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Latest revision as of 16:17, 26 October 2019

Once a Student, Always a Student
Date of Scene: 26 October 2019
Location: Xavier's Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Anti-gravity. Body. Mods.
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Polaris, Shadowcat, Rogue, Spider-Man

Professor X has posed:
Charles' office had been largely unused during his prolonged absence in Shi'ar space, save as an occasional classroom when all the others were occupied. Despite this, it has been well-maintained. The plants watered, the surfaces kept free of dust, the windows clean and clear. But with the Professor still adjusting to the shape of the school under the combined leadership of Jean and Scott, he has yet to start teaching classes of his own. The fact that his own personal suite is connected to his office makes it a logical place to be when he has nothing else to consume his time.

He sits in his chair by the window, sunlight streaming down as he flips through the pages of an old and well-loved yet meticulously kept edition of a book. He lifts his eyes from the page for a moment, seemingly for no reason, and glances expectantly towards the door.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was temporarily living full time once more in the Mansion, though she wasn't employed there, she was well known throughout the school as an alumni that frequently visited. She had more or less, fully moved herself to Genosha with her father for the past year or so and was now a publicly known person. Both as Polaris, and as Princess Lorna.

But during her coronation things had gone south, and her father had sent her away for her safety without any clear indications of when he would allow her return.

A knock sounded on the door, and Lorna poked her head in after a moment's polite pause. "Professor? Do you have a minute?" She asked, peering inside and glancing around before she spotted him by the window.

Professor X has posed:
"Of course," Charles replies, his voice calm yet carrying enough to be heard through the door. He closes the book with a neat snap and places it on the table under the window, hand finding the controls for his chair and turning it to face the door with a quiet whir.

As Lorna enters, he rolls a few feet forward to meet her and reaches out a hand in greeting. Even without Scott around to push his wheelchair hither and yon, Professor Xavier still manages to be quite mobile.

"What's on your mind, Lorna? I hope you won't mind if I spare the regal sobriquets and titles. I feel we are beyond all that."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled, stepping further into the room and shutting the door behind her with a wave of her hand. A simple use of her powers that she never would've used years ago, she had grown much more comfortable with her powers and herself, it would seem. She wore a pair of skinny jeans, boots, and a lavender colored sweater that hung off the edges of her shoulders. Her green hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she glanced around the room and back to the Professor.

The comment about avoiding titles earned a laugh, and she shook her head. "You more or less helped raise me here, I think you've more than earned the right to call me whatever you want." She shrugged once, and reached up to push her hair back from her face.

"I just.. I dunno, I heard you were back and I've been having a hard time." She paused, considering. "Or rather Rogue and Emma told me that I wasn't doing well.." She grumbled, reaching up to rub the back of her neck in a somewhat sheepish manner.

Lorna was bipolar, and knew it, something inherited from her father and she was at least //trying// to manage herself when things started turning.

Professor X has posed:
"What kind of a hard time?" Charles asks, his tone as even and unobtrusive as ever - like he was simply asking her for the time, "You say Emma and Rogue said you weren't doing well - but what do you think? How do you feel you're doing?"

The Professor doesn't roam the office, nor does he busy himself with anything else. Instead, he lifts both hands to steeple before his chest and keeps blue-grey fixed firmly on his former student. He doesn't rush her to speak, nor push her to give any more detail than he can gently coax out. He's every inch the psychiatrist he always was.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shifted on her feet, her hands falling to her sides and twisting the length of fabric around her sleeve afterward. A fidgeting motion that was something old from her school days that she clearly hadn't stopped doing. "Emma and Rogue said that I'm becoming obsessed with things in Genosha. That it's running me ragged and that if I'm not careful I'll snap and break.. or who knows." She muttered, making a face. Her lips pursing together and she shrugged once.

"Scott already did the check in with me, and got me out of the Mansion for a few hours and everything. I feel like I'm fine.. I'm just.. I'm anxious because my father sent me here when I feel like I should be there to help." She started pacing in a neat line. One, two, three steps. Turn. One, two, three steps. Turn.

