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(Sara scopes out a bar under cover. She and Nick have a conversation about relationships.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 18:41, 27 October 2019

Drinks at Luke's
Date of Scene: 26 October 2019
Location: Luke's Bar, Central Harlem
Synopsis: Sara scopes out a bar under cover. She and Nick have a conversation about relationships.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Witchblade

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
While others may go out clubbing, there are some who prefer less flashy forms of passing the time. And that's why there are bars like this. Things are reasonably peaceful this Saturday evening at Luke's and people are trying to cram in the last bits of fun before it becomes time to seek forgiveness from their spouses or their respective houses of worship.

The booths are filled leaving the only good places to sit at the bar. And this is where Nick has found himself. Halfway through a Guinness and quietly studying the various ornate handles on the beer taps. He's dressed down considerably. The youthful, barely legal looking, and often carded musician is wearing jeans and a worn down shirt he got from the local Goodwill. His trademark locks are tucked away in a knit cap.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara Pezini, NYPD detective and host to the Witchblade, is in Luke's sat at the bar. She's dressed casually enough, jeans, t'shirt, jacket....police gear, Taser, pistol, cuffs, radio, phone...all as discreeet as possible. True, she's working. True, she's here drinking soft drinks. She was sent here to keep an eye on Luke's. Especially since her contacts she's using for investigations have pointed her to the bars and clubs. Luke's was the one she'd spend tonight in. Already three club sodas in, Sara is pretending to be a divorcee that's looking for hope at the bar. She's gone over her cover story numerous times. Hell, she's an NYPD detective, and she's agreed to this. It may not be strictly detective work, but she stuck her neck out and said she'd do it. So....that's why she's here, and she's looking around for anyone that gets her interest. Luke's is a haunt of hers, too. She's genuinely a regular here. The fact she had a discreet word with the staff before coming over here doesn't hurt either. She's just killing time. And hopefully nobody tonight.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's amazing the amount of effort beer companies put into the design of their handles. Some of them are to the point where they don't appear to be comfortable for the bartender to use. Taking another 'sip' Nick manages to down the other half of his beer, setting the empty glass down on to the counter.
"Another one, Nick?"

Nick nods, attention shifting away from the tap as he takes in the rest of the room. Pale blue eyes glance to the mirror back of the bar, catching Sara's reflection. The glance lingers, momentarily captivated. Wow. Its like this city is just filled with movie extras.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara brings her club soda to the bar and takes a stool by Nick and sips her club soda. "Hey" she says with a smile. "What's up tonight?" Oh she can pull off the 'lonely and divorced housewife' persona, and mix a bit of the genuine Perzini in too. Pezini is, if anything, leaning on herself a little for her alias. She raises her club soda and looks to th ebartender then settles in. It's gonna be a long, if interesting and intense night for Sara. Don't blow her cover. Don't out herself as a cop. Hell, she could take half the bar in for any number of ordinance violations if they're stupid enough. Not her job tonight. If the uniforms come by, that's their call. She's got a specific job to do. And a very interesting and not bad looking stool neighbor too. "What's going on?" she asks. As in, what's the lay of the bar here?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Caught. As Sara's reflection moves closer towards him, Nick's head turns, looking to the un-reversed appearance. He gives a small relaxed smile as she speaks to him. "I was just thinking about how amazing the sheer amount of beautiful women we have in this city is." He looks to the drink she has, brow arching a little. "I think you are probably what is going on at the moment."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara cants her head. "Really is" she says with a wave around. "And we're not even near a beach. What's up with that? I mean. I'm dressed modestly, but..." she says waving ahand around at the rest of the bar with a raised eyebrow. "It's...weird" she admits with a quirk of her mouth. A smile, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I think its the pull of the city." Nick responds, "The potential for star power, draws the beautiful people in. They settle in, have beautiful kids..." He leans back slightly, taking Sara in in consideration, "We have more beautiful people than jobs that may involve that." He pauses, glancing about, "And its not the outfit that brings up the energy necessarily." He gestures to Sara, "You give off an open feel right now while others here are more closed off with their demeanor. Some are a little peeved off."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks around the bar again and looks to Nick again. "It's amusing in a way" she shrugs. "I don't get it really. It's one of life's mysteries. Where'd the socks go" she says counting on fingers, "Who ate the last popsicle, and where do the missing pens go?" Sara asks, hands on the bar. The little voice in her head'sdoing the thing that's figuring out what Nick /is/ and was slowly starting to tell her what the Witchblade's figured out. Looking over the bar, Sara glances to Nick. "o what're you up to?" she asks, ordering the bartender for another club soda. Sure, another drink. Sara raises it and sips it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"They get pulled into the gap of the drum, I probably ate the last popsicle, and people pocket them." Nick responds matter of factly, giving a nod of thanks as his Guinness has properly rested and is set before him. "As for what I'm doing, this is the first Saturday night I haven't had booked in a long while. Friend has a late session, so I'm just killing time before I go home to pass out." Yep. High standards here, "And what are you doing here?" He lifts up shis beer, "It's certainly not to get drunk."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara shrugs, watching him. She's got that cop thing of figuring out if he's getting drunk, and the Witchblade's letting her know exactly /what/ Nick is. She sighs dramatically. "Honestly? Came back from Empire City, divorce was rough" she says and sweeps a hand through her hair. Keep up the charade, Sara. Keep up the charade...

