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Latest revision as of 20:41, 2 October 2019

No country for spider-men.
Date of Scene: 01 October 2019
Location: Somewhere in Gotham
Synopsis: Spider-Man saves Silk from Kraven, then finds out she wants to leave on a jet plane. Fin.
Cast of Characters: Silk, Spider-Man

Silk has posed:
    Night are in Gotham is not like taking night air anywhere else. It is frought with dangers and well...smog. It just feels heavier and does nothing really to relieve that which plagues Cindy's mind. Shed' left New York in a hurry and took to scowering the streets of Gotham. Not really a good idea when she's distracted and her senses are hawire. Unsettled and unsteady she misses a few of her swings until one is shot out and she plummets several stories to hit the top of a roof to crack a rib and get the wind knocked out of her.

    It all goes downhill from there. The fight is intense, its heated and she's not at her best. Not at all and she grimaces as the swing comes hard and fast, slamming into her chin when she's already beaten and bloody. There is a clack of her teeth together and she's thrown a more than a few feet back, hanging off the edge of the building as her mask lays a few feet back.

    Her webs have fun out, her breath is labored and she can't see out of one eye. She will heal but as Kraven stepped up to look down at her, she spit at him and that was enough for him to press his foot to her throat and knock her out.

    Cindy lays on her side, arms tired behind her back and legs bound to them so that she's in a reverse fetal position and rather unable to do anything about it. She strains, groaning as she pants trying to get free. But the bonds - which she can't see have her fast. THere is a chuckle from Kraven and he comes into the partial light of whatever location they are waiting in. "Buyers coming. Don't worry your little head off. This will be over soon and we can part ways."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete was just out for a swing in New York City when the feeling hit him like a punch in the gut. At first it was just Cindy's emotional distress, but is quickly followed by her physical pain... The short combat playing out on his senses as he stands staggering on a rooftop, a hand laid against his temple to steady his own topsy turvey head as it swims after the onslaught of sudden sensations.

He can always feel her, distantly, and is comforted by that... now it's like an ice pick in his spine. Something is wrong... something is terrible wrong. "I'm coming, Cindy."

It's a while before he can actually get to Gotham, even by webline, and even a little longer before he can track her down by senses... She's likely the only person on earth that he could so effortlessly track by that method..

When he lands, it's in a low crouch against a roof adjacent to that where she's being held. One red hand spread out between his legs on the side wall where he's kneeling, staring at the building... He'd recently almost lost Kitty to Sentinels.. now there's the very real possibility something might happen to Cindy?

Whoever did this?

They're about to have a very... very bad night.

Silk has posed:
    Battered but not down, Cindy bucks and fights against the restraints all to the chorus of Kraven's chuckles. "Keep tryin'," he says to her and walks over, boots cruching on the loose gravel of the fun down factory. He stops just before her and grinds the sole of his boot down before he nudges her over, holding her back on her bindings so she can look up at him.

    "No one is going to break those. Especially not you." Kraven ticks his boot up to her chin and lifs it up as he leans down over her. "I got you, that's all that matters now. So you play quiet and I won't have to shock you."

    Cindy swallows or tries to against the rough press of the boot against her throat. Swallowing again she glares up at him without so much of a word. Her left eyes sa little swollen but a few days and all will be clear - just hard to see out of.

    The gunshot was worse.

    He puts his foot back down and she spits at him again, hitting his boot as she turns her side long glance up at him. The sudden connection is brutal and right against bruise and broken ribs. She coughs and weezes, rolling a few feet away.

Spider-Man has posed:
Usually Pete would use more subtle tactics in entering the factory, but there's an urgency about the situation that betrays his already fury clouded mind. One of the upper windows crashes in, raining down glass into the main area where Cindy is bound beneath Kraven's boot. It was kicked in with booth feet as the red and blue hero smashes onto the scene and lands amidst the rafters in a crawling crouch, "You have exactly one chance to leave before I start breaking stuff." He warns, drawing the Hunters attention upwards.

"Nevermind, I changed my mind."

Spidey drops down in a series of flips that leave him kneeling down with a crunch of glass beneath his feet. Immediately springing into action in a twisting round-house kick, hurling webbing out of his launcher at Kraven's temporarily surprised face in the process. Everything about Spider-Man's movement is fluidity, fueled by his senses, edged on by his rapidly firing mind.

Improvisation is testimount to his combative capabilities which makes him dangerous to someone who tries to calculate every move, several moves in advance..

Silk has posed:
    The glass is a hazy thing, something that is not really fully registered but amdist the chaos of her mind - Peter does. SHe nearly says his name and manages to have enough wits left not to. She may suffer a few cuts from the glass but no further harm than that and nothing that Kraven has not done to her ten times over already. She catches her breath, straining against her binders as she is no longer the focus in the moment.

