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Ain't No Party Like a Drug-Seller's Party!
Date of Scene: 25 October 2019
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Two rival gangs clash, with bats and others in the middle.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Red Robin, Red Hood, Black Cat

Lucifer has posed:
The meetup of the two gangs, the Maniax and the Fl4ayers, was attributed to being on Friday. That was, in fact, incorrect entirely: the real deal was going down, by way of sharing drugs, in a big party actually set for the night before. The Fl4yers were very systematic about spreading the incorrect word around, and a few different sites depending on who got the news.

Still, the Bats could have looked into Fl4yer turf, and figured out some places to check out, to set up surveillance on where the party WOULD be. The party itself isn't extremely loud, but it could be more subtle: the cars parked all over the place around the 'Star Sneaks!' (Star Sneaks! was a failed footwear company) abandoned warehouse at the docks, and the clientele is dressed for clubbing. A number of Fl4yers hang around outside, laughing, smoking. Many Fl4yers are women, somewhat unusual for a gang, but that does not make them less tough: on the contrary, many of them are very smart, and have excellent aim with their handguns or knives.

The warehouse vibrates with music and activity; it isn't a trap: there are lots of entrances, really. Various deals are going on all over the exterior, though most of them are wearing Fl4yer colors. Maniax wear stripes.

Lucifer borrowed a car for this, but it's still a sexy royal blue Porsche. "You needed some cash, correct?" he asks Felicia next to him, and peels several hundred dollars off of a wad, as if it were deli meat. "Buy what you like. It's only money," Lucifer says, parking and climbing out, with his usual smooth, relaxed manner, as if he belongs. Because, well, he actually does. He unbuttons his coat as he approaches the entrance. From a distance, he could easily be mistaken for a drug lord. Maybe it's the swagger. Maybe it's the companion. Or the whole thing.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin was doing some surveillance and upon learning about the party and the sheer size of it, he thought it might be a good thing to check. The deal might have gotten moved up, or even if it still set for tomorrow a bit of recon for the next day never hurt. Robin has found a rooftop of another building that gives him a decent view of multiple entrances.

Red Hood has posed:
It was turning into a couple of long nights for Red Hood, first all the stuff with Doctor Strange, now staking out this party. All Jason wanted was to get home and sleep, or at least get into that party and have a drink. Anything to take the edge off.

Still, Bruce and the League didn't train Red Hood to be sloppy, he keeps his eyes fixed on the entrance, and when the car pulls up he says over comms to Red Robin: << Any idea who this loser is? >> he pulling his binoculars in tight on the new arrival's face, and the face of his girl. << Like his taste in women though. >> He pulls his binoculars back to the man, keeping an eye on him, with a suit like that, he figures he's got to be a major player.

Black Cat has posed:
"Gosh, you know how to treat a girl right." The leafing of bills is slid away into the deeply-scooped neck of Felicia's dress. It's a pert little number more appropriate for a club, black with an esoteric swirling of golden finely-sequined design, and it clings to her like a second skin. With her hair down and loose, she too emerges from the Porsche. Her faux-fur crop-coat is fluffed up before she clicks to Lucifer's side. Her expression is nothing but bored disdain, as if this were either something the thief did on the regular or not scary in the least.

"I'll keep half an eye on things too," she murmurs to the Devil.

Lucifer has posed:
"Will the other half be on me? I hope you trust me by now," teases Lucifer as Felicia joins him.

Lucifer gets five guns pulled on him when he heads towards the door, but walks right up to the Fl4yer on the left side, that he judged the leader. That means he ends up with a gun a foot away from his chest. And all the other guns; he's attracting the most attention, hopefully none are on Felicia. Lucifer is all big smiles and calm. It's unnerving, perhaps.

"What do you think you're doing here?" demands the Fl4yer. "I'm Alejandro's supplier. I bring joy, in the form of narcotics," Lucifer chuckles. The Fl4yers take no time to consider, they lower their guns, relaxing, and waving them in.

The open warehouse door causes a swell of music and beat to echo into the warehouse alleyway, as well as a few laughs and hoots from inside.

