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Do Android Titans Dream of Electric Pizza
Date of Scene: 16 October 2019
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Noh-Varr and Zachary are shown around the tower by Stardust. They are introduced to Gar and Daro, and warned not to bother Raven.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Beast Boy, Marvel Boy, Danger, Zachary Zatara

Stardust has posed:
    "And this is the living quarters. I think you already both saw it though." So speaks Stardust as she bring a Kree and a Mage into the room. It's tour day at the tower, and she's been showing two of the newest faces around the tower. There have been a few locations left off the tour as there's sensitive stuff there, but they've seen the training facilities, which Noh-Varr will no doubt have been fascinated to discover includes a holographic 'Danger Room' that serves a purpose he's most familiar with, the evidence rooms and science labs, the hangar deck with an impressive assortment of vehicles in it, many of them gathering dust, the medical facilities and more.

    In some ways this is the most impressive room of all. It's huge, clearly intended to function both as a recreation area and as a work area, and it has the best views in the Tower, great windows looking out in every direction. There are huge and comfortable looking couches, a giant monitor that doubles as private cinema as well as info displays, and a well equipped kitchen area to one side. Two staircases lead up, one on either side, to the two dormitary corridors.

    Stardust walks over to a comm station and flips a switch. "Any Titans in the tower? We've got a couple of visitors in the living quarters you guys might want to meet. And I'm ordering pizza." She releases the switch and grins at the two. "You can never tell who's going to be around, but there's usually one or two. Please, grab a seat." She gestures towards the giant sofa. "So, what do you two think?"

Beast Boy has posed:
"Ah, Damian. You poor fool." A certain green someone is on his way from his room to the living quarters, eyes focused on the screen of a tablet he carries. Clucking his tongue, Beast Boy finishes tapping something out before folding the cover over the device. "I think I'm going to stay out of any more--"

Cutting himself off, the costumed Titan stops just inside the main room as Stardust's voice does double duty, both in the room and over the speakers. "Oh, hey guys."

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr was still in his alien battle armor that he arrived in. The green, white, and black? Yeah. He's not exactly rying to look cool, he just doesn't understand human fashion Following Colette on her tour of the Tower along with a 'Zachary Zatara' or whatever his name be. He looks friendly enough! Though Noh had claimed a guest room in the tower, he's currently looking around.

"A holographic environment? Well done, humans! That will make being stranded here just a little bit more bearable." He smiles brightly then, hands on his hips as he stands there.

"WHat is this....pizza that you speak of?"

He's about to find out, isn't he? Either way, Beast Boy arrives. "Boy of the Beast!" he greets him, then he does take a seat at Colette's asking. "Its very impressive. Thank you for the guided tour."

Danger has posed:
Danger is staring into the distance. She does that quite a bit. Standing there, looking off into the distance while she is busy on the internet, exploring and taking in various subjects. So many ideas, so many thoughts. So many things to save and read and learn. Then she blinks when she is alerted to someone being in the room. She turns her head to look at teh new arrivals and then offers a smile.

Currently, she takes on the look of a short haired person. Blond hair, cut into a boy cut with green eyes and sun touched skin. A pair of jeans and a white shirt loosely sitting upon her rather scrawny form.

She offers a smile and waves her hand, "Hi." She nods her head, "Welcome to the tower. I am Daro."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zachary Zatara is also in costume, or a toned down version of it, that includes a white dress shirt, a red bowtie, and a black blazer and slacks. It's a sleek ensemble, and he's likely woefully overdressed compared to everyone else in the room, but such is the life of a Zatara. He's attentive during the tour despite having been in the living quarters once already and having little to no interest in the training facilities, but he's a teenager with a heavy social media presence so that phone totally comes out once or twice.

"It's great. How did you guys afford it?" Green eyes follow the green boy, and he gives a little wave. "Garfield Logan. Nice. When do I get my room?"

Beast Boy has posed:
While a bit older than just a boy now, Gar hasn't seen fit to change codenames yet. Some things just stick. "I don't think Damian made a wise decision, with that statue /or/ his AMA." Noting both Noh-Varr and Zachary, he nods once to both of them. "You're both looking overdressed for different reasons. And sorry, I don't make the room decisions around here. I'm just the team mascot. Now, did I hear pizza?" He waves to both Colette and Danger as well, but the newbies have more of his attention.

