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Latest revision as of 16:27, 26 October 2019

01010010 00101011 01010011
Date of Scene: 21 October 2019
Location: Reed Richard's Laboratory, Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Reed and Sue steal a perfect moment
Cast of Characters: Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Reed was sat in his laboratory, speaking in a language that did not seem to be of Earthly origins. Fantastic Four communicators had built in translators, though he seemed to be speaking it with his own voice, rather than allowing it to be translated for him. The conversation was being held with well, what looked like a Star Wars transmission. A figure appeared to be sitting in the room, entirely in blue, as they conversed. It seemed like they were on friendly terms by the body language. Then Reed brought his open palm, fingers curled inwards, with only the proximal phalanx outward. He brought it up to his forehead, near his temple, and then stuck his other hand out, balled up in a fist, with his pinky extended. The other being did the same, and after a few more brief words, the transmission ended and the figure disappeared.

Invisible Woman has posed:
The door to the lab opened. Sue entered, dressed casually in a pair of gray yoga pants and a white tank top. Her feet were covered in white socks. No shoes as she was off duty and had been spending time with the kids. It had taken a bit of convincing to get Franklin and Valeria to sleep, but a second bedtime story had done the trick.

Now she entered carrying a plate in her left hand, a set of silverware wrapped in a napkin clutched in the same hand. Her other had was filled with a glass of water. "Reed? You missed dinner. Again." She slightly stressed the last word but continued into the room to set the plate and glass on a clear table near his position. There were slices of roast chicken, some asparagus and some honey carrots on the plate. She set the bundled utensils next to the plate. "Come eat. Who was that?"

Mister Fantastic has posed:
"Oh, I'm sorry for that," he winced a little at the stress applied to 'again'. Since he had literally just finished something, he was hardly in a position to argue, even if he wanted to. So he rose up from his chair, almost gliding. Something about his stretching, just made him a little bit more fleet of foot when getting up, moving, if he wanted to be. At home, he tended to focus on efficiency. When out in public, he tried to downplay his powers in everyday use. There was just something unnerving about a man who was essentially made of rubber. He gave Sue a kiss.

He wore grey trousers, a light blue collared shirt, and over top of that a burgundy jumper, something that Valeria had given to him last Christmas. Despite its common appearance, that jumper bore a remarkable number of innovations hidden within. "You look lovely, and mmm, it smells delicious." He pulled up a chair for her to join him, even if she wasn't eating. Reed was forgetful, could be distracted, but he was always a gentleman.

Invisible Woman has posed:
The kiss was returned and Sue gave him a soft smile, already forgiving him his temporary lapse by missing dinner. It was a rather common occurance after all. She feared if she didn't bring him food, he might go the entire day without, thus her personal delivery.

When he offered the seat, she settled in and tucked her feet on the legs beneath her. "I hope it's alright. I warmed it in the microwave, which can sometimes make the chicken a little tough." It was fine but she worried about it being perfect for him. Not that he'd ever complain. It was simply she wanted to give him the best. It came with the territory of loving him.

"I'm guessing the communication was important," she leads, waiting for him to explain.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
"I'm sure it will be splendid." He said, moving around to take his own seat, actually pulling the chair he had been seated at earlier. She had already eaten, so he didn't stand on ceremony, and he was glad that she kept him company while eating. At least he had the good sense not to talk while eating, waiting for food to be chewed and swallowed, even giving enough of a pause, in case any more needed to go down, before he would speak.

"Oh, that was the Tiik'an'oc ambassador. It's early, but I'm confident that he will counsel the Emperor against going to war with the Dik'la'co'ic. But I should have remembered about dinner." He began to stroke his chin, "it's delicious by the way," but as he stroked his chin, "I may have to tie the lab's systems into my personal calendar, and set it so that family time can be overridden by you, Ben, Johnny, or the kids, but not I. Should I wish to access my equipment, I will be locked out until after family dinner. How does that sound?" Even as he began to eat again, one hand had drifted off, slinking along the floor, coding it up on a nearby panel.

Invisible Woman has posed:
"I'm not sure I'd put Johnny in there," Sue said with a soft laugh as she sat companionably with him while he ate. "You know he would just put things in and lock up your lab for his own amusement." She considers a moment and adds. "Maybe not the kids either. I understand that your work is important and I would hate you to be interrupted during a discussion with an ambassador because Valeria wanted you to have a tea party with her."

She glanced to the side where his hand was already working on the problem even as he remained seated and eating his dinner. Then she looked back to his face. "I do hope your talk worked and they avoid war. If they just talk to one another, I'm certain their races can come to some sort of agreement that would be beneficial for both sides."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
"That's a good point. I could code it so that only things you or I add to my calendar can be set for these protocols. But I would like to allow for as many people as reasonably possible able to counter it, were an emergency situation to develop during family time." He did smile at the idea of Valeria wanting a tea party with him. "She does make very good tea. I think she combined the DNA of terrestrial, and extraterrestrial species to cultivate the leaves."

"If my talk didn't, I'm certain that you could convince them. You have such a way with people. It most certainly works on me." He smiled, eating some more. His body language suggested that he was thoroughly enjoying dinner. Though he was a bit of a fast eater. Efficiency and all that.

Invisible Woman has posed:
Probably wanted to get back to some project or other. Not always though. It was simply his way. Sue was used to it by now. Always trying to do things in the most efficient way possible to save time, which would give him the time needed for another thought that might lead to the next great invention or a new scientific theory he would then be able to work on proving.

It was all part and parcel for their relationship. "I think you may be slightly biased though," she teases, knowing that her convincing him was tied into their feelings. Not that things were perfect. They had their moments when tensions ran high but in the end, it always worked out.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Most of the time, Reed did want to attack a new project, or revive an old one. He was a thinker. Put him in an empty room, four walls, one door, ceiling, floor, all white, and he'd come up with numerous ideas. "That is a possibility, but I have years of data that would suggest otherwise." As he finished up his meal, he rose from his chair, and headed on back towards a console, presumably to move on to the next great discovery.

With the tap of a few buttons, the lighting dimmed, mimicking candle light, and music began to play through the speakers. He walked over to Sue, extending his hands as a male voice said, 'out of the tree of life, I just picked me a plum. You came along, and everything started to hum. Still, it's real good bet, the best is yet to come.'

"May I have this dance?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
As he finished his meal and stood, Sue rose as well. She gathered his utensils on his plate, adding the napkin to the pile. She'd leave the water so he could finish it up later. Picking up the plate, she gave a glance his way with all her feelings for him showing clearly on her face.

When the lights changed, she blinked and glanced up then over at him in curiosity, a little furrow in her forehead between her eyebrows. Then the music started and she started to get an idea.

She laughed softly as she put down the dirty plate and the steps needed to close distance with him. "I would love to."

Mister Fantastic has posed:
Taking her hand in his, and another around her back, Reed began to dance with Sue, directing her as they danced around his laboratory. The music played, and they swayed. No one was watching. Their kids were in bed. Who knew what Ben and Johnny were up to. But for now at least, they were alone, and they didn't have anything to worry about except to savour this moment for as long as they could. When the first song ended, he brought her in close, having swung her out during their dance, "I love you, Susan."

Invisible Woman has posed:
They moved well together. He was all fluid motiion and she had a natural grace that made their dance all the more perfect. A spin here, a hold there. She was smiling the entire time. These were their moments. Those stolen in between the craziness of their lives and family.

They made everything worth it.

As he spun her back in from their moment apart, she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, Reed. Always and forever."