The interior is poorly decorated (it really isn't, indoor tailgate is not a theme), but makes up for it in a rather kickass DJ, lots of drink and food, and a lot of excitement. The Fl4yers account for about forty inside, and there are equal numbers in Maniax, as they mix, while the leaders of both gangs sit in a place of power near the far back corner, tailgating on three big trucks and overseeing their strange kingdom of club-wearing gang members. Drugs are obvious and present, distribution being made in an arc near a big white set of tables, as well as here and there in the ranks of the gangs.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin will move just a bit staying in the shadows to get a look. His lenses in the mask zoom in and he says "Owns a club in town, Called the Luz, aint had a lot of info on him, calls himself Lucifer, so always figured he was trying to bank in on the Gotham craziness. The lady." He pauses a moment giving her the look over once or twice, and says "Not ringing any bells, at least not memory ones.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason nods, << Wow. Lucifer? For real? >> he exclaims about the name, not that he thinks it's the real devil, but holy shit, who goes around calling themselves that and takes themselves seriously?

<< Not getting the best angle on the girl, but I do see a way in. Western side of the factory, two guards not paying that much attention. >>

Jason's already firing his grapple, hooking to the factory and swinging across and dropping down on the guards, it's a quick, one and two and both are down and Jason is helping himself to their guns. << Got that entrance secure, you coming in or keeping an eye on the outside? >>

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh, you'll be just fine. It's little ol' me you need to keep an eye on." The Cat curls a red-red grin at the man in the fine suit next to him and continues click-clicking along in her slinkity shoes with six-inch heels. When the guns all fly out, Felicia attempts to remain composed; concern flickers through her expression and she frets at the interior seam beneath one of the panels of faux-fur on her jacket, given she's holding it shut beneath her chest with her hands. Framing's important, y'know. However, it seems no one's got itchy trigger fingers, and she swans on along Lucifer into the warehouse proper.

Immediately upon entering, her jade-green eyes mark entrances and exits as well as places of power. Smoked, her make-up, and the kohl lining of them brings out their color's depths. "At least they have good taste in music. I might start shimmying if they keep it up," she says to Lucifer above the thumping beat from the subwoofers set up.

For all intents and purposes, she doesn't seem to think anything's up. Yet.

Lucifer has posed:
"I've got a bit of legitimate -- well, in a manner of speaking -- business first to handle, but then we should be free to mingle, enjoy ourselves; I'll expect a shimmy," Lucifer says to Felicia, as if this were actually a fun party to him, and he were going to make the most of it. Much as if he were called to solve a murder in a casino, but it would be a shame to not gamble on the way there and back. Entertaining.

Except it's extremely distracting. The bombard of the Fl4yers near the door towards the apparent rich buyer is immediate: he's offered a drink right away, and he takes it, immediately moving his other hand under the drink tray to trade money for a package of ziplocked stuff. There's a brief inspection, and some quick convey of information by how the Fl4yer indicates where more of that can be bought. Lucifer seems to consider, and flips his wrist and underhandedly passes it towards Felicia, clearly expecting her to take it from him. Similar trades continue, working towards the boss area. And some product sampling, and some things declined. If he's looking for the target that they came for, he's doing a good job of not looking like it.

There's only one Maniax up on the roof area, angry and annoyed with the cold job up there: but there ARE Bats in Gotham, so a sentry is important!

The door Jason made short work of suddenly has two people walking out towards him, but they are both very clearly on a lot of drugs already, and are just trying to navigate outside to make out. They're not much of a threat, but already showing great gang unity: one is a Maniax, the other a Fl4yer! Go gang unity?

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin sets up a couple drones letting them fly to dark spots around the building, as he makes his way towards the other roof, using his staff to pole vault across the opening and into the guard who is there. He times it so he catches the guard looking the other way, and gives him a but of Ti Kwan Leep, aka boot to the head. Once the guard is taken care of, he will find an entrance into the building from up here and keep to the rafters behind the lights.

Red Hood has posed:
Red Hood tilts his head with a hand on his hip as the Fl4yer and the Maniax gangers come out together sucking face.

"Aww, scumbags in love, someone should take a picture," Jason quips before, he rushes the pair, and with another quick set of moves he drops both to the ground and crouches near the guy. "Let's just hope we wear the same sized jacket," he as he begins removing it from the ganger, feeling a pair of shades in the jacket pocket, he remarks. "Jackpot."

<< Going in. >>

A short time later, Jason slips through the door, his leather jacket and helmet left behind some debris outside, while steps in with the ganger's jacket zipped up over his suit, and a pair of shades over the strapless domino mask he wears. The rest of his suit, was just fatigue pants and combat boots, which blended in nicely.

<< Okay I'm disguised as one of the Maniax, going to check this party out properly >> he whispers into comms as he goes looking for a drink.