Stardust has posed:
"Pizza is a human delicacy. You're about to find out," Stardust tells Noh. "I've put in our regular order, it's already on the way." She gives Gar a quick nod. "Also, the Danger Room is more than just holograms," she adds, nodding her head towards Daro. "Daro there is living, brea... living, non-breathing proof of it. I'll let her explain that to you, if she's in the mood."

    Stardust hops over the back of the sofa and slides neatly into a comfortable, cross-legged lounge. Daro, Gar, this is Zach, our latest Potential." You can hear the capital letter in the way she says the word. "He's got a cousin in the Justice League, and he's a magic type. And Noh-Varr. He's a Kree. Um. Which means he's a long way from home. We're putting him up in a guest room while he gets his feet. Earth is all very new to him. No making up stuff about Earth customs to confuse him."

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks at Zachary as he's already apparently asking ofr a room. Tilting his head at the fellow, he turns his head over to others who arrive, like Danger. "Daro?" He asks her curiously. "A pleasure to meet you, Daro." He looks at Colette in the 'Cybernetic Organism?' Kind of way, but he doesn't want to act like Danger isn't in the room. Question for another time!

He looks at Beast Boy for that brief moment. "What is wrong with how I dress?" he crosses his arms. He likes how he dresses!

Then to Stardust. "So...is this some kind of military unit? Many different people here, different from the regular people on the streets."

Danger has posed:
A look over at Beast Boy and Daro raises a hand to give a wave back and a smile. She then looks to Colette a moment and hten to the others, "I can breath if I wish." She nods her head, "I just choose not to as it is unnecessary and a waste of action." She shrugs, "Most hardly notice." She then turns her gaze to a nearby window and hmms a moment before looking back to the others, "The pizza is being processed into their ovens." She then turns and walks over to look closer at Noh-Varr and then at Zachary, "We have a great many methods of income that allow for us to afford a great many things within the tower. I could give you an entire run down but it wouldn't be appropriate." She then looks back to Noh-Varr, "I have heard of Kree but not yet met one in person."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy is given reason to check his tablet again, then he looks aghast at Colette. "You didn't!" He spends a few seconds typing rapidly at the tablet's screen before he eyes her with suspicion as he sends the reply. Something is going on that at least one or two people here might not have any idea about. Is that actual..embarrassment in his expression? Talk of pizza or Kree or much else falls by the wayside for the moment.

Stardust has posed:
"She's a person, Noh," Stardust replies to his unasked question. A momentary flicker of some emotion crosses her face... perhaps annoyance. "Who just happens to have built her own body." Apparently that explains everything, because she instantly changes subject. "Not military, no. Essentially we're a group of people who have special talents and chose to use them to make the world a better and safer place for everyone else. It's a private organization and purely civilian. We act with the tacit approval of the government, because we help them out with things that are difficult for them to resolve themselves, but are in no way an arm of the government. There are a small number of other similar groups.

    Stardust gives Beast Boy an amused grin. "Gar... you're saying you *actually* do that?

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"That won't be necessary, no," Zachary quirks a brow. Daro's speech is the same, as are her mannerisms, so he will chalk her change of appearance up to more cyber tech. "It's a big clubhouse, is all."

He watches Colette throughout her explanation. Not because he thought they were a military unit but because he'd like to know what his role could be as Potential. "How often do I need to 'clock in'? I go to school and there's the Youtube channel, so I don't know how my availability will look like, but I'm pretty excited to be here."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy interjects quickly. "No..of course not. That was just me making stuff up." He looks between the group, clearing his throat. Admit to nothing!

"Soooo, what does everyone like on their pizzas?" he asks, clapping his hands together after tucking the tablet away. Don't even look at it for a while, Gar. He leaves the explaining of what they do to Stardust. Serves her right.

Marvel Boy has posed:
"I just wanted to be sure..." Noh says to Stardust with a light frown before he looks between Beast Boy and Colette. "I feel as if I am missing something here." He tilts his head, but when Colette finally tells him what this place is, he tilts his head. "So you are peacekeepers?" he asks her. With permissio nfrom the government no doubt! He takes a look at Zachary as he speaks. "...What is YouTooob?"

To Danger, he tilts his head. "Well, now you have. Now I believe you are what people in this planet call 'awesome'."

