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Latest revision as of 20:46, 2 October 2019

The chatting of the Sams aand others
Date of Scene: 28 September 2019
Location: Sam's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Information is gathered and Doug is bribed.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Samuel Morgan, Nightingale, Shadowcat, Cypher, Captain America

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in his room this evening. He has just gotten a care package from home, and is sitting on the chair opening it up to see what is in it.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There was no avoiding it. At some point, it had to be done... As much as Bean hoped to put it off another day, it was starting to eat him alive. And so, seeing no other alternative, makes his way to the room of his potential future team leader, takes a deep breath, and knocks. "Mister Guthrie, do you have a moment?"

Nightingale has posed:
Almost immediately following one knock on the door, there's another, followed by a familiar voice. "Sam? Rumor mill said something about a care package... open up in there, hand over the banana pudding, and nobody gets hurt!" There's something of a laugh, though not as hearty a one as normal.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit as he hears the second and says "You can both come in." He has a box of stuff his family has sent him, it maybe not needed as much as he has gotten older but is almost a ritual, and does still give comfort to him and his family.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Okay, so... it's not quite as nerve wracking with Shannon around, Bean obscurely glad they happen to be at the same door at the same time. Taking a deep breath, he enters, holding the door open for Shannon, and then closes it. With as much rigidity as he can muster, Bean adopts the parade rest position, eyes taking in the room in an instant. "I was hoping we would have a chance to talk. Mission related."

Nightingale has posed:
     Misson related? That sounded like something she ought not to be having any sort of part in. Still, Shannon pauses by the doorway, her eyebrows raised a bit. "Ummm... if this is something on a need-to-know basis, gentlemen, I can skedaddle for a few?" She smiles a bit at Bean, and inclines her head. "Thank you. True gentlemen are rare."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over tot he two, and says "Come in, have a seat." he look dover to Sam. "You need this one on one, or you ok with her staying?' he does not know what the other Sam wants to talk about for sure, so he lets him decide. He does close the box for now.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I'd actually prefer it if Nightingale could stay." Bean has his eyes rigidly forwards, just over Sam's right shoulder. And sitting? He's not even moving a single digit, let alone the required limbs for that particular exercise.

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, if Techno won't sit, then neither will Nightingale. While her stance is decidedly more relaxed--no military sort of training there--it is still attentive. She actually shuts up for once, simply glancing between the two Sam's. Holy hell, she thought to herself. This could get really confusing really fast!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie turns a bit so he can look at them both a bit and stays sitting. Sam has not had the training with Cable so is less military than some alternate versions of him. "Ok,, Sam well what's on your ming?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I have been trying to make my after action report on the mission to Horizon Labs, and been unable to find someone to report to." Was it that simple? Surely Bean wouldn't have gone all official just to say that? "More importantly, I feel there are things I must discuss about the Sentinels that doesn't seem to be common knowledge. Or if it is, this knowledge isn't being shared, leading to my injuries during the mission window."

Nightingale has posed:
     This could be valuable knowledge, handling an AAR in what might be considered the proper manner. For all she was Techno's senior in age by a year, there was still a great deal that Nightingale was learning from him. So she remained where she was, a silent observer for the moment, there for moral support insofar as it was needed and requested.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the two of them, and says "Well first off it was not an intended mission, it was a field trip, fun and learning, so briefing was not expected to be needed. Second if you need to fill out a report you can always write one up and bring it to me, but for now, lets talk, what did you learn?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Sir." For a moment, Bean stiffens to attention and then relaxes to parade rest again. "Given the numerous points of view, and my limited participation, I will not recount my point of view of the battle, and instead restrict this report to the anomalous items that came to my attention. First and foremost, given the state of agitation the security team was in when we arrived, their activities leading up to the attack and their actions immediately following the attack, I surmise they were aware an attack of some form was imminent. They chose not to share that with people responsible for a group of school children. From this I surmise that they are used to receiving threats and considered the threat level to be minimal or acceptable. The only other explanation is that the students were the intended target, although I must discount that possibility for organisational and logistical reasons. The fact remains, however, that once the attack started, they were nowhere in sight, and took no actions to safeguard the visitors or repel the attackers. This is conduct which may be considered suspicious."