Black Cat has posed:
Lucifer gets another curling grin.

"You do your job well and maybe I'll shimmy." With delicate pinches does Felicia take the offered goods into her black-gloved hands. The leather of their make is supple and fine, only reaching her wrist. Away go the samples into her empty small clutch, devoid of fingerprints due to her propensity to wear gloves. She does snag herself a drink, something that appears to be a mixture of some fruit juice and copious amounts of liquor, and sips very lightly at its taste.

"Oh, blugh, too much vodka," mutters the curvy blonde. She keeps the drink regardless, all the better to blend in, just another bimbo at the right place and the right time. Lucifer has a darkly-clad burr stuck to his side. Lecherous looks aimed at them are returned with a coy little smile and flutter of lashes by the Cat.

The arrival of another ganger (whom she misidentifies, given it's Red Hood) has her glancing over her shoulder at him. Her eyes travel down and up him before dismissing him as just another member of the groupies invited to this evening's fine soiree.

Lucifer has posed:
Yes, Lucifer got kind of distracted, but he comes around when poked. Sort of. He bottoms the shot he was handed, and slides his eyes around towards the boss group. "We've got one of the men from the morgue standing over there, behind them," Lucifer murmurs to Felicia. Just behind the tailgate, there is a cluster of five Maniax, including an older man that doesn't quite fit in with them. His face? Also a match for Maxwell Murray, last seen as a corpse that stood up and walked out of a morgue.

Lucifer turns away, keeping his back and profile towards that direction. "I don't know if it's who we want, but it's a start. How are you feeling about pulling him aside? Rather he not look right at me, yet, until we're sure he's the one we want," Lucifer asks Felicia casually.

Jason's return to the room immediately gains information: there's three Maniax there, and they don't seem to have a problem with Jason. "Two minutes," one says to the others. They nod. "Two minutes," one of them directly says to Jason as he goes past him, hand on a gun in his blue-striped jacket. The guy must have put duct tape on his jacket and spray-painted it, to get those ugly stripes up the sleeves.

In the front where the guarding Fl4yers are, one of the Maniax goes out to join them, offering a distraction by way of drugs.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin makes his way along the rafters. He puts a few flash bangs in specific spots along the rafters along with some smoke pellets all different colors. Red Robin makes sure to have a very interesting distraction if needed. <I am in on the high side of things, interesting view from up here.> He says as he continues his track, making notes of things that he sees and where they are. Giving Hood an idea of where anything interesting he sees is.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason nods when told directly, "Two minutes," he repeats back and even passes the message on to a few others. Coming to a break in the crowd on the way to the bar, Jason says over comms << Something's going down in two minutes, see any suspicious movement? My guess is it's an ambush for the Fl4yers. >>

Reaching the bar, he leans over and snags a beer, cracking the top off and having a big pull, noting the platinum blonde from outside, he raises it in salute as he looks her up and down in much the same way as she did him. "So, your guy really called Lucifer?" he asks distractedly, his eye on the party and what the Maniax are doing.

Black Cat has posed:
In order to preserve the impression that she's got some cotton between her ears, anyone watching will see Felicia appear to titter at what Lucifer tells her -- as if the vodka were getting to her far faster than initially expected. Lifting her drink to her lips, she lets her eyes stray in Maxwell's direction. Ah, yes, that guy.

Turning as if to curl into Lucifer's side, she replies, "Mmm...he seems like he'd be charming to talk to. I hope he doesn't smell bad if he's a shambler. They really look human..." However, the Cat doesn't ask if Lucifer's certain.

After all, her attention is pulled away by the gang member she saw entering earlier. Jason gets an arched brow at amusement and a fetching gleam of a smile. "That's what he calls himself and I don't question him about it. We all have fun in our ways, right? You could ask him yourself...?" Felicia sips at her drink again with an innocent, inquiring expression.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer misses Jason's chat with Felicia, his back is to her now, as he fields a few people that are reacting strongly to his aura. "Let's go to one of the backseeeats," encourages one of the girls very directly. "I'm coming too, Cynthia," says the other Fl4yer. The situation partially distracts the tall devilish man, though not entirely. He does glance back, judges that Felicia is doing just fine, and then he scans the room. There's a vibe change, but it's hard to tell with the Fl4yers now up close, and Lucifer's not one to decline an opportunity for a fun sin.