"He's dealing with everything alone, and he makes historically, bad decisions when he's alone. And I'm worried. About him, about Genosha. I have a duty there and I'm sitting here on my hands not helping to solve the issues going on there."

Professor X has posed:
"Your father is a remarkable man, Lorna, and it follows that you are a remarkable young woman," Charles does not move much at all as he speaks, maintaining that thoughtful pose.

"But I have known your father for many years - since before you were born - and while we do not always see eye to eye," the words come with a faint sigh, though he presses on, "I know enough to trust his capability and his judgment. If Erik felt you were needed here, then I believe this is where you should be."

He tilts his head slightly to the side, as though reasoning it out, "But, you are your own person. You're entitled to feel differently and much of our growth as people is learning that our parents are not infallible. Do you feel your father and his advisors are incapable of managing this crisis?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grimaced, half folding her arms as she fell silent as she considered the Professor's words and mulled them over, taking time to properly turn them over in her mind before she responded. "He sent me away for my own safety. Again.. He's always done that. Even when I didn't know it. I'm an adult, and I have trained with you and him now for a long while. I'm skilled with my powers and confident in my ability to handle myself.." She pursed her lips together.

"And it bother me that he thinks I can't, or that it's unsafe for me to be there at his side when he's facing ghosts from his past. I respected his worry and I didn't argue with him over it at first.. I was freaked out too.. But I just...." She sighed, and grimaced, reaching up to drag her fingers through the shorter curls that hung around her face.

"I feel like I'm slacking in my duty to Genosha by just sitting here in the States where it's safe."

Professor X has posed:
"Or perhaps he sees you as his rightful successor," Xavier ventures, "And, should things go awry in Genosha, he wants you in a place where you are safe to take on your crown if that time should come?"

Only now does the Professor move, the chair turning slightly to roll in the direction of his desk. He removes a closed laptop from one of the drawers, opening it and looking at the contents in search of something.

"I read a report of something that happened at a laboratory with these Sentinels," he offers, "How you used your powers to deactivate one of them along with Ororo. I would say that isn't slacking. You are serving Genosha by serving mutants everywhere, and by ensuring your own safety should something happen to your father."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's eyebrows furrowed in consideration again, her lips pursing together briefly. But then her gaze dropped as the Professor continued and rolled to the desk and searched through a few drawers. She exhaled a breath, part of the tension in her shoulders loosening and she finally lifted her gaze back to the Professor. "I... didn't think of it like that, no." She finally admitted, trailing along toward the opposite side of the desk and lingering there. Her fingers tracing an idle line against the edge of the wood's grain.

"I got knocked out by a bunch of humans with bricks that time too.." She mumbled, her cheeks turning faintly pink. "I wouldn't really qualify that as a success.."

Professor X has posed:
Charles chuckles slightly at the revelation about the hurled bricks, despite the violent nature of the story. He closes the laptop for a moment, folding his hands atop it and glancing up at Lorna.

"Did I ever tell you how I lost the use of my legs?" he asks, before venturing on, "A rock fell on me. I was fighting an old ... enemy of mine, and he dropped a stone block on me. Possessed of the ability to read and control minds from hundreds of miles away, I too was laid low by a hurled rock. It can happen to the very best of us."

He looks thoughtful for a moment, "I wouldn't normally offer this, Lorna, but since you seem to be having such trouble. Would you like me to prescribe you a course of lithium? It may suit to even out your moods."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shook her head as the Professor questioned if she had heard the story. She'd always vaguely assumed it must have been something horrific. It was something that the student just never spoke of. It was something not openly discussed as much as asking what had happened to his hair. It was a fact of life in the school. The Professor had his wheelchair. It simply was and accepted.

The fact that it was stone that had incapacitated the Professor so left a blink of surprise on the green haired woman's expression, and she suddenly was far more grateful to the healers they had on hand than she already had been.

