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Latest revision as of 23:22, 8 October 2019

Talking to Logan about a few students
Date of Scene: 05 October 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sam chats with Logan, and they check on friends.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Nightingale

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is looking for Logan today. The young man, has planned to go out to the other's cabin if needed, and as such has a small shoebox with him, as he walks into the kitchen. Na always told him not to go by someone's home without a gift.

Wolverine has posed:
As it happens, Logan is not as far away as all that. Given that he has classes to teach now, he tends to wander closer to the Mansion than he has in the past. He's already in the kitchen, fishing something from the fridge - maybe he brought it frome home? Foil-wrapped, he tosses it into the microwave and hits the go-button. That's when he spots Sam passing with his shoebox.

"Aren't those a little small for you, hayseed?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and smiles a bit "Oh Mr. Logan," old habits die hard "I was looking for you." He seems confused for a moment and says "Oh no, this was start of a thing to bring you, was going to come out to the cabin to talk to you a moment, and did not want to come empty handed." He will offer the box to the ma. Logan's senses probably already tell him whats in the box. "You got a moment to talk?"

Wolverine has posed:
Logan sniffs the air for a moment, nose wrinkling at the scent that meets me.

"Smells like yer tryin' a' turn me blind, kid," he grunts, a wry smirk on his features, "What a' ya got there? Hooch or fuel for my damn rocket ship?"

Nevertheless, he nods approvingly and leans with his back against the countertop, "What's on yer mind?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "My uncle makes it, and Ah try to keep some around for gifts and when the other guys turn 21. No car radiators were used, and the head is always tossed on the fire." He tells the other man. "There are two of the newer students Ah was hoping to talk to you about, one you may have heard about and the other one real new. The fact you knew what was in the box before opening it is sorta why ah wanted to talk to you about the second.

Wolverine has posed:
"I'm guessin' one of 'em's that kid you share a name with?" Logan asks, eyes narrowing a little - for all his gruff and simple exterior, there is no denying that a lot goes on inside his head, "Haven't met him, but I've heard about him. What's his deal?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Sam, yea he was the other. Kidnapped by Hydra when he was young, given the whole kid soldier mind job." Sam resists using a stronger word there. "Has done bad things while working for them. Has a hard time believing he can be a good guy. He is making progress. Shannon has been really good at helping that. But he still has a lot of reactions like we are the trainers more than teachers. Ah was hoping you might be able to help him realize the past and those who made him do those type of things, don't control his future.

Wolverine has posed:
"I can point him in the right direction," Logan agrees, lifting his shoulders in a shrug, "But he's gotta walk there himself. He ain't gonna change a lick unless he believes he can change, no matter how much you or anyone else'll say about it. But I'll do what I can. I know Shannon already ... good kid, bit soft but gettin' there."

A pause, and then a follow up question: "Who's the other one yer talkin' about?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Her name is Gwendolyn new kid, just got in last night Ah think. She has enhanced senses as part of her powers, to the point she has to wear goggles and ear protection in normal day to day activities. Ah know you senses are higher than most, thought you might have some hints for her, that might allow her to center on one aspect or something and maybe be able to help control it a bit if is possible."

Wolverine has posed:
"Well, my senses have the benefit a' healin' when they get overstimulated," Logan admits, turning back around to the microwave to peer in at the slowly-turning food, "I don't know if yer kid has that. But still, reckon I can be of some help. You wanna talk to Slim? Get 'em signed up to my class?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah think Dr. MCcoy is on that, he brought her in, I ran into her this morning when was bringing in some veggies from the garden. Know Remy is going to want to talk to her, as she is from his neck of the woods originally. Seems a good kid, but has been on her own for a bit out on the run." His phone beeps and he looks at it "Now what did she do to get back into the med lab." he sighs reading it "Wonder who was hurt this time.""

