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Latest revision as of 23:22, 8 October 2019

Of Hellfire and Daughters
Date of Scene: 06 October 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Lorna and Namorita visit the Royal Palace, Magneto has some words.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Namorita, Magneto

Polaris has posed:
Inside the royal palace of Genosha was all bright steel and polished surfaces. Most of the doors were created to appear or vanish as needed by the magnokinetics whims. Though many remained set so staff could work and come and go as they needed. By and large, however, it was a statement piece. The royal apartments were plush, and classically decorated, as dictated by the King's tastes.

Lorna had her own royal suite of rooms, and when she'd had a brief time as regent with her father's absence, she'd not moved from them. Though she'd made concessions in using the throne room for official business, she hadn't sat down. She'd never allowed herself to get comfortable. Her father's return to the island had been greeted as a triumph in the eyes of the populace, and parties had broken out in the streets as the volunteers that had joined him returned to their families and homes. It was a celebratory mood that didn't particularly puncture the steel structure of the palace, nor the royal quarters at the top.

Lorna walked through the halls toward her rooms at the far end of the hallway, her damp and sand covered sundress remained a give away to her time spent outside on the beach beneath the palace's cliffs, and her feet were still bare as she padded softly along the cool floors toward her rooms. As she walked however, she noted her father's presence in his study, the door opened a crack. She paused, stopping by the door frame as she peered carefully inside to judge whether her father was engrossed in some business or the other. Her green hair a tangle of curls around her shoulders and wind swept about her cheeks.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita walks along with Lorna, the taller blonde being barefoot and wearing a green 2-piece swimsuit. The long ponytail is damp like the hem of Lorna's dress, hair pulled back to show distinctive Atlantean ears. Much like the distinctive winglets on her ankles.

It's an impromptu tour, most certainly, but dessert is still fresh on Nita's mind. "Those little square cakes were -very- good, Lorna. I need to see if I can find them in New York."

Magneto has posed:
     The King had returned in a spectacular way, there were celebrations in the streets and his Brotherhood volunteers had been given a proper heroes welcome. It was all very Victory Parade circa 1945.

  He was reading a book, behind his desk, his high-back chair facing the grand window in his study. He spent his time quiet for now, reflecting on things that happened over the last months. Even though he felt her presence, he didn't say anything, engrossed in thought. When the silence was broken by a young Atlantean, he turns his head and sees Lorna there. "Oh, hello Lorna." He comments, standing up and placing his sheet metal bookmark in place.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced away from spying on her father's figure reading in his study to look back at Namorita with a faint smile. "I'm glad you liked it." She kept her voice hushed, her focus half torn to her father's presence on the other side of the door as she considered if it would be best to continue onto her royal suite to change or not when Magneto spoke. She twisted back around, propping the door open wider with a wave of her hand as the other waved the Atlantean inward along with her.

"Father, this is Namorita, Namor's cousin. She was swimming by and stopped in. She's been trying the desserts we had in the royal kitchens." She pushed her hair back from her face, trying and failing to curb the tangle of curls that fell into her features.

"I hope we didn't disturb you or anything." She bit her lower lip, glancing once toward her new found friend and back to her father as she padded softly into the room.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita is certainly curious, but she is familiar with charismatic rulers. Best let Lorna take the lead on this one. Then the door opens a bit wider and she is introduced. Nita steps into the room, still glistening from her swim.

"Quite wonderful desserts at that." she agrees. The King is reading in quiet contemplation. With Namor, at least, that's usually a good sign. With Magneto? Well she will just have to see.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto had been weary of any Atlantis/Poseidonis people since they launched missile off the coast of Genosha. "Oh? Just out for a swim, almost nine thousand miles away from home?" He asks, the skepticism in his voice was thick.

  He softened a bit before responding to his daughter. "No, you did not disturb me. Come in, come in." He comments, dressed in a blue guayabera and black slacks. Very breathable.

  "So, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced at Namorita, and grimaced as her father made a sharp comment regarding the undersea woman's presence. She had warned Namorita that her father was... suffice to say, //salty// about the whole incident regarding Aquaman. So at least she'd tried to warn the other young woman about her father. As tactfully as she could that is. Still, Lorna stepped carefully, trying to not leave a trail of sea salt and sand along the palace floors, but it was a losing battle as she entered further into her father's study.

"Father," She stopped and started, pushing her hair back from her face, and exhaling roughly. Her focus shifting between Namorita and back to Magneto. It was clear Loran wanted to talk, but how much to say in front of a perfect stranger was another matter entirely.

