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Latest revision as of 01:51, 18 October 2019

A Birthday For Greenie
Date of Scene: 17 October 2019
Location: Cabin on Lake Cowichan, Hub City, Canada
Synopsis: Lorna, Pietro, Magneto and Wanda gather at a cabin to celebrate Lorna's birthday.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Polaris, Quicksilver, Magneto

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda had enjoyed her get-away to the cabin in the Canadian Northwest, having been there to get her head right. Right up until the moment the call came out that Sebastion had been found and was in a vulnerable state.

And the few hours spent there with Lorna on the back porch looking out over the Lake was wonderful, and so it seemed a good place to have a little family gathering for their sister's birthday.

Wanda had told Pietro, and called up Lorna to arrange it. And provided teleportation there after having called and booked the place again. The fireplace is already set with wood ready for a fire. Wanda waves a hand across it, uttering a soft incantation, using traditional magic to not only provide a few sparks, but to cause the fire to spring up fully.

Outside the air is cold. Just above freezing as the sun is starting to go down. Across the Lake can be seen the growing sprawl of Hub City, but over on this side around the cabin, it is still woods and nature. Wanda brought a few bags of food with her, including something that is no doubt a birthday cake. Also a few bags other suspicious looking bags.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was busy to say the least, what with Genoshan alliances , business deals and her heir apparent ceremony, which was more and more feeling like a national holiday, she was desperate for an escape. Wanda's offer was far too tempting and Lorna agreed to the quick teleport over to Canada from Genosha. She smiled as she exited the portal, bundled up in an oversized winter coat, sweater, and scarf. She now understood that when Wanda meant cold, she meant the frozen north cold.

Even as she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. The portal closing behind her to reveal her royal suite behind in Genosha.

"Hey Wanda, you have no idea how happy I am to escape the chaos for a little while. I thought I was going to scream if someone asked me what colors I wanted for the napkins again."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro was invited to something! Oh happy day. He knows he's the jerky sibling, but come on!

When Pietro got the invitation proper he read it over then sighed in the way that Pietro always does. Not because his sister invited him, but because he now gets to run all the way to Canada. Given, its from New York, so its not THAT far for a speedster to run. If he runs at max speed, he can probably get there good enough in good time. But, he puts together a backpack, puts on some nice winter clothing that would let him still be agile..

Then he gets moving.

So, a few minutes after Lorna arrives, there's a ZOOM and the pushing up of snow about ten feet off the ground from the singular trail he just ran. "Whew." He stretches. "Sorry, that took me a minute." To Wanda. "Now what the hell's got you in the dumps? I get to kill somebody again, don't I? If its a boyfriend, I can't wait."

Then to Lorna. "Hey Green."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda straightens from where she's pulling something out of one of the bags. Two packages of napkins, one green, the other white. "Right," Wanda replies to her sister, putting the white napkins away and then laughing warmly. "Well, it's warm inside, so feel free to unbundle," she says. The windows have a bit of frost on them on the outside, but the cabin is nice in comparison. And the fireplace is starting to put out additional heat.

The interior has a window seat below the window looking out over the lake in back. A couch and a love seat and two chairs are in front of the fire, with a TV above the mantle. There are four bedrooms, and also a sauna.

Wanda pulls out what is indeed a birthday cake in a box. She sets that aside and then gets a few more things. Beer and wine and some harder spirits. Then she pulls out a few wrapped presents, most of them in some shade of green, but not all of them.

"Now where is-" Wanda gets out when suddenly Pietro arrives with a whoosh. "Name the devil," she says with a grin, moving over to give her twin a warm hug. "Actually, I'm not," she tells him. "In the dumps." Indeed, Wanda visibly looks better than she has in months. Than she has this whole year. Even when she was happy with Josh, it was happiness covering up something deeper, something wrong. Something that isn't there anymore.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly as she took off her bundled up jacket and scarf, leaving her in a sweater that hugged the edges of her shoulders and draped downward, and a pair, the color a soft lavender hue. Beyond that she kept on her knee high boots and made to hang up her jacket even as she shivered in the warmth of the cabin. It was still too cold for the magnokinetic when compared to Genosha's tropical climate.

Her arms wrapped around her waist and she blinked as Pietro arrived, cutting off anything further that she had planned to say. His words earned a huff of a breath, "Pietro!" She sounded aghast at how he addressed Wanda, but her scowl softened into a smile as she glanced about and Wanda address their brother and how she actually was. Still she shivered again at the cold air that trailed into the cabin at Pietro's speedy entrance.

"It's too bad father isn't here, he might actually like this place.." She murmured.