Wolverine has posed:
"Who's in the med lab?" Logan can't help but ask. Usually he tries to not get too caught up in the weird internal politics of the Mansion, but sometimes he can't help it. He even goes so far as to snatch at Sam's phone, trying to read it himself. Rude, but then nobody ever accused Logan of being polite.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look at the other man as he grabs the phone "Ah would have told ya it is Shannon." Got that nameplate for the bed down here yet? *smiley emoji* is on the phone from a contact labeled little sis wings. "I told her I was going to put her a name plate on one of the beds down there to keep it reserved for her.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan tosses the phone back nonchalantly. Maybe he would've told him, but perhaps not fast enough. The Canuck simply shakes his head, forgetting about his food in the microwave and instead stepping away towards the door.

"Feel like that damn kid can't go five minutes without gettin' stabbed, shot, 'lectrified, or beat."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Well if it aint her getting it, she is taking someone elses's hurts upon herself. Ah am goign to head down to check on her, want to come with me?" He will ask the man after catching the phone.

Wolverine has posed:
"Reckon so," Logan says by way of agreement, completely forgetting about his cooking food now. He doesn't wait for Sam to lead the way, instead shouldering his way past and blazing off down the hallway at a swift walk.

Wolverine has posed:
"-'m sayin' is maybe one a' these damn doctors with all their degrees from the god damn Sorbonne an' Oxford oughta do some god damn medicine fer a change instead a' lettin' these damn kids hoover up all the pain an' misery for 'em!"

Logan bursts through the med lab door mid-sentence, glowering as he looks about the place for a moment and then takes a few steps towards Shannon's bedside.

"What the hell'dya do this time, Wings?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit at the other man;s words. Sam is walking not long behind the man, as the two were talking when he got the text.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt is brought in by a pair of the recent graduates with a mind towards medicine. Who? Not in important. Kurt looks like he suffered a mild road-rash motorcycle spill on the front right quarter of his body.
    He's in a blacked out version of his normal X-Man uniform, which is being cut off of him as soon as he's on the med-bed, a curtain drawn around to obscure him from view.
    It was an interesting mission.

Nightingale has posed:
     Holy hell. Shannon had just been nodding off to sleep, with a little bit of music from her phone to ease her off into dreamland. It had been a bit of a rough day but there was a bit of peace at the end of it....

     ...or so she thought. Startled awake, she loses her grip on her phone, the earbuds yanked from her ears as it clatters to the ground beside her bed. It takes her eyes a few moments to focus, but when they do, she meeps a little bit. An upset Logan was not something she had ever expected to see. "Mr. McCoy called for help, I answered." Ooo boy. This night had just gotten a whole lot more interesting.

     She hears something going on down the way in one of the other med-beds, and sees the curtain drawn up. "Holy shit... busy night."

Wolverine has posed:
"I'll bet he fuckin' did," Logan rolls his eyes, "I swear, sometimes I think that gorilla looks at all a' you kids like some sorta lab rats."

He clicks his tongue, glancing at Shannon with a frown before he moves over to the drawn curtain. There's no consideration for personal privacy or space as he draws it apart to peer at Kurt, looking him over critically.

"What the fuck happened t' you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk over and bend down picking up shannon's phone and hands it to her. He does look over to the other bed and Kurt a brow raised, but looks to Shannon "You wait to hear whats wrong, and you tell me what your own condition is before you even think about going over there." He tells her.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Language, Logan... bumsen BUMSEN!! ACH!" Ok, so even Kurt is cursing as a pair of tweezers go into him, coming out violet with his blood and holding what looks like a chip of a ruby with a glowing center. A clink following as it's dropped into a pan. They're jabbing needles into the skin, likely a local anesthetic for pain, but their working fast to get these chips out of him.
    "Rogue impacted an area with Cheyarafim blood crystals... I was in the blast wave" hissing as another is pulled out. "Scheiße!"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head a little. "Not going to budge." Curling her fingers around her phone, she taps on it to pause the music, actually looking a little bit worried for once. Well, if she was going to do something, she might as well answer for it. "You saw the broadcast, the one non-mutant woman who got in a real bad way saving four mutant kids? Let's just say she'll be okay now. Concussion, torn up muscles in the upper right arm, quite a few cuts... not sure if I got it all though."

     Something about what Kurt's saying gets her attention, and it's not the cursing--although she does shake her head a little bit. "What's 'Cheyarafim'?"