"I didn't know that story.. no." She offered softly, and as the Professor looked up after a moment and offered her a prescription she shrugged once, her arms folding over her middle.

"I dunno Professor if it would even work for me... That whole magnetic fields thing.. I mean, it didn't do much for me when I was living with my foster parents. Granted I was still a teenager when I tried it last time.." She was bipolar quite literally as well as mentally. The magnetic fields held sway in her brain. Her polarity shifted with the Earth's and reflected back the opposite of her father's.

Professor X has posed:
"I'm remiss to prescribe it if you don't think it will have an effect," Charles offers, "You know your powers better than anyone else. You may be very right in assuming the chemical imbalance brought on by them might not be easily righted with a dose small enough for you to continue functioning normally."

He leaves the prescription pad where it lays on his desk, locking a thoughtful gaze upon Lorna.

"What I would like to prescribe instead, then, is regular visits. I don't imagine we've touched on all your concerns or done much to resolve those we have. I think you might benefit from a continued discussion, don't you?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grimaced faintly, "I'm sure there are times when a small nudge might be more helpful than harmful, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm there or not currently. I'm just.. kind of puttering around in circles." She mumbled faintly, and lifted her gaze back up from her hands to the prescription pad and then the Professor in return. Doubtlessly there were many times in the past that such medication would've needed to be far stronger.. but for the moment she wasn't sure she needed it. Not yet anyways.

Even if Cable's words about her needing to be careful and staying medicated and talking to a therapist haunted her.

But as the Professor continued onward regarding more visits she nodded once, and let her hands fall back to her sides. "Yeah, I guess so. I don't see it hurting me at least.. And so long as you have time Professor.." She murmured.

Shadowcat has posed:
Charles's screen will pop up a little notification down in the corner. A message from Kitty that she and Rogue are outside whenever the Professor is available.

And indeed, that's where Kitty is at. She has Lockheed with her. "So I'm thinking some missions... like some camouflage pattern on Lockheed. We can paint him up, splotches of different colors, for if it's daytime or night time. And maybe some dark streak around his eyes like a mask. I mean, not that it's going to conceal his identity. But come on, it's going to look darling," Kitty says with a grin.

Lockheed just stares at her. His yellow eyes don't have pupils so they can't actually roll at Kitty. Nor does anything in his expression suggest it, either. "Make it so he could land somewhere and blend in, not stand out. Though I love the purple, if it's a mission, you know..." Kitty says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is standing out there with smirk on her lips. Around her head is she has a maroon colored headband that is holding her white and brown hair down against the sides of her head and face, it matches the maroon tank top she's wearing, with blue jeans and long black gloves that go up to her elbows, its a hippy'ish look and she likes it.

"You wanna body paint your pet dragon?" Rogue asks Kitty then with a smirk, and a glance to Lockheed. "That expression he's makin' suggestions he'll chew our fingers off if we even get near'im with paint brushes." She grins again and glances down at her phone once more to tap on the screen with her thumbs.

Professor X has posed:
"Well, I think I can find something for you to do that might help you feel less adrift," Charles offers Lorna, glancing down at his laptop as the notification beeps, "But give me a few days before I go into any detail. I may need to pull a few strings."

The Professor leaves it at that, tilting his head towards the laptop screen before adding: "We have some visitors. As for these sessions? I'll make time. Just let me know when you're free and I'll set aside a few hours for you. How about once a week?"

That said, he raises his voice just a little towards the door: "Enter."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna tilted her head as she listened, her weight shifting back onto her heels and she nodded once as the Professor said to give her a few days. Part of her was worried, what if he tried to make her... teach or something? It was the absolute worst case scenario. She sincerely hoped he didn't make her do that of all things. Still, the mention of visitors had her reaching for the magnetic fields to cast her senses out and see for herself who was on the other side of the door.

The green haired woman smiled as she recognized the spark of electromagnetic nerves and neurons that marked Kitty and Rogue each. And a distracted, half nod followed the promise of at least meeting the Professor once a week. "Sure. I can try to do that." She was already turning toward the door as the Professor called for the two other women to enter.