Quicksilver has posed:
"Here I am." Pietro looked at Wanda for a moment as she tells him that she's quite alright, which makes Pietro tilt his head at her. Well, she looks happy, which is nice. She did her hair, she looks so beautiful, so she must be happy. Easy! "So...why are we back at this cabin?"

Pietro then looks at Lorna. "Yeah, I'm not. He'd probably try and blow it up, or stop us from meeting here. You know how he is about Genosha." there goes Pietro again, being very anti-Magneto. But...well, Pietro lovesh is father. He does. Its just...well.

They butt heads every single time. "I did miss this place though."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is opening up some containers of finger food. A tray with meat and cheese and vegetables plus dip. She grabs a grape to pop in her mouth, and also lofts one towards Pietro's face. Not being particularly careful. Knowing for him that grape will look like it takes 20 minutes to reach him, giving him plenty of time to adjust.

"I'm still hopeful he might come," Wanda tells Lorna at the mention of their father. "I told him to let me know if he finished his meetings and I would teleport him here if so," she says.

Wanda pats Pietro's shoulder. "I doubt he'd blow it up. Maybe replace the wood walls with metal, but not blow it up," she teases. Wanda grabs one of the presents. "You have to wait to open the others until later, but you can have this one now," Wanda says, grinning. "From Pietro and I," she adds, making sure her brother's inclusion is noted in the gift. Lorna will sense a few metal objects within.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rolled her eyes at Pietro, moving to shadow Wanda's figure toward the finger foods. She snuck over to steal a few pieces of rolled up meat around various cheeses. She snorted a laugh at Wanda chucking a grape in their brother's direction and she continued to chow down on the various snacks laid out before her. She was clearly hungry and unsure when the last time she actually sat around and had a meal was.

"Get father out of Genosha when he just got home? Perish the thought. Besides, he's busy planning out the intricate details for what my formal birthday and coronation will be like tomorrow. Something for all of Genosha and mutantdom to celebrate.." She drawled, rolling her eyes once more.

Still, as Wanda turned and grabbed up a gift, Lorna lofted an eyebrow upward and took it. She smiled, curious as she peeled back the layers of decorative wrapping to open up the gift inside. She grinned, and coo'ed and aww'ed over the contents inside. "These are beautiful!"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro crosses his arms as he looks at Wanda when she steps up to him. "He'd break it apart and rebuild it in metal. Comforting. It'll be eighty-times colder, he realizes." He shakes his head just a bit but the touch from Wanda noticeably calms him. So he just sighs and stops talking, looking to Lorna. Of course, there's a reason why they're there.

"Happy birthday, Lorna."

Apparently she loves the gift! So he looks at Wanda and gives a little smirk.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff moves back to lean against the kitchen counter that abuts the living room, where the food is set out. She picks a bit of salami wrapped around a core of cheddar from the tray to nibble, smiling as she watches Lorna open the gift.

"I'm so glad you like them," Wanda says in her softly accented English. "They came from Madripoor. I was there a few weeks ago and saw them and thought they would be perfect for you," Wanda comments.

Wanda gets out the beverages, pouring her brother his favorite alcohol and passing a glass over, then asking Lorna, "I don't know what your favorite is. Glass of wine? Want me to make a pitcher of margaritas?" she asks. "We can all get properly soused and then take a sauna later. The locals go from there and jump in the lake, which is frigid, and then back in. But I'm not... quite... sure if I'm up for that yet," Wanda says with a warm laugh.

"So how is everything going at the school? And Pietro, we haven't caught up in days. Anything new with you?" Wanda asks her siblings.

Magneto has posed:
     A portal opened, and out came the patriarch of the House of M: Erik. The man was dressed in a dress shirt and slacks, no tie, but he did bring a gift, a case of delectable 50 year old tawny port. It followed him through the portal and rested at his side for now. He gave a sniff at the air, looking skeptical. "Is this Canada? It feels like Canada." He comments before joining the three. "Happy Birthday, Lorna." He says with a slight smile, and took a moment to give the girls a hug each, unsure about how Pietro wanted to greet his father. Wether it was an embrace, or a handshake, or a one fingered salute. "I hope you are all well."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda. "Whatever the birthday girl would want." As for how he's doing to Wanda, Pietro looks at her. "Thats because you don't answer my texts sometimes, you know. I've been...boring. Went on a few more dates with a nice girl. Her name's Karen." He can already hear the jokes.

Theeeen there's Daddy dearest.

