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Latest revision as of 18:33, 15 October 2019

... we need more ice cream.
Date of Scene: 15 October 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea eats ice cream and makes a deal.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Nightcrawler, Triage, Nightingale

Rage has posed:
It's the next morning after Superman's funeral. Everything went beautifully! All except one tiny spot. Andrea gave an emotional speech, followed by a duet with Shannon. She crushed that song. Absolutely nailed it. Then Robin, the Boy Wonder just had to rip her a new one in the form of numerous curse words and expletives. On live television. It's understandable the sidekick of Batman was emotionally charged, especially with the fact he was blaming Superman on Batman's death, which was news to everyone.

TMZ thoguh is having a field day. The headlines all read: Boy Wonder Robin delivers knockout to Mutant Popstar Andrea Jackson! CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO.

Andrea is sitting in the kitchen in her pajamas and wolf slippers, eating ice cream out of the carton, staring at her phone as it lights up every two seconds with a social media alert. Sure, they will forget about this in a day or two, but it doesn't make her feel good about herself 'today'. She lets out a sigh, stuffs another spoon into her mouth. Nom.

Nightcrawler has posed:
While he does port around the mansion, the kitchen is a place he avoids doing so. So much smoke from the action has ruined too much food in the past. The sight of Andrea as she is draws a tight frown on Kurt's face and he approaches with brows raised and knit.
"Hallo Schatz, das solltest du weglegen. Es hat selten etwas Gutes gebracht, wenn die Nachrichten voller Wut und Traurigkeit sind, ja?" So many people speakin' German lately, he's not sure who doesn't.

He does try to offer her a smile, waving his tail at her as he wanders on all fours, comfortable that way, his tail lashing back and forth slowly.

Rage has posed:
"I'm the French speaker." Andrea says softly as she stuffs her spoon into the carton of ice cream, then scoops out another large one to shove into her mouth. "Sam and Shannon are the German speakers. But I figure at this rate I may as well learn German. Starting to feel like I'm the only one without the secret code around here."

Her phone gives another buzz. Andrea gives it a glance, then finally picks it up and turns it face down on the table.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Head ducking slightly, Kurt looks to her flipping the phone over, "I was suggesting that. Sorry, with so many coming in it's getting difficult to keep up with who speaks my language, ja?" He half stands, still crouching but now with his elbows on his knees. "Miss, I know it is something one does not like to hear, but this will pass, ja? People say und do foolish things at the worst times. I'm sorry such poor treatment came to you, and that people are making a festival of it." Because it's not a circus. That word gets used wrong, way to much... He's an expert!

"Is there anything perhaps I could do to help cheer you?"

Rage has posed:
"I know. I'm used to this. It's the life of a celebrity. Negative news sells clicks. I'm sure in a day or two no one will even remember this." Andrea says with a sigh as the phone buzzes and buzzes and buzzes along the table. She takes another bite of her ice cream. "I'm so used to this I may as well be numb. I think this one stung a bit more since it was broadcasted across the entire world in front of superheroes and the President. I just hope it doesn't blow back on Shannon any. She did a great job on the song and it was really hard for her to be on stage with me. That's a lot of pressure for a normie." She props her chin up. "I don't know if I can be cheered up persay. It's just part of the job. How has your day gone? Everything okay in your world?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Blinking, head tilting, "'Normie'?" Kurt echoes, head tilting to one side, her question about him forgotten in his confusion. He doesn't say else for the time being, too interested in seeing what is going to come of this line of questions that has been prompted.

Rage has posed:
There's a soft laugh from Andrea. "Just a normal person. Someone who isn't under the microscope like us celebrities are. She had a lot of courage to go up there as a mutant, especially in this climate. She sounded great though. She killed it." She tilts her head back towards him curiously.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"None of us are normal people, Andrea." Expression falling to something more carefully neutral. Especially mutants. Unlike celebrities they don't have specialized munitions or giant robots poised to attack them for existing..." Kurt's brow raises a fraction, "And unlike you, mutants like Shannon and I can't hide it without hard-light hologram systems. Referring to any of us as normies... you may as well start defining those of us like me as 'the freakshow' while you're at it."