However, things change: at the gang leader area, the Fl4yer leader, a strong, tall amazonian-looking woman with a magenta mohawk stands up, and starts to glare at the two Maniax leaders, and tell them off. The music is loud, but people turn to look. "No chance in hell!" the leader is saying, and her bodyguards draw their guns on the calm looking Maniax. Behind them, Maxwell smirks, folding his arms.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin will do a head count that is blocking the doors. The young hero continues. "Yea this is looking very much like a set up." I got the roof set to make it seem it is falling on them, making my way to above the head honcho." He continues on "I can drop the lights on your call hood." Tim is sitting ready.

Red Hood has posed:
"Sure, I'd love to talk to him..." Jason replies to Felicia, and... almost means it, there was something about that guy now that he was close up.

There wasn't time to consider that though, the Fl4yers were drawing guns and the Maniax were just too calm about it. Even if this were a set up, you're never that calm when someone has a gun in your face. He notices Maxwell then, looking smug and it clicks.

"Oh fuck," he says shade covered eyes darting to Felicia and Lucifer. "Probably best we get behind the bar, shit's about to go down."

On comms and audible to Felicia if not Lucifer, Jason says << Drop the lights and watch out for the honcho, I don't think he's human any more. >>

That said, Jason leaps the bar and takes cover.

Black Cat has posed:
"Well gosh, nobody's stopping you..." replies the thief to Jason. Felicia unfurls a black-gloved hand towards the dapper gentleman not too far from her as if she were Vanna White.

The rise of voices behind her and beyond Lucifer has the cat-burglar half-turning to see what's going on. Oh dear: a disagreement, it appears. Her brows meet and she frets the corner of her plump red bottom lip with a tooth.

It's clear she's musing at Maxwell in particular, he of the face recognized and supposed to be rested upon a coroner's slab.

And crap, those are guns drawn. Sleekly, Felicia sliiiiide-steps into place behind Lucifer as originally planned upon in case of chaos breaking out. She attempts to give the back of his suit-coat between his shoulderblades a firm yank-yank to draw his attention. The Cat says as quietly as she can behind his ear, "The guy with the sunglasses behind the bar might be undercover!"

Lucifer has posed:
"I think we're about to be standing in ground zero," Lucifer agrees, with a critical quality to his voice, as if he weren't also standing in a place where there might about to be tons of guns. "I can't protect you; get cover," Lucifer answers, moving near the bar, but physically blocking her from at least the front half of the room. He can't protect her from all directions, there's just no way. Lucifer did hear Jason, and Jason heard him too, likely: he wasn't quiet.

One of the two Maniax leaders says something quiet and snide to Mohawk. She snarls, stepping forward, putting her gun towards his chest, but the Maniax reacts, slapping the gun hard, and she cries out with surprise. It discharges towards the wall, but she drops it with an angry yell of pain.

The gun going off makes it clear to the whole room that the alliance of Fl4yer and Maniax is clearly not going well. Sides form quickly, weapons drawn, arguments erupt near the doors as Maniax force the Fl4yers inside. There's at least two fights near the doors.

Maxwell doesn't do anything, but one of the two Maniax stands up, and tries to stab Mohawk in the chest. The two leader Maniax are clearly inhumanly fast, strong.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin hits the button and the roof is rocks, it does not come falling down, but the lights are cut, there are flashes overhead and smoke comes billowing down in differnt colors in what little light it left. Red Robin will come down on the guy in the back, bringing his staff around in a spin as he does, trying to KO the man in one hit. The high pitch whistle splits the air from the staff.

Red Hood has posed:
Felicia's not wrong, it's just who she likely thinks he's undercover for that's off. Behind the bar though, Jason dispenses with the disguise, ripping off the jacket and shades, letting the red domino mask and the red bat symbol on his chest speak for themselves.

If anyone joins him back here or not, he doesn't care, as far as he's concerned both gangs could wipe themselves out and take Felicia and Lucifer with them, but he needed answers and he needed to watch Tim's back. So, when the lights drop, he rises tapping the side of his mask with a finger to activate the nightvision lenses as he draws his guns and prepares to provide Timmy with some cover.

Black Cat has posed:
"Well, shit," the blonde thief hisses in disapproval at unfolding events. She sticks precisely behind Lucifer's back at least until she's able to put a palm upon the bar. Then, with a lithe grace, she springs overtop it as if six-inch heels weren't going to slow her down for a minute. Upon landing on the far side, she sneaks down a ways in order to pop her head up just enough to see overtop the surface.

