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It's a Crime Scene
Date of Scene: 30 September 2019
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Some people mess with Deadpool's CRIME SCENE investigation of the Loki thing
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Samuel Morgan, Nightingale, Nightcrawler

Deadpool has posed:
"Hey now, you're a rock star, hmm-hmm mmm mmm -hmm. All that sugar's is gold. No wait. All that unravels is cold.... no." The lyrics evade, like bits of leaves in the wind. Chasing them is just not helping matters, and he doesn't have a net.

The wellness office had some damage to from something Loki did. There's some bright yellow CAUTION tape up, stuck to the doorframe with duct tape, since the yellow tape itself failed to adhere. There's a handwritten 'Crime scene, take off your shoes' notice on the door written on the back of a prescription-pad paper. Also stuck up with duct tape.

The door is open, though, so that notice might not be the first thing seen. Inside, appears to be Jeremy Larkin, standing by the bed, with a bundle of printed out photographs in his hands, examining them as he looks around the room in a thoughtful manner, still quietly humming.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "All that glitters is gold..."

    That came through the half open door. From someone who has absolutely /no/ respect for warning tape and cautionary notes, no matter how well written. How rude, right? The apparition, solid though it may be, steps into the room and cracks his knuckles. "You have some nerve showing yourself here again. I'm about to make good on a promise." Oh, Bean has been looking forward to this.

Deadpool has posed:
"I shit nerve. Constantly. It's like a long brown tail of nerve, all the time," chatters the apparent Jeremy. There's probably something wrong with the voice, because Wade, with his current image on, has no idea what Jeremy is supposed to sound like. So he sounds like himself, but if Samuel isn't looking for a difference, it's unlikely he'd notice (or care?).

"Shit, okay, I get that you want to throw me out for something I probably did, but first, can you stand in for the healer-girl for my crime analysis? I think she was here. I have photos," chatters 'Jeremy'. "Unless you want to be the guy in the bed. I can be the healer?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "The healer girl, as you call her, is a friend of mine." Sam begins as he enters and very purposefully closes the door by way of a kick against the sturdy wood. "She spent quite some time recovering from what you did to her. You can drop the act, Loki, you're not fooling me again. Funny voice or not."

    Someone really should have gotten rid of the sharp implements if they were going to keep the door open. As it is, Bean finds himself a nice and sharp knife, handling it with a rather distressing sense of familiarity. "I don't want to throw you out, Loki, I just want to hurt you. You know why."

Deadpool has posed:
"I forget her name. Because names are hard," Jeremy explains, with a flex of both hands forwards, as if to show he were vomiting names from the throat. Or that they fall out of him. "Also, I am not Loki. Or Thor. Do not, for reference, set your image inducer to Thor around Steve Rogers. He does not appreciate it." The last sentence was said in a conspiratorial whisper.

"I am cool to fight, really, although usually I don't play with underaged people, for obvious reasons," chatters the Jeremy-guy. The 'distressing' familiarity is only a temptation to Deadpool. "But I'm not Loki. I'm recreating this to get inside his head and figure out what his next move is. Say. Healer girl is your friend? Can you bring her to help stage this properly?" Wade asks, earnest.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Dammit..." What to believe? On the one hand, Loki would have to have some pretty seriously strange agenda to come back here looking like Jeremy and expect not to be piled on by most of the school, teachers probably included, but on the other hand he is the God of Tricksters. Throwing his voice and pretending to be someone else pretending to be Loki pretending to be Jeremy might be just his kind of thing. It's enough to make a brain hurt.

    For the moment, Bean refrains from violently stabbing Jeremy. It's clearly still on his mind, however, as option A*. It's just that * is currently the wildcard. "Let's see who's behind door number Asshole, shall we?"

    And the Image Inducer? It stops inducing images. And there stands the Merc with the Mouth.

    Sam-Bean looks, shakes his head and spots that trolley he kicked across the room a few days ago. It gets kicked clear across to the other side of the room. "Wade goddamned Wilson. What the actual fuck are you doing here?" Odd detail? He doesn't let go of the knife.

Deadpool has posed:
"I feel like if you scroll up, you'll get the gist of it, but I can go over it again," says the crazy mercenary. He's in his full red and black leather glory, which, in a way, makes him harder to read: the expressions get filtered through Wade's strange mask. Wade adjusts more weight onto one hip, as if he were relaxed into conversation at a cocktail party, not being threatened with a knife.