Wolverine has posed:
"Ich wette, das tut verdammt weh," Logan mutters in German, pointing at the shard of crystal being plucked free. He reaches down into the pan, unabashedly picking up one of the shards and turning it over curiously in his fingers, Kurt's protest only prompts an irritated wave of the Canuck's hand, "Eh, go bumsen yerself."

He points from the bedridden Shannon to Kurt, and then back at Shannon, "Now, kid. You keep this in mind - he's a tough elf. So why don't you stay there rather 'n get yerself another couple weeks in sickbay, huh?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "A breed of mutant... Wings... healing blood... Warren may be related... maybe you. They forced fathers kind into the Brimstone Dimension..." muttering and giving a few yips as more of the crystal is pulled out.
    "Remember that last time you got hit with acid, Logan? Probably like that." tail laishing a moment. "All of these landed in my skin." the deepest so far has been almost an inch down.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit as Logan says pretty much the same thing he did "Ok Ah going to have to start learning German, if Ah am going to know whats going on Ah think." He will look down at Shannon at Kurt's discription and hmms.

Nightingale has posed:
     It took Shannon a few moments to work out the translation in her head, and likely her own pronunciation was far from perfect. "Sprache!" Yeah, she'd been on the receiving end of that one a few times. She also had a feeling it was going to be pretty well useless on either Kurt or Logan. But it was worth a try, right?

     She smiles a little bit sheepishly at Sam. "Why do you think I've been trying to learn? Between Kurt and Bean, and now Logan it seems, it kind of made sense to learn more than cussing in the language."

     The winged teen glances between Logan, then Kurt, and back again, just nodding. "If crystalized Cheyarafim blood did this to him, then it'd be a real bad idea for me to help him right now. Especially if it turns out I -am- one."

Wolverine has posed:
"Weird," is all Logan can offer about the strange tale of the winged mutants, lifting broad shoulders into a shrug, "Well, so long as yer keepin' yer aches an' pains to yerself, Elf. Let the medics do their job an' don't fuss about. Damen mögen Narben."

He steps away, reaching for a cigar in his pocket and even going so far as to put it between his lips before he realizes where he is and tucks it away again.

"Yer gonna need t' stop takin' on every damn injury y' see," he tells Shannon with a frown, "Can't teach y'anythin' if yer always down here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Man's got a point. " He looks over to Logan, "When you were in here not long ago, she was wanting to come heal you had to tell her, you could heal it faster than she could.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Damen mögen ihre Männer weich, unscharf und flexibel auch. Und man kann reden, es sei denn, ich schlag eeinen einen Kühlschrankmagneten auf den Kopf, er geht einfach weg oder fällt aus. Diese Scheiße isst in meine verdammten Muskeln. Es tut weh wie ein Sohn einer Hündin, Logan!"
    He's on a tangent now, hissing when more crystals are pulled out of him. "Auch!"

Nightingale has posed:
     While her German was improving, the words that come rapid-fire out of Kurt mostly go over Shannon's head. Well, except for the ones she -shouldn't- know. And a few with the meaning perhaps gleaned from their context in the current situation. Le sigh. She had a long way to go.

     She glances over at Sam and just smiles a little. "Maybe. But at least I could've been company. Rumor mill had it at way worse than I could've handled, at any rate." She sighs a little bit. "Still feels like I let him down, though. There's really few enough you can really like and trust these days, without failing the few you know you can."

     Logan gets a little bit of a smile from her. "Yeah... I do kind of miss classes. It's nice just... keeping it real, you know? Simple, no bullshit." Her eyes go back to the ceiling, and she squeezes them shut. "How could I say no when he called, though? He knows my gifts and what they do to me, and I don't think would've called unless it was really needed."

Wolverine has posed:
"Here, lemme show you how to say no," Logan explains, brow still furrowed and obviously still fuming. He mimes picking up a telephone off a receiver (because he's that ancient) and holds it up to his ear.

"Hi, Hank? Oh, y' need me t'get beat up so someone else can be less beat up?"

He pauses, as though there is someone on the other end of his finger-phone responding. He nods his head.

