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A Heartfelt Thanks
Date of Scene: 08 October 2019
Location: Starfire's Room, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Kory crossed paths with Zachary again, who tried to thwart Lobo's kidnapping. She made a new friend with the young wizard.
Cast of Characters: Starfire, Zachary Zatara

Starfire has posed:
Her first week back on Earth, Kory couldn't even bear to enter a building - she stayed outside. She finally went into the room and just sits down, on her bed, as the Silkie is now on her lap. She straes out the window, sighing softly, drinking some carbonated yellow beverage. She left her door ajar.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
In and out of the Tower, the newest (one of, anyway) member of the Titans never stays long, as he has living arrangments...elsewhere. His drop-ins usually involve some spectacle of an entrance via magical teleportation, a question as to the state and whereabouts of Starfire, then an exit through the same means as the entrance.

Today, Starfire is in, and he has been directed to her room. He approaches tentatively, fist raised as he knocks on the door...and it creaks open.

"Hello?" Zachary Zatara is dressed like an ordinary teenage boy...who's obsessed with his looks. Designer jeans, tight t-shirt, and the like. "Oh sorry. I heard you were back!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r is wearing a yellow sundress that is rather on the skimpy side. "Zachary..." She looks at you. "Are you okay? You... took quite a blow when... when...." She lowers her head, clutching the Silkie to her chest tightly, whimpering faintly. "S-so... sorry..." she stutters. "This is very... difficult for me...."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"That?" Zachary waves a hand in casual dismal, and the other reaches up to touch his face where only the faintest hint of the wound can be seen. Magic must have a way of clearing up scars. It WAS quite a blow. "I recover quick and-" Oh dear, she's crying or about to be crying.

"Hey," He tries again softly. "I would've been in way worse shape if you hadn't stepped in when you did. If anyone should be apologizing, it's me. It's bad manners to let a lady get kidnapped by an intergalactic bounty hunter. What happened back there?"

His eyes drop to Kori's chest for innocuous reasons, and he points. "What is that?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r murmurs, "It's the Silkie. A pet from my homeworld...." She then murmurs, "I have a price on my head. My older sister killed my family, threw me in prison when I was ten, and ruined my homeworld out of spite because she wasn't chosen to be crown princess, due to a disability." She shakes her head. "She found me somehow. And... Lobo... is not one to be trifled with. I..." She then murmurs, "I'm sorry you were involved..." She then trails off. "Wait - what are you doing here? Did you come all this way just to see me?" She apparently isn't in the loop that you're a Titan.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zachary's glaze flares slightly. "Heavy stuff. Where to even begin with that. Are you going to be okay? You're here now, so you must've escaped."

"Well, when you told me to look for the Titans, I did," Zach explains, with a sheepish smile. "And I may have joined them, too. It's new. Still figuring things out. But I'm here at the Tower for you. I wanted to check up on you when you returned since you're kinda the reason why I'm here in the first place."

"I was involved because I chose to be," He approaches and drops onto her bed next to her. "That's on me. Whatever happened, or could have happened, I don't blame you."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I've been back a bit now. But... for a little while... I couldn't bear to be... within walls. I... never realized how bad my cleithrophobia was." She just sighs softly, as she lets go of hte Silkie who slithers away from Kory and goes to sniff at your shoe. "You're okay - I'm okay for the most part. But the bad thing is that they could come back for me. TEchnically Lobo fulfilled his contract so he has no dice in the game but... I'm scared." She lowers her head again, a tear streaking out of her face. "I hate being weak..."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Cleithrophobia? That's, like, the fear of being in tight spaces, right?" Zach's close, but he's no expert when it comes to phobias...not on the top of his head, anyway. He makes a face when Silkie sniffs at his pricy sneakers, lips curling somewhere between an awkward smile and a grimace, and prays to whoever's listening that this thing does not slime.

"You gave him a run for his money for being as wasted as you are," He places a hand on her shoulder. "You know they are after now, and knowledge is everything. You can prepare."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r murmurs, "No. Fear of being trapped. And... being bound in chains and dragged halfway across the galaxy... didn't do me any favors..." She sighs softly. "I.... I'll take some time to recover." The Silkie climbs on your left shoe, gurgling softly. "I think the Silkie likes you."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Take however long you need," Zach says sincerely, barely flinching at the comment on galactic travel. "You don't have to be strong all the time. And even when you weren't at your best, you still saved a life. Mine." He's full of himself but not to the point where he's blind to reality. If those space daggers hit him, he might not be walking right now, or worse.

"Yeah, I've noticed," He hesitantly pets the creature on its head, and if it doesn't explode or barf or anything, he will try to lift it and, more importantly, pry it off his shoe.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "Yeah..." she murmurs as the Silkie gurgles, drooling a bit when you pick him up. (There _might_ be a bit of green drool on your shoe - but not much.) "I just need some time before I can get back in battle. I know I'm being a coward. But I can't help it."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zachary is horrified but hides it well, nodding some more as Kori speaks and tearing his eyes away from the goo. "Trauma doesn't make you a coward. It makes you human. Or whatever you are."

Zatara places the Silkie on the bed next to him and absently strokes the creature's back. If he pleases it, maybe it will be less tempted to droll all over his outfit. "You're a superhero, and I don't know much about the things you do, but I have lived with my cousin long enough to know that the yearning to help those in need will find you again, whether you like it or not."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Who's your cousin?" she asks softly as she looks at you. "So - I remember you made me invisible somehow. How did you do it?" she asks, as the Silkie chitters happily, leaning against your petting hand.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Zatanna Zatara," Zachary says, raising a brow. He may have not introduced himself, in the heat of battle. "We do magic." He lifts a free hand and produces a queen of hearts, a useless trick but a well-practiced one.

"Sometimes it's real." Zach comments, scritching the alien pet against his lap.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Oh - the wizard who wears fishnets." She nods slowly. "Can you show me some real magic?" she asks. "Or is it not something you like oding without cause?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zachary smirks, a stunning thing on the showbiz trained sorcerer, and he's already mentally going through the objects in the room. If he can distract Starfire from her problems, even for only a few minutes, well, it would be a worthwhile endeavour. Plus, he didn't need an excuse to show off. It's his job.

"I'm a magician. What good would I be if I kept my talents to myself," His eyes meet Kori's again. "What do you want to see?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles softly. "Well - anything. That invisibility trick would be lovely. So I don't have to worry about pesky clothing." She giggles faintly, winking at you, then blinks. "Sorry - you're a bit young for my normally flirtatious nature."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"I don't mind," Zachary chuckles and stands, pocketing the marker card. Without missing a beat, he's twirling a wand in his hand. "but I never perform the same trick twice. I hope you're ready for a once in a lifetime opportunity. Only a handful of people can truthfully claim to have seen a Zatara's work up close. Tes eht doom."

The light in the room dims significantly, despite the presence of a large window, but the appearance of a dozen lit candles does much to keep the dorm at a still visible level.

"Now, time for the ~magic~."