Wade doesn't do anything about the knife. Sometimes people feel safer armed. Wade is extremely armed: there's guns all over him. Knives. Grenades. Maybe a taser. Mousetraps. The usual. "Once more with feeling. I am reinacting the scene of the crime. I am helping the --- the - some of the people here," Wade says, censoring 'X-men'. "Super heroic of me, I know. It probably won't help, except in a fun way, but I figure, if a god can bleed, we can kill it."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Now that I can get behind." Walking around, Bean puts the knife away somewhere semi-safe. Semi. He's in the presence of someone heavily armed and known to be somewhat volatile as well. The problem with Deadpool after all wasn't just taking him down, but keeping him down.

    "Jeremy was on that bed when we first came in, and things were flying around. We thought he had some kind of telekinetic talent that was activating under stress." Bean points to the bed, and rolls over the same stool he sat on that evening now nearly a week ago. "He claimed to have been attacked by a demon, but his wounds weren't defensive. Fingers were mangled, but along the entire length, not just the knuckles. He had blood all over him, and his blood got all over the bed too. Shannon and Chris tried to help him, but they noticed there was blue gunk... I think that's the technical term... blue gunk in his wounds they wanted to get out first. We took samples."

Deadpool has posed:
"Yay. I don't want samples, I am not a lab tech!" Wade announces, but clasps his hands together, fingers woven, as Sam goes into storytime. Wade moves to sit on the base of the bed, after smearing his photos out of the way, and alertly appears to listen to what Sam goes over.

"Blue gunk. Like poison? Or like god-blood? What color is god blood?" Wade wonders, pulling his phone out. He's going to google that, if Sam takes a gander at what he's doing.

"It was here after he left, right? So it wasn't---" Wade wiggles his fingers, "Make-believe pretend gunk."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "He bleeds red, like all of us. Including you, I imagine, considering the red suit."

    Story time continues, and Sam's memory seems quite acute. "Doctor McCoy analysed a sample, so did Mister Stark when he came in to check out the carnage a few days ago. From what I heard, and this is hearsay because people don't tell me these things being an underaged student and all, it was related to something called a Tesseract. You probably know more about that than I do. I get the impression that Stark and Captain America have the whole story on that. Name that keeps coming up is Doctor Strange as well, he warned someone about Jeremy, who warned someone I was with, just as we were about to give Jeremy the third degree. That was after Shannon healed him and nearly died. I was a bit... angry at the time."

Deadpool has posed:
"Okay, who says he bleeds red, though? Him?" Deadpool challenges curiously, clearly questioning all reality. Wade regularly has call to question reality as he sees it. "He is also not a child that looks like this," Wade says, looking down. Oh. His image inducer .......got turned off. He didn't notice. He frowns and attempts to get that turned back on again. Looking like Jeremy clearly is an important part of solving the crime.

"Sure. I know all about the Tesseract," Wade says, in a way that may call into question what Wade actually knows. He probably forgot more about the Tesseract than Sam knows, sadly.

"But if I'm not supposed to tell an underaged student, I appreciate the warning there," Wade chatters.

Nightingale has posed:
     This was one place Shannon had not planned on coming back to for a while. A lot had happened in here during the past week, and not one bit of it was really very pleasant. There had been trickery, lies deceit, a lot of blood spilled--a good portion of it her own--and blue ichor of unknown origins and influence everywhere. It had perhaps been one of the most stressful weeks of her life.

     And it was not over yet.

     She peeks through the door, mentally preparing herself for the sight of the room that had been central to much of her troubles the past several days. But what she saw and heard just got a raised eyebrow from her. "Crime? What crime? And what's a Tesseract?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Just keep that thing off, would you? Half the school is liable to try to kill you looking like Jeremy." What kind of school is this? Clearly one that has students walking around entirely ready to take on an Asgardian with nothing but a knife. One that somehow recognised not just the costume, but the person wearing it. Bean is full of surprises like that.

    "He pretended to have cleaned up the room, but when he left the gunk stayed. Ate through some of the furniture, so ... I'd say don't touch it, but somehow I don't think it'll bother you too much for long."

    When Shannon comes through the door, Sam stands up immediately, looks at her and then immediately glances over to Deadpool... who looks like Jeremy again. Ah great. "Yeah this is gonna get messy."

Deadpool has posed:
"Oh," 'Jeremy' says, and promptly starts to reach for where the inducer is on a wrist. Then the rest of the commentary sinks in. "Wait. Half the school knows about this? You guys are really big on rumors here of sensitive information," Wade observes, as if proud of them.

