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Little Costume Shop 1
Date of Scene: 06 October 2019
Location: A little costume shop close to Mutanttown
Synopsis: Wolfsbane takes a look at costume options for halloween
Cast of Characters: Red, Wolfsbane

Red has posed:
There's a costume shop close to mutant town, just one short block and two corners away. It has a big lettering on the window, a neon sign tells itis open. Some costumes stock the window. Cowboys next to native americans, an Imperial Stormtrooper seeming to fire his blaster from the left while the right had an Enclave Advanced Power Armor with a gatling laser. Typical costumes one might say, the materials mostly synthetic for it was easier to be dry cleaned. A sign hung out, promoting the name, telling about their offer of costumes for rent and sale as well as custom makes. Inside the front is rather cramped, the short walls lined with posters and photos of the costumes while the back wall was carrying props that would befit the movie industry.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's path this day took her a little outside the boundaries of Mutant Town itself, whether well-established or not. Mutant Town itself is more of a moniker than an official name, residing in part of Bushwick generally east of Manhattan and across the river. The point is, a lot of mutants live there no matter where it technically begins and ends. So, it's not difficult to wander slightly outside the bubble and find different places.

This is one such case, as the wolfen mutant slows to a stop before the store advertising various costumes. Glancing up and down the street, curiosity gets the better of her. Opening the door, some brief movie theme playing when she does, she steps inside, eyes sweeping the place.

Red has posed:
At the sound of the bell, Jurassic Parc, a young face pushes her head out from a doorframe to look to the shopfront while sitting on a chair and working on something. "Hang on a moment, just putting away something," the woman exclaimed, and a couple seconds later she stands up and hangs an apron up next to the door, slipping seamlessly behind the counter. "Good afternoon, what can I doo for you? Just looking or looking for something specific? Or you have something custom in mind?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
The tune sounds familiar, but there isn't quite enough for Wolfsbane to recognize it. She tries opening the door a second time to see if it plays the same thing or not, enough wonder there to find out before anything else. Then, the voice. "Hmm? Oh, dinna worry. I'm just..looking," she claims, sounding as if she has no intent to buy or otherwise pay for anything at this point. She hasn't even figured out where to begin, yet.

Red has posed:
As the door opens again, it's different, though from the same time. Heck, even the same director and filmed exactly at the same time! A little snippet that is much more toned down. Shindler's list. "Just looking? I can help you find something you're looking for then. Just spill the beans what you're after and I can see what we can do for you."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane begins to reach for the door again..then changes her mind. Twice is enough. She's taking a closer look in Alice's direction instead, raising a brow at how the woman both reacts and doesn't react to her appearance. No particular reaction is more a good thing than bad, as something negative would be pretty obvious. "I wasn't really thinking o' anything, but I hadn't been by here before an' I thought I'd see whit ye had. Halloween /is/ near, even if I dinna dress up for it."

Red has posed:
"Well, that'd be a shame. I mean, not to take the chance to dress up, add some obvious fake parts and pass off as a normie just dressed up really well." Alice notes, herself having grown up in the quarter with quite a lot of obvious mutations. "I mean, Wolfen maybe? No, not muscled enough... maybe Red Riding Rood or Red Werewolf Hunter as inspiration? Yu know, those old 2010-11 flicks.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane moves further into the store, pausing to explain, "I can look normal if I want tae. Tha's part o' muh powers." It's clear by now that Alice does not have an issue with obvious mutants, at least not ones like her. She does admit with a mild frown, "If I was gaunae try something, I think I'd want tae stay away from werewolf things. Some people have a lot o' notions about them based on stories. I'm no' even an actual one."

Red has posed:
"Just saying that such a costume would be pretty easy for yea. So what would you go for if not a wolf?" Alice notes, reaching under the counter for the catalogue folders and pulling two or three up. "Somethign historical or something seen on the silverscreen?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane asks, "But th' point o' a costume is tae pretend ye're something ye're no', aye?" Her accent..somewhere in the northern UK, leaving few options when it comes to her nationality. She does admit, "I like some fantasy..like, knights an' princes an' princesses an' things like tha'." Her head angles in the direction of the folders, glancing up toward Alice for a moment.