Nightingale has posed:
     This time, Nightingale -does- speak up. "I'm inclined to agree that a few things about that don't add up," she agrees. "However, I have to add that Techno's conduct was admirable during the mission. When it became necessary, he did not hesitate to do what had to be done, to ensure the safety of the rest of the children."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms a bit and says "Well with the current feeling of mutations, most genetic places are probably on call at most all times. Then add in the fact that they are hired security they probably saw the sentinels and were like "We don't get paid enough for this." He looks to Sam, and says 'One of the things you will need to learn about civilian life. Except actual Police officers, Military and highly trained security most just look at it as a job and if they think they maybe hurt, they are going to weigh the fact they may get hurt vs the threat of bodily harm. And your average security guys don't get paid alot.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I had factored that into my deliberations, sir. I am aware of the tendency of civilians to run at the sign of significant danger, including security officers." Ooh, Bean has a low opinion of rent-a-cops it seems. "However, I also did not see any of the other staff still in the building in the moment directly following the explosions. I hypothesize that security was still present and evacuating something they deemed to be of greater value than visitors, despite potential for damage to the corporation's reputation in, as you say, a time where such a reputation is critical for their survival and solvency. Something which drew the Sentinels there in the first place. I also note that Doctor Lykos left via a secure exit and was not seen again, and that I recognised some of the procedures and equipment in the lab from descriptions by Doctor Eisen. In light of the facts, I must conclude that the target was the facility and that something within the facility drew the Sentinels there. That means someone inside the facility was working with the Sentinels."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head, pursing her lips slightly. "Do we have any way to find out more for sure? Do we know what's become since of those who were in the building, as we're discussing now? Do we know what's become of the scientists who remained, or Dr. Lykos? These are very good questions to bring up, but would it be wise to escalate this and bump it up the food chain, without more to back it up?" She raises one hand slightly, offering a faint smile, slightly apologetic. "This is not meant as a slight to Techno, or to you, Cannonball. But it can't hurt to ask the questions."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well Ah will be honest, Since Ah was not there, Ah don't know a lot about it, but could also have something they had posted about in scientific papers or such that drew them as well. It would not be a bad thing to bring up to Scott though. He would be the one who would know the answers on this more than Ah, since he was there and Ah would wager has looked into this. Let me see if he is free." He pulls his phone out to send a text."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon groans softly at the mention of Scott possibly joining them. But what had to be done, had to be done. She only hoped that perhaps the conversation would be restricted to the field trip.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean nods to both Shannon and Sam, but that's about the limit of the range of motion he's allowing himself. "It would be, in my opinion, an avenue worth exploring. Further, however, I have reasons to believe that the Sentinels are not, as I had been told, autonomous. The one I fought was under control by a singular entity. In fact, an entity very much like myself, only vastly more powerful."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Like yourself you say?" He will look at the man and a brow is raised "Always been more thought that they were controlled by a central AI, based around their core programing. What makes you believe a mutant has control of them/

