian? She's leaving him alone. For now. "Run along home, puppy. B is probably looking all over. She might have to put up signs on light poles!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Spike's not a puppy he's a.. oh. Nevermind."

Yeah, Willow is beyond flustered at the moment. Not embarassed flustered, but not quite sure what to make of the possible impending catastrophe of personalities. Though, to be honest, Faith was entirely more polite to Spike than she expected the other girl to be.

"His name is Brain," Willow tells Spike. Then, for everyone else at the table (but most specifically Brian), "This is Spike. He's uh.. he's a friend."

There. That was innocuous enough. And he was a friend. As much as a vampire could be a friend. And he'd been nice to Willow at least. Brought her presents.

"We were just going to have a snack." Correction. She was going to have a snack. Brian was eating for the rest of them it seemed. "You could join us?"

Captain Britain has posed:
Somebody who is hungry for food? That's what Brian's been downgraded to. He immediately wonders why he promised Buffy that he would not put an end to Spike's life, well, afterlife, unless absolutely necessary. Perhaps he committed to that too soon. "Thanks Willow," he says with kindness, glad that she remembered he was here, "but we've met." This, so many big personalities, dynamics he didn't fully understand on display. He decided to revert to type, taking the wait and see attitude. Perhaps he'd luck out and Faith and Spike would kill each other. Then again, they were just as likely to start having sex on the table.

Spike has posed:
Spike nods to Willow, ignoring Faith's jibe for the moment. well, until he nods to Willow. "Hey Willow, how's it going?" he asks with a nod. "Mind if I join you guys? And Brian, we met in Josies. I nearly picked a fight over Bud. Apparently, they agreed to a drinking contest, rather than fight" Spike says.

Looking over the food, Spike eyes Brian. "Okay. Did you get a sex change and get knocked up and nobody told me?" he jibes, then returns his attention to Faith. "If by that you mean Buffy gives me attention and treats and I get to give her a bone, then..." he says. Innuendo happens with Spike, though he does look over the group and motions to a chair, like asking 'hey, can I join in?'

Spike sits, then looks ver the food. "Oh come on. You got the good stuff" he says with a disappointed pout. He...actually...actually pouts. Yes. A vampire pouts. And, it's not Angel!

Faith Lehane has posed:
When Spike makes the innuendo, Faith looks directly at Brian. Right in the eyes. Then she smirks as she picks up her tray of with the untouched three piece dinner on it. "See? Bloodsuckers. He's the second one. So that makes you human thirds?" She makes a tsking sound then turns her attention to Spike as she gets up from the table with her tray.

Bonus points for not stabbing him in front of the cashiers at the counter.

"Spike, I mean that you follow her around like a pitiful little puppy dog who just wants her to give you the tiniest bit of attention. And when she does, you probably will fall over and piss on yourself in joy."

She walks to the counter. "Box this up for me." Then she turns and slouches against the counter, as she had when Brian was ordering his mountain of food. "Red," she is looking at Willow now. "How do you put up with it all? You must be a saint. Let B know I'm back and to stay out of my way."

As the cashier passes over her now boxed chicken, she looks to the table. "I've got things to do that don't involve being social with the likes of him." A nod toward Spike. "And when you decide you don't like being second fiddle," she is looking at Brian again. "Give me a call. I'm sure you'll be able to find me around."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Spike's innuendo goes right on over Willow's head. Like with the whoosh of a jet plane leaving for the continent. Seriously doesn't follow what on earth he might mean. In fact, she's rather convinced he'd reached the bottom of the barrel of snarky things to say. Even if Faith gets it.

When Faith painstakingly points out facts to Spike, Willow blushes on his behalf, trying not to look like she's wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole, quite certain she's not cut out to referee this sparring match, if only because Buffy was her beste and Willow didn't want to have to be the one to explain how things had gone so terribly wrong.

Wait.. Faith is leaving, which takes one of the concerns off her plate. "Me? Mostly I stay out of the way," she admits truthfully. "I've been busy with some other things. And uh, okay? But she's not going to be happy."

Stating. The. Obvious.

"And then there were three?" An oblique reference to an Agatha Christie novel she doubted anyone would follow.