"What were you reading?" She ventured instead.

Namorita has posed:
"I was in the Middle East for an energy conference, and I do not trust the humans in their desire to glut themselves on fossil fuels." Nita offers casually. "The African coast has long been one of my favorite places, and I have never been to Genosha."

Nita follows Lorna into the room, and doesn't seem at all troubled by the suspicion. Once inside she offers "If Namor has taken any position against Genosha, then I'm not aware of it. But rest assured that he would not leave *you* with any doubts if he did. It is not his way to make vague and threatening actions any more than it is to send spies to your coast."

Magneto has posed:
     As Namorita mentions fossil fuels and humans, his brows raise, his interest had been piqued. "Oh? Good. Genosha has been off of fossil fuels after the uprising. Finite resources are much too undesired."

  Namorita's talk of the other King's M.O. garners a simple nod and slight smile. He respected the matter-of-factly demeanor. He laughs gently before speaking. "Very well. Next time you see King Orin though, if you just so happen to find your fist in his nose, you'd do Genosha a national favor."

  Lorna's question garners an easy answer. "Oh, just a light read." It had been a biography on Captain America, seeing what, if anything had been mentioned of a mission in which a young sonderkommando had assisted Cap and Buck in their exploits.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stepped over to her father's desk, peering over the book idly and leaning a hip against the mahogany desk to get a better view as she listened with care to Namorita and her father's conversation. The fact that her father seemed to be happy with the rather blunt answer loosened the tension the green haired Princess had been carrying in her shoulders and she flashed Namorita a smile.

"I did mention before how Genosha runs entirely on green energy and how we've worked hard to clean the island of any and all pollutants, including the surrounding waters. Thanks to the mutants that have such powers, we've even had success in reintroducing a healthy population of red corals that are otherwise endangered." She murmured, edging into the conversation with ease. The work she'd done over the past year in setting up Genosha's conservation network had bloomed rather fully since Summer and had continued onward in fantastical ways.

Her focus returned to her father and she leaned away from the desk as she swept her hands over the sand that still clung to her dress, particles of iron heavy minerals and rock debris swept up into her hands to form a glittering cloud before they solidified into a small rock in her palm.

"Nothing you read father is ever truly 'light'," She teased.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita remains nearer to the door, letting Lorna lead the way into the room. "Namor has given me significant funding with Oracle, Incorporated to monitor the humans and their poor stewardship of the planet." she offers casually. "But Genosha has done more good for the environment in just a short time than humans have done in their entire existence."

Finding the arm of a chair to lean against, Nita crosses one foot over the other. The blonde smiles widely, then. "I will certainly give King Orin your regards when next we meet."

Magneto has posed:
     "It's been a major point of ours, to leave this land in a better shape than it had been. To spit in the face of those monsters that dared to profit off the blood of our brothers and sisters." He balled up a fist, and released it. "So far, its done the local ecosystem well. I'm glad that it's indeed showing up on your observations."

  Magneto took a moment to scoot the book over to Lorna, revealing the title and subject to his daughter. As she said, it wasn't just light reading.

  His demeanor had changed completely from before. "So, what do you two plan on for the rest of your visit? Catching some of the night life? Or perhaps more epicurean delights?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced over the title of the book as he father slid it over in her direction and she set the little rock of iron alloys on top of his desk in return as she idly flipped through the front cover of the book to read the flap. She glanced up as Magneto asked what they were going to do next, the mood change was noted, and she let the book cover fall back into place. "I was going to get cleaned up and changed, but beyond that not much. Maybe more desserts from the royal kitchen, or we might hit up the plaza." She shrugged a single shoulder, the strap of her dress slipping down and she reached up to push it back. It was one thing to wear next to nothing on a tropical island and in the heat, and she was clearly comfortable with it.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita lifts an arched brow towards Magneto, arms folding lightly over her chest. "Leaving things better than you found them? That's a novel approach these days." she replies lightly. Settling more fully onto the arm of the chair, she gestures towards Lorna. "I ran into your daughter on the beach and we just struck up a conversation. I really had no plans beyond scoring another couple of those delightful little square cakes. But I'll need to borrow something if we're going dancing or anything."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto gestures to a cloche, and the coveted platter floats in front of Namorita. The cloche lifts and the small cakes are on display. "They are also one of my favorites."

  "Very well, whichever you decide, you're sure to have a nice time."

  The King turns his chair and sits down. "We will have to have you back to see firsthand our coral seeding program, if you'd like." He must admit, having Namorita and Namor as allies would help, as Aquaman garnered no favors with the Master of Magnetism.