At first, he looks at Magneto when he's actually dressed nicely. He lifts his hand when he sees him, his middle finger the only finger thats sticking up out of a closed fist. But then he takes a breath. "Hey Dad." He offers his dad a hug then. Its Lorna's birthday, after all.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda has some snack trays set out with various sorts of finger food. The birthday cake hasn't been taken out of the box yet, though one present has been opened. Matching metal torc, upper armband and tiera, all finally engraved and with something akin to a regal, warrior-woman feel to them.

"Father, glad you could make it," Wanda says, hugging Magneto and nuzzling a brief kiss to his cheek. She lets him go and moves to get a glass for him as she sees he's brought beverages.

"A Karen you don't say?" Wanda tells Pietro. "And when are you going to bring her by for my approval?" she asks, crossing her arms beneath her breasts in one of those postures that normally signals trouble for a man. "Not that I'm likely to teleport her into a lake if she's found wanting," Wanda says, tilting her head as if to say she might be likely to do that. Though the twinkle in her eyes tells the joke of it all.

"And it is a pleasant place to get away," Wanda tells Magneto of his comments about the cabin. "Fresh air, a brisk bite in the air?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned as she made to set the gift down and turn her focus toward the opening portal at the other end of the room. As soon as Magneto stepped out, Lorna was making to throw her arms around him in a hug. "Dad! Oh, you didn't need to bring anything." She murmured, drawing back and taking the offered tawny port to put on the side table by all the snack foods that Wanda had set out. It was the first family gathering they'd had in a long while, and Lorna was clearly beaming in joy from it as unexpected as it all was.

"Thank you, everyone. Seriously, this is beyond what I expected. It means a lot to me, to have you here." She murmured, unable to hide the smile from her face.

Then her gaze swung toward Pietro and she lofted an eyebrow upward, "Another girl, man, I feel like I'm being lazy having only dated two guys so far." She paused for a beat, considering, "Any chance I could convince you marry an unsea Princess for political gain Pietro?"

Quicksilver has posed:
After the hug to his father, Pietro scoffs a bit. "Sure it is. Just as its amazing to see you." Anybody else see this passable lying game going around?

Pietro looks at Wanda with a smirk. Even as she takes up that angry, arms-under-breasts, hips-maybe-cocked kind of angry-woman stance. He walks over to her, cups her cheeks and gives her a kiss on her forehead/temple region if she allows, then he whispers something to her. When he leans away. "You'll probably like her. But she's very busy...honestly, I don't know if we'll make it work but hey, it'll be fun finding out." He smiles. If Wanda allows, he'll actually wrap an arm about her shoulders, because Twins.

Then to Lorna. "I know, you just need to step up your game." he teases. "But uh...yeah, I'm not marrying someone for politics." he looks firm on that too. "If you're gonna get married, at least marry for love."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto gave his son a bracing hug, at least that was genuine. "Pietro, so good to see you." Even if it was a lie, it was pretty passable. Then onto Wanda, he mirrors her cheek kiss. "There are worse places to be, that is for sure." He offers up, taking the offered glass and filling it with a good drink. "Fresh air is good, it reminds me of a long time ago."

  "Undersea princess? Not one of Aquaman's..." The name itself made Magneto upset.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda grins at her brother and pats his shoulder. "Well, I will have to meet her, just the same," she says. The question about the political marriage causes one of Wanda's eyebrows to go up, but only in curiosity. She turns back to the food, picking up a carrot and dipping it in ranch as she says, "Wait, I thought we were supposed to marry for the good sex?" she says, then biting down on the carrot with an audible crunch.

The semi-out of character joke for Wanda has her blushing slightly and she laughs as they look at her. "What?" she asks, laughing a bit more in a moment of family levity. She gets drinks for herself and Lorna then, having forgone the margaritas for some Irish coffee instead given how Lorna had the chill when she arrived.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh at Pietro's comments, "You suuure? " She teased, it was well and truly a joke, but the way her father spoke had Lorna fluttering with a brief moment of panic. Her green eyed gaze swinging from her brother to her father in rapid succession.

"I'm joking, it's a joke!" She held up her hands, now free of drink or present as she shook her head. "Besides, no nothing to do with Aquaman. I was thinking Namorita. She's a blonde and bubbly as all get out." She drawled, her green eyes twinkling. Was it truly still a joke? Hard to say.

"It's a joke." She repeated, and as Wanda came over with a warm drink in hand the youngest of Magneto's children grinned and reached for the offered drink. "Oh perfect." She snorted a laugh at Wanda's joke, her cheeks turning pink faintly as she glanced toward their father and back to her elder sister.

Quicksilver has posed:
"I'm pretty damn positive." Pietro stares at Lorna. "Besides, water and me tend not to get along. My feet are better on the ground." Says the dude who can run so fast that water might as well be the ground for him.