Spike has posed:
Spike just gives Faith a bored stare. "Oh, I just got here and you're leaving. That's a shame. I could sit down and talk to you. Tel you how it really is with Buffy. Look, I'm sorry for putting you off your food, but I'm in here, and sitting down"

Spike turns his gaze to Faith again. "You sure on that? I don't always follow Buffy around. Fact is. I'm not that little vampire you think I am. I'm Spike, yeah, think on that. By the way, Faith. I like your style of eliminating competition...but hre's a free hint. Work with your friends and allies. You can thank me later, after you stake me for daring to speak"

With that, Spike looks to Willow as she blushes for him. "Be glad I'm not doing that. It'd ruin my reputation" Spike says. Like....getting caught going mush face at buffy didn't. Spike's got some sort of reputation, alright.

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian looks Spike over. His face goes through a number of expressions, from frustration to... well, a variety of versions of frustration actually. Resigned frustration, angry frustration, sympathetic frustration, but frustration throughout. Finally, he shows the palm of his hand and gestures, "feel free." Suddenly, he had lost much of the apptetite he had once had, instead focusing on some French fries and a strawberry milkshake for now.

Spike has posed:
Spike shrugs at Brian. "Oh come on. I'm not that bad. It's not like I'm going to sit here and brood and make you all miserable complaining all the time. I actually can hold a conversation"

Jab one at Angel. Spike looks from Brian to the departing Faith, to Willow. He bites back an innuendo and sighs. "Instant Faith leaving. Just add vampire. Come on. I'm actually not that bad. I baked cookies with Willow. I didn't even think about biting her once"

Yeah, because other things were on Spike's mind. Like, recipes. Buffy, and...he really...really needs to figure out this thing that's bugging him, too. Spike shakes his headd, with no idea who to turn to for this one. He..isn't sure Brian can help, and Willow's not one to turn to for that sort of advice. Unless it's magic. Hey, maybe Spike can, ya know, ask a witch to magic Spike's ex out of his life? Though seeing Brian's reaction. Spike gets up and heads for the door. He'll catch Willow later. They do live in the same building.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow eyeballs the two remaining shake, "Well," she says more confidently than she feels, "I'm having the chocolate." Because she'd come here for that, and if Faith was leaving, Willow wasn't about to let Spike boss her out of the treat.

"If you guys are going to fight, you should really do it outside. And maybe not right outside either." She casually snags a fry. "Buffy won't be happy, though. I mean, I wouldn't want to have to tell her, but she'd ask how I met Faith, and it would just slip out.."

Yes. Willow just lay her cards down on the table. Even if those cards were threatening the pair with Buffy.

Captain Britain has posed:
"That does seem to be the effect. I shall have to remember that." But where can he get an instant vampire to save him from Faith's... physical interest. Never in his life had he met someone who would try and grab one's thigh as they stood there, talking; a stranger at that. He had not neglected leg day, for the record.

"What kind of cookies did you bake?" He casually asked Spike, as he sipped at his strawberry shake and nodded to Willow who took the chocolate, leaving a vanilla one for Spike, or would had Spike not gotten up and headed for the door. To Willow he added, "He's a strange one. I offer him food, and he seems oblivious. Perhaps he had other things on his mind?"

Spike has posed:
Spike comes back and thanks Willow taking the vanilla shake. !If Faith's awlking out just because I come on in..that girls' got issues" Spike says. Stating the obvious, but...Spike's been around Willow too long. He feels bad for Willow, and has a dislike for Faith. he's not a hater of slayers. Buffy's got him to almost be one. He just needs the fake boobs, the blond wig, and...oh Gods, that is a terrible mental image, Spike in a cheerleader outfit with....Spike needs brain bleach for even thinking that. Though shaking his head, Spike does dig into the shake. He's got priorities. Becoming a male slayer isn't one.

Once he's done scaring the ever loving hell out of himself, Spike speaks. "What's her deal anyway, Willow? It's like I'm a repulsive vampire. We met...once, and she hates me. Just caue I'm a vampire" Spike says, not getting it at all. Spike though digs more into the shake, speaking between licks and swallows. It's like he's.....getting through a shake really.