"Oh, in that case," he moves his pretend phone, yelling down the receiver now, "Yer a fuckin' genius scientist! You figure it out!"

The Canuck then fake hang-ups the phone, rolls his eyes in his head, and peers back at Kurt. A moment later he produces a flask from his back pocket, unscrews the top and holds it out to the Elf: "Holländische Tapferkeit, Kumpel."

Blue eyes turn back to Shannon and Sam, "Jus' give yerself a break, huh? Listen t' the Hayseed."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Yea, you need to make sure you heal up, and such your going to have some competition for the kitchen it seems. New student likes to cook as well, but she said she is not very god at baking, so you might be having to work a bit together. Names Gwendolyn, seems a nice cajun girl.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    There's a short bark of a laugh and Kurt takes the flask, taking a good swig from it, teeth bared as he makes The Face and swallows with a sigh at the burn, "Segne dich, Logan..." taking one more swig and offering it back. "Wie Mana vom Himmel, manchmal."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a bit at Sam. "I know. Andrea and I went out there to Salem Center to meet her. Andrea got the call while we were out there, she's got that whole charity thing of hers going. We called in Mr. McCoy for help." She sighs a little bit. "I'd been looking forward to seeing Gwendolyn around a bit today, but... yeah. You can guess how that went. Anyways, why does everything have to be a fucking competition? Why can't we both just enjoy it?"

Shannon throws up her good right hand, eyes rolling a bit. "Okay, okay. No more healing for a while. Scheisse!" She sighs deeply, eyebrows going up a second later. "At least that one didn't hurt so bad..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I was not meaning a real competition but With limited space was thinking more like would be which ever of you got in there first to be able to start using things."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little bit and is just silent for several long moments. Her eyes mist over but she refuses to let the tears fall. "I'm sorry I let you all down with this." Her voice has gone really soft. "No more healing for a while."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie takes her hand and says "You did not let anyone down kiddo, did you want to help the woman you helped?" He asks her, and pulls a chair nearby to have a sit still holding her hand.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little. "About as much as she wanted to help those kids, and she didn't have to. But now I've gone and upset someone I really like... upset you... and Bean will probably have a few things to say, too." Yeah. There's definitely a blush there.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie pats her hand and says "You aint upset us, not even Logan, we are all just concerned for you. will be honest if any of us were in the same situation we would probably all be doing the exact same thing to. So don't be upset your helping people it is something to be proud of kiddo.