Rage has posed:
Stirring the spoon in her ice cream, Andrea says, "You are normal, Mister Wagner. So is Shannon, so is every other person at this school. Just because you have blue fur or she has wings, doesn't make you any different from the guy bagging groceries at the store. In my world, in Beyonce's world, Taylor Swift's world? You're normal. But to the rest of the world, the fact I'm eating ice cream instead of sticking to a diet will generate four million hits in twenty minutes and most of it will be negative, calling me fat, or a loser, or any other colorful adjective. I get death threats by the /hour/ in my email, on my social feeds, and even sent to my parent's house just because not only am I a mutant, but because people don't like my music. I've been shot and I've been stabbed at a number of concerts. I am not immune to every day crazy just because I look the way I do. But you get the luxury of going home, turning the TV on and not being on camera being dumped on by a kid in spandex, or a nipple slip, or a sex tape or an unflattering photo walking down the street." She dumps her spoon into the carton again. "But, thanks, my day is just getting super better." She says as she plucks the carton up and heads to tuck it back into the freezer.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"That's what happens when you continue to apply labels. Nothing gets better. It only separates. I understand that it is upsetting to be under the spotlight. Think of what you are saying, we can 'go home' because people don't know the secret of this place. Even Hank has to keep his movements clandestine." Kurt stands, hunched as he is by his tail, brow knitting. "I am not trying to say your hurt is invalid. I understand it very well, you should speak with Dazzler sometime, she knows just as well as you - a human celebrity and a mutant." Kurt's tail flicks and he watches her still, gold eyes intent, "But I guarantee if Hank und Beyonce walk into a room, they focus on Hank first. I guarantee if -you- walk into a room with Sean Combs, the focus is on you first. Because you're a mutant. Even if you weren't a Disney pop star, you'd be the focus, because they're afraid of you even  if they have no cause to be."

Triage has posed:
Triage wanders into the kitchen, muttering, "Cookies, cookies, cookies ..." His eyes scan the cabinets, and even more the counters, probably looking for a squat stoneware jar that would be good for storing snacks. "Everyone's a critic. The questions are, how critical is the criticism and how seriously should people take their own opinions?"

Rage has posed:
"No, but you're also putting words in my mouth. When I made a jest about the word normie, it's because Shannon is not a celebrity. She is not a trained professional. She is not in the spotlight. You decided to take it into this direction of seperation and make this conversation into something else. I said she did fantastic for a normie, as in someone who has never been on stage before, someone who has never put a hundred hours in one week in a recording booth, as someone who is an untrained person in music and stage presence. This had nothing to do with mutants, or what she looks like." Andrea says as she shoves the ice cream into the freezer, then lobs the spoon into the sink with a clatter. "And now you're projecting on to me."

Nightcrawler has posed:
The frown still remaining on Kurt's face, he watches her for a few seconds, "Then perhaps 'did well for someone who hasn't been on the stage before' is a better phrase, than labels, which did separate things. If you think I went too far, I understand you'll be upset. But labels don't help, and they can instigate debates." Wagner leans on the counter, brows knit. "I'm sorry that you've had pain and suffering in your life. I'm sorry some of it came because of who you've chosen to be. I'm also sorry to have diverted away from your pain, with my pet considerations. Rude of me, yes. But passions will do that to you." he doesn't move, hands fidgeting. "I did not mean to hurt your feelings meine dame, I apologize."

Triage has posed:
"Labels need definitions," Triage remarks, diverting his path to the sink. He plucks the spoon from it. "'Spoon' is a label but most people know what a spoon is because we have a common definition." He steps to the dishwasher, opens its door, and drops the spoon into the small bin for utensils before closing the door again. "Both of you are right in my opinion. Shannon did well," he adds, now heading along the counter toward that rounded stoneware container. He lifts the lid and plucks three chocolate chip cookies from it. "Both of you were good, particularly considering the situation - an emotional time for the world, particularly after Robin took the stage." He approaches the others, holding the cookies in offer. In a passable imitation of Tom Baker, he invites, "Cookie?"