Looking over the two of them, Spike shakes his head. "You need me to help with her Willow?" Spike asks, referring to Faith. He's willing to go up to bat for her. He's a Scooby practically. And he looks out for his friends. Willow is certainly that!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Chocolate chip cookies," Willow tells Brian with a grin. "You ate one. Rememeber those funny cookies in the graveyard? Those were them. Spike helped me make them." Even if Willow was pretty certain Spike had come looking for Buffy that day. She didn't mind so much, after all, he'd stayed and visited with her, so it wasn't like she'd been totally ignored, right?

Spike gets a long look before Willow says quietly, "She's a Slayer, Spike. She's never going to like you. She's not Buffy and she has no reason to. She wants you dead with or without the chip in your head. And if she can make you angry and force the issue, that's even better." Adding, "You have to not be.. you.. around her." Or Brian it would seem, even if Brian did seem to be contemplating keeping Spike around as Faith repellant, and if that wasn't just the strangest thing she'd heard lately, Willow didn't know what was.

"I had an adventure," she says with a smug grin. Because for once Willow had something exciting to tell.

Okay, Superman had been exciting, but she wasn't able to tell anyone about that when it was happening. Saying Superman had been kidnapped might ahve sparked an international crisis.

Captain Britain has posed:
"And what happened on this adventure?" Brian asked with genuine curiosity in his voice, and not at all deciding it was appropriate to safe his countrymen, even if removed by more than a century, the embarrassment of reacting to what Willow had said earlier. It was also part of why he hadn't mentioned Buffy once in all of this. He was confident and secure enough that he didn't need to. "Do tell," and he bit into some of the chicken he had ordered, and so easily offered to share with the group, and for tonight at least, that included Spike. He was curious man, this Spike. He would bear more watching. And then, offhandily, he asked the ultimate question, "what club do you support?"

Spike has posed:
Spike shrugs "Ah but" he adds licking at the shake between words. "She's a slayer. I get it. She hates me without a reason...but...I'm not okay with this. "Manchester United"

Safe bet. And liable to piss off a certain crowd, too. Good thing on both counts. "Oh come on, it was either that or some team nobody's heard of. Like Hackney Town FC" Spike says and picks up his shake again. He's Faith repellent? News to him, but if it doesn't end with him being staked, and it's useful to he Scoobies....he'll go with it for the moment.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Faith doesn't know you like we do, Spike." Willow frowns, not sure what to do at this point. "She's.. different?" And how, if how she'd been in the brief time Willow had been in her presence was any indication. "If you weren't fixed" - meaning the chip - "Buffy probably would want you dead, too. I'm really sorry."

What else could you say to that?

To cover her discomfort at that, Willow takes a side plate and pours a very large amount of ketchup on it for her fry. surely she intends to eat more? That or she really, really likes ketchup.

"I was helping to find a magic item," Willow tells Brian, happy to change the subject. "Okay, mostly John had an adventure. And also this other person. I was locked in the bathroom. Some undead guy was trying to get the same item. We still have to find two more things. I think one is in Vancouver."

Captain Britain has posed:
And then Brian suddenly took ever so small a warming to Spike. He might be a vampire, he might eat people, or, used to before the chip, and he might smoke, and frankly, do everything he could to upset people around him, but at least he had good tastes in football. "I suppose that would mean you've supported them since they were Newton Heath?" He asked, curiously.

"To have been able to witness Billy Meredith, Jack Rowley, Duncan Edwards, Bobby Charlton, Denis Law, George Best, Bryan Robson, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Eric Cantona, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Marcus Rashford" he just shook his head as he listed so many top, top players. It was surreal. And this was a man who had met Merlin, as in the man who mentored King Arthur.

Broken from his Manchester United reverie, he looks to Willow, "what kind of items?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Items? Oh, stuff for a ritual. We were going about looking for them all wrong, but we figured it out. Something about a book that can be used to banish demons, or summon them depending on who has it. It was lost for a long time, and then I guess things uncovered it, because Sam's friend asked him to look for it so it could be put away for good."

Turns out she intends on having more fries. As one disappears, Willow takes another, and eats it slowly, double and triple dipping the things into the ketchup on her plate.