Not that there's much to see for long. The detonation along the interior of the warehouse's roofing leaves the place in a weird swirl of barely-lit smoke. It's a few flashing strobe lights away from a very bad rave -- who's dancing with knives?!

"And I didn't bring my line casters...!" Felicia hisses at herself, now very mad. Oh well. At least she has her gloves.

With a purposeful motion, the gloves suddenly showcase silvery steel claws. Anyone wandering close enough is going to get one hell of a slap.

Lucifer has posed:
The bangs overhead cause just about everyone to look up, Lucifer among them, and suddenly the place is black: except for all the headlights of the various cars, that is. Long slanting light beams shine from just two of the vehicles, shining into the huge plumes of colored smoke; nightvision is still just about required, due to the smoke.

People go in lots of directions, and screams and roars from fighters in the strobing headlights against moving people's legs adds more confusion than anything else.

Tim's staff comes down very hard on Maxwell, and he wasn't expecting it at all. He lost his balance, sitting backwards hard, but knocked out? No, he's orienting on Tim in the dark, a glimmer of unnatural light in his eyes. Jason DID warn the Robin about that one. He was right. Maxwell lunges for Tim, lashing across with a very hard punch, grinning in a demonic way.

In the strobe, Lucifer moved, too, directly to the pair of 'lead' Maniax, and is currently physically hauling both by the fronts of their shirts over towards the wall. Both are confused by finding themselves in that situation.

Three Fl4yers like the bar idea and attempt to join Felicia there, coughing in the smoke, but not immediately hostile. "We need to go for the door," one woman hisses, but it turns into a scream as a leering Maniax comes behind the bar. He's clearly been shot already, in the chest. Yet he's still coming.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin blinks caught a bit by surprise, but he has been trained by some of the best. He steps out of the way of the punch letting it breeze just barely missing his nose. "Oh fudge." He says at the eerie light from the others man. "Ok, how about this, and Tim falls back on his hands, both feet shooting out and aint got a bit lower target trying to put the guy down with a painful blow since the KO did not work.

Red Hood has posed:
From his place behind the bar, Jason can't miss those sharp shiny nails on Felicia's gloves, "And here I thought Catwoman was a brunette," he mutters to himself before the Maniax member lurches around the bar on the woman's side. "Have fun with that guy," he remarks glibly as he leaps back over the bar to rush towards Tim's position, guns throwing rubber slugs at Maxwell's legs and torso.

His course towards Tim, takes him past Lucifer and the two Maniax he's hoisted off the floor, brows raise under the mask, "Yay, everyone's got powers but us Bats," he remarks before launching himself into a jump over some gangers in order to land by Maxwell and Tim, guns raised.

Black Cat has posed:
Hearing feminine voices doesn't make Felicia spin with the claws to swipe; they're held in check as she peers at the silhouettes lit here and there by reflected light above the bar.

"Thanks, I can't wait!" The Cat calls back to the guy with the domino mask and bat insigna on his chest with a sharply ironic tone. Slipping out of her heels, the blonde then zigzags low and sharply around behind the approaching gang member apparently not slowed by whatever wound he suffers. As she goes past, those silver claws aim to drag at the Achilles tendon and then swipe at the back of the guy's thigh to literally hamstring him.

Heedless of whether or not she drew blood, Felicia then leaps for the gangbanger's back, intending to drive all ten nails into his shoulders!

Lucifer has posed:
The gang member that expected to just slay all the women behind the bar did not expect a strong brawler, and gets ripped up by the strength behind Felicia's claws. Jason is not the only one to observe the Maniax being dragged away in front of him, and it takes all of Maxwell's attention. Maxwell freezes up. That means Tim impacts him fully, and all of Jason's bullets hit target. He's entangled by it and having difficulty: and chooses to try to run.

Due to Tim's hits, though, Maxwell's ending up with an attempt at a very chaotic crawl to try to escape under the truck next to them, which does leave him pretty open to the Bat pair to rain hell on his body.

"You know whose name I want. /Right/. /Now/." Lucifer's voice carries very well, even over the screaming. It has a sort of uncomfortable reverb, like being too close to a speaker at a concert, felt in the chest. It's aimed at his two friends that he's set against the wall, and is interviewing, by all appearances.

Elsewhere, there are a lot of injuries, but the doors are open for some reason as the Maniax leadership goes down, and those that can run are trying to run.

