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Latest revision as of 15:27, 18 October 2019

Alpha Meeting at Alpha
Date of Scene: 15 October 2019
Location: Game Room, Mansion Alpha (TBD)
Synopsis: Dinah meets Caitlin Fairchild.
Cast of Characters: Black Canary, Fairchild

Black Canary has posed:
After some extended time in Gotham, Dinah has returned to the Left Coast and Alpha Flight Mansion. Sitting in the game room she's got a vintage guitar rhythm game loaded up, casually tapping the buttons on the plastic guitar shaped controller. She's doing a halfway decent job of keeping up with the scrolling multi-color gems that have to be mashed on the controller's buttons.

Welcome to the Hotel California...

Fairchild has posed:
"Is... this the library?" Caitlin's voice is a little timid, and quite at odds with the woman speaking. In black tights and a well-loved pink hoodie, she'd look more like a college student than a superheroine. But she clocks in at a solid 6'5", and the floorboards creak below her well-tended Keds.

"I'm sorry. I was gonna meet Carol here for a meeting but she said she'd be late and told me to try and find somewhere to stay out of trouble. I'm Caitlin," she says, by way of introduction. "Am I in the wrong spot? I can find somewhere else to hang out if so."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake looks up as she finishes the game level with a respectable score but not perfect, ironic in and of itself given her "day job". Putting the controller down she stands, "Library is next door. This is the game room" she says with a smile. "I'm sure Carol is around. Or she could be up on the station. I haven't seen her today to be honest."

Walking over, Dinah offers her head, "I'm Dinah. And I'm guessing you're the 'really tall redhead' I've heard talk of. Cat? Cait?" she asks, trying to remind herself of a name she clearly hasn't gotten done as yet.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin shakes Dinah's hand very carefully, making no effort to apply any pressure beyond her fingertips. "Caitlin, Caitlin Fairchild," she clarifies. "But you can call me Cait, everyone does," she informs Dinah, and flashes a grin.

Her cheeks pink a little. "And I guess yeah, I'm the tall one," she agrees, with a wry resignation. "I'm pretty sure it's no one else, anyway. It's nice to meetcha, Dinah. How long have you been with Alpha Flight?" she inquires, with a courteous deference.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake shakes the hand without any hesitation. She smiles. "Caitlin. Got it. It's very nice to meet you. Welcome to Alpha Flight." She smiles. "Don't worry about it. I'm the Loud One they call Canary." She offers a light laugh then drops her hand back to her side. "A while now she answers, eyes turning upward as she tries to think. "The days run together but a couple years now I think?" She shrugs and then grins, "Long enough I catch myself using Canadian slang and accents now and again."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin giggles and laughs once at Dinah's dry wit. "I don't think I'm in formally yet, there's a ... vote or something?" she hazards. "But Carol asked me to come on as a new member. I'm friends with Sif and Diana-- er, the Princesses," Caitlin clarifies apologetically. "I think they want to come on as well."

"I should probably find Carol, but... it was nice to meet you, Dinah. I'm lookin' forward to getting to know the team better!" she declares.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake grins, "Well if you're here, Cait? I'm pretty sure we can say which way the vote will go. It's nice to have you aboard. Feel free to hang out here. We have all the old games. Nostalgia is king around here." She gestures, "or if you want a drink or a snack, the kitchen is down the hall to your left. Help yourself, ok? And I'm sure you won't cause any more trouble here than I ever have" she offers with assurance.

"Have a good evening." she calls.