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "The way they responded to my intrusion, sir." And there, it seems, Techno has some experience. It's always been a bit of closed book of what he got up to before the school, but it does seem like he knows a thing or two about how devices try to repel him when an intrusion is detected. "There was limited lag time between the command to sit and the attempt to override my control. An AI core, especially one controlling multiple avatars at the same time, would not respond so quickly or in the manner that it did. It didn't try to isolate me, circumvent my intrusion vector or purge me from the system. It gave commands, continuously, in the same manner I did, only faster and with greater force. It seemed to know that this would hurt me, and I suspect it suffers the same vulnerability for it to have reacted in such a way."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon keeps her mouth shut; this was out of her area of expertise, if she even had such a thing. She reverts to the silent observer for the moment, listening to the exchange between the two.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Interesting, that is something that could be of some use, Ah know in the future there are some massive AI, but someone with powers, even if mechanically induced powers controlling them would be something new. He hmms and sends another text.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean continues. "I've worked on a hypothetical scenario where I attempt to take control of a Sentinel again, and have come to the conclusion that if I can disable the transceiver, the other controller would be unable to override me. Currently they appear to control the Sentinels as avatars from a central transmitter, and I believe that, if I can disable the means by which a Sentinel receives these commands, it will be vulnerable. Moreover, it doesn't appear to have enough in the way of programming to act autonomously once disconnected. The danger is that this may automatically trigger the self destruct, which I might not be able to prevent."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon has to interject for a moment here, eyebrows raised. This was a new one on her. "If I may, though? If, indeed, that is a possibility, is there a way to trace where the central controller is, prior to disabling the transceiver? Disabling the transceivers is a good thing, but it would make a lot of sense to track down the source and disable that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sends one more text, and says "As much as Ah would love to say Ah know the answers to this, As some of my friends joke Ah do hit things with my head." He sends a third text and says "Maybe one of the three people can help us out a bit.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "That is something I've been thinking about as well." Bean mentions in response to Shannon. "It would be ideal to take out the source, with extreme prejudice. The danger is two fold, however. One, this source is significantly more powerful than I am, and is likely to quickly overwhelm any technology we use to track it. Two, this hypothetical controller knows that I exist, and is at the moment likely doing the same thing, considering I present a clear and present threat to it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs softly, rubbing her temples... a tear rolls down her face, unchecked. "I'd say you wouldn't be working alone... but fine one I am to be talking about that these days." Her tone is laced with self-loathing, sharp and biting, and she falls silent afterwards.

Shadowcat has posed:
After a brief time there comes a knocking at the door, which follows right on the heels of a text message to Samuel Guthrie that he'll have another visitor shortly. Kitty is there, sans Lockheed at the moment, should someone open the door. "Got lucky, I was just leaving for New York," she'll say towards Sam when she lays upon him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Glad we caught you. Sam here has come up with some questions, and possible new information on the sentinels. Ah tried to get Scott, you and doug, figured you guys would be the ones who might be able to answer his questions or use the info he has the best.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Important as the information might be, urgent as it might be, right now Bean is finally moving from his rigid parade rest posture and walks over to Shannon, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. "Don't make me try to bake another cake again."

    Still, he hates seeing his friend in this state and turns to look at Cannonball. "My apologies Mister Guthrie. I fear I've just broken the terms of my punishment." Well, he certainly didn't go outside, so... did he use a technopathic power? Which one?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon hugs Techno back, fiercely. "At least wait till they can get some more eggs in the fridge," she murmurs, keeping her voice down. "First things first," she adds, nodding to Kitty as she enters, falling silent once more, but haunted.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh? New information?" Kitty asks. "Is it about a really dope cannon?" she asks. Must have been a joke. Unless they get the reference, but they probably wouldn't have reason to, and Kitty doesn't stop to explain it as she comes inside.

She looks over to Samuel-Bean. "So, what did you find out? And... punishment?" she asks, glancing over to Samuel Guthrie curiously to see what that is about. She's been pretty busy, hasn't been able to see the detention log probably.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It pertains to the way the Sentinels are controlled." Bean mentions, looking at Sam the Elder, and letting him explain. Both the AAR and the punishment bit. Then, inexplicably, he steps away from the hug and moves away from the door. Far away. Very, very far away.

Cypher has posed:
There is a light rat-tat-a-tat on the doorframe before Doug comes in. "Somebody called for a smart-ass?" He leans into his arm on the doorframe, and stands there, looking tired for a moment, before he says, "What's up, buttercups?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Shannon concerned but Sam seems to be handling making sure she is ok, so he says "Ok you were there at the field trip. Sam here pointed out security seemed to be rushing the scientists and maybe some things away not worrying about the visitors. He thinks someone might have told them about something in the place, so they might have a mole. Also that when he tried to control one, he felt someone controlling them like he can.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows as Sam-bean steps very, very far away from the door. This alone is enough to have her on alert, and she's inclined to step away as well, gone tense in the space of a few heartbeats. She looks straight at Sam-bean. "What is it?" Her voice is laced with concern, and the hairs on the back of her neck raise. This was a very, very odd reaction from him, indeed. What could possibly have set him off?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks over as Doug arrives, "Hey pal," she tells him warmly. Though she quickly turns back to the others, more of a serious face on the young Jewish woman than normally would be found on a social call.

