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Latest revision as of 23:22, 8 October 2019

Flashback: A Lady In The Ranks
Date of Scene: 06 October 2019
Location: Salvaton (Niflheim, Sector 1214)
Synopsis: Hela finally gets to meet Sif, the last of the Valkyrior she's yet to meet. The two have a quick understanding of one another.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Sif

Hela has posed:
After breaking free of Odin's banishement, after learning of Asgard's demise and the ascension of a new King ahead of her, Hela still managed to come up with something worthwhile. Dominion over the Valkyrior was one of the things she coveted, as was the placement of Valhalla in her domain. So all was not lost. Reconstructing Valhalla was quite the draining task, but sending out the call to the remaining Valkyrior to come meet their new direct ruler was a simpler one.

One by one she met those who survived Ragnarok, to varying degrees of pleasantness. Some were shocked, some awed, and some yet dismayed and upset. For the most part everything fell in place, as she anticipated.

But there was a last one she has yet to meet, and thankfully, that wait appeared to be over as she could sense her approach through the gate opened to her domain. Niflheim. Where she was still sole Queen.

Hela is an imposing figure standing at 7' atop the staircase leading to the front of her castle. Dressed as she is in her royal militaristic outfit, fine Asgardian armoring and a billowing green cloak. But most daunting would be the spiked antlery dark crown on her head, as she looks down the stairs and awaits her guest.

Sif has posed:
Word had reached her on wings and lips of a summons to the realm of Niflheim, that place of deep clinging shadow and lingering cold that tested the hardiest of spirits. The Princess of the Vanir had long ago elected to join the ranks of the Valkyrior, but had been absent since the initial meeting between the Princes of Asgard and the new warden of the famed feminine warriors.

Now -- now it was time to attend the call if out of duty to her acclaimed status as Valkyrie. Air displaces gently as Sif simply...is: her teleportation powers allow her immediate access to the grandiose standing that is Hela's castle. With a glow of health around her denying the darkness, the dark-haired Aesir begins to approach the impressive figure of the Queen of Niflheim. Sif wears the silvery Asgardian armor known to her person; Brumeoalfold, her sword capable of bridging worlds, hangs at her hip as an extension of her own body. Red battle-leathers and a fur-collared cloak add bright if almost lurid color to her guise.

Ascending the stairs is a silent traveling until she stands just beyond the reach of Hela's antlered shadow. Then comes the fist placed against her chestplating and Sif inclines her head to the Queen.

"My lady, I attend." Her voice is perfectly composed.

Hela has posed:
"Brumeoalfold," Hela speaks the name of the artifact sword sheathed at Sif's hip. Clearly, the Queen of Niflheim knows her artifacts, she bears a smile of appreciation on her lips as she speaks the sword's name. If she had absolutely nothing else to go by, she'd still remark Sif as one among the upper echelon of Valkyries, merely for owning such a powerful artifact as her sword.

Hela's gesture of inclining her head in recognition of Sif's appropriate address, causes the foreboding shadow she casts to shift uncomfortably, as she motions for Sif to come closer still. "I am pleased you would make a respectful and becoming address, Lady Sif, it shows a more regal upbringing than Brynhilde's..." clearly the one who took the very title Valkyrie as her namesake, was less respectful in her initial approach.

"I saw you standing with my brothers, when I first met them...what, pray tell, is your connection with them? I am short a proper introduction of just who you are..."

Sif has posed:
With her chin dipped, Sif watches the edged antlering pattern dance along the crisply-hewn stairs. Her fingertips dance lightly along the pommel of her sword when its name is spoken, but it has the nuance of long-habit rather than threat, as if she were to confirm it was indeed still there after being Named.

Hela asks after the brothers and it brings the Valkyrie warrior to look up into the Queen's face. Her poise remains, perfect, polite as she was schooled those untold centuries ago before she decided to follow the path of the sword and shield.

"I am sworn to the Valkyrior of my own word. I am sworn to the brothers by equal gravity of spoken promise. I have known the Princes since childhood." It seems a simple enough explanation without leaving out too many pertinent details. "You may hear them tell of me as a Shield-Maiden of Asgard and this is truth."

Hela has posed:
"I see," Hela remarks crisply as she listens to Sif's words while studying her poise, how she carries herself.