"Hey guys, I was just heading out for a bit."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins to Rogue. "Oh come on, he'll look awesome. Maybe we can hang some frilly stuff on him too, make it like one of those ghillie suits that snipers wear," Kitty says. "And then-"

The sound of Charles telling them to enter is heard, interrupting Kitty's next brilliant idea. Apparently now that she has a bitching costume, she's turning her costuming ideas to Lockheed.

Kitty opens up the door and steps into the familiar study. "Hey Professor," she says. "Hey Lorna," Kitty adds with a smile. "Aw, you're leaving? You're going to love me and Peter's Halloween costumes. Are you going to be able to make it here for it?" she asks of the upcoming holiday.

Kitty looks over to Rogue. "Not going with the hippy outfit. Though, maybe I'll just wear that to wear," she adds with a soft laugh. That had been Rogue's suggestion upon seeing it, after all.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just shakes her head at Kitty's words and puts her left gloved hand out to place it on Lockheed's head. "If you eve'ah wanna latch onta a new person, Locky, ya know where I live." She sympathizes with the dragon, even though she's just teasing Kitty on the Purple Flyer's behalf.

When they stride into the office together, Rogue stows her phone into her back pocket on her right side and she grins at Lorna. "You feelin better I hope." She tells the green haired princess. "You looked like you were about t'burst like a student's bakin' soda volcano diarama." She teases in good natured fun.

She steps further into the office and toward where the Professor is and then looks to him and offers the older man a soft smile. She's not quite as teasy with Charles, though it depends on her mood, the nearly-21 year old tended to tease just about anyone after all, in the right moment.

Professor X has posed:
Charles does not intrude on the thoughts of others unless asked. It wouldn't be ethical to do so. But there are certain thoughts, such as Lorna's own about not wanting to teach, that are the equivalent of neon light in Times Square. They're begging for attention and he can't help but hear them. A faint chuckle escapes the Professor as he glances up at her, shaking his head.

"It's not that," he assures the Genoshan princess, "Don't worry."

When Kitty, Rogue, and Lockheed enter he raises his arched eyebrows curiously. He smiles beatifically at them as they enter, exchanging greetings with Lorna. He doesn't interpose himself, simply remaining seated in his wheelchair alongside his desk with the laptop open on his lap.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced side long at the Professor as he waved away her concerns about teaching and she exhaled a soft sigh and smiled faintly. Her green eyed gaze swinging back to Rogue and Kitty in turn. "Uhh I guess so? I mean, feeling better. Kind of.." She was still a roiling ball of anxiety, but currently wasn't at the snapping point with others around her at least.

At Kitty's question regarding Halloween she shrugged, "I can try to be here.. but I don't have a costume or anything. If you've got a spare kicking around sure..? But really, I didn't even think about it being that time of year. It kind of slipped my mind." She murmured, and continued toward the door.

"Thank you Professor for the talk. I appreciate it. I'll see you all around."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins back to Rogue. "No poaching my dragon," she tells her old roommate, taking Lockheed off her shoulder and snuggling him against her chest and nuzzling him. He soaks it up, little attention whore that he is.

Kitty looks at Lorna and considers a costume. "Ok, everything green would be expected. So instead we need to make you like... the Heat Miser. Or maybe the Cold Miser. Though Bobby kind of already has that look all the time. But wavy red hair, something tight, some silver eyeshadow and super long red lashes... what do you think?" Kitty asks.

She turns her smile to the Professor. "Glad to have you back. It's never quite the same without you," she tells him. "Hopefully we've done a decent enough job keeping the place from burning down without you," she offers.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins lightly to Lorna, knowing she's bounding out of the office and classroom so there's not much reason to engage with her, plus the lady's been so stressed there hasn't been much she even could say to help her out at all.