She looks over to Samuel as he starts to explain. Her expression is that of someone trying to work events out. "Ok," she says slowly as Sam explains. "I don't really even remember waking up that morning, so all I have to go on is a few mission reports and stories of what happened there," Kitty says of the trip from which she came back unconscious.

"So the guards were rushing the staff out. What do you mean "some things"? Like materials, boxes, equipment, what exactly?" she asks. "So are you saying you think the guards were in the attack on the place, it was a diversion to get stuff out?"

And then the other part. "Someone controlling them. They were Friends of Humanity ones, right? Could it have been Sebastion you were feeling? Or perhaps... I'm not sure what else they have for controlling them. One of those Molds maybe?"

Captain America has posed:
Rarely does a text bypass the decryption programming in Steve's official phone. The fact that the sender on the screen remains anonymous is of concern to him -- that, and the text itself. He calls ahead to let the staff of the mansion know he's on his way. The rumble of his motorcycle precedes him in the drive. The Captain pulls it off to the far side (though not on the grass because manners) before he makes his way up the front steps to the door.

It turns out there's a student there to meet him rather than staff and Steve is perplexed for a moment before he smiles politely. "Evenin', I'm here to speak with one of the teachers?"

The kid's name turns out to be...Hambone, of all things, and he immediately begins regaling Steve with the pride of being atop the leaderboard in Call of Duty 23 -- at least, until controller started dying. With his hands in his pockets, Steve listens attentively and can't help the quirk of a smile. The enthusiasm is bright in the young kiddo. He's lead to the junction of the main foyer and the dorms before he stops.

"Is Miss Pryde in, perchance?" the Captain asks, pulling the point of his visit back to conversational spotlight with gentle firmness.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    For no reasons that are immediately apparent, Bean's eyes are scanning the room frantically, as if looking for a way out that doesn't involve going through the door. By now he can sense whatever got his attention so suddenly on the landing, and tries to pull himself back together. It wouldn't do to appear worried. Instead, he starts to focus on the issue at hand.

    "My hypothesis, given how they behaved, is that there was something in the lab that attracted the Sentinels, and that someone in the lab tipped them off. It also felt to me as if a technopath of quite significant talent and power was controlled the sentinel I fought. It didn't respond in the same way an AI would have done."

Cypher has posed:
Doug puts his hand on his chin. He squints, thinking through the tiredness. "That would... explain a lot of things." He says, thoughtfully. "The problem with Sentinels is that either they're fully autonomous -- which presents a very serious problem that they'll go off-script, or they're controlled centrally, which can be hacked or disrupted..."

"So the solution to that is that the master controller isn't really a machine at all." He frowns. "Technopathy is not well-understood. In essence, it's being able to read and manipulate data based on being able to sense the subtle fluctuations in electromagnetic energy in a device and then manipulate those fluctuations to create and alter information yourself. I'm not a technopath, but I can fake it, as long as I have a data input mechanism I can take advantage of, like a Sentinel's audio-visual collection of data."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over as Sam, and a brow raises a bit to this and hmmms softly. He will have to ask the young man a bit later whats on his mind but will not ask in front of the others not wanting to call attention to it, as seems Sam aint wanting t vocalize what ever it is. As Captain America comes in he says "Wow, never expected to have Captain America visit my room." He chuckles "Yea Kitty is here." He nods towards her.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly. "Something like when you were talking that machine language to the two Sentinels in Central Park that time we were out with Mr. McCoy and Noriko? That... was pretty freaking impressive." She cracks a small smile, thinking back to that occasion, and briefly wonders how all four managed to survive with little more than a few scratches for the trouble. "This may sound a little crazy, but..."

Her voice trails off to dead silence and the color drains from her face. What was there of her smile fades away as she hears Sam. It didn't rain, it poured. She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths to steady herself, her expression for once difficult to read.

Captain America has posed:
It must be the nearest door to him -- either that, or Steve speaks more loudly than he intended. The familiar voice leads him over and he lifts a hand in greeting, sporting again the polite smile.

"Evening, folks." A glance aside and he adds, "Thank you, Hambone, appreciate your time." Then, his attention swings back to the group gathered in Guthrie's room.