Red has posed:
"Or to hide who you are. Sometimes just patting on obvious stuff makes people ignore obviously not faked parts as made better parts of the costume." Alice explains, flopping open one of the folders and making sure it's right side to the customer. "Well, then you can look here. LAdyknight or princess?" she asks, pointing to the photos on the pages. "Take a look."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane reacts with a detectable amount of reservation, maybe even shyness, "Probably a princess, if I was gaunae pick between them a' least." She even fidgets with her hands for a few seconds before burying them in some of the lengths and folds of her top. "But I'm sure there are other things tha' wid fit as well," she remarks, reaching out to go through a few more pages of pics, keeping the spot they were just on.

Red has posed:
"There are knightly and magical princesses, fairy godmother ones and Fantaghiro. Well, she's princess-ladyknight..." Alice notes as she points to one or another as Wolfsbaneflicks through the book of photos. "Just say if something interests you and I look up if it's available, ok? If you want somehting different, we could look at making somethign custom."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Fanta..whit?" Wolfsbane asks, brows scrunching together. She doesn't /seem/ as if Halloween, or at least the Americanized version, is quite her thing. "Ye think some sort o' knight wid fit? I'm no' verra tall, ye know." Just what they need, a short female knight costume. She still peers at the photo examples, though. Lots connected to all sorts of themes. Surely there's something that would work for her, in theory. "An' how expensive is all this?"

Red has posed:
"Rental or owning? Some of them are as cheap as 20 a night, others like the Power Armor in the window go up to 200 for the night. Owning a costume we have in stock depends on the one you choose as well, but starts at 200 and is pretty much open ended. Customs just for you cost some extra, but we're quick. Simple stuff like a suit looking like that spider menace is just a couple hundred and could be done my maybe the day after tomorrow." Alice explains pricing, pointing through the shop. "Oh, we'll find something that fits. What's your dress size?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane moves on with things, mulling over options. "I think I'd want tae rent somethig first. If I was gaunae do one, tha' is." She fingers the cross pendant above her modest bosom, having indicated the price point that's more within reason for her. Spider menace? She squints at that. "I'm no' sure one o' those spider people wid be for me, but I guess tha's th' point o' a costume. How do ye do it so quickly, th' custom things?" She gives her size, clearly on the small side, as well.

Red has posed:
"Having a lot of base stuff helps. I mean, what is this spiderman wearing but a fancyful colored neoprene or spandex? For the looks that is, such would be enough." Alice tells smiling, searching out a binder of fabric samples. "Getting a fitting base starts simple stuff a lot, but some projects take weeks. That power armor for example."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ye have a point. I've done th' spandex thing before, as well," Wolfsbane explains, indicating some familiarity with it. "I'm no' sure about a Spider-Man thing, though." She isn't doing a whole lot to give a good idea of which direction to go in beyond perhaps 'princess,' but she does await the binder of fabrics for a better idea of what's possible. "Sorry if I'm no' being much help," she adds, at least aware of that much.

Red has posed:
"Sometimes knowing what you want is hard. Especially with so many options." Alice says, handing the samples book over. "Like, that's the samples what could be used, but if you wanna keep on looking... We got some more modern stuff too. Like the classic playboy club costume... here."

Wolfsbane has posed:
And there are /so/ many possibilities, especially for someone who is a walking, talking costume already to many people, someone who has never really tried Halloween stuff or anything of that nature before. At the mention of Playboy, Wolfsbane sort of freezes up and coughs into a hand, holding the catalog with her other. "I..should think no' wi' tha', sorry," she answers. Oh, a shy one here. "I /am/ used tae th' animal look, I suppose."

Red has posed:
Alice quirks an eyebrow but then flips to some other portion of the book. "Animal look? Why don't you look at something from here... Well, they are kinda onesies with some ear headbands, but maybe something is ispiring?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane rests her hands against the counter as they move on to a few other ideas, saying, "We could try a few o' these oot an' see." Finally, something she's in agreement on. Some time is spent going through a few options, maybe even leading to a consideration or two for later on closer to the holiday.