SO, Rogue just listens to Kitty talk to her while sheeeeee steps over to one of the student chairs in the room and settles down onto the edge of it to peer over the small desk at the papers laying on it. She's snooping at someone's homework, is what she's doing, they'd apparently left it here.

She's a teaching assistant in college classes here, she's allowed to snoop on some random student's assignment! Right?

Professor X has posed:
"I'm glad to be back, Kitty," the Professor answers, once Lorna has stepped out of the room, "Though you'll appreciate there's quite a lot to catch up on. New students, new ways of doing things. That's partly why I suggested that Jean remain headmistress for the interim - to give myself time to adjust."

Certainly, he could pluck any and all relevant data from the minds of those around him and bring himself completely up to speed but that really isn't something he would do even if it were offered to him.

"I'm very impressed with what you've done. I was telling Scott and Jean the same the night I returned. I'm quite impressed to see the pair of you working here - it wasn't all that long ago you were students yourselves."

His gaze momentarily shifts to Rogue: "You've taken a sudden interest in sophomore level civics, Rogue?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty moves over to one of the desks, perching a cheek on it to half-use it as a seat. "Thank you. Well, working here as I'm able. Thankfully my other boss is pretty understanding about my extra special needs. But, he does still expect his money's worth," Kitty says.

She glances out towards the hall. "Bunch of good students. Brian's really coming along. Laura seems to have adjusted really nicely for the most part. Negasonic hasn't blown up anything that wasn't an actual target in... I'm sure it's days," Kitty says, the last part in a good-natured tone.

She glances over to Rogue. "And not a coma that wasn't deserved," she says. "Hopefully we'll soon have everything that Wanda, Stephen and Illyana need for that protection spell."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continues to read the papers up to the point where the Professor speaks out to her and then she raises her head with a big smile on her lips. Both of her hands come up then and she dumps her elbows down onto the desk the papers were on on the school chair and then she plops her chin down onto them while her fingertips curl inward to press against either of her cheeks as she just smiles at Charles and Kitty both like this, all dopey and stuff.

"I'm interested in everything, don'tcha know?" She replies in a Fargo-like emulated accent there at the end. She's being silly, which means she's happy. She's silly when she's happy.

She sighs then and instantly leans back to fold her arms against her stomach and cross her legs at the knees. "I'm tellin' ya, Kitty. I'm all the protection this school needs. It doesn't need no magic fingers wigglin' around t'create spells'n hocus pocus. It just needs MY fingers... curled up inta fists. Punchin' stuff."

Professor X has posed:
"Any little protection helps," Charles tells them both, "As long as it isn't intrusive. While I might like for the school to be able to throw its doors open an announce to the world its status as a sanctuary for young mutants, I'm afraid we've not yet reached that enlightened era."

The unspoken threat of the Sentinels rings in his words. Gone though they may be, the fact remains that the genie has been let out of the bottle. The voice of violence and hate had found a new weapon.

"I'd like to meet all the students I haven't met already, in time," he adds, "But for now - what's all this talk of costumes? Are you planning a party?"

Leave it to Professor Xavier to forget about one of the most prominent costume-wearing holidays of the year. Maybe the only one?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Rogue, "Ooo, speaking of. I was thinking last night, I could make your phone's motion sensor realize when you're throwing punches and make a nice pew-pew sort of sound effect. Though you'd want to throw lots of combinations with it. Pew. Pew pew pew!" Kitty says, giving a few little combo punches to the air.

She is just a wealth of ideas lately, it seems. Lockheed isn't the only one to fall subject to them.

Kitty looks back to the Professor to say, "Halloween's coming. Six days away. I hate it when it's the middle of the week, much prefer it on a Friday or Saturday so it can be done right," she says.

Kitty lets out a breath. "Yeah, Sentinels. Rogue and Scott and I took out a shipment of parts. Human-sized ones. Probably the ones Sebastion was making. Loaded a virus into the parts, brought back some samples for Forge and Tony. Trucks had been up in Canada, so might be where he was making them."

