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Latest revision as of 20:38, 2 October 2019

Afternoon in Angel Grove Park
Date of Scene: 28 September 2019
Location: Angel Grove Park
Synopsis: Kim and Tommy go for a walk in the park miraculously uninterrupted by putties.
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Pink Ranger

Green Ranger has posed:
It's been a pretty easy week or so since the two have started dating, save one attack my a large, purple lizard. Rita's monsters were always odd. The Rangers had defeated it before it had a chance to grow, however, and things had pretty much settled back to normal...for the most part.

Zach was obviously a bit more nervous around his new girlfriend then he was even before they started dating. He was happier, sure, but the tension was clear, and he wasn't exactly sure what to o about it. So, the two walk along through the park, holding hands as they enjoy the early Fall day. "I wish it snowed here," Tommy says idly, glancing over. "Where I was a kid...it snowed every Winter. It annoyed me then, but I miss it now."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"It's always so pretty when it snows," Kimberly agrees, her fingers laced with his as she walks. "But I think I like visiting it more than having it happen here. Except maybe every super rare once in a while. It makes it more special when it happens, you know?" she grins.

"The snow never gets gross or dirty. Everything stops for it. People are all excited about it. No one has to worry about shoveling sidewalks or driveways." She gives his hand a swing as she walks. "I can't complain about our sunshine either, though."

Green Ranger has posed:
"It snows a bit further north," he says after a moment. "Once it really starts snowing maybe we could head up there and spend a day or two? If there's any real trouble we can...you know...port back."

Tommy glances over at her as they walk along. "And no, I like this. Don't get me wrong. Except for the attacks, Angel Grove is pretty perfect.."

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly snorts back a laugh, smile quirking. "Yeah, I mean, it's just a weekly giant monster attack. Nothing too crazy." She pauses for a moment, tilting her head to one side. "Do you ever wonder what it is about Angel Grove that keeps them attacking here?" she muses. "I mean, they want to conquer the //whole// world. I feel like it would be smarter to get a nice foothold in South America or something, you know? Unless they attack here because //we're// here, and I don't think I'm ready to face that."

Green Ranger has posed:
"No. She's targetting us," he says after a moment. Nobody knows Rita like him, afterall. "She sees us as the ones standing in her way of taking over Earth...even though there are a ton of other heroes out there. It's a vendetta between her and Zordon," he explains softly.

He glances over. "Is that a no on the snow trip?," he asks with a grin.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Oh! Oh, no. I mean yes. I mean no. I mean." Kimberly smiles sheepishly back at him, bumping her shoulder against his arm. "It's definitely a yes on the snow trip. We both know it'll probably get interrupted, but I'm definitely in favor of that. Don't you have an uncle with a cabin that way or something?" she asks, brushing past the topic of Rita.

Green Ranger has posed:
"I do. It's what made me think about it. He's in Florida for this Christmas season and...well..." He shrugs, clearing his throat. "I just thought it might be fun." Is Tommy, the Green Ranger, blushing? He sure as hell is. "But that's not for weeks, now. But it's something to keep in mind, is all."

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly eyes that blush for a moment, a smile briefly tugging at one corner of her lips, but decides against teasing him about it or its cause. "It sounds like fun," she says, pushing up on her toes to drop a kiss on his cheek. "Besides, maybe it'll be the perfect thing to keep Mom and Dad from arguing about who I should spend the day with. That wouldn't be the worst thing either."

Green Ranger has posed:
"Right. You spend the day with me." He grins, and then grins wider when she kisses his cheek. He lets go of her hand and slips his arm around her instead, tugging her against his side as they walk along through the park.

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly tucks herself under his arm, lengthening her stride to match his. "Sounds fair to me," she chuckles. "Although I hope we don't have to wait for Christmas to spend some time together. Not that we're not right now. That...made more sense in my head," she admits, reaching up to rub a hand at the back of her neck. "How're your classes at the center going?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He smiles softly and nods. He begins to guide her from the actual path, onto the grass. It's a nice day out, afterall. He leads Kimberly to a cluster of nice trees, with some shade, and he flops down ont the grass, trying to gently tug her down with him.

"We'll spent plenty of time together. As much as we can until you're sick of me," Tommy says with a grin. "Oh, they're fine. Yours?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly folds down onto the grass next to him, running a hand over it with a fond smile. "Doing well. I've got a girl in my dance class who's having a little trouble, but we're going to do some one on one later in the week and I'm sure she'll be great when we're done. Speaking of which," she continue, shifting to sit cross-legged. "We should get some training in. I don't...Relying on morphing to let me know what to do makes me nervous."

Green Ranger has posed:
He lounges onto his back, looking up at the branches above as he tucks his arms under his head, his long hair splayed out beneath him. "Well, if anyone can teach her how to move, it'll be you. I've never met someone so graceful." Tommy glances over at her from below and he nods. "I get you. Okay, no problem. Want me to...try and train you in some more advanced hand-to-hand, or what?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Maybe not so much //advanced// as, you know. Having an actual clue of my own." Kim shrugs, leaning forward to set her elbow on her knee and prop her chin up in one hand, watching him. Her smile softens as his words sink in. "Graceful, huh?" she echoes. "That was smooth right there."