"I'll be blunt. Got a text telling me something wasn't right." His eyes slide and linger upon Shannon briefly. "Thing is, it came from this location 'nd managed remain anonymous. Curious to know how somebody managed that. Be useful for SHIELD to know," he comments, keeping his poise neutral and tone friendly thus far.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Which explains why the controller couldn't shut you out. You weren't creating a signature it recognised, only providing data. Because the Sentinels are, in my opinion, being used as avatars by a single controller, it is reliant on what those remotes can see and sense. Fool the sensors, fool the controller, because the controller isn't there to perceive things itself."

    Until there, just there, Bean had it under control. But then Captain America came through the door. He breaks off his explanation abruptly. He looks over to Steve and surreptitiously tries to back away a bit more. His eyes alight on Shannon, and Bean draws himself up to parade rest. Time to face the music.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles towards Steve as he comes in. "Hey Cap," she says warmly. There's not much better to pick up spirits than a visit from the golden-haired super soldier. "Thank you Hambone," Kitty says, and quietly wondering which video game Steve was forced to hear about. Or perhaps asking questions about which flowers Miss Maximoff likes. Kitty's lips want to quirk in a grin at that memory.

Kitty looks over to Doug. "You? Alec?" she asks him after Steve tells them about the text message. "Or... does Loki send text messages?" she asks.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and then says, "...Not me." Doug says. He steps out of the way, into the room a bit, and takes advantage of the distraction to rummage through Sam's care package. "If your mom sent you apple brown betty I'm stealing it before Berto gets *any*--"

Then he adds, "They still have to have some autonomy, to process data and react... they're probably just providing directive. Puppeting them all at once would be like splitting your mind in six different directions. If there's a person who can do it, I don't want to meet them."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon's eyes fly open as she listens to Captain Rogers. An anonymous text message? And a very guilty-looking Sam-bean backing away as he had, and was now. Her eyebrows shoot way up, and she crosses her arms across her chest. Her wings snap outwards right there, stopping just shy of any loose objects--or people--in her immediate vicinity. "Techno... do you know anything about this?" Only then does she shift her gaze to the Captain, very briefly; she inclines her head slowly, a ghost of a smile fading as quickly as it appears, before looking back at Sam-bean.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Aint got down to the goodies, but if she did, I think maybe we should be good hosts and offer the Captain some first." He smiles, but then looks over to Shannon and Sam, and raises a brow a bit at the two.

Captain America has posed:
Steve waits patiently to see who sounds off at Kitty's question. Rather than take up the entire doorway, he steps in and to one side to lean beside the jamb, his arms loosely crossed.

Not Doug.

Not Kitty herself.

Not Samuel Guthrie, apparently, since he offers brownies. "Thank you, Sam, but I'll abstain for another time," he replies, nodding towards Guthrie.

It leaves...Shannon, who apparently assigns the text to...

The young man standing in what appears to be a well-practiced parade rest. He garners himself Steve's attention, intense out of simple curiosity.

"Given I doubt you're Loki, you must have sent the text?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Correct sir."

    Bean, it seems, is not going to deny what he has done. His eyes meet Steve's even as his heart pounds in his chest, and a steel band seems to tighten itself around it. The expression in those eyes is... odd. A mixture of resignation, of anxiety... and a dash of anger.

    "Ever since Loki was here, Nightingale hasn't been herself. I am intensely worried about her. So I exploited a security flaw that I've known about for the past twenty-six months, and was going to be used as a vector to take action against SHIELD, until my team was killed before the plan was put into action."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde still doesn't have the full of Samuel's history, not having had a chance to talk with him more than a few words yet with everything else going on. But she's definitely aware of enough of his past, via the information going out to the members of the school staff. Enough to catch on to a bit of what is going on as Samuel is looking over at Captain America.

Kitty clears her throat, and moves a little closer to Samuel. Before she can say anything though he explains himself. Kitty looks back to Steve. "Sam came to us from SHIELD. Where he was being held after being freed from Hydra," she explains simply enough. Kitty glances over to Shannon. She suspects nothing needs to be said to her about not spreading what she just heard. But if it was needed, Kitty's look would probably get that message across, clearly if subtly.