Nightingale has posed:
     "One in five... plenty I can't help. Sucks that Kurt's one of them, if I'm one of these Cheyarafim he was talking about. Then I'm the -last- one who should be trying to heal him. Which really sucks because he's been one of the nicest here. And there's not a damn thing I can do to help." Shannon closes her eyes for a moment, and the tears trickle down her face. Damn it, why did she have to be so weak? "If it's something to be proud of... it shouldn't feel so fucking lousy, for getting you all worried."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will reach for a klenex and wipe away the tears, and says "Cause you care about people, same reason you heal folks. You dont want to upset folks, and you know we worry about you, but you have to be you as well. If Ah get hurt helping someone should I be upset, Ah make ya worry about me?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon snorts a little bit. "With that hard head of yours, the chances of you getting hurt helping someone are pretty low. With my hard head... the chances are pretty high." The tension rises in her voice, tinged with no small amount of rage she seldom gives voice to. "Why do people have to be such idiots out there, and go after -kids- like that? No matter who's said what, hatred just does -not- make any sense at all!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Cause there are bad people out there, there are good folks, bad folks and in between. The problem is most of the folks are the in between Ah think but can be lead often by the other two. Then you add the fact being good is harder than being bad. Then you add the fact many people are afraid of something different it adds up to a bad mix. We , mankind, and I mean human and mutant both, have the ability to reach such heights but with that also comes those who crawl down into the depths.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little, glancing over to where the surly Canuck had been just a few moments ago. "That... was actually something pretty amazing about the whole thing. There's way too many times most humans are afraid of us mutants. The woman I was called in to help today... she wasn't afraid at all. It can be easier to help kids, I guess, and be less afraid of them. But this woman was not only facing Mr. McCoy, but then I show up, too, and she was -still- proud to work with us both. It makes me want to hope there are more like her, that maybe there's a chance someday we can all live together. Might mean knocking a few heads around, might mean winding up in here a few times, but maybe someday..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie :nods his head and says "Is the dream, and part of the reason we face giant killer robots, dinosaurs, evil body snatching aliens, and just plain folks who are trying to get away with stuff they shouldn't. We try to be an example to folks and luckily there are folks out there trying to do the same thing from other points of view as wel.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little bit, finding it a bit easier to move her head without the world spinning like a top gone mad. "Hope she'll be alright, even if I didn't get it all." She sighs a little bit. "Kind of wanted to get your take on someone. Andrea and Megan both have her for a teacher, Kitty thinks maybe she could help, but... I don't know her, and after that whole Loki mess, it doesn't feel like there's very many left I can trust, without adding someone else that could just as easily turn out to be another tricksy sort. You're one. Logan's another. Mr. McCoy... Kitty... Jean.. Scott..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I trust Kitty, even if back in the day we used to argue with her a lot. Yea she suggested the doctor, but Ah am sure she did not think of him to be an asshat. So who is this person you thinking about as a teacher, and for you or for someone else?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Miss Frost. Kitty seems to think she might be able to help me... but something's very off-putting about her. I don't know how far to trust her. Even Kitty seemed a little reluctant, but I'm kind of running out of options here, with Josh gone. I can keep the healing from being triggered accidentally, but to stop it once it starts? I don't know how, or even if that's possible to do on my own. Sure, someone can pull me away and break the connection." She tries to shrug a little bit, but still winces; her arm was going to take a little while. "Have you heard anything about her? Jean was pretty clear on the dangers of letting a telepath into your mind... and I'm not sure how far miss Frost can be trusted to go mucking around in my head."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well, personally if Ah was looking for telepathic help, Ah would go to Jean, Betty or Rachel first to be totally honest. Emma, has a bit of a history, and honestly, Ah would say you should talk to her get to know her a bit. Think your liable to be embaressed a bit with what she wears to be honest. Ah did throw her into a T-rex's gullet just the other day." He jokes, but says "She is being trusted enough to be here and work with students. Get to know her, and when you have made a decision if you trust her or not.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly. "That's what I tried to express to her, was that I just didn't know her enough to make that decision. But I'm afraid I might have offended her." She sighs a little bit, and smiles, glad to be breathing easier. "Frankly, I'd rather work with Jean or Betsy... especially Jean... but she's got her hands full looking after the whole school."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Rachel is decent too, but to be honest she is more brute strength than finesses, and that could be an issue with something like that. I aint sure on that one to be honest.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon seems to mull this over for a moment, her brows furrowed. "The fact that you mention miss Frost has a... history... makes me worry for Megan and Andrea a little bit, working with her. And it sure makes me a whole lot less apt to trust her with what's inside this brain box. Would definitely prefer Jean, but the chances of that are pretty small... maybe Betsy, failing that. But who else is there?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well as I said Rachel, hmms, Nathan aint about, Not sure Ah would trust Quintin, and he is headed out again Ah believe, The Professor of course." He hmms and says "Actually quite a few telepaths about."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows just a little bit. "If Jean's got her hands full, the Professor probably has his even more so. Be a pretty lousy way to wind up finally meeting him." A frown draws the corners of her lips downwards ever so slightly, and she falls silent for a moment. "I just hope to whatever god you believe in that another call to healing doesn't come in anytime soon, so maybe I can get this thing figured out... and just -live- a little."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ok, well here, if something you need to thinking about. Think of a level of injury your willing to heal. You need to figure out what you think someone needs to heal on their own, and your willing to heal. Another think we may want to work on is seeing what happens if your forced to break contact while healing for one thing.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shudders a little bit. "I don't know... and I'm a little scared to find out. Level of injury I'm willing to heal... what has to be done. Level I'm capable of healing? Fairly nasty so far, but it just keeps getting worse every time I'm called in. Where do I draw the line, and still.. just be me?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head and says "Thats part of what I am saying, not so much even the high level, but on the low level as well. Like sprains and such Ah know you want to help, but do you need to have those on the stack of healing if something hard comes in and needs healing? Also, have you thought about dressing a would before you get it/