Then its a joke....then Wanda makes a joke thats definitely not very characteristic. His eyes widen at the joke. "Uh...huh." He narrows his eyes at her all big-brother like, apparently not very much laughing at the joke. Then he chuckles when the moment of seriousness passes.

"Well, now we have the sex joke out of the way-"

Magneto has posed:
     Pretending you cannot hear your children talking about sex is a mastered art. One that Magneto had done well on. "Good, Aquaman knows right where he can stick it." He comments, taking a drink of port and just spending time enjoying his kids. It was something he'd only done a few times before.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda grins at her family a little bit and then goes over to open up the box that has the cake. It has white frosting with green lettering, spelling out: Happy 25th Birthday Lorna. Wanda sets it out on the counter and says, "I didn't bring any candles, but I figured..."

Wanda's fingers move and conjure forth not her own chaos magic, but a regular spell. About two dozen little flames suddenly appear, dancing in the air above the cake as if there were invisible candles there supporting them. "Voila," she says with a grin towards her sister. "And no wishes about Genosha. Make it something for you!" she says.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rolled her eyes at Pietro, "What? Like your dating history is any better than mine! You should be ecstatic that I'm making jokes about marrying you off." She tased, still unable to hide the smile from her face. Her gaze swung to her father, and she patted his arm faintly. "I wouldn't do that to you, father." She murmured, and stepped away, sipping at her drink as Wanda turned away from the easy family chaos to light the birthday cake with magic.

Whether the lights turned down through that same magic or some magnetic trick of her father's, Lorna's eyes were glued to the flames that came to be hovering over the little cake. Lorna felt tears come to her eyes, and a lump form at the back of her throat as she blinked hard and lifted her gaze from the cake back to Wanda, then to Pietro, and finally to her father and back.

"I think I know what to wish for.." She murmured, and inhaled a breath and exhaled it to try to blow out the flames that her elder sister had summoned.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik stood up and gathered around with the others, glass of port in hand. "Hear hear, she's done enough for Genosha. Be just a little selfish, Lorna."

  As the youngest sibling blows out the candles, Erik is clapping gently and raising his glass to the birthday girl. "Happy Birthday!"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Lorna and he smirks. "Good, otherwise-" he suddenly becomes extremely serious. "We'd never talk again." Then he smirks, chuckling. "Just kidding. Now come on, blow out your candles or Wanda's gonna be upset with you. Birthday tradition." Pietro seems quite happy to be rid of the talk of Genosha for right now.

So, he crosses his arms as Lorna tried to blow out the candles. "Happy Birthday!" He says in unison with Magneto. Pietro even claps, though he claps -REALLY FAST- because...you know, speedster.

It happens.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The flames go out as easily as any candle flame would. Wanda is beaming and moves over to slip her arm about her sister and hug her from the side, but no less tightly or with less emotion for that. "Happy birthday, Lorna," Wanda says warmly, flashing a big smile at her.

"Alright, I will cut the cake," Wanda says, getting a knife to cut a few big pieces off since there are only four of them. Inside the cake has three layers, with a layer of green cake in the middle. "And there's ice cream," she says, going over to get it from the freezer. She holds it up so they can see. Mint chocolate chip, of course.

Poor Lorna. It's not easy, being green.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned away from the cake as the flames went out, straightening her figure as her gaze swung around her family. She couldn't stop grinning, even with tears in her eyes. All of which remained unshed, but sparkled in the green depths none the less. "You do realize this is my first birthday with everyone here? With our family?" She couldn't stop smiling, even as the tears welled up in her gaze and she blinked rapidly to try to stop them from falling over.

"Thank you." She sniffled, and then burst into laughter as Wanda pulled out the ice cream and she spied the green hue to it. She snorted outright with laughter, trying to hide the volume behind her hands as she bent double.

"Oh.. that is.. that is perfect. Thank you Wanda, yes I'll have some ice cream. But I might end up standing next to the fire place."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto takes another sip of port, and looking to the cake being cut. "This...is a good meeting. The four of us, in this cabin, and the cold snap of the otherwise mediocre Canadian landscape."

  With the others there, he was a little more reserved and composed than merely only with Lorna. "Wanda...did I tell you the story of how I met Captain America?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Lorna as she sniffles and starts to actually start crying, Pietro walks over to Lorna and wraps his arms around her in that big brotherly way. "Happy birthday, Lorna. I know its not much, but we hope its your best." He smiles to her then, but it looks like its the perfect birthday!

Go House of M!

Then to Wanda. "Give me a corner piece, please." Corner piece=Most frosting!