Danger has posed:
"Awesome?" She asks and blinks a little, "I do not understand." She looks over at Colette briefly before considering, "I do not see myself in that fashion." She then smiles, "I do like the sound of it, however." She then turns to look over at Beast Boy briefly and nods her head, "I am quite fond of something new everytime a pizza is ordered. I often alter things due to the sheer amount of pizza combinations. Tasting is the only possible way to experience them."

She then blinks and looks over at Colette again before smiling, "No one else was building me a body. What was I to do?"

Stardust has posed:
"When you can Zee," Stardust replies to Zach with a smile. "We all have our lives to lead. Some people can spare more time, some people can spare less. We'd expect someone who's serious about being a member of the team to step up when the need is great, but there are no specific demands on your time. No hard and fast rules." She looks thoughtful for a moment. "Correction, one hard and fast rule. Give Raven space. I'm sure you're going to be real curious about her. She's the team's big gun when it comes to magic. She will set your magical senses tingling. She is extremely powerful and by no means a conventional magic user. Do not poke. Do not push. She'll explain things to you in her own time if she wants to. I'm not saying you need to be standing in a protective pentagram and mutter a dozen wards before saying 'Good morning' to her. She's a good person. But also a little highly strung. And you know how in Wizard School they tell you there are certain corners of reality that should not be meddled with? She's one of them. Do. Not. Poke."

    Glancing over to the time display in the corner of the big monitor, Stardust answers to Gar "I've done a big order already, should be with us in a few minutes now. A Titans Special Order, hold the mustard. That should suit anyone in the universe who isn't a Tamaranean. Noh doesn't know..." she pauses thoughtfully a moment. "Noh hasn't had pizza before, so he'll find out what he likes on them soon.

    "Peacekeepers is about right," Stardust confirms to Noh with a brief nod. "But not official peacekeepers. People who want to keep the peace, not people who are employed as a semi-military organization to do so."

    Stardust returns gaze with one of her own, and a small shake of her head. "You misunderstand, Daro. It wasn't a criticism. We didn't /know/ you were there, we didn't know you needed a body. When you did it... well, it took us all by surprise. But if you hadn't done it, we wouldn't have got to meet you. So I'm glad you did."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy waves it off, giving Noh-Varr an awkward, too-wide smile. "It's nothing, really. Just a joke between friends." There'd better /not/ be video evidence of what they were writing about. Hard to explain that to the others. Buffing his knuckles against the front of his costume, he adds modestly, "We /are/ pretty cool, it's true," before nodding to Danger. "My math may be off, but every pizza place has like a million or two different combinations people can make for their pizzas, so you could probably go your whole life without having the exact same thing twice if you really wanted to." He adds nothing about Raven. Not. A. Thing.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"The alien doesn't know what YouTube is. What a surprise," Zachary says dryly and pulls out his phone, taps on the YouTube app. "For the viewer, it's basically just another way to waste time. For the creator, well, it's sorta a career, sorta a hobby."

Zatara hands his phone over to Noh, and on the screen is the YouTube dark mode, and many, many suggested videos. Movie trailers, vlogs, music videos. Nothing too out of the ordinary. A few tarot reading videos here and there, but that's the only interest of Zach's that could be classified as obscure.

"Noted," Zach gives Stardust a thumbs up. "Give The magic girl a wiiiide berth. You'd be surprised how often that advice comes in handy."

The pizza spell was one Zachary mastered fairly quickly, but his tastes run authentic, not stuff that can be found in the States. "As long as there no pineapples, I'm good."

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks at Colette as she speaks. "Sounds like fun. I would like to join you!" Noh-Varr then stands up to his feet and flexes just a little bit. "Where do I sign up?" Then he looks specifically at Zachary as he gives him what looks like a cell phone for YouTube. He blinks at it as he touches the screen. Its a 'Barbie Girl' video.


...In a barbie wooooorld.

"I don't get it."

Then he looks to Colette. "Stay out of the dark-cloaked girl's room? Why?"

Danger has posed:
"She is simply a very lone person. I have attempted to get to know her but she does not wish to be friends." Daro speaks to no one in particular as she looks distant a moment before considering somethign and then looking finally back at the others, "Fear not, Stardust. I do not take offense." She shakes her head as she then looks over at Zachary and then Noh-Varr a moment before saying, "I would say avoiding her is less a wisdom and work in avoidance of danger but a kindness to someone who has a great deal on their shoulders."