Cypher has posed:
Doug takes out that tupperware container, and inhales the smell of apples and cinnamon and nutmeg. "There it --" He says, "...Aw, hey. She set out individual portions for all of us. Yours is the biggest." He takes his, which has 'Doug' on it on a piece of tape and written on with a sharpie, and he cheats on his diet and inhales it, using his fingers. "Oh my god ish so good. Ish like apples bread and air, how ish it sho good?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Techno... why? What's done is done." Shannon's wings fold in behind her, and the look she pins him with is one riddled with intense guilt, and more than a little embarrassment at being called out here and now, in present company. Her face goes flame red, clear to the tips of her ears, and she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Make that another extra mile in the morning. And we'll see how fast you can run against my flying."

     The glance from Kitty does not go unnoticed, and she answers with a subtle nod. She heard nothing, she knows nothing.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to Cap, and since Doug has opened the cold pack, he will move to put the rest of the contents in the mini fridge. There is cookies, and he aises a brow as he pulls an envelope out of it, and those who look over there see it has Shannons name on it in sharpie.

Captain America has posed:
Steve's eyebrows slowly, and eloquently, lift. His attention slides to Kitty, standing beside the unknown young man who apparently had connections to HYDRA. The looks given to him by Bean weren't unnoticed. In his long-lived existence, the Captain is aware he's not everyone's sunshiney best friend.

"I was aware we'd let him go, but not that he'd ended up here. Hmm." It's a short, thoughtful sound, absolutely neutral by tone. "You're in good company," the soldier says specifically to Bean.

"I assume you've been given the go from medical staff?" This question is for Shannon in particular. Steve is aware of how persnickity the mansion's doctors can be about wounds.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Because you needed someone to tell you it's not your fault, and you won't believe us when we say it." Bean responds to Shannon, although he doesn't move. Not an inch. Not a muscle except those necessary to talk and breathe. "Thank you sir." he replies to Steve, looking like he would say more, but then decides that he's pushed his luck far enough today.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, having eaten all of the dessert Sam's mom packed for him... and he's eyeing Berto's. "He'd never know if we didn't tell him." Doug says. "We could split it..." Then he glances up, and says, "...He's got a point. And I mean, maybe you should listen, since the kid recruited Captain America to give you a pep talk."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs softly, her eyes closed and still pinching the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, I have. I've been avoiding medical like the plague, though, pardon the expression. One, I've become something of a connoisseur of Jell-o over the past week..." For the briefest of moments, there is that ghost of a smile again, but so quickly gone it might have been an illusion. "...two, I'd rather not risk being a damn traitor again." Now she's the one pushing towards the door.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde relaxes more after making that introduction, as it were. She moves off again, getting out of the midst of the conversation. She makes her way to Doug's side. "Don't steal other people's desserts in front of Captain America," Kitty stage whispers to him.

She moves over to take a seat. It's been a long day on her feet. "Sam, I know you meant well. But Captain Rogers does have an awful lot to take care of, to be called over here like this," she says. "And Shannon is smart enough to know she's not a damn traitor, and a being called the God of Mischief... who took over a magical building from the Sorcerer Supreme himself... probably has the abilities to put one over on a school girl. On a good day," she says. Kitty flashes Shannon a smile. "Shannon, I spent WEEKS in the same house as him and not knowing it. You need to be able to move on," she says gently.

"But while Cap is here, you might as well share what you were saying about the SEntinels," Kitty says. She glances to Steve. "Also, ask Tony about his dope cannon."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    When he wants to move quickly, Bean is pretty quick. Not speedster quick, not Captain America quick, but quick enough to go from parade rest to intercepting Shannon in the matter of a heart beat. Crossing the room as quickly as he dares without trying to make it seem as if he's attacking someone, Bean puts a hand on her shoulder and holds it there, gently trying to hold her there as well. "Nachtigaal, bleibst doch! Verdammt, wir wollen Ihn helfen, aber das geht's nicht wann du immer weg lauft. Bitte, bleiben sie. Für mich. Und wann nicht für mich, vielleicht denn für Herr Rogers? Bitte..."

    Now his look is both intense and earnest, unaware that the vast majority of the people in this room probably didn't get half of that.