Rage has posed:
"You have to try a lot harder to hurt my feelings." Andrea says with an indignant sniff of the air. "I have thick skin." She heads to the sink and starts to wash the dishes. "Not even Robin upset me. He had a right to be angry and I get that. It just sucks that for the next few hours I'm going to be a trending topic, but it will be forgotten about by tomorrow or the next day. Superman's funeral is kinda a way bigger deal than dumb popstar mutant gets dunked on by tween in spandex tights."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Shaking his head at that, Kurt frowns a little more. "Then I guess it doesn't matter then." offering a shrug before looking back to Triage, "Nein, Chris. Thank you though." bowing his head slightly and then takes a seat at the the counter, using his tail to load a keurig and get himself a mug in place, hands folding before him.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon slips into the kitchen, with a thin folio of sheet music in one hand, and her wings... decidedly less droopy. She's in her favorite cream cotton poet's blouse, jeans, and sneakers, her hair long and loose as always. Not exactly watching where she's going, she's looking down at the music in her left hand, while her right mimics the motions of playing a piano. She's humming a melody lightly, that one might recognize as being 'Stars' from Les Miserables. Woe betide anyone in her path at the moment, she is lost in the music.

Rage has posed:
Taking in a breath, Andrea gives a glance over towards Kurt. "It's okay, really. We're fine." She assures him. "I'm just feeling a bit defensive. That's all. Got the walls up, ten feet thick steel. I'm sorry, also." She tucks her hair back behind her ear. "I'm just trying not to get worked up too much." Reaching over to snag a cookie from Chris, she bumps her shoulder against his gently. "But I'm a bit worked up, I guess." As Shannon enters, she steers out of her path so that she can continue her shambling forward to her destination. "Hey, when you got a minute." She says to her winged teammate.

Triage has posed:
Triage nods to Kurt, and then to the brewing machine. "That's a good idea," he says. He heads across the room to the cabinet where the pods wait, unaware of incoming traffic. Shannon's humming was soft, not meant for an audience, and so he missed that one clue. Their paths intersect. He flinches on impact but the cookies are safe. "Hey!" he exclaims, slightly startled but automatically reaching for her 'playing' arm to steady her. "You're in time for morning snacks. Cookie? I'll brew cups for us after Kurt's finishes.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Giving a nod, Kurt shrugs again, but he doesn't push the matter any further, opting instead to silence for a short time, watching Chris and then the appearance of Shannon to the kitchen. A smile and bob of his head is given in greeting, and once his coffee is poured he moves again, pulling something that looks like a flask from his shirt and pouring some into his coffee... but it looks like creamer.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ooof!" Shannon is brought up short by the laws of physics, with herself being the object moving in a straight line, and Triage being the outside force that acts to stop it. Cookies might be safe, but her sheet music is not, the pages tumbling to the floor. "Sorry about that... are you okay?" She bends down to gather up the pages, shuffling them about till they're in the right order again.

     Andrea gets a bit of a smile, and she inclines her head, hugging the music to her as if it were a teddy bear. "Sure, what's going on? Can't have screwed up that badly yet today, right?"

     Kurt gets a smile and a little bob of her head, with a somewhat cheery greeting. "Guten tag!" Her cheer is muted since the events of the day before, but still, it could be worse.

Rage has posed:
Taking a bite from the cookie, Andrea slips back down to the table to sit, easing back into the chair. "No, you didn't screw anything up. I just wanted to say thank you for coming on stage with me yesterday and that you did amazing. You really held yourself together up there on what is probably the biggest stage anyone can stand on. Even if things didn't end super awesome, you kept your poise. So, my manager called me last night and he went on and on about how even though I did get bullied by a teenager in tights, there /has/ been a bit of a positive reception to our performance. So, my label wants to know if you'll do background vocals on this single I have coming up." She takes another bite of her cookie. "As long as you're comfortable with it. It's a paid gig."

Triage has posed:
"I'm fine," Triage answers with a shake of his head. He starts to kneel to help Shannon with the music, but seeing that she has that in hand, he nods. He glances to Andrea and then back to Shannon. "Lemon tea, then, for your voice," he decides, heading for the Keurig. "I still have two cookies and you're welcome to one. I needed one after one of the students learned that hverboards are not suitable for indoor use."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner looks between the trio now, sipping his coffee - the old man in the room - while the kids cheer themselves. He does smile though, a little, keeping out of their fun for the moment especially with Andrea pepping up with Shannon's entry. But Kahlua coffee is here. It's his close friend and confident, it doesn't judge. It just gives you hugs in your tum tum.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blinks, looking more than a little shocked. For the second time, her music drops--and so does her jaw. It seems she was doomed to have mixed up pages to have to straighten out later, and flies flying into her wide open mouth. "Merde... are you kidding me? Whew, is that something I'd have to get my folks in on, though with permission and all that? I mean, I -am- still 16. And I'd be really concerned about backlash for them, with me being a known mutant, and them in a very mutant-unfriendly area. Still..." She bites her lower lip, trying to reorganize the pages of her song again. "If you think all that can be worked out, I wouldn't mind trying." What the heck, this was -not- something she'd expected in a million years.