Rogue has posed:
Seated in one of the student desk-chairs in the front row center of the classroom, Rogue keeps her arms crossed over her stomach and her legs crossed at the knee with left over right. She just has a faint smile on her lips. "I don't need my phone 'pewing' every time I move erratically. Moving erratically is how I keep my foes off'a me. I failed t'do it in that ice cream shop months back and thats how that sniper got a bead on me. That was my mistake..." She darkens and raises one hand to squeeze a black gloved fist dramatically in front of her. "I won't make that mistake again..." She whispers in a faintly mocking Stallone-esque voice. She's being very odd today. And she doesn't care.

Professor X has posed:
Professor Xavier's eyebrows raise slightly at the mention of Halloween, as though he had completely forgotten such a holiday existed and was only now remembering. It is less the look of a man discovering a twenty in the couch cushions, and more the look of someone realizing they had work the next day. Still, it doesn't last, and he keeps his smile.

"I suppose we'll have to make due with a more understated affair," he suggests, truly heartbroken to say it.

The mention of the Sentinels and Rogue's encounter with snipers prompts a faint frown, however, and his eyes turn to the young mutant seated at one of the desks: "I'm sure you won't."

He's almost tempted to mentally ask Kitty what's up with Rogue but then, Rogue is Rogue and will always be Rogue. It was a fundamental law of the universe.

Spider-Man has posed:
Who sat around in bed while everyone did all the super heroic stuff?


You damn right...

Who's the hero who can't do a thing on weekends because they irrationally thought this would be a smooth transition into a good improving their resume?



Pete shows up, on a Friday (or Saturday depending on origin along the time stream), in his usual blue jeans and t-shirt and light jacket and backwards METS cap. He does not know /MEETINGS/ are happening, but he does know there's a Kitty afoot somewhere.

Texting time!: Where you is? Trying to not run into students. Help me Obi Wan Kitnobi, you're my only hope.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty watches Rogue and her normal grin is a bit muted by the reminder of someone having shot at Rogue. She is about to say something when she pulls out her phone as it buzzes. The warm emotions that result from seeing the message would be tough to mix, and immediately fill Charles Xavier in if he hasn't heard already. Kitty, dating Peter Parker.

Kitty sends a message back. "Peter's back on campus," she says. "He hasn't been around much since he was fighting something off," she says.

Kitty leaves her thoughts open and loud for Charles. <<Rhino, Electro, Scorpion and Vulture attacked him. At least one mentioned he was paid to do. Someone hit him with a designer neuro-toxin that would affect someone of enhancement. It was touch and go for awhile.>>

Meanwhile, the text for Peter lets him know she and Rogue are chatting with Charles in his office.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks at herself and drops her hands down to her lap, she glacnes over at the papers on the desk and stands up gathering them up in her gloved hands she takes them over to set them on Xavier's desk so he won't have to go get them later eventually. She then reaches her gloved fingers up to run them through her hair and adjust how it lays on her shoulders, then adjust the dark maroon headband she has wrapped around her forehead and tied behind hr head.

"Halloween party is tomorrow though. I'm gonna help fix things up, then go out and probably get inta some trouble in some more... I don't know, not kiddie parties." She says to Kitty and Charles too for that matter. "Kid, not Kitty. Kiddie." She tries to correct herself with a smirk. "Katherine!" She finally settles on her friend's full name with a little wiggle of her pointed slim chin when she says it.

Rogue looks to the door, expecting Peter Parker to bust through now that he's apparently here so she crosses her arms again and finds a place to lean back against... which in her case is actually nothing because she can lean back on air if she wants to. Perk of anti-gravity body mods.

Professor X has posed:
Charles doesn't seem to respond when Kitty opens her thoughts in a way that make them easily read. He's mastered the art of bluffing when using his telepathic powers, and it shows in the way he simply seems to sit and continue smiling. Kitty would hear his own words echo back through the transom of her mind:

<<He is well now?>>

"Well, it's good to have our very own Lavoisier back amongst us."