Captain America has posed:
"Miss Pryde's got the right of it. Loki's no one to trifle with. Even his brother's mentioned how the God's a sack of cats." Steve smiles faintly to himself; those hadn't been Thor's //exact// words, but close enough in Midgardian translation. So sue America's most famous Boy Scout if it's an unfriendly translation. "Nobody's done a thing wrong. Better we know about it than not at all."

He glances around the room once more. "Any new details about the Sentinels, however, would be greatl -- "

And then there's Bean moving quickly. Steve unfolds his arms with deliberate speed, low-key ready to wade in if a fight occurs, but he ends up slinging his thumbs over his jean pockets as he squints. His spine remains against the wall.

Eyebrows slowly rise again. He knows German well enough.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gets a little grin -- he looks up to Sam, and surreptitiously gestures to Sam and Shannon. He shades his mouth with a hand so the teens can't see it, and mouths 'HE HAS A HUGE CRUSH ON HER' to Sam and Kitty, silently. 'I DON'T EVEN THINK HE KNOWS IT. IT'S ADORABLE.'

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug, and says "Till he sees Dani and Illyana." He hmms and holds one of the containers over to Kitty "And Kitty eating theirs." He will put a bit of different food from home in the mini-fridge then look at the letter as it says "For her eyes only no peeking Sam" on the back. Sam nods, a bit to this and mouths back to Doug "Ah am staying out of that briar patch."

Nightingale has posed:
     Damn it. Sam-bean /had/ to start with the German, didn't he? He /knew/ she'd have to stop, translate that, and really work out a reply, essentially stopping her in her tracks. The gears in her head are turning and she's trying to think of the right words. What comes out is likely mangled, but hopefully the idea is conveyed. "Kitty hat recht. Er hat viel zu tun." Her progress has been halted, though, for the moment. "Nur fur eine Weile, Techno." Not fluent, but hopefully understandable.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    For a few more brief moments, Bean keeps his hand on Shannon's shoulder, gives it a squeeze, and then lets go. He walks back to the other side of the room, infinitely more subdued, and launches back into the explanation he actually came to this room to give, now seemingly a lifetime ago.

    "Captain, the Sentinels aren't autonomous. When I fought one, I could feel someone or something else controlling it. Totally, like a puppet, or more accurately like a remote for telepresence. It didn't take a single decision on its own during that entire time, and it coordinated with the other two directly through that controller. I suspect that controller is someone like me, but almost infinitely more powerful."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty takes the offered snack. "Thank you," she says, and will make sure that Steve Rogers gets offered one of the treats as well. She nibbles on her own while listening to Samuel explain what he sensed. She slips an arm about Doug's shoulders if allowed and leans against him while she listens. "I wonder what we might find if we went looking in some of that old signals intelligence, along that line? We never really did crack their command codes to the degree we'd have liked. I think Tony had better luck there, at least enough to jam them for awhile sometimes," she says.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie speaks 4 languages fluently, and 2 pretty rough and german aint one of them. He will just stand back and watch quietly once things have been put away, but there is still things in his care package.

Captain America has posed:
To hear that the Sentinels involved with the X-Men are acting almost beyond their own protocols has the Captain looking shy of thunderous.

"The command codes are a good place to start. I'll be sure to let Tony know you've been dealing with this particular type of incident. We've seen something similar, but not precisely the same. Merits some looking."

With a sharp sigh, Steve pushes off the wall. "'m sorry, folks, this took precedence. Any information you want to share with me 'nd the Avengers, give it to Miss Pryde." A quick look at Kitty is accompanied by a sharp nod. "I'll be sure to stay in the loop with you all."

With that, the soldier turns and leaves the room, his departure quick and precise. By the set of his jaw, he's on a mission.

Nightingale has posed:
     Well... at least the Captain was on a mission, and hopefully not ticked off. That was not something the winged teen ever wanted to see. That hint of a smile is seen once more as she looks over at Bean, her brows furrowed and the gears in her head turning as she tries to think of the right words. Haltingly, she offers, "Danke. Du versuchtest. Sie haben ein gutes Herz."

