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Letters From Another Home
Date of Scene: 29 September 2019
Location: Shannon's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon and Sam talk about the visit with Doctor Strange, the letter from ma Guthrie, and kind--if somewhat bold--gestures from friends.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball

Nightingale has posed:
     What had begun as trying to do the right thing ended with heartbreak. A gift, regardless of the source, had been smashed to pieces, without even so much as a by-your-leave, or investigating it first. When she had gone to answer the text message from Scott, Shannon had picked up what pieces of the pendant that she was able to do. Some had been crushed to dust, but she had managed to retrieve the head, the wings, the folded praying hands, and some bits of the robe. They were now tucked safely away in her brown leather bag, among her first aid supplies. Tears that she had mostly held back while at the Sanctum now flowed freely as she sat down at her piano. Though she rested her fingers on the keys, this time the notes wouldn't come. On the music stand was an envelope with her name on it in sharpie, and she sighs softly. She hadn't opened it the night before, still half in shock from the stunt Samuel had pulled. Maybe it was time to now. She reaches for the envelope and opens it, pulling out the letter and starting to read it....

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie gives Shannon a few moments, but after a few he will show up and rap lightly at her door, and says "Hey you in there sis?"

Nightingale has posed:
     A light little sniffle is the answer, and she folds up the letter, tucking it halfway back into the envelope. "Hey... come on in, door's open." She tries to compose herself, swiping her hand under her eyes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk in and has her float, as is what he brings her when he knows she is upset, "I brought the ice cream." He tells her walking over to her offering it to her.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon puts a smile on her face for him, though her eyes remain misty. She gladly accepts the root beer, and nods towards the chairs by the fireplace. "How do you always seem to know? You a telepath or something, and just never said anything about it?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles softly and says "Lots of sisters. Ah was trained early on." He tells her and will move to have a seat, and says "Ok, first off yes he is an asshat, my bad, Ah should have taken you to Illyana or Dani instead of him." He takes the blame there. "Ah figured it might be destroyed, but figured we would at least know something about it, Know what it was what he was trying or something.

Nightingale has posed:
     "If I didn't think he could crush me with a gesture or a word, I could almost cheerfully slap the Doctor and introduce his tender regions to my knee, for that stunt he pulled." Shockingly, Shannon's voice is almost a hiss, her wings spread outwards and ruffled so much they look puffed up like a Halloween cat. "I get that he was doing what he thought he had to do to protect everyone... but for fuck's sake, without even -trying- to look into the pendant more??? I don't give a fuck what the source was, that was still a gift given in good faith!" She knocks back a good swig of the root beer, and sighs a little. "And if that was indeed connected to Loki, then he may have just created more problems than we need. I'd be pissed if someone destroyed a gift I gave them like that. Ten to one once Loki gets wind of it, it'll be one of two things. One, he may just go 'meh'. Or two... we'll have one pissed off Trickster on our hands."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well hopefully if he does get wind of it, he will be pissed at the good doctor and not us." He tells her. "And we know at least one thing, if he is a doctor, he has one shitty bed side manor." He offers her with a smile, and says "But you know tonight did prove a point Ah said earlier.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lets out a little snort of a laugh, raising her glass. "Hear hear. Crappiest bedside manner -ever-. Now I know what /not/ to be." She tilts her head, sniffling slightly. "What point is that, other than that I'm a fucking idiot for trusting him?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Even if you has known he was someone you did not like you would heal him, not wanting them to be hurt or hurting. You offered to heal the doc, even after you wanted to punt him in the family jewels.

Nightingale has posed:
     "/Wanted/ to? Try /want/ to. Sheesh. Even following orders and trying to do the right thing, you get screwed over sometimes." She grumbles a little, adding some extra ice cream to her glass, drinking down some of the foam that results in all its vanilla root beer goodness. "I managed to save some pieces, though. Don't know if they still have magic or not, but... I let Scott and Jean know about them. At least I can be pretty sure they won't pull a dick move like the Doctor did."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well Might be able to find out if you want to? He will tell her, and says "Can maybe get Illyana to look at it, she might be a bit pissed at me.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows. "Do I even want to know how you got Illyana mad at you?" She shakes her head a little bit, and glances back over towards her piano, and the music stand. She actually smiles somewhat, but says nothing for the moment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie Smiles a bit and says "Oh she aint mad at me yet, but when she finds out I went to Doc Strange and not her first she maybe. I have a bit of an excuse, but she is still liable to be a bit pissed at me.

Nightingale has posed:
     "If you think about it, she may be more pissed at Kitty. She's the one who sent us to that... that... JERK." Shannon's gone back to grumbling for the moment. Has she actually found someone she well and truly dislikes? "It feels weird admitting it, but no wonder Loki didn't want him anywhere around."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well, I would think more Loki has pissed him off, and he is being an ass cause it involves Loki to be honest. As mush as a jack ass as he is, I don't think Kitty would have directed us there if she realized he would react like that."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and purses her lips. "I hope she doesn't direct us to him again, because that is one time I just might give her the universal salute. I'd almost rather deal with another chewing out than deal with him again."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well if Ah need magical help Am am calling Illyana in first or Dani. warning though if we have Illayana help us e may have to go to a rather unpleasant place." She is the queen of a place called Limbo... It is sorta like hell.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, grimacing. "Okay, got it. Wait... isn't that where Petrovich comes from?" She smiles a little bit. "I'll just have to try and not make myself a tasty target if there's a whole bunch of Petroviches there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Most of the demons are a bit more humanish looking but yea. No rivers or lakes of fire, least not that I have seen, lots of barren rocks and creepy castles occasionally." he will tell her. Generally they listen pretty well to Illyana, since she is the queen

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smlies a little bit. "Well, we'll see how that goes. Just no more of asshat supreme." She takes a deep breath and glances over at the music stand, a smlie starting to appear on her face. "I was kind of surprised by your mom, getting that letter."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I was too, what did it say?" He will ask her, obviously not haven read it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles some. "It said how you were telling her about me, that I was like a sister to you. Pretty much, I think ma Guthrie just adopted me." She actually laughs a more hearty laugh than she had for the past several days. "She also sent a few recipes. Among them the chicken recipe that you kept forgetting to write down... something about apple betty?... banana pudding..." Oh my. Sam was going to get spoiled.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and chuckles a bit and says "Well, Ah did tell her a bit about you and how much ya liked her chicken, did not get to tell her you were threatening me for the nanner pudding yet." He jokes a bit at her, and sips his own drink. Apple brown betty, thats what I used to bribe Doug into sleeping last night.'

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon takes a sip of her root beer, and smiles a bit sheepishly. "Never did get to try any, and it's probably all gone by now. Serves me right, I'll wait for the next care package." She shakes her head, going very, very red. "I still can't believe Bean pulled the stunt he did."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Ah can, he is trying to help someone who means alot to him, in the most direct way he could."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a bit of a smile. "Doesn't get more direct than that. Though if I wanted to fire off a message, I'd have used the front door, not the back." She pats her little leather bag, which has, no doubt, a record of the means to do so. "I usually keep that under my hat, though. One, the man's got his hands full. Two... he deserves his privacy." She goes a little red, though. "I wasn't sure whether to kiss Bean or kill him for that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well I think he might be more comfortable if you tried to kill him, but probably the kiss would make more sense." He jokes a bit to this and says "I think it will be interesting him and alek meeting blurr.""