Wade then realizes something. He grabs one of the photographs in the pile on the end of the bed, still sitting there, and inspects the picture, then Shannon, visually. "You are the healer girl! Come. You can be yourself. Unless you want to be the guy in the bed, that's okay, I'm willing to swap roles around for the purposes of recreating the crime scene," chatters the mercenary. "I have also brought my chalk, in case anyone fell on an area that I can make an outline."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's voice has turned to a very dangerous, low hiss, her eyes narrowed and her expression a black scowl that Samuel has never seen on her. She snaps her wings outwards, growling dangerously. "How DARE you talk to me about a crime scene!!! I healed your fucking ass, you lying son of a bitch! Don't you talk to me about a goddamn crime scene... half the blood spilled was MINE!" She advances on 'Jeremy', looking ready to jump on him at any second!

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Yup. Pretty much what Bean was expecting, spread wings and all. He takes his life in his own hands and moves to stand between 'Jeremy' and Shannon. "This isn't what it..." Sigh. He hates being this overt. With a snap of his fingers towards Deadpool, he turns that image inducer back OFF.

    "This is not what it looks like."

Deadpool has posed:
"WOW, you were not even kidding with me a little bit, look at that reaction!" Wade says, in a mix of amazement and pleasure, when just after Sam warned Deadpool about people wanting to murder him for looking like Jeremy, it comes true. Shannon's arrival doesn't seem to phase him much.

"Would you like to stab Jeremy once for like, cathartic purposes? I mean, I can--- Hey." Image drops away.

Shutting off the image inducer might not be a better appearance to have in front of you suddenly, though, because Deadpool is some kind of scary mix of gimp-suit-murder-hobo-spiderman-punisher-stabfest.

"Stop touching my shiiiiit," Deadpool says to Sam with a stab of one finger. His tone flipped to 'serious' very, very quickly. "I /see/ you doin' it."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Mein Gott..." comes a choked voice when Kurt steps into the room, not ready for Wade in all his Wade. No he's wading into Wade when Wade is at Full Wade, and not partial Wade.
    Gold eyes wide, mouth dropped open, tail falling limp and all of his fuzz sticking out like a cat having walked over too much carpet.
    "Vater danke dir, dass du meine Entschlossenheit herausgefordert hast, indem du es wissen lasse, dass so etwas in deiner Welt zu finden ist. Ich weiß, dass man ohne Zögern grausam und freundlich sein kann. Wirklich."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Dieser Bastard! Das verdammte Arschloch!" Shannon actually attempts to get around Bean, even more pissed now that she sees it's Wade. "And to think, I actually stuck up for you to staff! This is a pretty fucking lousy trick to pull! Do you even have any CLUE what actually happened here??? DO YOU???!!!" Yep. The normally unflappable, calm, even mostly sweet winged healer was well and truly enraged now. Kurt's presence does not initially register. It almost looks as if someone might have to pull her away from there!

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Anger. Shouting. A friend in front of him, an angry and very dangerous mercenary behind him, and a Kurt-shaped impression near the door. Sam is not in a good spot right now. His anger hasn't had an outlet in a while, and this is really not helping. "Ist er dann keine is dies' ganse Schüle der mir nicht am nerven treffen woll?" It comes out as a roar, and Bean turns on Deadpool, hand flicking out for that knife he put down earlier.

    "Enhance your calm." And that comes out as a very deliberate, very dangerously calm sounding statement. "And if you turn out that inducer to Jeremy again, I swear to anything you hold sacred, I will publish the whole history of that text chat you have in your phone to a public message board with your actual name attached."

Deadpool has posed:
And there's Kurt! And everyone is yelling! "There's the mansion I know and love!" Wade says loudly over the demanding voices or sobbing (or whatever Kurt is doing). "I do not remember if I know Portuguese right now, Kurt," Wade says to Kurt firmly. Then Shannon has lots of stuff to say. Wade is up for listening. Mostly.

"I am /looking/ for clues. That is what I am doing by inspecting the crime scene. How else can a person expect to LEARN?" Wade asks, drawing a hand up to his chest, puffing it out a little, in a pompous manner.

"I wasn't here to disrespect your episode of hellish encounter with the Asgardian God of Oh-god-please-I-have-a-headache-lies, but if you want to yell, that too could be cathartic," Wade continues. He collects his pictures (all of them from security camera footage, though a few are hand-drawn with crayon of what Wade figures went down), from the foot of the bed, and offers the whole stack to Shannon. "We can burn them. I have many things that are flammable."