Then there's Magneto. "Did he throw his shield at your face?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff lets Pietro see to their sister, smiling over to Lorna. Wanda then distributes plates with cake - Pietro getting a corner slice, Lorna the other - and bowls of ice cream to the group, before getting her own. "There's always a sauna waiting too," Wanda reminds her sister. "Though the fire does sound good," she agrees, moving over to stand near to one side of it, where the warmth will soak into her.

Wanda gives a little shake of her head as she takes a bite of the ice cream. "No, I do not believe you have. I think perhaps Lorna first mentioned that you met during the War. That we might not be here but for Steve?" she says, glancing at Lorna to see if she's remembering that correctly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna wrapped her arms around Pietro, even as she smiled and tears ran down her face and she stifled a laugh. "It's the first birthday we've all been together for! The first birthday I've had with family all around me." She sniffled, and wiped at the corners of her eyes, her mascara running and staining the tips of her manicured fingers. "I never thought I'd have this. Small as it is.. it's perfect." She warbled, still struggling with her emotions. Then there was cake and ice cream, and leaning against her older brother's side, she accepted both and balanced them as carefully as she could. Her green eyes drifted toward her father and back to Wanda.

"I thanked Captain America for that at a party, he didn't actually put together that Wanda and I were related before that I think. Not really."

Magneto has posed:
     "That is correct. When I was a boy, he and the allies were working against the nazis. Of course, but I had been conscripted to help build an underground facility. Being that I spoke English, and was one of the last survivors that had worked on the underground. I told him the information I knew, and they went out to investigate. But some trigger happy Russians had a little too much zeal, deciding that anything that spoke German was a nazi."

  He sipped the port some more, and indulging in some cake for himself. "He came back, found myself in a corner with a sub machine gun pointed to my face. When the Russian man decided to actually pull the trigger, he was in the process of being taken down, with a malfunctioning weapon. It was quite literally thanks to Rogers and Barnes that I am still alive, and that you three were able to exist."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Lorna as she hugs him right back. "Heh, well, we're happy to help you with that one." He turns then, wrapping an arm around Lorna's shoulder all affectionate-like, holding her close as he looks at Dadneto when he tells his story.

"Oh, so you mean I can respect Captain America and Bucky Barnes more now? Heh, who would've guessed." He smirks at Magneto. THe thought of HIM being saved is a bit of a humorous thing for Pietro. Magneto is the one usually the one who doesn't need saving more than anybody.

Then he looks at Wanda. "Eh, I don't want to be outside that much right now. So a fire will do us well."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff sets her ice cream down to move over and join in the hugging of Lorna. She gets the arms of both twins about her at the same time. "Happy birthday, sister," Wanda says warmly before letting her go.

The tale from Magneto is listened to with interest. "Well, at least I've had the chance to repay Steve a few times now," she says. "It really is something, the way he leads the team," she says. "I know Tony funds us, and comes up with a lot of... oh, brilliant things, but don't tell him I called them that. But Steve is the heart of the Avengers," she says quietly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled as she leaned into the embrace of her siblings, smiling still as her tears dried, happy as they were. She'd only known her siblings for a short while, but having them there and then, celebrating her birthday meant the world. Even having their father there, for all the faults of their family, it meant a great deal. She leaned against Pietro, and returned Wanda's embrace with a grin.

"Best one so far." She murmured and glanced toward their father.

"You told me he saved you from the camps I thought?"

Magneto has posed:
     "Yes, you heard it from my mouth, you can thank the Lion Man for saving your father. I'm sure he would take none of the credit." Erik says with a chortle, not demeaning, just knowing the kind of person Steve is. "That too. They first liberated our camp, on their search for some artifact that the SS thought would help them win." Magneto comments, filling in the part he forgot to mention.

  "I must get in contact with him again...it has been a long time." He muses, quietly. "But that can wait for another time, today is your day, Lorna."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro smiles as he seems to pull Wanda into the mix too when she joins in the embracing of Lorna. The siblings, the Three Amigos/Musketeers. "Tony might be brains, but Steve is the heart, the conscience." He then turns to look at Magneto.

"Bout time you said something on Lorna's birthday." He winks at Dadneto. "Alright, that being said..." He looks at Lorna. "Anything specific you want to do? Snowball fight? Watch cheesy romcoms?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff moves over to take a seat at a stool by the kitchen counter. "Those times..." Wanda starts to say, and then she seems to think better of where the topic might have gone. "I'm glad they were there to help. It took a lot to stand up to such evil. I'm glad that hasn't gone from the world, either," she says, smiling and clearly meaning her family as she looks around the room.

Wanda gets a forkful of the cake. "I've never had lime cake before. This is good!" she says of the vanilla-lime layer mix.