She then looks toward the window again, "Those with a great deal of power must use a great deal of care. I believe the one known as Raven acts upon this in her own way." She then looks down, "I understand her." She then tilts her head to the side before looking back at the two, "I doubt she would truly harm you but she may attempt to scare you off. Best to not push that situation."

She then looks very distant a moment as she looks at Beast Boy, "My lifetime may be indefinite. I perhaps can."

Stardust has posed:
Stardust blinks at Noh's question about Raven, then looks towards Zachary with a rueful grin and a shrug. Zachary's a magician. He understands these things. A Kree, not so much. "Because of what Daro said. Because she can make you regret it in ways you couldn't imagine if you ignore her need for peace. Because once I got her a bit angry and it caused an earthquake. Because it would be wiser to stand in front of an omni-wave projector on full power than it would be to get her /really/ mad. And because I said so."

    "You know, Zee," Stardust says with a grin. "If you're going to explain Youtube to an alien, you really ought to explain that it's the universe's largest archive of small furry mammals doing cute and funny things, or you're not telling the whole stor..." there's a ping on her T-Com, and she checks it quickly. "PIZZA!"

    Stardust gets to her feet and walks towards the elevator. Not the one they'd used to arrive on this level, but the other one, which opens to reveal an empty shaft. She turns her back to the empty elevator shaft ro look at Noh. "You don't sign up, Noh. Earth is a complicated place and we're part of why it's complicated. You hang around with us, you listen carefully, you follow our lead until you're familiar enough with the complexities of Earth not to cause more problems than you cure. THEN you sign up."

    Stardust drops backwards into the empty shaft. A few seconds later, Stardust floats back up the empty shaft, carrying a tower of pizza boxes. "And before any of that, you learn about pizza."

Beast Boy has posed:
"Because I'm a big stupidhead sometimes, and even /I'm/ not dumb enough to go into Raven's room uninvited or at all, really, or get in her way when she doesn't want to be around anyone," Beast Boy remarks, adding on to what Stardust has to say.

Oddly enough, as the announcement is made that pizza has arrived, Gar picks that point to become scarce. "Save me a few slices, guys. I've got a few calls I need to make. See everyone later!" Since he's still got that tablet in hand, he walks out like a normal person, one who just happens to be costumed and green.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"You know, I didn't think you would," Zachary grins and winks at Noh, the phone flying back into his hand and directly into his pocket. He snaps his fingers in Colette's direction and adds, "I'll introduce him to my Meow Mix while we eat. Also, Zee wears fishnets. You can call me Zach, Zachary, Zatara, Zat, douchebag, poser, charlatan, but Zee is not me."

After that quick clarification, he moves to help her with the box of pizzas. As long as there on the topic of Raven... "Do you think she'd want to practice her magic with me? My training didn't impart experience on the other arcane schools."

Danger has posed:
Moving to the pizzas, she tries to help before adding, "I do believe it is time for me to go and do more study." She states and nods her head, "I have a great deal of exploration to do upon the internet to then prepare to explore outside." SHe nods her head, "I shall take my pizza and depart."

Stardust has posed:
    Stardust opens many pizza boxes and starts offering them around, taking the time to explain to Noh both the concept of pizza in general, and the makeup of the individual pies themselves as she goes. For some reason that may come down to typical Colette randomness, she gives Daro's shoulder a little squeeze as she passes her on pizza offering rounds.

    "No idea, Zach," Stardust offers along with pizza. "She tends to keep to herself, but you can always ask. Her power is rather unconventional and may not uh... fully mesh with yours. But on the other hand, she /was/ briefly the Sorceress Supreme, so it's a fair bet she knows a lot.

    Hostessing done, Stardust appropriates a couple of slices for herself, says her adieus to Daro and Gar, and resumes slouching on the sofa to eat.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Can someone explain to me why the Sorcerer Supreme can't hold down his own job?" Zachary says, to no one in particular. He doesn't expect an answer. He reaches for a slice of pizza, folding it in a U shape. "That's okay. Not meshing. The knowledge itself would make the endeavor worthwhile."

A glass of water appears beside him, and he takes a sip. "Did she want the lay lines too?" That is a frightening notion, and Zach is cautious in the way he poses the question.