"...that isn't a threat to me, person whose name I still don't know," Wade whispers 'calmly' to Sam. "If I had a button to publish it, I'd happily push it." A pause. "But Stevie might care. So think of Stevie."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "RUHIG!!!" Kurt's voice rises now with all the cursing, knife grabbing and threats. Someone had to... be loudest? BAMF!! Kurt disappears and re-appears between everyone, using the massive cloud of glittering indigo smoke as a vision blocker, and shock value. I mean. Brimstone smell people. Dat Sulphur.
    "QUIET!" summing up all the authority he can as he looms to his full height, wreathed in smoke. turning a circle, tail lashing. "Knives down! Hands down! Be calm!" arms wide, eyes narrowed. "Or so help ME." he's been on edge a lot lately - Shannon knows.

Nightingale has posed:
     A faceful of that indigo smoke stops Shannon in her tracks, leaving her to wave the stuff out of her face and cough. She tries to disperse some of the stuff with a few strong downstrokes of her wings, but instead only winds up spreading it around the room. While she is far from calm, she is at least silenced for the moment, trying to catch her breath. Even she won't mess with a pissed-off Kurt.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's a day for seeing people angry for the first time. An angry Shannon was surprising enough, but an angry Kurt? That was new, and somewhat unwelcome. Shannon's attempt to disperse the brimstone only seems to make it thicker, and in the confusion Bean pockets the knife, leaving his hands clear the next time they come into full view. Meanwhile he tenses, quite prepared for Deadpool to use the smoke to come at him. "... Herr Wagner, was it curry night?"

Deadpool has posed:
People telling the merc with a mouth to be quiet always get their way. Clearly. HAHAHA. Wade, of course, is not quiet, despite how shocking that must be, he beams at Kurt as he teleports there. He methodically puts the pictures down to the side.

And slow claps for Kurt.

"Way to control those kids. Yes. RESPECT his authorit-tah," Wade informs the kids, as if none of the show were aimed at him. "I understand now I should have used a flash-bang. But honestly the yelling thing doesn't bother me. Maybe I'm used to it. Like, that's what my friends do. We bond over raised voices, like a true couple in love. That's what love /is/: screaming about nothing all the time---"

Wade's like a juke box with an unknown number of coins already inserted. It's just going to PLAY.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Swinging around, eyes slits and teeth bared, Kurt looks all the devil that's chased him his entire life. Attention focused on Samuel, "Schweigen, jetzt. Wir werden später über das Zeichnen von Waffen in der Villa sprechen. Ich bringe meine Schwerter mit und wir werden sehen, wer ein besserer Fechter ist."
    That said he turns back to Wade, "I'm sorry. They should not have drawn or threatened." looking to the kids again, "No matter -what- they think. You're a guest here." giving Sam and Shannon a look of -deep- disappointment. Looking again to Wade, "I'll get you to more civil company, Wade. Entschuldigung." and then his tail is around Wade's waist... and knowing the easiest way to keep Deadpool from going blades out - he rests the spade tip on the Merc with A Mouth's butt, patting a few times before BAMF! They're both gone, and the room is even more thick with inky smoke.

Deadpool has posed:
"Swords? You're flirting, I can tell. Yes. Let's draw /swords/," Wade was saying, upbeat, before suddenly he's teased via the butt, and in mid-attempt to give his buddy Kurt a snuggle in return, they disappear!

Nightingale has posed:
     That look of deep disappointment did more to dispel Shannon's anger than actually getting her hands around Wade's throat would have done. Her wings lower, then actually /droop/ behind her, head bowed and face aflame with shame. She tries to cover her mouth and nose, but winds up with a good lungful of the thick, brimstone-filled indigo smoke, and coughs. Now one of the ones she liked the most in the school was good and pissed at her. This was something to set right later, if she were ever able to track him down again. For now... it was enough to just try and get a clean lungful of air. She has to back out of the room. "Curry night... must be...."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Deep breath. DEEP breath. The sight of Kurt snarling at him was, surprisingly, not as scary as it might have been. Plenty of people have been angry at him during the course of his life, and staring a literal devil in the face only ranks middling in the top ten of scariest moments in Bean's life. No, it was the offer to meet later, with swords, that gets his attention. And that's when he knows that he really, really pissed Kurt off. While the smoke lingers, he puts the knife back where he found it and then follows Shannon out of the room, closing the door quietly. "Bad curry too, to challenge me to a duel."