Rogue's mention of other parties prompts a vague furrowing of his forehead. He says nothing of it, and there's no effort to check mentally just how the Southern Belle is doing. He's been away, after all. Maybe Scott or Jean will fill him in on the specifics later.

Spider-Man has posed:
In the best of all possible worlds, Peter would arrive soon.

Soon being now.

But he is not so sneaky as he thought he was and he encountered the wild beast of Xavier's mansion in the form of Tommy. The prenicious scamp traitor who let Pete believe they were allies in the race of the century only to join Camp Kitty at the last second!

"Tommy! Sup buddy." Elaborate dap exchange following. Legit, we're talking elbow tapping, one heel click, and at least one instance of a walk it out dance move. This is not something done spur of the moment, it had to be practiced, probably a lot.

Both of them are nerds.

So Rogue has to keep staring and waiting for him to burst in.

Seriously, the two of them are STILL dapping.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes a grin over to Rogue. "We need to go into town and trick-or-treat the Avenger's Mansion though," she tells her friend. Kitty looks back to Charles and says, "After everything with the Sentinels, and the news about Batman and Superman, I figure, a little Halloween fun would be a good thing for the kids."

Kitty thinks back to Charles, <<Yes, he's finally recovered. Though we still don't know who was behind the attack.>>

Kitty glances towards the door. No Peter. "Probably went to play Call of Duty 15 with Hambone," she says, shaking her head. Shaking it because Peter will try to get up in the sniper nest where it's almost impossible to dislodge him. Yeah, he's that guy.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stops leaning on air and just unfolds her arms to walk over toward one of the walls of trinkets and stuff that Charles has on display. She smirks and shakes her head at kitty for a second or so. "Nah, I don't wanna go t'the Avengers place for Halloween. None've will be there probably anyway. They're all like fifty years old. They'll either turn the lights off and hide, or be drunk, or just... ya know, off savin' the world. One'a those things." She doesn't seem to hold her opinions back even with Charles in the room. Because she's Rogue.

She stares at one of Charles' degrees in a frame and just reads it line for line. "Video games rot your brain." She quietly says then, for no real reason other than Call of Duty was mentioned and she hates that game. She's not a big fan of guns in general though, or video games!

Professor X has posed:
Out of curiosity, Charles reaches out to try and see just what is keeping Peter. A little telepathic digging and, upon returning his full attention to the office, he raises his eyebrows at Kitty: "He appears to be punching another young man in the hand repeatedly."

Rogue's mention of video games rotting the brain elicits an agreeable nod of the Professor's head. Never mind that he helped design one of the most advanced video games of all time in his basement. But the Danger Room was a simulation. That was different.

"I'm glad to hear Peter is doing well, though," he adds, "And if you do plan to go trick or treating, I hope you'll take some of the younger students with you. Perhaps not the older ones, though - they seem to get into enough trouble on their own."

Spider-Man has posed:
IS that guy.

Is also still dapping with Tommy.

"I think we need to trim the fat on this hand greeting, pal.." Pete says with a laugh, both hands clapping down on his green scaly friends shoulders. "gee wiz mr. paukah, sure wuld be nice if u came around more." Way to tug at the heart strings Tommy, even if you need to work on your accent. God he misses the psychobears accent.

"hows about u come play call of duty 15 with us down in the rec room?" Tommy asks with a growing smile, "I couldn't... I couldn't possibly Tommy. I have to go to an important meeting that I wasn't invited to.. you know, adult stuff that you should accept as being generally acceptable behavior for me, but in poor form for you, because that's adulting 101." Pete rubs at the back of his neck, fingers digging into a spot just at his hairline.

"Besides, Kitty told me to stop taking Hambones lunch money.. anyways, I'll catch up with you this weekend and we can work on the bike, eh?" Sucker, Peter never does anything on Weekends. So meta.

Pete is unaware that he has been probbed. Internally wondering if this is what alien abduction feels like.