Stardust has posed:
"You're getting too technical for me, Zach," Stardust says with a grin. "I just punch things in the face when needed, I don't know much about magic. The time she took over was when Strange was out of the... reality... for a while. The Sanctum needs a sorcerer supreme, she was the best qualified I guess. Keeping it warm for him. The business with the ley lines I don't really know about. Do you like pepperoni? The pepperoni is good. As far as I can make out someone borrowed it from him to do some major work of magic."

    It's not clear how she managed to polish off the first two slices quite so quickly, but she's already reaching for a third, hence the pepperoni interruption. Having grabbed a slice for herself, she offers the box over to Zach.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
She's the brick. Zachary gets that. Bricks eat a lot, in his limited experience, so he's not questioning that either. "That's more benevolent than borrowing copious amounts of magic from the Earth," He notes and accepts the box of pizza. Pepperoni must be acceptable.

"If she's as good as you say, maybe you guys don't need me as much as I thought," He observes, with a self-deprecating grin. It's a rare thing, him playing down his own abilities, but Stardust's a muggle, so there's no need to show off. "Zee, Zatanna, was under the impression the Titans didn't have magical types."

Stardust has posed:
    "We don't have any conventional magic types," Stardust says with a rueful shake of the head. "Raven is... ah well you'll figure it out. Her power source appears to be demonic. Don't hold that against her, but you know. And you've met Vorp. Chaos magic. It's just not... well your type of magic is all about order, really. Pushing down on the levers of reality in just the precise way that's needed to move something. His is basically... tip the levers over and see what happens. Magic Gone Wild."

    "Besides," she continues after a short break for pizza chewing. "It's not like there has to be one of each. We've got more than one punchy person too."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
"Oh." It's one of the elementary rules of the mystical world for goody-two-shoes like Zach: don't mess with demons. He hasn't always stuck to the rules, but it almost always lands him in trouble. "Huh. I'll keep that in mind. If the Good Doctor trusted her to watch over things for him, that has to count for...something." Maybe. Zach's unsure of the man's competence, after the ley line fiasco.

"And yes, Vorpal's a trip. Literally," He opens the box and starts on whatever's left inside. "True. Did you know the Justice League has its own unit for magic types? The power they must have when working together-" He stops, frowns. The League isn't good dinner conversation, at least with the current state of affairs.

Stardust has posed:
    Stardust smiles wryly at Zach's words. "Working together. Yeah. Apparently that's not going so well for them right now." She gives a slight shrug. "Well, that's one reason we're here, rather than there. Better to have more than one group who can step up, 'cos sometimes one of them might not be entirely... functional. Besides, we kind of... do things differently."

    She looks up over her slice of pizza at Zach. "I mean, two magic users of a very non-conventional source. And now you. In terms of raw power, maybe on a level with them. Maybe not. I couldn't say. But even if they have more magical muscle, sometimes non-conventional is what saves the day."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zach's dark brows lift in agreement, and he smirks, "Somehow, I don't think things are 'entirely functional' around here either."

"What's our reach like? I know...Robin and his clan have Gotham covered," He seemed almost hesitant to bring Robin up, after their last encounter, but he didn't see Stardust at the funeral. "...but Metropolis could be in some real trouble without Superman watching over them anymore."

Stardust has posed:
    "It's not like there's a jurisdiction," Stardust replies. "We generally stay out of Gotham, because Gotham is complicated and the Bat's philosophy is you bring superpowers in and the place explodes. But only generally. Metropolis and NYC are both visible from the roof of the Tower. Way I see it, that makes both of them ours. Saying that, I have fought criminals tens of thousands of light-years away from the tower, so I'm not going to say that's the actual limit."

    Colette seems to finally be coming to her pizza limit. She pokes through the boxes for something she hasn't had yet, and takes the smallest slice to finish up with. "Oh, and there's other worlds, too. Remind me to explain to you a case we're working on which will be up your alley. Magic most definitely involved. Our main informant is a Fae lord."

Zachary Zatara has posed:
Zachary smiles curiously but doesn't ask. "I haven't much experience with the Fae, but I'll read up. Shadowcrest, that's where I live, has old, old lore. If it exists, it's somewhere in the library."

He stands and pushes his hands outward against reality. Stardust may be uninitiated, but she wasn't far off on her estimation of Zachary's magic. "Ot eht hsart." The empty pizza boxes will see themselves out. "I have class tomorrow, but thanks for the tour. And the pizza. I could get used to the pizza."

One second he's there, then an uttered incantation and a splash of color, and Zatara is gone.