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin smirks a bit and says "The new kid hogged all those." He jokes a bit to Jason, and he pulls out some putty pellets, and tosses them at the man who is crawling. He wants to detain him for later, and finding super powered thugs does need investigating. He looks around with his own enhanced lenses judging where people are and the strength lucifer is showing as well

Red Hood has posed:
With Tim taking care of keeping Maxwell pinned down, Jason takes care of the pain, raining a few kicks and stomps down on the man before the putty pellets coat the man's legs.

Once they have, well, if they have, he takes a moment to take in what's going on including Lucifer, who's loud reverberting voice is hard to miss. Though, so was the chaos, the place was a mad house and they needed to get clear. "Let's load Maxwell in the truck and you can drive him out of here, and I'll meet you out front."

Black Cat has posed:
First blood goes to the snarling Cat, apparently. She rides him down to the ground and slams her fist into his temple hard enough to seriously injure any normal person, much less this poor sap who thought he was going to complete a task as easily as walking into a hen house.

Felicia wipes the steel talons on his shirt with a muttered, "Ewugh?!" She deserts anyone remaining behind the bar in order to figure out where the hell Lucifer is projecting from --

Ah, there, beyond the two young men who appear to be dealing with Maxwell. In the weird lighting and clouds of oddly-colored fog, Felicia is sure to skirt far around them on her approach to Lucifer. She all but vanishes to sight save for infrared in the process as the shadows seem to absorb her.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer's two men have collapsed, and he's turned away from them, scanning the room with a quick calculation. His eyes move over the downed Maxwell and the pair, lingering on the imagery on Jason's chest, the bat sigil, as if curious. He doesn't pursue them, though, he looks quickly around for Felicia, as if remembering her suddenly. "I've got what we came for," he calls at her. Where did she go? He heads towards the bar anyway. Bullets still zing here and there, but he seems lucky enough to not get hit as he moves to find Felicia. Might be ships passing in the night.

Maxwell has switched to trying to punch or hit anything that he can move to grab at, like a feral animal, but the putty goo is going to really restrict that!

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin uses his staff as a bit of a lever to get the man unstuck from the floor perhaps taking a few tiles with him, as he pries him up. He will move to grab the man's shoulders his own gloves treated to not stick to the goo, and says "You get the kicking end." he tells Jason as he is ready to put the man in the nearest truck bed.

Red Hood has posed:
It's hard to miss the lingering look given the Bat Symbol on Jason's chest and Jason gives Lucifer a long lingering stare of his own, full of challenge, the sort of stare a dog gives when he thinks you're coming into his yard.

Jason turns away at Tim's remark about the kicking end. "Sure," he says stomping down hard on one of Maxwell's legs and then grabbing him up to, dump him in the truck.

Black Cat has posed:
Upon coming around the far side of one of the parked cars being used as transportation as well speakers and remaining lighting, Felicia sees the tall form of Lucifer moving in his usual pace away from the prone bodies of the two men he was speaking to.

Should he catch movement in his peripheral, the Cat is lightly loping along the roofs and trunks of the cars on her way to meet him, definitely missing her shoes. At this point, the steel claws have disappeared back into the gloves. She steps down on one of the car's front bumpers with the air of a queen and lifted chin to boot on her way over to him.

How odd that bullet whizzing past her too seem to deflect at such ridiculous angles?

Such Bad Luck.

She's quick to inform Lucifer, "I'd really like to go home and shower -- and maybe burn this dress. I think that guy's blood is on it somewhere." Felicia straightens the garment on her body anyhow and returns it to its curve-clinging state by smoothing her palms along it.

Peering around the club owner and towards the prone body of Maxwell, the thief does indulge in a little twiddly-fingered wave towards the two bat-gents, its implication being to have fun with their squirmy bundling!

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer tilts his head at Jason's territorial glare. The response is an immediate smile, and lift of brows. Lucifer and his charismatic, almost manic, grins. The seriousness of the issue is gone, once he realized Jason was staring at him. Felicia finds him: makes it easy, he stops hunting for her immediately, of course.

"One moment, and we'll get you out of the dress," Lucifer says, saucy, to Felicia. He moves a few paces towards the Bats, but doesn't actually approach. The next words are clearly aimed at Maxwell. "You. Are. Done. Here." Serious tone.

Then the smile returns for the Bats, and he turns to go with Felicia out one of the other exits, stepping over a Maniax body that fell nearby. "We didn't get to dance," Lucifer observes.