"Then you're quite unique, even among the Choosers of The Slain," Hela murmurs, eyes keenly alert to every minute gesture Sif might make. If Loki sometimes gives the uncomfortable impression he may be judging, studying or actively manipulating a person, there's no impressions with Hela. She appears to directly be judging or rather studying Sif even as speaks to with her.

"You place Asgard above all else, would that be a fair statement? Growing up with the Royal Family, how could you not?" Could be she means to speak of Sif's character, or else, suggest Sif wouldn't be allowed with the Princes if she wasn't more then a mere Asgardian herself.

"I take it you had to prove worthy to join the Valkyrior, is that where the title of Shield-Maiden comes from? You served in Odin's ranks?"

Almost as an immediate follow up, she lifts an arm to point at Sif's sword, "this is not a common thing, even for a Valkyrie to wield, how came you by Brumeoalfold?"

Sif has posed:
Subtle prods at her reputation earned through bloodshed and defense of the Asgardian throne are no new thing to Sif. A point of pride for herself, a thing to tease through Thor, and utterly infuriating for Loki, how the Valkyrie remains as cool as a spring morning before the Queen of Niflheim.

"I was given the honor of joining Odin's ranks, yes," the Vanir Princess confirms. "I led the spears in an impossible rout else-world and was awarded Brumeoalfold by Odin himself as well as the title of Shield-Maiden. I consider it a glory to hang at my reach."

Her chin lifts minutely. "Asgard was and shall always be my foremost concern, yes." Her eyes narrow faintly at any insinuated accusation requiring this confirmation. "While I count my friends of great number on Midgard and will go to their aid, Asgard does retain its primacy of duty."

Hela has posed:
"Glory indeed," Hela seems to confirm that Sif suggests, if only to ascertain there's no empty bragging done in this instance. The achievement Sif described is fully worthy of accolades, and it is only right of Sif to speak so highly of it. "I am pleased to have you in the Valkyrior then, I'm sure Vintridr is quite fond of you, Lady Sif."

Hela appears even more pleased by the order of priorities described, "as I have said to the other Valkyries who came before me, while I did gain dominion over the Valkyrior, I will not change its purpose. Chief focus, is the very role, Chooser of The Slain. Second, service of protection to the Royal Family." She pauses a moment there, and smiles, "that is as you may well understand, to say, I will not use you nor your sisters in any moves against my siblings for that is not right. If we have our differences, we shall solve them in person, directly. So be assured my asking for dominion over the Valkyrior is not a move born of greed for power, so much as streamlining my dominion itself. I am the Goddess of Death, it is only right I oversee the Valkyrior and Valhalla."

Hela then points at the golden light that seems to pierce through the cold darkness of Niflheim from across the castle. "There it stands, renewed and perfect as always...as Valkyrie, you're free to come and go, it is only right, as it is part of your charge..."

"Brynhilde had some surprising words of expectation to share with me in return, would you like to repeat such folly? Or do we part for now as friends?" Hela apparently saw no reason to prolong the encounter, unlike Valkyrie, Sif brought her no reason for concern and she is sure she will do well.

"A final notice, with the Valkyrior dwindled, I have tasked the host with finding prospective recruits...do let me know if you find a worthy one in your travels."

Sif has posed:
While Sif's beauty may be keen and her battle-style edged by blade, her tendency towards blunt clarity of communication remains.

"I did not assume you would attempt to take the throne in Odin's absence. Ever has the family of Odin dealt with their squabbles behind closed doors." At least, the formal ones; the dark-haired Valkyrie has seen her fair share of sibling spats over the centuries. The Princess's glacially-blue eyes do not waver from Hela as she continues.

"I thank you for retaining the Valkyrior's ability to access Valhalla, my lady. It has been missed in the midst of the rebuidling of Niflheim. The task of recruiting for the cause of the Valkyrior is also of importance to me. I agree -- our numbers have dwindled beyond that of prudence. Should I encounter one worthy of the name, I shall bring her forth for your measuring." Already, Midgardian names and faces flicker through the Aesir's mind before being compartmentalized in a place far to the side.

"If there is nothing more you require of me, I am needed elsewhere," she says with a formal finality of her own.