     The envelope in Sam's care gets a raised eyebrow from her and she smiles a little bit. "I'll have to have a look at that after my class with Logan. If there's nothing more I need to do here...?" She glances around at everyone briefly, just to make sure.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    With Captain America gone, and Shannon clearly feeling better, Bean finally gets to relax. He gives Nightingale a smile and a wink, clearly happy with her current command of German, and then finally sits down. On the floor, against a wall. "Ein gutes Herz." he whispers to himself. "Schade das est ein Herz von Stein war."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde finishes up the snack. "Thanks Sam," she tells him. Kitty rises to her feet. "Well, I should probably get back home. If I don't, and Pete doesn't make it back before me, Jester is going to pee on the floor," she says. "We took in the puppy that Rogue was given," she explains for those who night not know who Jester is.

"I'll pass on word to Tony, though Cap will probably let him know. Thanks for telling me, guys," Kitty says before heading out.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the other man and says "That sounded like things went well?" He will look at him "German, I need to work on."

Cypher has posed:
Doug watches the tete-a-tete break up, and then he says, "I'm going to go grab a nap for an hour." He desperately needs more than that, but there's too much to do. He watches Shannon leave, and then he says, to Samuel, "I suggest finding a chaperone and taking her to a movie."

Then he's going back to Sam's box to paw through it.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Eh?" Yeah. Bean hadn't even thought of that, and Doug gets a confused look before the comment is ultimately discarded as something he'll need to ponder a bit more in depth later. "Things didn't get worse, if that's what you're saying." he responds to Sam, looking a bit despondent despite everything. "I hung onto that backdoor for over two years. And I used it at the worst possible moment. My head's not on straight, and it's getting worse."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You used it to try to help a friend, sounds like a pretty good time to me." He will smile, and says "Seems to me your learning a bit anout friendship and liking having friends."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "And how to waste strategic resources. Friendship, yay." It comes out deadpan, Bean it seems is entirely emotionally spent for the day. "I need to talk to you, Sam. About... about a lot of things, because there are things you need to know if you want a loose cannon like me on your team. And then you can decide. But it has to be said, before you find out things the hard way."

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, simply, "What you need, is to talk to a counselor. Your life was tightly bounded, and now, it's boundless, and you're feeling like you're losing control. So you're trying to re-establish it... in odd ways, like asking for punishments and trying to solicit discipline from authority figures." He adds, "...But your heart is in the right place."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "well, I know you were working with hydra, probably did a few things your not to proud of. AH worked for a man named Pierce before Ah joined the team, he hired me to help kill the professor. AH did not know that why he hire me mind you but he did."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean looks over to Doug, listens to the man make sense, and sighs. "Yeah... Problem is, at some point that might take the next logical step, and take me back to where I was three years ago. That's what I'm afraid of... really afraid of."

    With some effort, he stands up and runs a hand through his short cropped hair, feeling it longer than it has been since... forever. It feels almost alien, like it doesn't belong to him. "You never did it though, did you Sam? Didn't take that final step."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "No, but I was a lot old than you when he tried to get me to. And there are those here who have, and some who truly regret it, and some who are somewhat ok with it. Sam, they are not going to send you back, your here, your family, and we fight for our family, your trying and doing well, hiding stuff from a therapist would be wrong, there are people here who will listen and not judge you.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "And that's the difference, man." Bean half smiles, and pats Sam on the shoulder on his way across the room, heading for the door. "That's why you're one of the good guys, and I never will be. Talk to you tomorrow, I've stayed too long as it is."

    And at that, he's out the door and down the hall. There's hope for him yet.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks towards the door and says "Gotta get that kid to chat with Logan, either it will help or drive them both off the deep end." He sighs softly.

Cypher has posed:
Doug watches the kid go, and he says, "He's so serious." He shakes his head. "I'm gonna go pass out for an hour, then get back to the grind."

Cypher has posed:
"I have too much work to do, Sam." Doug says, shaking his head. Then he pauses, and he looks over his shoulder. "...And Berto's, huh?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug "Make it at least 3 hours, and thats a team leader order, consider me argued down from 8. And you can have my brown betty, Bertos you have to make it 5"

Cypher has posed:
Doug sets his jaw, and says, "...Fine. Five hours, then. Down to the minute. The things I'll do for apples and bread crumbs." He walks out.