Nightingale has posed:
     "Or how about just not healing at all?" The frustration in her voice is clear, but so is the desire to help. "Maybe it's not worth it... so why do I even have this gift?" She sighs a little, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Can just imagine what Logan might say to that, and probably you, too. Both of ya would call me out for being stupid enough to give up on it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Nope, if you don't want to you don't have to, but that there is the key. It aint one of us that makes ya heal, or even your power to be honest. It is the fact you want to help people. Tell me kiddo, do you honestly think if you see someone hurt you could resist helping them/

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "No. But I hate breaking the hearts of the ones I care about, too. And I know that's the only reason Logan came in roaring like that. And Kitty... she was pretty concerned too. I hate doing that to people, just as much as I hate doing nothing if there's the means to act."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well, you see, Ah have came to realize something with ya hon, love ya like a sister, but your as stubborn as my sisters as well. Your gonna help people and it is going to have you in here. With time Ah think you will be able to heal more and not be hurt as long, but Ah also think you may realize sometimes folks like Sam need to heal normally to learn a bit. Ah do want you to start working on something on some of the minor healing. Start trying to partially heal wounds. Like for example if someone slices their hand open, see if you can stop once the area has stopped bleeding and starting to kneed together

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and there's that blush again, the one that seemed to be almost permanently on her face whenever Bean was brought up. "Yeah, he told me about why he wouldn't let me heal him. Tried asking him again last night, but he still refused. And at least this time said why." For once, she actually smiles a bit. "Bloody wicked sense of humor, too. And he doesn't have a half bad voice for singing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Well when it comes to him, just remember hon, he is learning about romance, and such, but in some ways he maybe more knowledgeable than you. Ah don't know if he was taught about about seduction and such as his training, and Ah don't think he is going to try anything he should not, but just be careful if something comes out of left field could be that or him, trying some advice from someone that aint the best.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a bit of a smile. "Surprisingly, he's one of the ones I feel safest around. You'd think otherwise, with his training. But every time I've seen him lean on that training, in the field or in the danger room, it's been to protect others. Just... wish he'd see that he's got a good heart in there, too. He doesn't have to be who his past made him out to be."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Yea, Ah asked someone specific to talk to him a bit about that." He looks towards the way Logan went . "Not sure how much it will help, but hoping it might help him find his peace with it." He tells her. Was talking to him about help for a couple folks when got your text."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon seems to shrink back into the bed when she hears this, looking mortified. "Next time, if there is one, I keep my mouth shut. You shouldn't have interrupted that. Just... didn't want you freaking out if you didn't see me for a couple days."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We had pretty much finished our conversation, you did not interrupt anything. The short hairy guy does seem to like ya and wants to make sure your ok." He just wants to make sure your ok, like the rest of us. Ah hear you been hurt and not told me, You will be running laps till ya feet fall off." He grins at her"

Nightingale has posed:
     "It goes both ways. He might roar like a hurricane, but... it seemed more worried than angry." She cracks a little bit of a smile. "I kind of like it. No bullshit, no games, just... plain out simple honesty, and he's not nasty about it. Sure wouldn't want to be the one to piss him off, though." At the remark about running laps, she just rolls her eyes and laughs a bit. "Oh sure, run my feet off and then I wind up back in here anyways."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well get yourself some rest, and if you need me to bring you anythign down let me know.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little bit. "I think Andrea might be getting my books from my dorm, but if she's not able to, I'll let you know. Watered my plants yesterday morning, hope they'll be okay for a couple days, but not sure." She reaches out to hug him with her good arm and smiles some. "I do love ya, you know. Couldn't be any luckier than to have landed just about the best big brother out there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hugs her gently, and says "Well sleep well kiddo, and get some rest so I can make ya sore with work outs again." He teases and does heads to the door "Will check in on ya later."