"Booked. So you are a musician? What you playing?" she asks, curiosity in her eyes as she looks to him, then the bartender, too. She's aware bartenders hear more than they let on, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Among other things." Nick answers, seeming VERY sober, "I do a few things. Depends on the booking and what needs filling in. Its not always music performances." As Sara looks to the bartender, so does Nick. His glance moves back to Sara, "Sorry, Seems like we're doing this out of order. We've been talking and I don't think we've even introduced ourselves properly." He holds out a hand to her, "Nick Drago."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods slowly. "I'm Sara" she says and offers a hand being careful to hide her badge and police equipment. Better to hide all that, really. "Conventional is boring though" Sara admits. "I've seen people on dates do it right and not work. On the other hand, seen people on dates do everything wrong, and stay married for 20 years. Work that out" she sighs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Handshake complete and noting the partial name in return, Nick nods. "Hmm. Conventional is indeed boring," He agrees, smile fading, "However, conventional can sometimes be lifesaving. Not all 20 year marriages are happy. Some are simply forms of imprisonment." He cocks his head towards a booth near the door where an exhausted looking man sits, looking sadly at his empty glass, "That man's been working up the courage to go home for the past half hour."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, "I was referring to the happy ones, though" she says with a lok over to the guy then back to Nick. "You got a point there though. Not all marriages work out, do they?" she muses, staring into her club soda.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No they don't." Nick confirms, his eyes fix upon the beer in front of him that has gone ignored longer than normal. Fingers rest upon the glass in the effort to rectify that, "Sometimes, the best thing one can do for a marriage is to end it and start over somewhere else." The glass lifts as he takes a long sip.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks to Nick and shakes her head. "At least that's the idea. But..." she says quietly. She's trying to figure him out, the Witchblade 'telling' her about him, but she's keeping that to herself. Minus her partner, Saraa's on her own in this one with the Witchblade. Looking over again, Sara's got questionss best left unasked, as she looks past him, then right back to Nick.

"So, let me get this straight. You're a musician. You're also a wise man. You sure you're not a wise old man who thinks he's young and hip?" Sara jokes.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick chuckles, "Oh I'm far from a wise old man. I'm only 27 and I've made my share of mistakes." Tired eyes look over to Sara, fingers tapping the side of his glass, "But I've observed enough to wing my way through this topic. With relationships, it's not about the length. It's what you do in it. Hell, I'm the product of one of those extremely short ones."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara shrugs, "So you're a young man who is wiser beyond his years?" Sara asks, not totally believing what she's hearing. Mostly so she's filing it away in her mind. "Musician, wise man, young, wise man" she says and finishes her second glass of club soda

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"That is way too many titles right there." Nick assesses, "It might be easier to just go with 'performer who has seen a lot of shit'." He pauses, sipping his drink as he considers the woman sitting next to him. Glass setting down with a sizable amount of the liquid gone, he looks to her empty glass, "So, Sara." He pauses, considering his words, "You mentioned coming BACK from Empire City, were you visiting, or was it more of a 'move there then move back' type of thing?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's thinking on her feet. "Worked out there" she says and is definitely thinking quickly. "Got hired for office work. Met a guy. Married. Didn't work. Divorced" she says. All a pack of lies. But....she's keeping things in perspective, as she looks to Nick. "You travel a lot for music then?" she asks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yeah, I travel a bit depending on where and what I get booked for." Nick replies, giving a shrug. "But the recording session work is usually here." Returning the volley, "So, who pulled the trigger on the divorce?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks pained. "Pulled the trigger? Bad word choice. I got out of there when he pulled a gun on me and went to a lawyer. So it was my choice." she says. She's embelling it a little. Okay. A lot. But, she shakes her head. "Wasn't meant to work honestly, you know. You meet people. They change. Boom. Doesn't work" Sara admits, folding her arms over her chest and looking like she's clamping down. Don't let the facade down. She does, though, tilt her head. "See, I'm jealous of you musician types. You get paid to have fun" sara admits with a sigh. "How do you manage that then?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives an apologetic look and grimace, "Sorry. Common phrase. Didn't know. Good that you got out of that and good that it didn't get any worse than that." He pauses, frowning, "He, doesn't know where you moved to, does he?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara shakes her head, eyes brightening up a bit. "No, he moved back west" Sara adds with a nod. "Plus, got friends with basseball bats who would take his knees out. But" she shrugs and makes a show of checking her pockets as her phone rings. "Hello? No. No. I'm....oh God, where? And.....did they take anything?" she asks. looking genuinely angry. "My apartment got robbed, the cops want me to go over and help make sure nothing too bad got taken" Sara says apolagetically and starts for the door