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Latest revision as of 14:18, 20 October 2019

Go Angel Grove High!
Date of Scene: 14 October 2019
Location: Angel Grove
Synopsis: Angel Grove wins!
Cast of Characters: Pink Ranger, Green Ranger

Pink Ranger has posed:
Angel Grove High runs a lot of activities. Clubs, sports, volunteer work, you name it and it's available. It's a nice place like that. But the one place where it's pretty much guaranteed you'll find a significant percentage of the student population outside of school hours is at a hockey game. It's early in the season, but the team is promising. The game's been going for a while, but the score still stands even at 0-0, despite the best efforts of the cheer squad.

Kimberly's been doing her part with the squad, yelling and flipping and generally hyping up the crowd, but the crowd is more than sufficiently hyped at the moment. The coach has given the cheerleaders a water break, so she's taking advantage of it, checking her communicator just in case any emergencies have come up.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy has been sitting back, watching the game. He has school spirit, of course, so he cheers and hoots and does his best to lend his own hand with encouragement. His gaze keeps diverting to his girlfriend, though. She's way more interesting, afterall! He grins a bit to himself, exchanging some idle chatter with some of the other students as the game goes on.

He notices the cheer squad getting a break, and he stands. "Excuse me," he says as he slips past the others in his row, making his way down to Kim and the other cheerleaders. He flashes her a grin. "Hey!"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Hey," Kimberly smiles swiftly, bouncing up on her toes to give him a quick hug. "I thought I saw you up there watching. Kind of my canary in the coal mine in case of you know what," she winks when she comes back down, pausing to take a long drink of water. "Enjoying the game?" she asks, glancing back over her shoulder to watch as a pair of skaters bounce each other off the glass.

Green Ranger has posed:
He returns the hug and grins. "Wouldn't miss it," he says, brushing his fingers back through his hair. Tommy glances over at the game itself before returning his attention to her. "Game's fine. I'm sure we'll score at some point."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"That's how you win, yeah," Kimberly teases, winking. "Team's looking really good this year, though. Which is great, but..." She glances over her shoulder again, then back to him. "Honestly, I'm still kind of thinking about dropping cheer," she confesses in a lower tone. "It's a huge time commitment, on top of gymnastics, on top of the youth center, on top of you know what. And they keep track of things like missed games and practices, you know?"

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy nods to that, furrowing his brow as he listens. He always listens, and he rarely tells someone what they should do. Instead he asks questions, and helps his friends come to their own decisions. "I see where you're coming from," he says after a moment, considering. He grins a bit, then and winks. "Would you get to keep the uniform?," he teases.

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kim laughs, rolling her eyes as she looks away with a faint blush. "Yeah, it's paid for," she chuckles. "So the uniform stays either way." She takes another drink, then it's time for the cheerleaders to get back to the game. "That's my signal," she grins, bouncing up to peck a kiss on his cheek before fleeing back to the squad.

One more quarter worth of cheering, one more last push from the team, and in the next half an hour, the Angel Grove team scores, bringing the game to an end in their favor with a roar of approval from the stands.

Green Ranger has posed:
Her boyfriend grins at that. "I was just kidding..." He clears his throat and glances over at the players again, though, showing that he probably -wasn't- just kidding. He turns to make his way back to his seat and slides into it. While Tommy watches the game, a lot of his attention is on Kim. When the team scores he -does- mean that cheer, though!

Pink Ranger has posed:
With the game won, the stands start to empty out, leaving Kim free to join Tommy in the stands, her gym bag over her soulder. "So, I'm pretty sure most of the student body's going out to the pass for a bonfire to celebrate," she grins. "You want to hit up the party? Or maybe go grab a bite to eat and see what else we can find?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He waits for her in the stands, smiling when she makes her way up to him. "The party sounds fun. We can hang out for a bit, and if it ends up being lame we can always head off, right?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Cool," Kimberly says, standing up and starting toward the parking lot. "Want to ride with me, or did you drive?" She reaches into her bag for her keys, tossing them in her hand, then refastens her communicator to her wrist. Because this usually when Rita would throw a wrench in their plans.

Green Ranger has posed:
"I didn't drive today, so I'll go with you," Tommy says. He walks up beside her, offering a wave to some passing students as they head out to her car.

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kim tosses her bag in the back of the Rover when they get to the car, then heads for the drivers seat. "How're things going, then?" she asks once she's settled in, turning down the pop on the radio so they can talk as she starts out toward the pass. "Feels like with school kicking in and everything we hardly get to talk unless it's morphin' time," she laughs.

Green Ranger has posed:
He shrugs a bit as he settles into the passenger seat. "Nothing to report, really," he says with a lopsided grin. "Classes are fine. Training is fine. Wish I had more time to hang out with you, but otherwise I'm alright. Tommy glances over at her and smiles. "How about you?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Pretty much the same," Kim agrees as she drives. "I was thinking about running for class president when the student council elections come up. It'd look good on applications, and maybe I could do things to make school better for the students."

It doesn't take too long to get out to the pass. Sure, it's "outside" of town, but it's not a large town. There's already a crowd there, and a large bonfire roaring in the night. Drinks are being passed around in red solo cup, only some of which are illicit.

Green Ranger has posed:
"You should! I'd vote for you." Tommy grins and glances out the window as the town passes by. "A lot of other people would vote for you, too." Once the car stops he leans over to steal a brief kiss. He then slides from the car and stretches.

Pink Ranger has posed:
When Tommy leans over, Kim reaches out to cup his chin, holding on to the kiss for an extra moment before heading out to join the party. A few other students call out to her and she waves, but moves over to Tommy's side of the car to slide an arm around his waist. "Yeah, I think it might be a good thing to do. Though adding one more thing to my plate would almost definitely mean dropping cheer. I could probably live with that, though."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver nods to that. "Whatever you think you'd enjoy more, really. High School is short. Might not feel like it right now, but..." He chuckles and lines up with her, reaching down to take her hand as they head towards the bonfire.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Says you," Kimberly laughs. "I'm pretty sure high school is going to last foooooreeeeeeveeeeer," she rolls her eyes, dragging the word out. "Which I'm pretty okay with, since it means not having to make decisions about what we're going to do with ourselves and everything else just yet. That'll be a problem for another day. Hey guys," she grins as they reach the other groupings of students.

Green Ranger has posed:
"We're going to wish these moments lasted longer. Or...that's what my dad keeps telling me," Tommy adds with a grin. He turns to the other students and raises a hand to wave. Soon enough they have drinks (Tommy's, at least, isn't alcoholic).

Pink Ranger has posed:
Since Kim's driving, she checks to make sure hers isn't alcohol either. Bad plan, that. It's a perfect high school night. Talk, laughter, a little bit of fun gossip about who's dating who, and plenty of music played through someone's car speakers while the bonfire burns. But eventually, Kim tugs Tommy away from the light and the crowds, seeking out a little piece of quiet.

"How's that for a nice, long moment?" she smiles up at him, taking his hands in hers as she looks up to the sky. "I've got a math quiz tomorrow, but...I'm super not worried about that right now."