As for soccer, that's not something she follows. In fact sports in general weren't her thing. And it wasn't just because the cheerleaders had picked on her in high school. Jewish people tended towards other pursuits - or so Willow parents had insisted when they'd had her take after school tutoring instead of organized sports like other kids had.

"Originally it was thought to have been lost in the fires at Alexandria, but really, most of the scrolls and parchments had already been removed. Did you know that there weren't really books there? At least not like we think of books. I've been thinking that's how this one was hidden. First it wasn't a book, then it was, and now it isn't again."

Spike has posed:
Spike just nods at each, counting on his fingers and smiles. "Indeed" Spike nods with a laugh, "I've always supported theem" he says and lists off even more top players before turning his attention to Willow.

If you need me to help find where things are, just tell me" Spike nods. He's keen to help out. Though even if it's not officially helping out, Spike can still help, right?

Captain Britain has posed:
"Oh yes," Brian said energetically, "they were more like scrolls, often stored in boxes or cubbyhole shelving that was reminiscent of how we store wine today." Yes, Brian had an interest in history, a deep love of it. In Alexandria, people were not allowed to enter or leave the city without first surrendering any written text in their possession. It needed to be copied, and frequently, they would had back the copy, neatly keeping the original. And what we think of as binding originated in India, only arriving in Europe around the 1st century before the common era. Though any text that old, it would need special care to ensure it survived. Or magic. Magic always helps in such matters."

Spike has posed:
Spike just listens. This is so not his area of expertise. Brian's got this as Spike shakes his head looking from Willow to Brian. "So it's centuries old and needs specialist care? Alright, That's older than I am. And then some" Spike admits with a grin and shakes his head. "I don't do old things that well. Knowing my luck I'd just steal it and break whatever it is"

He's only half joking, too.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow beams at Brian who knew, and understood. "Exactly. And it is magical. Very much so. I'm not sure who wrote it. We weren't told. But Sam's friend is an angel, and he was pretty adament we find it. Funny thing is, he can't find it himself. Like the book wants to be found, but it also is hiding itself. It's been really difficult to scry for it."

Spike gets a near aghast look. "Uh.. I don't think it would be good for you to touch it." She could only imagine what the thing might do with someone like him.

Captain Britain has posed:
"I am sat here at LPH, sharing chicken with a witch and a vampire, whilst discussing Manchester United, Alexandria, and angels." Brian says in slow comprehension. When he gets some odd looks, "sometimes I find it useful to take stock of my current situation. It didn't help." What had his life become in all this? "Too bad you can't make, borrow, or buy a compass like the one in Pirates of the Caribbean."

Spike has posed:
"Wait a minute. An angel can't find it. And...and...that's got me woried" Spike admits, shaking his head. "If an angel can't find it, what hope do we have?" he asks, then looks to Willow silently, before speaking. "Relax, Willow. I was mostly joking. I'm not about to go join some scavenger hunt to find whatever it is, justto end the world. I like this world. I'd like it to keep being a thing" Spike adds looking around, "I mean....I could name many things I like. But back to this angel friend, right....if angels can't find whatever it is...why?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There's a slow nod from Willow. "He can't. But I guess that means neither can a demon. They have to use other agents."

Which is where Sam and Willow had come in. It also meant that there were likely others, serving the other side, also looking. And so far, the book had been leading them all on a merry chase.

"I don't need a compass," Willow tells Brian. "I can track it with my laptop. Now that I know what I'm looking for, and I use the altar cloth as a focus. The problem is that it's not really as precise as you'd think. And the thing, well, to the best of my knowledge, it doesn't want to just be found, it wants to be found at the right time, and by the right people. Like.."

And she can't believe she's actually voicing this aloud, but honestly, if she were right, the magic were already working this way, and she wasn't truly giving it any power.

"So, it wants to be together, so it can be used. And now that the priest is free, it probably wants him to have it. But it's easier for it if he doesn't have to find all the bits. Like, if we find some, and they find some, it makes more sense to have us fight over a last piece, say, and then they'd all be together for him to come collect them."

And here she frowns just a little. "I'm not sure if that's what's happening, because why'd he show up the last time. Only we were right by it before and it wasn't clear until we were near it again. I've never really dealt with something this complicated before."