Suddenly very scared of Alabama cow fields.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins over at Rogue. "No, trust me, it'll be worthwhile. Anyway, Janet will probably be dragging Steve somewhere. And he's from the 1940s. They all dressed up and... you know," Kitty says, waving her hands around vaguely. "Sang in barbershop quartets and... um... went down to the boardwalk..." she says. Then realizes, bad example. She just went to Coney Island the other night.

"My point, Rogue," Kitty says, emphasizing this to reinforce her point, "My point, is that we should really stop by." She looks back to Charles, an eyebrow going up. "Oh, that's dapping. It's what kids did back in the teens. Went away for a few years, now it's back because of that football player," she explains.

Retro touchdown celebrations. Who would have thought.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turns around from Charles' wall of 'look how impressive I am' and she smiles to the old man. It is impressive. But its also boring. Hey, she's young!

She strides back over to where Kitty is and scrunches her nose up at the idea. Janet was young, just barely older than they were, twenty four or something? "Eh... Janet is cool, but rich and famous. I don't think I fit in well with her, plus I think she doesn't like me that much." People are paranoid like that!

"I was thinkin' more hittin' up a college party somewhere--" She glances toward Xavier then. And flashes him a smile. "You probably don't want us talkin' about this stuff in your office, huh?" She asks all sweetly to the Professor.

Professor X has posed:
"Well, you're going to have it somewhere," Charles says with a faint rise of his shoulders, "And I suppose it's allowed me to uncover a little about modern youth culture. I'm an anthropologist after all, I suppose it's my duty to know about 'dapping' and why it takes such a very long time."

The Professor gestures to one of the degrees hung up on the wall - specifically a degree in anthropology - as though to emphasize his point. He opens the laptop again, looking at the screen curiously.

"But don't feel as though you have to leave on my account," he assures them, "I have some e-mails to answer but I am interested to hear about your plans."

Spider-Man has posed:
"I shant! I've kept them waiting long enough as is, Tommy.." Peter laments to his young companion, engaging in a far shorter fare-thee-well dap routine that involves only a scant few taps of the elbow interlaced in the choriography. "Alright pal, you go have fun on this wonderful Friday." Watching the young man go, hands on his hips, and a grin on his face. "Oh you scamp.."

The hat on his head is turned forward, then back around backwards as he picks up his pace towards Xavier's office. When he arrives, some time later, having taken the long way to see if there were cookies for communal consumption and find that, indeed, there were, he knocks upon the chamber door with the back of his knuckles.

"Surely your forgiveness I implore."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty pops up as she hears the knock. She lets out a soft laugh and walks over. "Leave it to you to be napping, and then come so gently rapping. And so faintly to come tapping, tapping at the Professor's door," Kitty says through the closed edifice.

She moves aside and opens wide the door. Before drifting back to sit quiet, and speaking nevermore.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just flashes another grin to the Professor before she looks to Kitty darting off to let her boyfriend in. "I'm gonna go find Storm and help her out preparin' for tomorrow. Definitely not gonna take any'a the kids withme if I go out though!" She reaches out then to pat Lockheed on his head again before Rogue turns toward the doors as well and then lifts up a foot or so and hover-floats across the room to zip right past Peter.

"I'm not wearin' any gloves, oh no, look out!" She lies, holding her gloved hands up and doing grabby-hands at Peter's face as she sweeps past him and back out toward the main foyer beyond.

Professor X has posed:
Another alert pops up on Charles' laptop as Peter steps into the room, and he lifts his head to watch one young person leave to be replaced by another.

"Well, Mister Poe," the Professor announces, placing the laptop on the desk and the rolling towards the door in such a way as to necessitate getting out of his way to avoid being run over, "I shall have to meet you on another night's Plutonian shore. My parcel arrived."

A moment later he turns, disappearing out the door and in the opposite direction to Rogue. Leaving Kitty and Peter alone in the well-appointed space with the nice sofas and the expensive trinkets mounted on the shelves, and -

The Professor's voice rings out in both their minds.

<<Don't even think about it.>>