Still stunned, Shannon can only nod to Triage, her eyes wide as dinner plates. "Andrea's the one with the pipes here. I've never had a voice lesson in my life."

She bursts out laughing, hugging Triage, Andrea, and yes, even Kurt in turn, playfully tugging at the latter's tail in her mirth. "Okay, maybe not such a bad day after all."

Rage has posed:
"You won't be in a music video or anything, not unless you want to. I wouldn't ask that of you. Just in the recording booth with me laying down some tracks. You'll need your parents, yes, because you'll want a lawyer to go over the paperwork and sign off and ensure that my label isn't going to screw you over. You can go one of two ways in these contract negotiations. Take a flat rate, or ask for royalties instead. Like, you get so many dollars based upon volume of sales of the track." Andrea says as she leans into the hug a bit with a smile.

"So, here's a free tip for you. This song is called Enough and it features a friend of mine from the UK who's a rapper on it. He's a mutant also and he's starting to blow up over there. This song is going to be a banger. There is talk that this song may finally get me that Grammy. Go for the royalties." She bobs her head seriously. "And make sure it goes into a direct deposit into an account only you can touch. Not your parents, not your accountant. Only you. This song goes platinum, you may make about ten grand on it in a month. Wanna hear it so far?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Acks as his butt necktie is yanked on, eyes popping a little wider but at Andrea's comment the fuzzy blue elf notes, "Dazzler. She has good lawyers for both the legal side mutant side... Or talk to Emma." he looks then to Chris and raises his cup slightly before drinking. "This has turned into X-Mansion Got Talent. The world is over." half grinning towards the man at that.

Triage has posed:
Triage laughs at Kurt's comment while he places a cup under the Keurig's spout and loads a pod into the chamber. He presses the button and leans against the counter. While waiting, he looks to Shannon and grins. "Don't forget the little people or your adoring fans," he urges. When Andrea gives some good advice, he nods. "Remember the folks in *Star Wars* who opted for a flat rate. That didn't go well."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and runs her fingers through her hair. Holy moly. "This is definitely gonna take a visit home and run this by my folks. Not something I want to break to them over the phone." She made a mental note to talk to someone about making a run back to Connecticut to break the news to her family. She nods and smiles from ear to ear. "Sure... whatcha got so far?" Hey, it couldn't hurt to listen for a little while. She smiles at Kurt and Triage, swatting Triage. "Oh puh-lease, like I'm ever going to become a big thing. Always have been and always will be just one of the 'little people'."

Rage has posed:
Taking her pods out of her pocket, Andrea pops the song up on her iPhone which is called: Untitled Q4 Project. Even her phone has an NDA on it. She hands them to Shannon with a smile. "For your ears only." She says as her brows lift upwards. "I hope you really like the message behind it."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods again to the three, standing up and draining his mug he looks between the others. "Alright. You kids enjoy yourselves... I think I'm going to pester more faculty before I get a spot of time to myself." putting his dishes in the sink before he steps outside of the room... and disappears into stinky smoke

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon's eyes widen and her head bobs softly to the music. She smiles as the words and melody sink in; she's even careful not to hum along, keeping the NDA in mind. "Wow. Yeah, this would be fantastic to be part of. Let me get with my folks on this and see about getting a lawyer's input and everything. There anyone you'd recommend?"

Just then, her own phone goes off, and she has to tap the pause button on Andrea's phone, to check her own. She frowns slightly. "Scheisse. Mr. McCoy's calling me down to his lab. Something about the attack the other day." She passes Andrea's phone back to her, and inclines her head. "We'll have to get together on this, definitely. Love that piano part, too." She smiles and inclines her head towards Triage. "Going to have to take a rain check on that tea. Maybe this evening?" She scurries out the door, wondering just what could be on the slab in the lab...

Triage has posed:
Triage continues to grin while Andrea sets up for Shannon. Then the Keurig sputters its steaming liquid into Shannon's cup. He grabs the cup and takes it to the table, along with the honey jar just in case. "There you--" His own phone interrupts. He pulss it from his pocket and glances at the notification. He sets the two cookies before Shannon and glances at the others. "I'll be back, hopefully without needing a feast." He waves and heads for the door at a trot.