    "Spider-man!" Surprise is clear, causing Kraven to look agape at the figure before him and is too slow to get his gun up when that roundhouse lands on his face. It sends it to the side along with a tooth as he growls and then blocks the next and the following hit after. He's back stepping now but with a quick pull, he's firing at Spidey in an attempt to slow him down.

    "Fucking websligners!" He growls it out with a roar to follow and throws a bunch straight for Peter's face, a heavy right hook meaning to throw him across the room.

Spider-Man has posed:
There's a lot to be said for precognative sensual awareness.

Peter is dodging off to the left before bullet fires, dipping his shoulders down and bobbing to his right to avoid the right hook that trails back across empty space as his face moves as if drawn to, but never actually touching, his masked cheek.

Spider-Man is quick, agile, and knows how to use every part of his body as a weapon.

From his bob, his hand plants on the glass and he turns his waist impossibly against a normal spine to throw his foot around top over mule kick aimmed for the Hunters chest. The strength of his arms pushing off the ground hurls him up in a coiled spring with both arms aimmed at Kraven to fire duel weblines at either shoulder. yanking to draw him forward into another double kick.

"You screwed up, buddy, friend... Now I have to ruin your day. Sorry, not sorry."

Silk has posed:
    Kraven is swearing up as storm as Spider-Man just won't give him a break. "You slimey, spiney spider-assed.." he starts to rail off the explicits and names just as he's slammed into again by a foot, sent flying back a few feet to collide with a wall as his gun clatters to the ground only to feel the heavy sticky presence of the webs grabbing his shoulders and with a fierce tug of spider strength pull him forward.

    The heavy hit knocks the air from his lungs and leaves him sprawled half seated against the wall. Blood forming at the corner of his mouth as he grunts and begins to push himself up. "Won't be long..buyer will be here and you will have more than me to contend with. Too many of you...I am the exterminator," he chuckles darkly and wipes the blood from his lip only for more to trickle down his face.

    He stalks towards Peter and starts throwing punches and hooks and finally an uppercut in an attemtpt to give himself some more room.

Spider-Man has posed:
"He works hard, though he's bloody..." Peter sings, dodging a hook, "So hard, though he's bloody..." Ducking beneath a straight right, bobbing around another straight left, "He works hard, though he's bloody... so you better treat with ice!" The webhead backflips away from the uppercut, webs the ground at Kraven's feet and yanks himself into another double kick. "Alright man, listen.. I've serenaded you... now I need you to go night night so I can get the heck out of Gotham before Batman shows up.. do you want Batman? You definitely don't.. and this-" Motioning around. "-Is how you get Batman."

Pete webs Cindy's legs and yanks her along the ground towards him, scooping her up against his chest, only to immediately fire another webline up into the rafters to pull himself from, and his bundle, off the floor into the sky. "But I tell you what, I'll leave you with a joke."

Running along the rafters that are only about an inch think as if they're a fourlane highway. "God says unto John, 'Come forth and I shall grant you eternal life.' But John came in fifth... and only got a toaster."

With Cindy in arms, Pete leaps out the window, fires a line, and swings off down the street at an awkward angle. "Hold on, Cindy.. I've got you, but this might be a bumpy ride, so I need you to ... put your arms around my neck and squeeze. I might need both hands."

Silk has posed:
    Kraven lets out another strangled sound, cut short by the slamming of his body backwards and the crash of a few dozen things off a pair of industrial shelves. The hunter is not getting up immediatrely and thus Peter gets the clean get away - and likely an audience that is too out of it to even hear his joke left in his wake.

    Cindy lets out a sound, wincing some as he pulls her like that but with his help bonds broken and soon leaving that god forsaken factory, she does as he asks. "Okay," comes the simple response as she wraps her arms up around him and holds on.

    The begin to soar and is doing her best, pressing her smaller frame around his, legs around his waist and stuck to him like glue. She has no added use of her webs to give, they don't last forever and she'd exhausted herself beyond their use. Silk is oddly quiet, the entire way lost and distant as her head dips so her lips press to his shoulder and her hair streams around her face, whipped by the wind.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter can tell, even without needing his senses, that something is definitely bothering Silk. She's not a super talkative person anyways, but... this is different. Even after a fight, which maybe compounds things, she'd usually have a little more to say.

So he doesn't press. At least not while they might still be in harms way.. not until he's landed on the roof their apartment after doing enough twists and turns through the city to assure him that they couldn't have possibly been followed. His arm slips around her waist to easily guide her off his side, blinking his masks eyes in her direction as he lays a hand on either of her shoulders to really get a good look at her face, "You okay?" It's a loaded question.

He clearly doesn't just mean from the fight.

Silk has posed:
    A loaded question with a lot of answers that are all going to lead to 'no'. Silk just looks up at him, lip split, face bruised and left eye barely even able to blink. "Nothing I will not survive," she says finally, her tone tired and drawn. She does not sway thanks to his hands there but he urge can be seen. She hesitates a moment, reaching her hand up to his arm before she starts to take a step back. "Thank you." She says, the motions stilted and emotionless, Cindy-less.

    She blinks a few times, but the swollen left side of her face is now leaking a few tears - likely due to the injury - must likely. Breathing in deeply, she winces and touches her body. "I need to just rest this off." she says and lifts her hand tentatively to her face, her hand shaking as fingers brush and touch the heated red swollen skin. It is as if she is unsure of what to make of her own injuries before she defeatedly says. "He's gone." Simple. To the point. "It's me. It's always been me.."

    She is near the edge of the build and squating down she reaches her hand to the ledged and starts to swing herself down to the window.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Who? Who's gone?" Pete asks with a frown behind his mask, but she's already started to crawl down off the side of the ledge towards her window. "Hold on, Cindy, talk to me... what the heck... You..." He takes a tenative step in her direction, not even bothering to acknowledge the fact that she said she kind of wants to rest this off... presumably alone.

"HEY!" He shouts in her direction to slow her progress, surprised by his own tone, "If you want to be alone that's fine, but you're not just storming off like that... I'm going to lay awake /feeling/ your angst, so you're damn sure going to tell me why you're feeling it and let me try to help... what the hell is going on, Cindy? /WHAT/ is always you?"

Silk has posed:
    Shet ries not to let it rile her, tries not to let emotions and the ache in her head nad the wounds get to her. But Peter hits her repeatedly over and over again until she stops, a squeak on the glass when she does just as she was pushing the pan inward. "Miles...done. Its done. No explanation just done." She says, shaking her head and swallowing. Oh ...she yelled that. Yelled it and she thought it was coming out measured.

    Swallowing she tries to focus but her voice cracks. "It's me Peter...its always me. I don't understand me..or this..or anything. Can you take me back there? I just want to go back," its the pain talking. The pain from many things as she finally slips inside her apartment, squeak of glass as the window remains open and she hits her floor. Touching her ribs she half stumbles her way towards her bed and there is a little button, resting on the small wobbly bedside table with the clock screaming its color out in the dark to illuminate it.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh..." Well that sucks. Pete feels kind of like a dick now, but not enough of one not to follow her into the apartment. She did leave the window open afterall. Upon landing he pulls off his mask in one hand and takes a few steps down towards her bed until he sees the button partially illuminated by the glowing red numbers on her clock.

It's hard not to draw lines back to the night when he gave it to her.

Or to glance over at her now looking as beat up as she had that night...

"I'm sorry Cindy.." He says weakly. Hardly a makeup for all the pain his finding her, and all the things that have happened afterwards, have caused. "If you... I mean if you really want to go back, you could, but I don't want you to."

Silk has posed:
    Her shoulders lift as she goes still, staring down at the clock and button the moments she whiles away and does not respond. "There is always risk of being found. Again and again I fail at what I should be good at an then..there is what I am to others." She speaks softly as she stares down at the button and then drags her hand through her hair, her back still to him as she shrugs faintly. "It maybe the right thing to do. Then there will not be anymore confusion or worries."

    She doesn't sit, she realizes even in the beginning motions its going to hurt like hell. She just stands there and breaths in and out, feeling the failure of tonight intensely beside that dig of loneliness and uncertainty. She breathes in then and reaches doen for the button, picking it up as she turns back towards him and closes the distance slowly.

    "This was only ever meant for you, Peter." She says as she reaches out to give it to him, offering it up.

Spider-Man has posed:
"No." Peter points at her when she reaches for the button because he already knows what she's about to do. "Stop. I gave that to /you/.. that's yours now." He isn't forceful in his tone, but he's adament and holds his hands up and away from her so there's no where she can place the button in her outreached hand.

"Cindy, you... I know.. I know how you're feeling right now. That loss.. I've been there and you don't have a lot of experience to guage it against besides more loss.. but it doesn't have to beat you.. it /shouldn't/ beat you." He stands there now, not retreating any further than to keep his hands up and away, watching her move in the gloom with slowly moving blue eyes.

"It will hurt for a while, but pain fades... and I'm never going anywhere."

Silk has posed:
    He backs up and she goes still, curling her hand around that button as she looks to him, holding it yet as if she might still offer it. Her expression is unreadable in that moment - almost as if she's gone numb a bit. She breathes in and out, her chin tucking as she finally breaks eye contact with him and then glances down to the button in her hand.

    "I am not meant to be here Peter. There were reasons for that bunker and there might still be." She swallows as her fingers curl to tighten around the button, squeezing her to the point its almost if it might break in her hand.